
Cisco ASA 5500 firewall configuration - User interface and access arrangements

This article describes the user interface and types of access devices and commands associated with the operation of the Cisco ASA 5500 firewall. We expect that you, as you know, connect the device with a console cable (the blue ribbon cable with RJ-45 connector on one side, and serial DB-9 on the opposite side) and a terminal emulation software (eg HyperTerminal) use , and as a base interface of the command line.

A Cisco ASA security appliance has four main administrative accessMode:

Monitor Mode: Displays the Monitor> prompt. A special mode that allows you to update the image over the network or through the password recovery. While in monitor mode, you can type commands to the location of a TFTP server and the location of the software or the password recovery specified binary file to download. Access to this mode by pressing the "Pause" or "ESC" key immediately after turning on the device.

Non-privileged mode: displays the> prompt.Available from the first access to the device. If the device is a Cisco PIX series, the prompt mode for disadvantaged pixfirewall> 500 and the device of the new Cisco ASA 5500, is ready ciscoasa>
This method provides a limited view of the safety device. You can not configure anything from this mode. To start with the setup, you need to know the first command, the enable command. Enter enable and press Enter. The default password isempty, press the ENTER button to switch to the next access (privileged mode).

> Ciscoasa allow

privileged mode: displays the # prompt. Allows you to change your current settings. Each command also works in privileged mode. From this mode you can see the current configuration using the show running-config. However, you can not configure anything yet until you go into configuration mode. You reach the configuration mode with the "configure terminal" command from the privilegedFashion.

Configuration Mode: This mode displays the (config) # ENTER. You can modify any system configuration. Take the exit from each mode to the previous mode.

> Ciscoasa allow

The (config) # so it is sometimes called the global configuration. Some configuration commands in this mode, a specific command line mode and the prompt changes accordingly. For example, the interface command shows the interface configuration mode, as shownbelow:

ciscoasa (config) # interface GigabitEthernet0 / 1
ciscoasa (config-if) #

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