
Where is the technology of Business-VoIP-line applications?

Only if the economy for the VoIP technology and applications is gone? The answer is not as easy as it can vary greatly depending on the region of the world. The difference in scope and application of small shops and business VoIP for larger companies is also a factor in the equation.

What seems to be the practice in the United States is that companies adopt VoIP, because it's cheap and friendly. Most companies use VoIP for new offices, because it is cheaper than anew digital telephone system. offices have migrated existing leases expired on VoIP digital equipment. Interoffice communications voice experience of the disease, no charge for long distance VoIP traffic leads the WAN (VPN / MPLS / etc) along or parallel to traffic. I see this trend in Germany to digital phone systems will be completely eliminated.

The next challenge is to replace small businesses (analog) phone systems, because they generally keep up with consumersThe technology, rather than large companies. They are currently looking at VoIP for small businesses and for private use, regardless of ISP. A bundling of Internet data and voice communication could easily induce the universal acceptance of VoIP in smaller companies (and families).

The only thing left in conference technology companies of all sizes. Your provider of desktop phone rarely offers its support analog digital conference phone and related equipment. I expect the technologyAdvances for VOIP to be addressed in the conference room at the desktop. When I listen to the convergence, I think that the combination of voice and data. The conference room is where you can really take advantage of this union.

Today in India, especially, many small, medium and large look forward to VoIP technology, businesses are more aware of money to the PSTN. With recent changes in the VoIP technology, and there are more and more accessible,Most organizations have to adapt this new technology to meet the communication needs there. To exploit the growing needs and market potential, not only the phone companies are small producers of PBX important as the vision of Nortel, Avaya, Alcatel and Panasonic to offer more advanced features and services the best possible use of technological advances VoIP. The current trend of the concept of unified communications is an example ofthis.

Australia / New Zealand were the first users of IP telephony, especially in large companies and government sites. The most likely reason for moving the office to use IP telephony, and the wholesale replacement of their aging legacy PBX to IP telephony on the basis of security for the future, the toll bypass and reduced costs compared to previous-PBX was maintence.

Cisco has sold just over 5 million IP phones. Australia and New Zealand together oversold500 000 IP phones.

VoIP technology is no longer up cheaper in Australia / New Zealand. This is to improve business processes with integrated communications. IM, video conferencing, presence, unified messaging and mobility. The anticpate Australia and New Zealand to be the first of Unified Communications in Asia Pac.

Malaysia is an interesting place, because despite the lack of large "enterprise" sales of IP telephony in comparison with Australiaappears to be widespread acceptance of VoIP as SIPX open source, Asterisk and OpenSER. In fact, a lot of innovation from the Malaysia-based VoIP open source (ie free to download, but you have to work long hours to put it to work). A fascinating question if you catch with your 3G mobile streaming video camera phone will automatically send your blog page. This application is also used in the insurance sector, where members are encouraged to record"Auto Accident" video clip as part of the process for submitting an application. The same VoIP technology is used in a trial in court, where lawyers, the judge access 3G mobile video and IP Phone. These applications all use the VoIP technology as the base.

On another note .... the convenience of using the same cable infrastructure, manageability, cost necessary for maintaining public telephone lines and switching deployment quick and easy, only a few parametersthat most companies move to voice communications systems, purchase support VoIP. This is a family in itself, is only the adoption and implementation of VoIP will grow a stronger hold in the business world.

For example, several soft-PBX software over the Internet freely available for download and use to find. This implies that the requirement for hardware PBX Develpoment decreases day by day. This is also a first indication that most of the voiceCommunication technologies and products in the future, based on VoIP ...... and software aspects.

Many improvements are still in VoIP, no matter where you are needed in the world ..... but they are in the pipeline. For example, SMEs need help rather than simple setup technically rich. An example would be an improvement of products such as those iSpeedBump Interworking Labs. This is outside the firewall and watch your traffic. If you see VoIPpriority that can carry things that go slower than e-mail. The unit has four main settings for 99% of the cases correspond and connect it easy for you to go and switch. Not anymore. Corrected mutilated VoIP to replace a better voice quality.

Personally, I think VoIP should go a long way to really .... for the fixed-line business customers to compete for small businesses. Not so much for large companies. For most VoIP systems, especially in a small company,although it is much cheaper VoIP does not work anywhere near as well as a landline phone. All safety concerns are alleviated. At least not yet.

The trick, and VoIP companies seem to do a good job for this is to allow people to get the phone service is not always perfect. Sounds like a cell phone is good, and probably thinking the other end of the conversation, is their purpose anyway. So do not waste your money on a landline phone. But as VoIP and QualityReliability of collected ... no one really notice the difference (or really care what a difference it can hardly be). Then the answer will simply be reduced to a lower cost .... and win the most convenient communication.

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Terms of the network: to educate the customer

It 's very important for your small business to educate potential customers and on terms of business networking and small keywords. Finally, "they win", you must speak the same language. In fact, you can also make the definitions created a "cheat sheet" on the basis of the activities below will help you with your prospect and client pre-sales.

If you wish to order Royalty, the literature to reproduce the conditions of cross-linking for customer sales, pleaseContact and put "LAN Licensing buzzwords" in the subject line.

802.11b - Wireless Ethernet standard, the network data transmission up to 54 Mbps, working in the 5-6GHz band.

802.11b - the most mature of widely available wireless Ethernet standard that allows data networks to transfer up to 11Mbps;, often called "WiFi" refers to, operates in 2.4 GHz band

802.11g - the latest inWireless Ethernet standard, which promises data transmission network up to 54 Mbit / s. She works in the same range of 2.4 GHz as 802.11b wireless Ethernet-based networks.

O CAT5 (category 5) - copper, unshielded twisted pair (UTP), voice and data communications capable of speeds up to 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps Ethernet network.

or client / server network - a network where a dedicated server, will share the resources.

Ethernet orAdapter - due to the dominance of Ethernet networks, has an Ethernet card to be largely synonymous with the concept of network card or network card.

or IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) is a more mainstream, cost-effective interface (such as SCSI) for connection of internal devices - usually the hard disks, CD-ROM drives and tape backup.

or LAN (Local Area Network) - Share with a set of computer systems and peripherals for the devices connectedResources and providing near instant communication, the local networks of small businesses today are usually physically connected to the Ethernet network cards and cabling for Category 5, and if one or more other locations may be expanded a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN).

integrator or network - a computer services business that designed and installed computer systems and maintain disparate software, many computerConsultants and integrators network (and vice versa).

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Business Computer Consulting. Com All rights reserved throughout the world. {Attention Publishers: Live HYPERLINK in author resource box for compliance with the copyright laws required}



CCNA, CCNP, CCENT, and Cisco Security Questions - DHCP, OSPF, router lockdowns, and more!

Test your knowledge of DHCP, one-step router lockdowns, and other vital Cisco certification exam practice with consideration of these issues!


Which of the following are included in a package deal DHCP? Extra credit: The name of the device (s) to send DHCP offers, and tell me if the package is one, unicast or multicast broadcast.

A. The IP address
B. The network mask
C. The lease length
D. The DHCP password (which is not encryptedDefault)
E. The DHCP password (which is encrypted by default)

Answer: A, B, C. There is a password DHCP.

Each DHCP server, a DHCP Discovery packet is replaced to respond with a DHCP offer. The offer includes the following components:

The IP address of the DHCP server provides the client

The netmask for the DHCP server provides the client

The time the client information that can contain, if the offer is accepted (theLease)

The IP address of the DHCP server if the provider is


Short answer: two OSPF routers connected via an Ethernet segment are exchanges Hello packets. How many times these packets are sent? And by default, the OSPF dead time for that link is?

Answer: By default, these packets are sent by Hello every 10 seconds, and since the default idle time is four times the hello time, the dead time will be 40 seconds.

CCNA Security:

ShortAnswer: As a security feature Lockdown "can be used to set a Cisco router step-in-One?

Answer: We can AutoSecure for this application, and we can configure the CLI or Security Device Manager.

Visit my website CCNA Security Resource Page for more details on the tests AutoSecure use both the CLI and the levels of SDM.


What are the known discretionary BGP attributes?

B. Origin
E.Atomic aggregate
F. aggregator

Answer: D, E. The internet BGP-known atomic and aggregate LOCAL_PREF (local preference).


Such as QoS control is defined in RFC 1613?

A. DiffServ
C. Integrated Services
D. best-effort
E. tail drop
Weighted Fair Queueing F.

Answer: C.

CCNP / ISCW exam:

used for the determination of the signature file for IPS, there are two options for the location from which the routerDownload the file. What are they?

Answer: In Flash, or a URL.

CCNP / ONT exams:

As a central device is used to manage the Lightweight Access Point in an ad-hoc?

Answer: No - there is no access point in a wireless ad hoc.

Look on my site and this question in more Cisco certification exam training!


Understanding e-mail client and their benefits

An e-mail mail client is a computer program, Internet browser, you can check email without having to open your. Mozilla Thunderbird is an email client, web browser is by the people who are individually Mozilla Firefox that high. Thunderbird is a very nice alternative to Microsoft Outlook and is free.

Like Firefox, there are many plug-ins available for browsing your e-mail easier and more productive. Another importantWhat about Thunderbird is that it is the spelling as you type, the same way that Firefox does not check in question.

Why should an e-mail mail client?

There are many advantages to using a separate computer program to access e-mail, as we read the news when off-line and make it easier to find your news. Also, instead of opening your Internet browser, go to web mail, and Enter your login information each time you check your mail when you e-mail client to use one, just open the program and automatically checks your e-mail.

e-mail programs also offer greater functionality and address book, calendar, to improve user productivity. Sending messages and reading them is often too easy to use multiple windows and tabs to see your messages.

Another advantage of using an e-mail> Client is that there is a place you can access multiple accounts from a single. So if you have five different e-mail accounts, Client, you can control everything through your e-mail, as opposed to separate page after the other. This can be a huge time saver and make life easier.

A word about Gmail

Gmail is the free email program that is offered by Google. And 'one of the best e-mail is free, unlike Hotmail, Yahoo and other free e-mailYou can Gmail client in an e-mail. Even with its more than 25 megabytes of equipment for virtually unlimited storage space, is one of the most powerful e-mail free of charge.

Another interesting thing about Gmail, you can use periods in your e-mail. Thus, "john.doe" is the same as "joesmith," which is the same as "joesmith." This can be for use on business cards or other places where you need to make your e-mail large print, because it makes people morereadable.

Gmail also has a very powerful spam filter that almost perfect when it comes to stopping spam. But sometimes it is a bit 'more zealous and catch things that are not spam to get. So if you ever expect an e-mail and not receive, you need to access Gmail and spam folder.

One thing to keep in mind is that, as with other e-mail service, Google displays ads when you login through their web mail interface. This is notdiffers from other services such as Yahoo or Hotmail, but it does mean that if you read the e-mail on your dog, expect to see ads for dogs. Of course, if you use a program like Thunderbird, you'll see no ads.

Setting up Gmail with Thunderbird

One of the best things about Gmail is that it works with the mail client. But before you must log in to Gmail and enable the transfer * pop e-mail protocol.

ToEnable POP in Gmail:

> Click Settings - - Subscribe> Click on "Forwarding and POP / IMAP '-> Click" Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded) "and save the changes.

From the Settings page, click on the link "Configuration", which is under the POP and IMAP section says. This will take you to a page that explains how to configure Gmail with Thunderbird, and several other mail clients.

* You can alsoIMAP, which is another e-mail transfer protocol.



Cisco ASA 5500 firewall configuration - User interface and access arrangements

This article describes the user interface and types of access devices and commands associated with the operation of the Cisco ASA 5500 firewall. We expect that you, as you know, connect the device with a console cable (the blue ribbon cable with RJ-45 connector on one side, and serial DB-9 on the opposite side) and a terminal emulation software (eg HyperTerminal) use , and as a base interface of the command line.

A Cisco ASA security appliance has four main administrative accessMode:

Monitor Mode: Displays the Monitor> prompt. A special mode that allows you to update the image over the network or through the password recovery. While in monitor mode, you can type commands to the location of a TFTP server and the location of the software or the password recovery specified binary file to download. Access to this mode by pressing the "Pause" or "ESC" key immediately after turning on the device.

Non-privileged mode: displays the> prompt.Available from the first access to the device. If the device is a Cisco PIX series, the prompt mode for disadvantaged pixfirewall> 500 and the device of the new Cisco ASA 5500, is ready ciscoasa>
This method provides a limited view of the safety device. You can not configure anything from this mode. To start with the setup, you need to know the first command, the enable command. Enter enable and press Enter. The default password isempty, press the ENTER button to switch to the next access (privileged mode).

> Ciscoasa allow

privileged mode: displays the # prompt. Allows you to change your current settings. Each command also works in privileged mode. From this mode you can see the current configuration using the show running-config. However, you can not configure anything yet until you go into configuration mode. You reach the configuration mode with the "configure terminal" command from the privilegedFashion.

Configuration Mode: This mode displays the (config) # ENTER. You can modify any system configuration. Take the exit from each mode to the previous mode.

> Ciscoasa allow

The (config) # so it is sometimes called the global configuration. Some configuration commands in this mode, a specific command line mode and the prompt changes accordingly. For example, the interface command shows the interface configuration mode, as shownbelow:

ciscoasa (config) # interface GigabitEthernet0 / 1
ciscoasa (config-if) #

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Uninstall Windows Live Messenger from your computer

During the installation of Windows as the operating software on your computer, there are some programs that together with him and the Windows Live Messenger. However, if you prefer another instant messaging client, you can uninstall the program from your system.

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide. This applies to both private and business because of reliability and all the functions used to be very easy to use.Therefore, most IT professionals prefer to use Windows operating systems other, such as Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, etc. Along with the installation of this operating system is the instant messenger that is used by many, and - Windows Live Messenger.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan of this instant messaging client. Although it would harm your system when it is installed and is not in use, there are still some people who preferThis program is uninstalled.

If they are as they are, who would like to uninstall Windows Live Messenger and do not know how, you can simply do so by following these steps:

The first step is to go to the Control Panel. If you are not familiar with the user interface, which is part of the Windows operating system to go, you can click the Start button on the taskbar on your desktop. The control panel not only helps to uninstall Windows Live Mail is also the place wherecould be manipulated by other system settings on your computer at the same time.

If you are already on the control panel, find the option called Add / Remove Programs. There you will find all the software, your computer is installed inside This is true even if you could, other programs in addition to Live Messenger to remove.

On the left side of the screen are four options. Click on the icon Add / Remove Windows Components, she says. With a final stepNow you are ready to uninstall Windows Live Messenger on your computer.

Once you click the image above, you are prompted to another field where you can have another set of options. You can scroll down and locate the Windows Messenger so you can uninstall Windows Live Mail. Clear the check box to uninstall the program completely. I hope this article will help you to uninstall Windows Live Messenger

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Web browser-based Call Accounting Software

Call Accounting Software is a system that records, translates and reports on the activities of call. The software is used by most companies to control costs, allocate costs and increase productivity. Hotels, hospitals and other environments to use the hospitality of telephone billing to sell their customers.

Over the years, call accounting on a single processor system MS-DOS to SQL database with Web-based solutions globally accessible work has evolved. WebBrowsers are already installed with the operating system or download freely available on the Internet. Browsers are popular because they can remotely access information from a public IP address or a virtual private network (VPN). Therefore, a person to have access to the stock market, read the latest news and write call accounting reports in multiple browser tabs. Web-browser based systems allow companies to easily manage users in many places by a centralLocation.

different providers of robust systems for billing systems use DBMS like MS SQL, MySQL and Oracle. This back-end database for large enterprises that require fast communication Consolidated crucial. This method of standards-based open architecture allows third parties to access data and virtually unlimited scalability.

Closed legacy systems architecture could be hours or even days to produce the same results. These legacy systems are often poorly equipped to storemore than a small window of call activity (1 to 3 months). Many companies require access to many months of data because of company policy, audit or compliance with the stringent laws such as Sarbanes Oxley (SOX). A SQL-based system can generally return query results in a matter of seconds.

call accounting is evolving. The traditional system that Call Detail Records (CDR) of the telecommunications system are examined strictly one-dimensional. Billing must nowdeals with telephony equipment in hand, VoIP services, etc. There's an entry point in an organization. There are many services such as auto attendant, IVR, voice mail, wireless, etc. require the consolidation into a complete system of communication management (CMS). Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI) (News) provides a detailed analysis of these services under one roof.

The business case for call accounting rule dealing with traditional suppliersThe benefits of cost recovery, network analysis and contact center management. There are many creative uses for call accounting. The choice of the correct application requires a detailed analysis of business objectives. Some dealers specialize in a business account back, others focus on specific needs of hospitality and other environments to provide generic solutions for business in general.

There are many ways for the average company. It 'basically depends on your budgetand must determine a workable solution. You should remember that whatever solution you choose must be protected by a good maintenance program for software updates, prices and information requests. The test software should be available. You should take into consideration when determining the installation of the software before purchase, if it fits your needs. This gives you a good idea on the quality of the software and the company offers the solution.

CSR is a market leader inCommunication management. The management of the portfolio of communication products include the integration of the most popular and switching network produces custom-made. CSR has granted Nortel Developer Partner status with recognition for its core portfolio of compatible products. RSI is a Cisco Technology Partner, Siemens HiPath Ready Standard certified, connect Avaya DeveloperConnection member, Misner States Mitel, Adtran Complementary Solutions Provider, NEC UNIVERGE Partner Alcatel and applicationsPartners.

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Taming the corporate iPhone

iPhone becomes the ice of the enterprise mobility space. The large screen and the smooth surface are irresistible, and the myriad of applications are key ingredients in many "flavors" to choose to create.

But while I scream, you scream, we all scream for iPhone in the corporate world, would be more than empty calories, if not managed properly. iPhone can support complex data and safety concerns that must be presentconsidered.

Fortunately, there are the tactics available to relieve the burden on the IT team to help iPhone users play at their peak, and you can integrate your iPhone to your mobile device offerings without undue risk. Integrated Mobile offers the following tips:

Upgrade your wireless policy

While your policy can not physically prevent wireless users can download from one of more than 100,000 applications, or is not appropriate for your business,is the first line of defense to help you take control of the infinite possibilities that iPhone users (or misuse) use their devices.

In addition to defining how the iPhone and other devices are supported, provided they are administered, and your policy should cover the wireless network SMS, acceptable social applications, Internet downloads, etc. You can also include the use of a VPN access corporate data when using Wi-Fi.

Start from your iPhoneLaw

stage procedure for the intended use for the future. A new iPhone should be outlined in the hands of the user with the plan, accessories, applications, e-mail installation and configuration settings in your wireless policy of the country. This allows the user to start work immediately and improve the chances of meeting your wireless policy for the future.

The mobile team management may also be wise to use the functional restrictions on the iPhone. Located inSettings -> General -> limits, is protected by a password and this field allows an authorized user to access certain features that prevent, including: YouTube, installing applications, camera, film, etc.

Backup your iPhone

As with all mobile devices, security is important. The iPhone 3G protects data by encrypting the transmission of data at rest on the device, and when set to iTunes. Other functions and settings can preventUnauthorized use of the device.

- Use the code-lock -

Whenever the device's screen freezes, and because of Auto-Lock button or the Sleep iPhone Passcode Lock requires a four-digit code is entered before the device can be restored. The access code block area has a configuration option to remove all the data that a complete wipe your iPhone after 10 failed attempts, allows the access code. This feature can be used to protect against data loss in which hisWhen a lost or stolen phone.

- Be careful with Wi-Fi -

While the iPhone can not connect to wireless high-speed networks for faster Web browsing and better data collection and has Wi-Fi networks without appropriate security measures to open to hackers. Only connect to Wi-Fi networks via Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or another wireless security protocol. (You should enter a password when prompted for the connection.) Then, to ensure that noconnect to wireless networks without knowing it, while going further, you should allow the iPhone to join issues with the function of networks.

- Connect your organization Virtual Private Network (VPN) -

VPN uses an encrypted Internet connection that acts as a secure "tunnel" for data. They are often used within organizations to allow users secure access to corporate network behind a firewall.

iPhone supports VPN using L2TP, PPTP, IPSec, Cisco and a numberother VPN protocols, and works with both WLAN and mobile network connections.

To configure the iPhone VPN, go to Settings -> General -> Network -> VPN, and then select "Add VPN Configuration." Ask your network administrator which settings are used. In most cases, if you like VPN device on your computer, you can use the same settings for VPN.

- Secure access to your e-mail -

Many companies useMicrosoft Exchange Server that enforces its security protocols for the iPhone. With the introduction of Lotus iNotes UltraLite Lotus Notes users can also get secure corporate email via iPhone.

For web mail, check your e-mail settings on your iPhone for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts the message that is sent and received through the device. Or access the portal e-mail to a safari with SSL. Use https instead of http and control the image ofLock at the bottom of the screen.

- Optimize Your browser's security settings Safari -

Most of the iPhone Safari security settings are enabled by default, but can slide by clicking on the icon of the iPhone Settings, and then the lower and the selection of Safari to be changed. Make sure the pop-up key to "ON". Then check the Safari cookies settings. want to default, the iPhone Safari Accept cookies for the "From Visited" set, but you can disable cookies altogetherSelect "Never."

Support for Your iPhone

Although the iPhone OS is relatively stable and the interface is user friendly, the topics and issues. The last thing you need is an iPhone user, who can not be productive, because they are waiting for Apple or receive any support.

For mobile users performing at its peak, make sure you resolve the resources available to answer any questions, problems, repair or replace broken equipment. Whether youinternal IT staff or outsource mobility hire specialists integrated mobile quality is essential to sustain a productive mobile workforce.

Remote Administration

Your mobile workforce is mobile by definition. This can present challenges for those responsible for the security and configuration of devices for remote users. The data may also need to be removed remotely from lost or stolen.

A number of companies such as Good Technology, Sybase, Dell and Apple itselfdesigned for remote administration solutions for iPhone. set of cost and functionality are very different. Please indicate the experts to mobile integrated solution that best meets the needs of your organization.

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The implementation of a data acquisition system - thin or thick client?

Do not choose wisely when deciding on a solution of thin client or thick

Every time you "choose not to care 'or a variant of the phrase that I always with the third" Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail movie and the scene reminded me of when the knight guarding the Holy Grail is in the cave listening says: "He chose poorly." This was the German colonel died when drinking water from the wrong cup. In the world of client / server architecture, it is important"Choose wisely" when you realize that the workload of the client or the server that handles the crowd. With clients, we understand the application of this workstation is running on a personal computer or server and relies on you to do. While they are common, there are many differences between thick and thin clients. By the way, we refer to thick and thin as the hardware (for example, how a PC communicates with the server), but the terms are used todescribe the applications. short, thick-client application is a server running in a central location or on a thin-client application can perform remote military depots in various locations such as branch offices o. And while the market offers both thick and critical data collection of client applications in various shapes and sizes to meet slim, how to choose, which is one for your business and budget.

Thin Client

A thin clientwas developed especially small so that the bulk of data processing is done on the server. Although the term thin client software is often referred to, is increasingly being used for computer architectures, such as computer networking and networked PCs, servers to serve as customers for customers. A thin client is a computer network as a unit operates without the need for a hard disk. They act as a simple terminal for the server and requires constantCommunication with the server as well. With a data acquisition system of the conquest of the actual document, first living on the thin client computer, but is stored on the server. The thin client (web) application can then tell the server what to do or save the document indexes. In areas with a slow network response, thin-client software, the night will be planned to send scanned documents to servers at certain times of day, or, ifThe network traffic is light.

A thin client solution for data collection may be right for you if distributed or remote office locations and want to be able to collect and process data on these sites instead of sending documents to a central data center. In this case, you can reduce costs and enhance security (no lost documents in the mail) for scanning and detection distance. Furthermore, by accessing the application for acquisition using a Web browser,There is no software to install and configure each user's computer, resulting in easy scalability and low initial and ongoing IT investments. Both named user licenses and licenses for concurrent users based in the thin-client market, but our advice is to find a concurrent user model, especially if you have multiple offices or remote locations.

Thick Client

In contrast, a thick client (also known as fat client) is aapplications that run most of the processing in client / server. The collection of customer data in thickness, there is no need for continuous server communications as the main storage of information to communicate to the server. As in the case of a thin client, the term is often used to refer to the software, but it is also used to describe the networked computers.

If your company does not participate in branch offices or distributed locations or who are notNeed for a variety of locations and to name user licenses you would probably want to consider a thick client solution for data collection. Also, if your applications require multi-media components, or bandwidth, we will consider whether to go with a thick client solution as well. One of the biggest advantages of thick clients is in the nature of some operating systems and software will not run efficiently on thin clients due to resource problems. DickCustomers can treat these problems as they have their resources.

At the end of the day, at the option of a thin client or thick-Client Solution for the collection of data, you must check whether the company to collect and process documents remotely or centrally and where you want to process the majority of your site. Like the knight in Indiana Jones movie, you should "choose wisely."

Look for our next article on the fourth of five Key Data CaptureImplementation flaw: The choice of size flexibility.

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Pros and cons of fixed links

Leased lines are used by many companies that guaranteed bandwidth used. In the United Kingdom leased lines as data lines or private circuits are known. It 'also the most affordable option especially for telephone services and Internet use frequently. Many companies choose this option if your business is located in more than one location.

For example, a car rental company to exploit the leased line. The company can communicatewith dealers of other documents, no telephone or fax, how the information is simply used on the network created by the dedicated line together.

Leased lines may be useful for telephone, data and Internet services. If you have high-speed Internet and a strong network in your organization, your employees more productive and can help. You can also connect to local networks and build a WAN via leased lines.

You can choose from a range of bandwidth64kbps to 622Mbps. The range offers complete privacy and security of important data, and includes the transmission of voice data. Most companies offer discounts for leased lines by agreement of two to five years. They also offer support and help in case of problems. It 'important to know the conditions before buying a dedicated line. Leased lines are capable of transferring data faster than DSL or VPN.

A land line is necessaryIn order to build a dedicated line. You must pay an annual fee and raised no additional cost. It provides service 24 / 7 with the full support and will give you a faster connection to the host server or on the Internet at any time. You must also provide a hub inside the building because it is the accessibility of the Internet. It 'important to increase the speed and redundancy when flying together.

You need to increase the bandwidth when the number of yourStaff members usually increases the network is slow, therefore, affect the efficiency of business processes. With the help of a line rental, you can separate the offices and buildings. The data can easily switch between different buildings, further improving productivity and employee efficiency are shared. If you have this system, you can peer-to-peer Voice over IP.

You can also search and data services at no additional cost. Leased lines provide a range ofThe benefits to the economy. They offer a fixed-cost option, especially for those companies who do not want to spend a huge amount of money. They allow a variety of functions such as web hosting, e-mail and e-commerce.

In the business world is expected to provide the best services for customers. Companies need high-speed Internet and productivity. Leased lines will help them improve their situation and offer high-speed Internet and telephone service, andas the efficiency of its employees.

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Solutions and Computer Repair

The importance of the computer can not be ignored in our daily lives. No matter what age group or social class or where ever in the whole wide world you can not escape to multiple services, the computer in daily life. Paying bills, getting the salary, identity card, shopping online and completed tasks or projects, downloading music, searching for books, etc., are just some of the thousands of applications, computers give us. However,Like all inventions that never come, but also has its advantages and disadvantages.

It can be very frustrating, and after you find your computer works, how time flies. Hard disk failure, high / noise problems with the mouse locked, keyboard, CD / DVD-ROM or printer issues, CPU problem devices, damage caused by overheating of the motherboard, etc. All these are problems that can be found in your daily life. If you live in Scottsdale, there is no need to fearor even bigger problems that this Scottsdale computer repair services are small only a phone call away, offering services in the following ways.

1. Exact Fit Solution: This is in contrast with the "cookie cutter" solution that solves all problems through abstract forms (answering machine) that in the same way. A good company will never force a solution to a problem with his high pitch to sale, '(ignored) minimizes your complaint. The problem (s) of each customer shouldresolved in accordance with their specific requirements ie a tailored solution should be, considering the company (or individual) needs, budgets and deadlines.

2. Business-centric approach: the business plan, the customer would be more than as play with their budget by squeezing in a technically advanced computer hardware, because only "pretend" to solve the problem. If a company does not have full IT department or computer for public use,then there is no need for tools heap too. This is only an obstacle to the achievement of the last business affecting their budgets. The service companies are generally honest in mind for computer repair Scottsdale.

3. Whole Security Approach: weakest link in the computer industry is set that determines the strength of the technical process. The best Scottsdale computer repair services will ensure that you are prone to identify the area (s) more;incidents of system that the most vulnerable areas. This approach not only solves the problem at hand, but also identifies the cause of vulnerability, and inform the customer. This approach makes the client go for a pro-active security to minimize future instances in the cancel.

4. Balanced approach: Increased security usually means a closed-door approach to the software. First of all, firewalls, encrypted data, etc. can be frustrating for both parties to workDepartments. A balanced and reliable security measure is important in these cases.

If you live in Scottsdale, one of these areas: South Scottsdale (McKellips Road north of Thomas Road), Old Town (Downtown) Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Central and North Scottsdale then you can use the above components of a good Scottsdale Computer Repair Service in your region.

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Types of T1 lines

T1 lines offer voice and data over high-speed lines that is more reliable and faster than DSL. There are five different types of T1 lines, including:

Integrated T1 lines

Integrated T1 lines allow voice and data businesses on a single line to be sent. To achieve this goal, the provider has a number of T1 channels on the line for voice service, while the other channels of access to the Internet and internal data nameTransmission. This structure means that the channel name voice traffic does not interfere with Internet traffic, or vice versa, because both processes are on different channels.

Fractional T1 Service

Fractional T1 lines are usually a good option for small businesses with fewer employees and smaller offices. In a fractional T1 system, a company or a part of a fraction of available channels. In this way, companies can save by replacing T1Line with other companies. This type of accommodation is ideal for companies that need only a few channels but do not want to sacrifice for speed, support and security. Organizations with little experience or T1 channels at the same speed and reliability as those who are using all 24 channels, but at a fraction of the price.

Private T1 lines

Private T1 lines are often used for point to point between the office buildings. These are secure and dedicated linesWhat products are used to create a VPN, employees in companies can access data without worrying about the travel of data packets.

Voice T1 lines

Typically benefit large companies that have a large number of telephone lines have the best voice T1 service. Voice T1 lines are also an idea to call centers and telemarketing agencies because they can only process an unlimited number of telephone line. A TDM voice T1 line can be up to24 voice connections to a particular moment. However, a T1 data line with a much higher VoIP call, and has about 50 calls at a time can be treated. Dynamic T1 Dynamic T1 integrated voice and data as an integrated T1, except that a dynamic T1 line can dynamically adjust the bandwidth depending added that what your users. For example, if an employee makes a phone call, a dynamic T1 line a certain amount of bandwidth for the call is assigned. If the call is aConference call will be a bit 'to allocate more bandwidth to meet the additional connections. When the call ended, the bandwidth of data transmission is assigned.

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Enterprise Wireless Gateway (EEC)

EEC had two jobs one is to maintain user authentication in wireless roaming and second. Allows you to use an Enterprise Wireless Gateway in the mid to work at the enterprise level. Wireless Gateways reduce the administrative burden on the administrative head of my wireless access point from a central location. It also reduces security risks through the use of thin wireless access points, wireless access points, instead of fat.

Managing a wireless network with wireless access points, a fatenormous cost and high security risk. Each access point with the key to the wireless network and can end up being used against you. When deploying a wireless network with wireless access points FAT you need to configure each access point separately. Even if you need to have the form of encryption or authentication, you must individually configure each access point will change. An enterprise wireless gateway can configure some or all access points to your needs. This makes yourThe company's most dynamic and can adjust its security needs of each situation. Are you with a general score and need a wireless access, then you will be able to adapt quickly. Or, if you noticed a wireless connection, you can disable wireless access points quickly and efficiently ...

When a user is between two access points of fat, there's usually a battle between the PA, which treat hours for that user. With a third goal of the company's wireless switchnow act as a policeman and tell the AP what to do. This can be important because if the user requires a constant connection to the slowness of a FAT Wireless Access Point user's hand to limit the ability to work.

Enterprise Wireless Gateway use many security features such as VPN, wireless encrypt the traffic to another. They also use NAPT or Network Address Port Translation hides inside of all other customers. gateway wireless encryption, as each switch canUse VLAN or virtual LAN segment that users of the wireless module for wired users.

Enterprise Wireless Gateways reduce the security risks and management. The reduction of administrative costs with the flexibility to respond to their changing business environment makes the benefits outweigh the costs of the Gateway.

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AIS information on certification exams

AIS Advanced Information can be said as a guarantee. This certificate is issued by the university's security. It validates skills and knowledge necessary for the prevention and control in managing information security risks. Confirming a total of eight series of courses that the knowledge of the candidates in the design, construction, implementation and maintenance of security applications and the latest technologies. This certificate is sufficient knowledgelatest security technology for the candidate. Other certifications that good basis for these certifications GIAC AIS and SAS.

AIS certification requirements:

The following are the requirements for candidates for those who wanted to apply for certification and AIS are:

1) The candidate must have attended at least eight or more training roadmap AIS and even that is necessary to conclude with an examination passof each course.
2) All the eight courses and eight evidence-AIS provides complete this certification. Applicants must obtain such certification after passing in the eight tests.
AIS tests:

The following are the tests for certification candidates need to AIS and to focus on these exams for certification. They are:

1) Network penetration testing methods
2) Network Security and VPN
3) patch management, virusAnalysis and Incident Response
4) Computer Forensics and Incident Response
5) Recognition Instruction Version 2: The monitoring network
6) Applied Security Architecture
7) Applied Network Security Policy
8) 2 PKI: PKI exposed.

Candidates are not required to write all these tests within a week or two weeks. You can spend your time, but after the completion of these assessments should be completed in the same year.

AISCertification costs:

Total cost of the 'examination of the candidates are 1200-2500 USD, the subject because of local taxes and exchange rates on the open market (this is true only for international applicants for the certification exam) changes. recertification requirements do not apply and the candidates can get their certification valid if all that life has been completed.

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Computer Service Contracts - The move from client to client

butter with a computer, the computer-services business. The difference between a contract of service and not a computer, is what defines the difference between a customer and a customer - service. contracts As an entrepreneur you want customers who have long-term service contract in your computer.

Your goal is to move the customer contracts of services and to initiate a long-term, stable relationship with them. L 'Customers to contact several times a year should be very receptive to at least one computer service contract small.

These are the customers you should spend much time trying to convert. Be sure to stay in touch with them on a monthly basis. Let them know of offers to make you and all discounts on service contracts of the computer. When a customer calls several times a year, then they should benefit from a service computerContract. Outline them what their savings would be.

Ultimately, you want to have all the service contracts of the computer. This will not be possible. But a $ 500 computer services in the contract it raises his hand. They show a willingness and ability to pay on a regular basis. This is what your business thrive on - a regular client who pays on time.

Bottom Line Computer Service Contracts Computer services contractsare gold for your computer services business. When you configure a computer maintenance contract, it is establishing a long-term relationship. For customers not on a computer service contract, but could very easily - it is for them like you, so that in regular contact. These customers have the potential to turn into customers, so to do, what to do, happen that the conversion requires.

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Client Appreciation - it means everything!

You want the secret, as you know your customers forever? And what if you could keep the revenue growing by 25 percent a year, because your customers like they appreciating? This article will show you how easy it is to update the program to develop a powerful client. Once there, the update of a program forever change the way we operate and manage your business.

Development of an average monthly plan: At the beginning of each month to developsome idea of fun, "thrill" of your customers. Start planning a short brainstorming session with the sales manager, your director of marketing, customer service and sales team in order to hear their unique insight on ways to make the program a great success. Your contribution is important because every company has its own particular profile of the customer, can change its appreciation to plan accordingly. Once the evaluation plan is finalized, it is a written summary for your team to ensure thatknow exactly what will be their role. Clear communication makes for a smooth implementation.

Tips from the Coach: Consider building your customer appreciation plan for six to twelve months in advance. This provides for better financial planning, a detailed plan developed appreciation, and your team time to evaluate several competitive proposals for each month of this theme.

Building appreciation themes: How do you consider the theme for each month to estimate the valueStart the search for specific holidays or seasons of the year. For example, the summer is perfect for bringing a cool drink for all customers, in recognition of their activities. Your customers no matter how much you spend each month on them, but they are very much on how the team shows how careful I am impressed. A further appreciation of the subject, depending on the profile of your customers, maybe more educational work. For example, a local computer shop to agive a live demonstration for your clients in your office who can improve on how the Internet is their business. Your customers will love to listen to customers, more about this innovative technology and the computer receives a new store to take a lot of potential ... win-win for everyone. Finally, hundreds of companies offer all kinds of promotional items can be ordered in small quantities and imprinted with your company name, the two concepts fit perfectly in your clientAppreciation of the program.

Tips from the Coach: Your customers will certainly show their appreciation for each month and love your points of view. Where appropriate, all views in the program of appreciation. Take this small step and see you double your closing ratio!

Evaluate the success of client appreciation: Start by asking your team to the customer to take note of a beautiful new comments shared by your customers or potential customers. Then estimate the number of customersor prospects to attend your training, as this is the future for planning programs. Of course, to monitor the percentage of customer retention, as this critical measure of how well your program is appreciated.

Coach's Tips: Remember to be your customers feel important when they know they are a top priority. The implementation of a loyalty program will not cost much. But the return on your investment will be significantly lowerSales, happier customers, which means more referrals and more enjoyable for your team. Why? Because the coach says! In addition, news travels fast and so well is the excellent reputation earned with customers.

Learn more about this important topic or ask some questions? Fax a note on company letterhead to 435-615-8670 or send an e-mail to coach and fax / e-mail back a free invitation to a forum participant in a teleconference. OnThis call will discuss 25 topics appreciation of your customers will love.

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The basis of the ISAKMP

The Internet provides an ideal platform to expand business opportunities, has protocols must be established to ensure the stability and reliability of such an environment. E 'in this spirit that ISAKMP has been developed.

to establish the ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, works through the creation of security associations (SA) and the use of encryption key in a safe working environment.

ISAKMP Security Associations

Whythe World Wide Web continues to evolve, adapt, use of new technologies must be the security protocol of the Association able to update it regularly. It must be independent of changes on the definition of the situation and take necessary measures (for example, to negotiate, delete and other SAS).

In simple terms, is an ISAKMP Security Association, the interaction between two elements, in particular, how it intends to use the security features that the information and data to ensureThey are kept discreet.

SA all have certain properties that are accessible via the security parameter index (SPI) when security is of critical importance may be, it is essential that the recording will be available in the properties. The security system is currently used by most Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Key Generation

Because the security association must be strong, so the key to flexibility of the management protocol. be for public access, the key must be able toquestion, and at the same time meet the desired needs of private networks within the Internet.

Means of authentication with ISAKMP

There are several ways that an ISAKMP element or entity can be verified, but generally fall into two categories: strong and weak.

Weak key is reacting cleartex through the system characterized as weak are those who use keys with low quality entropy, which can be easily broken. ToISAKMP greater protection of encryption and digital signature algorithm. Another option is strong security Key Distribution Center (KDC).

ISAKMP other protective devices

Here are some of the other methods ISAKMP security.
Clogging: This is an anti-clogging token (ACT) obtained from the resources of the computer and at the same time, the authenticity of the key. It complements the work of the state of garbage collectionDevice.

connection hijacking: One of the options may be, the kidnapping of a network connection or, if a hacker takes over the game and identification. ISAKMP exchanges prevents this by combining both the SA and key.

Man in the middle: This type of attack is characterized by flare, modify or delete messages incoming or outgoing. Again this attack curbs ISAKMP with the backing of key exchanges. Moreover, to make the stringent requirements of the ISAKMPimpossible for an SA be created for someone other than the recipient.

ISAKMP Terminology

Security Log: The words and expressions in the terminology used in an ISAKMP network, performs security checks; Protection Suite is a database of services that are used by network security needs. Protocol of the city: the safety parameters, including knots and algorithms.

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Recover deleted files from your computer - Do It Yourself Data Recovery

While standard computer built these days and more and more not as many problems as they have until the technology for the first time, a problem that still plagues computer users is the loss of important data when your hard drive It loses power or crashes the computer and all of creation. No matter who you are, find out what the data stored on the hard disk may be lost, is not something that every computer owner wants to hear. It may bePictures, documents or other important information, and if you want to recover deleted files from your computer to do it.

Is there a way, and that is to use data recovery software. What this software does is, goes to the hard drive and tried again to pick up the damaged files and put together the information so that your IT to be properly read by the computer and log on several times, is possible.

I'm sure the first thing I had to call to learn and offers data recovery services or check the Internet. After only the first call will probably come to a decision to pay an arm and a leg and get back your data or just accept the loss and move on.

But there is a third option. Personal data recover deleted files from your computer. The program that the professionals use in a consumer version can be retrieved and used by people like you and me, to retrieve data from> The computer or data storage, such as a memory stick or other media. What does this mean for you and me is that we restore the data to us without using the expensive alternative.

In situations where there is actual physical damage within the disk, you should bring it to a professional. Because if you try to restore the data, the cause of the rotating disks of the disk, just to get the broken parts on the disc surface is almostimpossible to read. However, unless the hard drive makes strange noises then probably be able to retrieve the information you are looking for from home.

So, what have you got to lose but you have your data recovery software? Plenty. Why take the risk? You can download the software, deleted files now from the computer and do it now. Try it.

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CCNA CCSP Training - Setting the system clock ASA

As a CCNA / CCSP candidates who understand how to set up the system drive on your ASA.

Set the correct time on the security device configurations is probably one of the most important decisions to make. The safety device is the time to use the system clock for stamping of syslog messages before sending the system clock is controlled even when the VPN tunnel using PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), asIf the VPN peer presented the certificate is not valid for the safety of the certification system, the validity is checked against Clock, if the system is wrong, then the certificate.

Manually adjust the clock.

Set the clock of a safety device is similar to setting the clock on a Cisco IOS router. Use the "Clock" command to set the system clock. If the watch is the ASA to upgrade the system BIOS, thePowered by a battery on the motherboard is, then, that the ASA and then again, the system needs time to be reconfigured. If the system clock just browse through the ASDM Device Configuration Manager> Settings> System time and enter a time zone, date and time.

The SAA to see the time zone after time, when time stands still in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and shows the time in which ever time zone you have configured. The ASA will continue toTaking into account daylight saving time (DST), but if you want you could manually replace the summer is the specific date and time or date and time applicants.

ASA (config) # clock summer-time GMT return Thursday, September 30 6:00 last Sun Apr 06:00

Auto Clock Set

ASA The device also enables support for Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the system clock to an NTP server, this is the preferred method for manyAdministrator, as there is no need to update the system clock is synchronized with the NTP to keep clocks very important for the use of PKI (certificates) to authenticate users or devices.

If you use the installation system clock via the NTP ASDM, go to Device Manager Configuration> Settings> System> Time NTP> Add and enter:

NTP server IP address.

Preferred Server box if they are given two or more servers and less accurate, you may prefer to select the ASAa;

Insert the interface that the NTP server, based

number key and the key value to specify the number of key authentication and key.

Trusted key is to specify the authentication key for all NTP servers configured.

Authenticate, this is to enable authentication.

To check the status of NTP, run the following command

ASA (config) # show ntp status

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The importance of network security

In the process of configuring the home network is something that you have not seen in network security. installation of wireless network can be very complicated and, as such, one might believe that security can be a part of it to wait for a later date, but could no longer deceive himself. This is something to be done as quickly as possible.

One might think that you should ensure that a person can click on the block for creating a home network using each, and this is a great dream to have. L 'only problem is that someone could park nearby and use your Internet to download illegal material. This could include music, games, movies, or even inappropriate forms of pornography. At the end of all this is to be returned to you, so make sure you have the best security system wireless network configuration.

When it comes to wireless security, there are two types of firewalls. The first type is the firewall software. This type of firewall one that is installed on your computer and keep them protected. The second type is, of course, the hardware firewall. Technically it is still software, but it is a box to protect your network from hackers and other malicious users from your personal life is sitting. The question is: what kind of firewall hardware to buy.

As a hardware firewall is essentially a router, you need to know which brand you want. There are quite a bit 'different brands such as> Cisco, D-Link and Netgear, but at the end of the level of safety and quality, you pay the price specified. So we could start for the first time you are talking about standard D-Link and Netgear.

The lower-end routers to do their job, and can also be customized Linux-based firmware. They will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $ 40 - $ 50 not to pay a high price, but you must remember that their safety is always first class, and in many cases be easilybroken. Although it might not be able to allow the user, like a house, Cisco routers would be a great choice if you are big on safety.

Note that Cisco usually used for large organizations or businesses, and routers can be easily run from $ 500 - $ 15,000. There are a lot of money, but if you can afford it, this is definitely the best security in the wireless networking solution for you.

In the end it all comes down to how much security you need and what you needit. All wireless routers could provide a degree of security, and if not with the products on the market are happy, then you always do your own router. But this is something more sinister with that experience, and you will soon enough.

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Easy VPN-Setup With Hosted VPN Services

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) connecting a PC or laptop via the Internet to the corporate network allows users to use the remote as if they were sitting at his desk in the office.

Normally, a VPN requires considerable technical skills as the office firewall must be reconfigured, the VPN server must be set up and put everything must be safe. Once the working conditions of configuration, the VPN server must be kept under control (to ensureNothing suspicious is) and maintained with the latest security patches from the vendor VPN.

However, there is an alternative way to set up a VPN using a VPN service. A server VPN service provides all the functions of a VPN, but eliminates the complexity and costs associated with creating, monitoring and maintenance.

To set up a VPN as a service provider you need on the website, online registration and download of a softwarea corporate network. This software connects the office network to the VPN service on the Internet without a firewall change. By changing the firewall, you have a promising target for hackers, firewalls, just to identify vulnerabilities scan. Once the network is connected, you can add users to the service and PC configuration for VPN access. The most advanced VPN services provide a way users can set up the remote controlfor access to the office, so that in a few minutes of recording time, a remote user to work on their applications and files as if they were in office.

Some host VPN services only provide access to individual PC, the PC means that your office PC must be powered with electricity and to always have a laptop or when you are out of office. While this type of work VPN services, are not very environmentally friendly (requires a PC operating system to the user) and do not supportActivities such as composing and reading e-mail when there is no Internet access (as in air).

Other VPN services to connect the user organization's network remotely, as if the power of the PC has been a long time. With these services, a remote user connects directly to the file server and e-mail without using a PC desktop. With this access, people use their laptop in exactly the same note in the office and out, without that, when a file is stored on a serveror laptop. Mail applications, such as Microsoft Outlook to work particularly well in a VPN, as they allow the user to read and write email even when not connected. When the user next connects to the VPN, Outlook will automatically create all the mail recently. Some VPN services is also a safe way to access browser-mail and files from any Web so that users are remote, have a laptop with allTimes.

Using a VPN service, without having to buy new hardware or make use of consultants, all set around and have the ability to add and remove users as you need.

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Understand the Domain Name System

Ever wonder why DNS systems formed? Efficiency. Each computer has its own IP address and the Internet needed an elite method for obtaining this mail and for managing the system as a whole. Enter ICANN.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number manages the root domain of the DNS namespace of the Internet. ICANN is responsible for managing the assignment of identifiers to ensure that all users have unique names.

The DNS system is a series of run-The servers called DNS servers. ICANN manages the root DNS domains, which are among the top-level domains.
It also manages:

Organizational Domains
Geographic Domains
Reverse domain

Under the top-level domains Nominet other authorities, such as name, the name of the British.

How does a DNS query?

The process takes place in two parts. Name query begins at a client computer and is passed to DNS client serviceResolution. If the query can not be resolved locally, DNS servers are queried.

For example, if you Web browser requires the Fully Qualified Domain Name, the request is passed to the service, the DNS client to clarify information about the names of the local cache to help with. If the query is held in cache, the process is completed.

But if the query can not be resolved locally, the DNS client service uses a server list (ordered in sequence)to query external DNS server. If a DNS server receives a query, first check if it is authoritative for the domain name. If it is authoritative, it resolves the name, and the process is complete.

If the DNS server can resolve the query was raised in the query other DNS servers through a process known as recursion. DNS server to use root hints to find the DNS servers that are able to provide the desired result, support. In this way, DNS queries are minimized andThe Internet is able to operate quickly and effectively.

A typical query may run as follows:

Client contacts Nameserver A looking

A name server checks its cache, but can not answer, you ask a server authoritative for the root of the Internet.

The root server responds with a reference to a server authoritative for the. Com domains. Name server requests. COM server receives and on the server of choice for businesses

A name server query to this server and gets the IP address for

A name server responds to the client with the IP address.

Queries can return answers that are real, positive, negative or referral in nature. In the case of negative answer, another DNS server is queried.

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Virtual Private Network and dial-up modem strings

What to do if your dial-up network is intermittent?


What to do when you live in a rural area and your constant problems with the connection if the modem wants to connect, it is constantly updated and then connects to either a bad connection rate or not at all to connect.

A nswer

Thanks to its location, it may be necessary to speed up the connection to the lowest, as the modemNot quickly be able to maintain speed V90.

If you have Windows 95/98/ME, just add the appropriate string modem from the list below.

To know what kind of modem is installed, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then Modems.
To add the extra string for your modem, double-click My Computer, then Dial-up (for Windows ME, Dial-Up Networking in Control Panel).

Right click on your connection Orcon, then left click on"Properties".

Click the Configure button below, click the Connections tab along the top and then click the Advanced button at the bottom.

Enter the appropriate value for the modem in the field for the string of additional information.

If you are running Windows 2000/XP to find out what kind of modem you have installed:
Double-click My Computer, then Control Panel.

Double-click Phone and Modem Options, click the icon, then click the Modems tab at the top.

ClickProperties button below, then click the Advanced tab at the top.

Enter the appropriate value for the modem in the field for the extra initialization string.

Note: If you were not more rope to connect after the addition of, then under this is not the right string for you.

If you have Windows 95 and 98, you must restart the computer after you add the extra string, or you will get 630 error when you try to connect without restartingComputer.


Rockwell / Conexant HCF/SoftK56 (internal) modem

Add + MS = V34, 1, the additional string

Rockwell / Conexant External Modem

Add + MS = 11

Lucent Winmodem

Add S38-V90 = 0 = 0

For more details and more sources of medical care is the VPN!

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CCNA Cisco router to configure a DHCP Overview Part 1

RFC 2131, DHCP provides IP address and other parameters to IP hosts.

DHCP is a client / server installation configuration of the client, where the network addresses and other parameters are dynamically configured hosts.

DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address assignment:

Or static / automatic assignment - server rent a fixed IP address to a DHCP client.

O Server dynamically allocates an IP address lease to a client for a limited period ofTime or until the DHCP client reports the IP address

Subject / manual-assignment Here is the network administrator manually reserves and an IP address on a client and the server provides the address assigned to the DHCP client.

As a CCNA student want you to know, how to configure all options

DHCP message format new Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) message. This format provides support for BOOTP Relay AgentFunctionality and interoperability between BOOTP clients and DHCP servers.

We use relay agents to remove a single server setup on each subnet / VLAN or physical network segment.

default router with the Cisco IOS software include Cisco DHCP server and relay agent software.


DHCP Server Overview

Cisco IOS developed for its implementation by a full server that assigns and manages IP addresses areadministratively specified address pool configured on the client router, DHCP.

Although Cisco can not assign IP addresses to a client, network administrator can be configured to forward the request to one or more DHCP servers configured manually again.

The four basic steps that occur when a client an IP address from the DHCP server.

A. The client sends a DHCPDISCOVER broadcast message to find a Server.

B. A DHCP server offers configuration parameters (such as an IP address, MAC address, domain name and a lease for the IP address) to the client in a DHCPOFFER unicast message.

C. A DHCP client to DHCP server IP host information offered by many. The client was unable to accept any of these offers, but will take the very first offer it receives.

Note: All quotes from the DHCP server is not guaranteed until a DHCP> Address Client had a chance to make a formal request, but the server usually reserves the address until the client's request

D. The DHCP client then a formal request to the server's IP address provided in a DHCPREQUEST message.

E. In return, the server will confirm that the IP address was assigned to the client by returning a DHCPACK unicast message to the client. The reason for the requestprovided an IP address (the DHCPREQUEST message), the client's DHCP broadcast will be issued as a broadcast so that any DHCP server, the client may receive the DHCPDISCOVER broadcast message from the first can now retrieve the IP address that was provided to them; the DHCP client.

In the event that the configuration parameters that were initially offered unicast message, the DHCP server to the client in the DHCPOFFER are illegal, saymisconfiguration error, the DHCP client is a broadcast message to the server DHCPDECLINE.

When the server receives the message will be sent denial DHCPDECLINE DHCPNAK then ask the DHCP client, the configuration parameters offered initially are not assigned. In case an error occurs during the negotiations on IP configuration parameters or the DHCP client has been slow to respond to the DHCPOFFERThe DHCP server to assign parameters to the server to another DHCP client from the DHCP.

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Because the router has a DHCP server?

or savings Trackable

the use of the DHCP client on the outside of each remote site router cut through the web. Static IP addresses are expensive to buy that must be acquired dynamically using the addresses

customers or lessConfiguration and centralized management

DHCP is very easy to install on client

Because the configuration of DHCP server supports all clients of all sbnets multiple subnets, you only need to manage change in a central server, if you need parameters for configuration.

Before you start configuring the server functions of the Cisco router, the following steps to complete '

1. Determine what subnets and IPAddress that is assigned to the setup on the server for the IP addresses along with not be accepted.

2. Default Router

3. Domain Name System (DNS)

4. Decide on a DNS domain name.

As a CCNA student want you to know, how to configure all options

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Online Computer Certification

Computer certifications are a great way to know for some technologies and help you advance in employment. The good thing is that certification to participate in the course of time much less how to complete a bachelor's degree and eventually a computer certifications that will prove to be valuable in the labor market, because they know they have a good knowledge of a very strict and may be a well-defined, programming, networking or web design. All of theseFactors make the certification of the computer is the perfect choice for those who want more education, but I do not want to do is spend 4 years at university to study all kinds of topics that are not even just what they plan to work together.

In general, there are five types of certificates and computer are: Microsoft, Oracle Database, Cisco Networking, Web Development, PC service and support (hardware and software).

Microsoft is the world's leadingIT solutions so that the demand for skilled labor certification with Microsoft is very high, so if you have one, your chances of getting a job, as well. Because if you are certified, it shows you went through some of the most demanding and comprehensive training available. The certificates are further subdivided into MS Windows Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Windows Systems Engineer, Microsoft Windows Networking Professional, Microsoft WindowsProfessional Engineer.

Especially attractive are the Oracle and Cisco certifications because the demand for such professionals is the salaries in this field. These two companies are, as you probably know, each of the major vendors of database and network. The high demand is through the Internet boom, the networks continue to expand the causes and databases daily to explain.

types of Web development certificationsfor persons who want to enter in the production of websites. These certificates are further divided into - E-commerce specialist, client / server development, Web Design Specialist.

Certificates of service and support for PCs are for people who are learning how to install and configure the computer hardware, operating systems and solve common problems with hardware and software you want.

The best part of all is that computersCertifications on-line. to learn everything you need is a computer with Internet access, self-discipline and will. With an online computer certification, distance, time and financial constraints are irrelevant.

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Remote access via Internet

Most companies that provide access to IT or non-IT under pressure to remote network shares possibility to its users. With the access network, the computer becomes just another citizen of the network. You can access the server as if you were on your local network is slow, but answer. Sometimes much, much slower. This network can be accessed via telephone modem or via the Internet through a router.

The community of users require remote access via Internet to reach people whojust need to access their email and use the Web portal business from your home computer, the full-time telecommuter, the core of the office network applications they need anywhere, and in some cases, customers and suppliers. The companies are generally not too much trouble justifying high-end solutions for remote workers full-time, providing them with a unique computer, firewall access and 24x7 helpdesk, because these users remote access to all their work.But sometimes it is difficult for them to efficiently and economically support the needs of low-end users, because of the problems of network security.

A solution to avoid a security threat is) leads to a virtual private network (VPN provides a measure of security for remote users to access the network. There are several other emerging tools and applications, such as B. Cisco Security Agent, and Trend Micro Network Virus Wall, thecan be used to protect the network from unwanted viruses and devices is not guaranteed. However, the implementation of solutions such as these are expensive and adds another technology to the task list administrator.

The bottom line is, if they can be combined to access the Internet with sufficient knowledge to due diligence and rigorous policy seems remote. First, before another network or a user to connect to the network, just leave investigation and ask the right questions in order to feelcomfortable that they have updated security software such as antivirus, installed, and that the computer system or network patches and updates installed.

Allowing other networks and individuals connected to a network virtually inevitable. All you need is to ensure that you exercise the appropriate level of caution and pay close attention to the back door. If all fingers are already in use, it's time to put one foot in dial-up Internet access remains"Leak in the dike."

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be concise - to be precise - to be remembered

Early in my career in sales, perhaps in my first year in real estate, I learned about the concept of KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. At least that's the way I was taught. The context of this lesson was for the drafting of contracts. The most simple and concise language in a contract, the better.

Like coach said, I am reminded of the need for the KISS concept again and again. We are a group of long-winded speakers. If we can get 40 words on something that could be said to say 10, weWalk for 40 of Though we like the sound of our voice, the audience was found hiding on the wisdom of our excessive verbosity in Wade.

As a professional speaker, I learned that is not what I say, it is important to remember what my audience. And then, just remember what it is, but what to implement. It all boils down to memorability and action. If they believe what we say, chances are they think and act anddifferent.

For the adjustment, we approach speaker KISS - Keep It Simple Speaker!

In a recent leadership development training for high potential, I had my students craft a story. The story is a point that may be relevant, their direct reports - what you practice. I showed them how to use the nine steps of the structure of the story of their history and crafts, and stressed the steps 7, 8 and 9 to mark their message.

The first student to volunteer forCoaching tells a good story, and if they have made the point that it seemed very close to this:

"What I learned is that there will be times in life when things are not as expected with the production of a difficult decision to take that will not be addressed will be scary for them, and in those moments you need to know that you do and trust in yourself. You must make a choice, even if they do not make the right choice and action. Because if youdo not miss it. "

Quick: without back and read the last paragraph, what was the point?

Face Your Fear?
Take Action?
Go for it?
Trust yourself?
Make a choice?

If your answer is "all the previous" You were right. And if your position so in a presentation, you are making confusion. Remember KISS - Keep It Simple Speaker! The best way is to keep things simple, to use a story to make a point. While history may make it more of a point, it is better to concentratethe story of a point every time I say it. In a different context, with a different audience, one could say that the same story to make another point.

During my coaching session, I did not see how she has made a clear and concise, but had many areas, and thus had to know it's hard for his audience, which was one of the most important.

He admitted he was confused about the point where they could have done all over the place, how they movePoints than you think. When I asked her to go back and see that choosing when and what was the most powerful lesson, he said, "Make a choice - agree to a choice."

What I said. "Choose one"

She said: "Make a choice."

After coaching her to keep it simple, here is the way that it refines the point.

"What I learned is that there are times in life when you are faced with a difficult decision that you do not want to do,scary to have you, and in these six times -. make a selection "

It seems that the only place where the speakers get wordy, which is very dangerous to do this if we make a point or lesson. In these times we need to be concise. The fewer words the better.

- "What I learned was to eat cake first."
- "What I learned to dance was like seeing anyone."
- ". What I learned was, you make your first impression counts"

Having uttered the words: "What Ilearned is ... "Be concise. Was so quiet. Let the point in the minds of your audience to pay.

I have with the concept of KISS in my room for many years and it works. It works so well that I have seen the results verifiable. With a history in particular, I have my position and then stand still for several seconds. I leave the point there, suspended in silence.

I found that if I have to wait nine 55 seconds before saying anything else, write 90% of my audiencethe exact words from my point of view. Or write during my quiet break, or do so in the next 60 seconds. Again and again, write word for word.

Remember, it is only that which is what people remember. If what you say is confusing and too wordy, they can not find nuggets. The wisdom is there, but to serve the public, you must write and rewrite and edit and carve until you reach the main points and results up to the lastWords as possible.

Be specific. To be precise. Be memorable.

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Apple iPhone 3G Product Review

The iPhone 3G of Apple, weighing 133g and measuring 62.1 x 12.3 x 115.5 mm is the 3rd development after the launch of the previous 2G model, but not much difference between him and his two predecessors. added based on three main concepts, ie as a phone, an iPod and an Internet browser, on which this model was the 3G functionality, a GPS mapping system and the familiar Microsoft Exchange is designed to focus primarily commercial purposes.

Overall, the iPhone 3Ghas UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and Bluetooth + EDR connectivity. The headphone jack has been changed and can now be any type of headphones you want with the iPhone 3G. However, neither the external appearance or the software much like his first two starts has changed. It has the same design and interface of the iPhone itself. The few changes include the gray metal back plate, which was a white or black plastic and chrome curved spine replacedEnd on the side controls. In addition, the battery is larger than the original, performance better than expected. It has the same 8GB and 16GB of memory chips and has the same two-megapixel camera.

On the other hand, with this new version of third-party applications can now be easily accessible, such as iTunes App Store was launched to facilitate the acquisition of fee and free software.

The 3.5 inch 480 x 320 color TFT display multi-toucheverything possible to control what the rotation of the screen in either portrait or landscape with the fingers, if you pinch, flick, tap, to save, scroll or slide through its various applications.

Dotted with HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) allows data to any iPhone 3G network UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System networks) and download faster browsing over EDGE network. However, in the absence of a 3GNetwork to connect to a 2G network GSM or EDGE for data and calls as possible. Connectivity can be or 3G, EDGE or Wi-Fi. IPhone 3G will be perfectly recognize the fastest connection.

Another big improvement has been the GPS system. No matter where you are, your progress as you can move around the world are carried out by a mapping system A-GPS (Assisted GPS), which allows you to compare the results faster than a normal GPS. IPhone 3G will be calculatedPosition if all the signals by satellite, Wi-Fi hotspots or cellular towers. If you want a guided tour, all you have to do is set a goal of GPS, the route is marked on a map and also allows you to follow your progress with live view.

In addition, e-mail has never been so easy on a mobile phone. The iPhone 3G supports HTML e-mail and everything is presented in their original formats, not stripped like smaller versions, and the same goes for web browsingprovided by Safari. Installed Microsoft Exchange enables push email, synchronization of calendar, notes and contacts with access to resources such as Cisco IP VPN and WPA2 Enterprise support were included.

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As a re-imaging the client computer repair in minutes?

If your computer crashes any application that is offered against him and is always there, it's probably time for you to send a supplier and fixes it. The question is this - How many times have you really trust your supplier? In terms of effectiveness, timing, performance and privacy issues, can you really trust them? This article is online, a service led, literally repair your computer over the Internet withoutwith you, the suppliers to send your computer exists. This rare computer service repair computer repair Called reimaging. For the purposes of this article you will learn to repair re-imaging analysis of your customer or the computer, including fixing the missing parts and the time needed to fix the whole system operating range. To resolve this article, you have an idea of how to end this workshop will help your computer, yourThe computer as soon as possible.

Gateway to the operating system or a computer to analyze the repair process and the first to find the missing parts and damage to your computer. Not only software analyzes the causes of disturbances and freezing on your computer to know exactly what the passage in the next set. You can actually perform this process for free and you have a better idea of what is wrong with the operating system and have beenThe computer. You must download an application and do not worry because it is virus-free. Check if your computer is not really doing well, or in a critical condition, so that you can decide whether to repair or not, and it turns out that to make the next level is to have.

After scanning the operating system and when it encounters many problems, it shows, it's time for your computer to be repaired to what thesecond stage of the proceedings. With the patented process of re-imaging of repair, only solves the missing and damaged. Furthermore, by accessing a web archive that is more than 8 million of components and objects registry, remove programs to repair updated driver, bugs and glitches, while maintaining the integrity of user data. In other words, do not worry if the computer user names and passwords stored in your lost, because they remain intact and areunchanged, although the repair held. This patented process, is what separates it from other computer repair service.

The third phase is probably your favorite part, because all you have to do is sit back, while the repair is in full swing. As you might have a bad experience Send your computer to a supplier in the past, have set in, this whole process will give you a whole new experience, because it is not necessaryfor half a day, but just wait 30 minutes. Depending on the computer problems, it may take a little 'more, but the normal time is about 30 minutes. This avoids all the problems, leaving home, going through heavy traffic and pay the parking fee. Better yet, if you run a computer repair company, which increases productivity and, ultimately, it can repair the computer more and earn more money in the shortest possible time.This is one reason why many people have already decided to fix their computer over the Internet with the re-imaging.

Now you probably know how re-imaging may help to resolve your operating system or computer in minutes. Simply the analysis and definition of computer error in 30 minutes, this convenience has never been men, many available. One thing to take note, though. Reimage currently supports only Windows XP and if you or your client are on Linux, Mac orWindows Vista will not be able to function. If you are using Windows XP should consider, please, try this online service. I hope you have enjoyed this article.

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