
Remote access via Internet

Most companies that provide access to IT or non-IT under pressure to remote network shares possibility to its users. With the access network, the computer becomes just another citizen of the network. You can access the server as if you were on your local network is slow, but answer. Sometimes much, much slower. This network can be accessed via telephone modem or via the Internet through a router.

The community of users require remote access via Internet to reach people whojust need to access their email and use the Web portal business from your home computer, the full-time telecommuter, the core of the office network applications they need anywhere, and in some cases, customers and suppliers. The companies are generally not too much trouble justifying high-end solutions for remote workers full-time, providing them with a unique computer, firewall access and 24x7 helpdesk, because these users remote access to all their work.But sometimes it is difficult for them to efficiently and economically support the needs of low-end users, because of the problems of network security.

A solution to avoid a security threat is) leads to a virtual private network (VPN provides a measure of security for remote users to access the network. There are several other emerging tools and applications, such as B. Cisco Security Agent, and Trend Micro Network Virus Wall, thecan be used to protect the network from unwanted viruses and devices is not guaranteed. However, the implementation of solutions such as these are expensive and adds another technology to the task list administrator.

The bottom line is, if they can be combined to access the Internet with sufficient knowledge to due diligence and rigorous policy seems remote. First, before another network or a user to connect to the network, just leave investigation and ask the right questions in order to feelcomfortable that they have updated security software such as antivirus, installed, and that the computer system or network patches and updates installed.

Allowing other networks and individuals connected to a network virtually inevitable. All you need is to ensure that you exercise the appropriate level of caution and pay close attention to the back door. If all fingers are already in use, it's time to put one foot in dial-up Internet access remains"Leak in the dike."

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