
Taming the corporate iPhone

iPhone becomes the ice of the enterprise mobility space. The large screen and the smooth surface are irresistible, and the myriad of applications are key ingredients in many "flavors" to choose to create.

But while I scream, you scream, we all scream for iPhone in the corporate world, would be more than empty calories, if not managed properly. iPhone can support complex data and safety concerns that must be presentconsidered.

Fortunately, there are the tactics available to relieve the burden on the IT team to help iPhone users play at their peak, and you can integrate your iPhone to your mobile device offerings without undue risk. Integrated Mobile offers the following tips:

Upgrade your wireless policy

While your policy can not physically prevent wireless users can download from one of more than 100,000 applications, or is not appropriate for your business,is the first line of defense to help you take control of the infinite possibilities that iPhone users (or misuse) use their devices.

In addition to defining how the iPhone and other devices are supported, provided they are administered, and your policy should cover the wireless network SMS, acceptable social applications, Internet downloads, etc. You can also include the use of a VPN access corporate data when using Wi-Fi.

Start from your iPhoneLaw

stage procedure for the intended use for the future. A new iPhone should be outlined in the hands of the user with the plan, accessories, applications, e-mail installation and configuration settings in your wireless policy of the country. This allows the user to start work immediately and improve the chances of meeting your wireless policy for the future.

The mobile team management may also be wise to use the functional restrictions on the iPhone. Located inSettings -> General -> limits, is protected by a password and this field allows an authorized user to access certain features that prevent, including: YouTube, installing applications, camera, film, etc.

Backup your iPhone

As with all mobile devices, security is important. The iPhone 3G protects data by encrypting the transmission of data at rest on the device, and when set to iTunes. Other functions and settings can preventUnauthorized use of the device.

- Use the code-lock -

Whenever the device's screen freezes, and because of Auto-Lock button or the Sleep iPhone Passcode Lock requires a four-digit code is entered before the device can be restored. The access code block area has a configuration option to remove all the data that a complete wipe your iPhone after 10 failed attempts, allows the access code. This feature can be used to protect against data loss in which hisWhen a lost or stolen phone.

- Be careful with Wi-Fi -

While the iPhone can not connect to wireless high-speed networks for faster Web browsing and better data collection and has Wi-Fi networks without appropriate security measures to open to hackers. Only connect to Wi-Fi networks via Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or another wireless security protocol. (You should enter a password when prompted for the connection.) Then, to ensure that noconnect to wireless networks without knowing it, while going further, you should allow the iPhone to join issues with the function of networks.

- Connect your organization Virtual Private Network (VPN) -

VPN uses an encrypted Internet connection that acts as a secure "tunnel" for data. They are often used within organizations to allow users secure access to corporate network behind a firewall.

iPhone supports VPN using L2TP, PPTP, IPSec, Cisco and a numberother VPN protocols, and works with both WLAN and mobile network connections.

To configure the iPhone VPN, go to Settings -> General -> Network -> VPN, and then select "Add VPN Configuration." Ask your network administrator which settings are used. In most cases, if you like VPN device on your computer, you can use the same settings for VPN.

- Secure access to your e-mail -

Many companies useMicrosoft Exchange Server that enforces its security protocols for the iPhone. With the introduction of Lotus iNotes UltraLite Lotus Notes users can also get secure corporate email via iPhone.

For web mail, check your e-mail settings on your iPhone for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts the message that is sent and received through the device. Or access the portal e-mail to a safari with SSL. Use https instead of http and control the image ofLock at the bottom of the screen.

- Optimize Your browser's security settings Safari -

Most of the iPhone Safari security settings are enabled by default, but can slide by clicking on the icon of the iPhone Settings, and then the lower and the selection of Safari to be changed. Make sure the pop-up key to "ON". Then check the Safari cookies settings. want to default, the iPhone Safari Accept cookies for the "From Visited" set, but you can disable cookies altogetherSelect "Never."

Support for Your iPhone

Although the iPhone OS is relatively stable and the interface is user friendly, the topics and issues. The last thing you need is an iPhone user, who can not be productive, because they are waiting for Apple or receive any support.

For mobile users performing at its peak, make sure you resolve the resources available to answer any questions, problems, repair or replace broken equipment. Whether youinternal IT staff or outsource mobility hire specialists integrated mobile quality is essential to sustain a productive mobile workforce.

Remote Administration

Your mobile workforce is mobile by definition. This can present challenges for those responsible for the security and configuration of devices for remote users. The data may also need to be removed remotely from lost or stolen.

A number of companies such as Good Technology, Sybase, Dell and Apple itselfdesigned for remote administration solutions for iPhone. set of cost and functionality are very different. Please indicate the experts to mobile integrated solution that best meets the needs of your organization.

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