
The basis of the ISAKMP

The Internet provides an ideal platform to expand business opportunities, has protocols must be established to ensure the stability and reliability of such an environment. E 'in this spirit that ISAKMP has been developed.

to establish the ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, works through the creation of security associations (SA) and the use of encryption key in a safe working environment.

ISAKMP Security Associations

Whythe World Wide Web continues to evolve, adapt, use of new technologies must be the security protocol of the Association able to update it regularly. It must be independent of changes on the definition of the situation and take necessary measures (for example, to negotiate, delete and other SAS).

In simple terms, is an ISAKMP Security Association, the interaction between two elements, in particular, how it intends to use the security features that the information and data to ensureThey are kept discreet.

SA all have certain properties that are accessible via the security parameter index (SPI) when security is of critical importance may be, it is essential that the recording will be available in the properties. The security system is currently used by most Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Key Generation

Because the security association must be strong, so the key to flexibility of the management protocol. be for public access, the key must be able toquestion, and at the same time meet the desired needs of private networks within the Internet.

Means of authentication with ISAKMP

There are several ways that an ISAKMP element or entity can be verified, but generally fall into two categories: strong and weak.

Weak key is reacting cleartex through the system characterized as weak are those who use keys with low quality entropy, which can be easily broken. ToISAKMP greater protection of encryption and digital signature algorithm. Another option is strong security Key Distribution Center (KDC).

ISAKMP other protective devices

Here are some of the other methods ISAKMP security.
Clogging: This is an anti-clogging token (ACT) obtained from the resources of the computer and at the same time, the authenticity of the key. It complements the work of the state of garbage collectionDevice.

connection hijacking: One of the options may be, the kidnapping of a network connection or, if a hacker takes over the game and identification. ISAKMP exchanges prevents this by combining both the SA and key.

Man in the middle: This type of attack is characterized by flare, modify or delete messages incoming or outgoing. Again this attack curbs ISAKMP with the backing of key exchanges. Moreover, to make the stringent requirements of the ISAKMPimpossible for an SA be created for someone other than the recipient.

ISAKMP Terminology

Security Log: The words and expressions in the terminology used in an ISAKMP network, performs security checks; Protection Suite is a database of services that are used by network security needs. Protocol of the city: the safety parameters, including knots and algorithms.

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