
Types of T1 lines

T1 lines offer voice and data over high-speed lines that is more reliable and faster than DSL. There are five different types of T1 lines, including:

Integrated T1 lines

Integrated T1 lines allow voice and data businesses on a single line to be sent. To achieve this goal, the provider has a number of T1 channels on the line for voice service, while the other channels of access to the Internet and internal data nameTransmission. This structure means that the channel name voice traffic does not interfere with Internet traffic, or vice versa, because both processes are on different channels.

Fractional T1 Service

Fractional T1 lines are usually a good option for small businesses with fewer employees and smaller offices. In a fractional T1 system, a company or a part of a fraction of available channels. In this way, companies can save by replacing T1Line with other companies. This type of accommodation is ideal for companies that need only a few channels but do not want to sacrifice for speed, support and security. Organizations with little experience or T1 channels at the same speed and reliability as those who are using all 24 channels, but at a fraction of the price.

Private T1 lines

Private T1 lines are often used for point to point between the office buildings. These are secure and dedicated linesWhat products are used to create a VPN, employees in companies can access data without worrying about the travel of data packets.

Voice T1 lines

Typically benefit large companies that have a large number of telephone lines have the best voice T1 service. Voice T1 lines are also an idea to call centers and telemarketing agencies because they can only process an unlimited number of telephone line. A TDM voice T1 line can be up to24 voice connections to a particular moment. However, a T1 data line with a much higher VoIP call, and has about 50 calls at a time can be treated. Dynamic T1 Dynamic T1 integrated voice and data as an integrated T1, except that a dynamic T1 line can dynamically adjust the bandwidth depending added that what your users. For example, if an employee makes a phone call, a dynamic T1 line a certain amount of bandwidth for the call is assigned. If the call is aConference call will be a bit 'to allocate more bandwidth to meet the additional connections. When the call ended, the bandwidth of data transmission is assigned.

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