
Microsoft MCDST Certification Exam - 70-271

Microsoft MCDST Certification Exam: 70-271

Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP operating system

After studying the text books is important to test your new knowledge and how to absorb the material. Practice Exams ....

* Reinforces what you have learned - the gaps, filling what you missed

* Gets you used to answer questions in order to build trust and familiarity

Here are 10 multiple-choice testsQuestions for you to practice on:


Question # 1 - A user changes the system of the mouse on your system. After the replacement, he finds that his mouse has stopped working and he asked you for help.

How can it be a new system?

A. Use System Restore back in time before the changes to the mouse

B. Implementation of the Automated System Recovery

C. roll back the driver

D. Disconnect the mouse and plug it again and then insert the unitManager and the normal arrangements


Question # 2 - You are the desktop support technician for a remote office in your company. The IT department at the central office will send a new security model for user and computer application in the office. They want to know what are the changes so that you measure the impact, if any, on the user. What can you do?

A. In the Security Configuration and Analysis snap-in, analyze, use the

B. In the securityAnd Analysis snap-in, use the comparison function

C. Use the Local Security Policy, to compare the settings

D. In the Local Security Policy administrative tool to analyze functional


Question # 3 - A user with Windows XP Home Edition for their home computer. He read about Automated System Recovery (ASR) and implement this feature on your home computer. What do you say?

A. Automatic System Recovery is notWindows XP Home Edition

For example, ASR can be switched to Windows XP Home Edition with the System applet in Control Panel

C. ASR is performed automatically. System Restore points are automatically created every day at key points, such as when a key application is installed or the driver

D. Available for ASR recovery, you must create an ASR backup.


Question # 4 - As the technical support for desktopYour company, complete the update of multiple computers to Windows XP Professional.

A computer was previously loaded with Windows Millennium Edition, and the user that an important program to stop working. You must return the installation, I get back in to run this program. What do you do?

A. Use the Control Panel, Add / Remove Programs in Windows Me Again

B. Installing Windows ME on your system and install the application key

C. UseAutomated System Recovery in Windows Me Again

D. rollback use to repair your installation of Windows ME


Question # 5 - 4 days a week working in the office and on Friday, working from home. You choose for Remote Desktop on your computer configured to operate, so if necessary you can access it at home on Friday.

To create a successful VPN enterprise network resources are in one location with access to others, but to create successRemote Desktop Connection.


R. You must enable Internet Connection Sharing on your home computer

B. You must disable ICF on your home computer

C. You should ask your network administrator to open port 80 in firewall

D. You should ask your network administrator to open port 3389 in firewall


Question # 6 - What is the difference between Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop?

A. Remote Assistance allows you to connect the work onComputer from home and have access to all applications, files and network resources as though you were sitting in front of your computer at work. Remote Desktop allows someone to see on your screen and communicate via a chat box.

How to Remote Desktop allows you to access a Windows session running on the computer when running on another computer. Remote Assistance allows a support, for example, a friend, share an Internet connection to accessThe computer to assist

C. Remote Assistance allows access to a Windows session running on the computer when running on another computer. Remote Desktop allows a help, for example, a friend, share an Internet connection to your computer to make access to assistance.

D. Remote Desktop uses TCP port 3389, but the remote service uses TCP port 443


Question # 7 - A user buys a new sound card for his system. AfterInstallation To install and use the included CD, the driver on his Windows XP Professional, you are prompted to restart your system. Before getting to the login screen shows its system of a fatal error message.

What you should first try it again?

A. Last Known Good Configuration

B. In-place upgrade (repair

C. Restore Point

D. Automatic Recovery System.


Question # 8 - You are a desktop support technician for your company. Users have installed Windows XP Professionalon their systems.

A user asks for help in configuring a computer application. It can be said that support them with the problem of using Remote Assistance. How can a Remote Assistance session to be started? (Choose all that apply)

A. The user makes a request for remote assistance via ICS

B. The user sends a Remote Assistance request via e-mail

C. The user makes a request for Remote Assistance via Windows Messenger.

D. As the experts to create theLogo


Question # 9 - A user of Windows XP Professional Mobile Computer uses in the office and go to work.

How do I connect to the office to the network with the NIC installed in your system. While on the road, replaced the network card with a modem. If he does, he must re-configure the hardware and it takes a long time.

What can you do to make this process easier?

A. Creating a separate hardwareProfile called Road. In the profile way to disable the driver for the network card and select the driver for the modem

B. Create a separate hardware profile named Road. The road profile to eliminate the driver for the network card and select the driver for the modem

C. Create a separate user profile and use it while on the road

D. Creating a roaming profile and select the boot


Question # 10 - A user wants to speed data access to increase theirWindows XP Professional system. He has bought three additional physical disks and installed them in his computer.

What configuration is the best read performance with most of the usable space?

A. strips

B. spanned volume

C. Extended volume

D. RAID -5 volume



MCDST Certification Question 1 # - correct answers: A

MCDST Certification Question # 2 - correct answers: A

MCDSTCertification Question # 3 - correct answers: A

MCDST Certification Question 4 # - correct answers: A

MCDST Certification Question # 5 - correct answers: D

MCDST Certification Question # 6 - correct answers: B

MCDST Certification Question # 7 - correct answers: A

MCDST Certification Question # 8 - correct answers: B, C

MCDST Certification Question # 9 - correct answers: A

MCDST Certification Question 10 # - correct answers: A

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