
Save space while minimizing applications on the taskbar system tray

Windows taskbar becomes very quickly if you work on multiple applications or multiple applications open filled. minimize fill applications' icons in the taskbar in no time. a smooth transition area on the taskbar cleanup is to add applications to the system tray instead of the taskbar, but not every application supports to minimize system tray and offers it.

You can support third-party applications to add different applications to the system tray can be minimized.One such application is TrayIt. Once you start TrayIt, you can minimize any application to system tray just the cursor on the keyboard. The application will be added to the system tray icon TrayIt instead of displaying on the taskbar, saves valuable space on the taskbar.

Nor do you need to install the application TrayIt and make sure it works on Windows startup. It can choose to focus the application menu or by selecting it again enlargedOnce TrayIt System.

You can set any window in the taskbar by pressing the [Ctrl] key when you minimize the window.

To minimize a window always on the taskbar, click the right mouse button on the taskbar icon created in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" from the popup menu.

A click with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! Context menu for this window. Just to verify"Place in System Tray" in the pop-up window to always go on the tray.

Please note that the context menu is to minimize only the default icon and pop-ups do not work if the program uses the skins like MS Media Player.

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The reason why you did not buy a technology

"... We are pleased with the improvement of your business talk, to find evidence in the technology value, is actually on you!"

I just read Joel Bruckstein 2009 software and technology survey on the website of Financial Planning (see article). It's a great article, and Joel has a lot of analysis to help us understand what are all the people and the technologies not in use. Read this article raised a question in my head ... Why do not people buy a certain technology? As an efficiencyProvider, I have some ideas why. Whether you're an engineer like me, an IT professional or simply a purchaser of a new technology, it is reasonable to expect that people save time and money he wanted to do one more reason for those who use them. But it is not. Why is it so? Here are the main reasons why I find that apply to each of us, myself included: ignorance, Return on Investment (ROI) and lack of value created.

Let's face it: if there is aThe problem is much easier than trying to resolve to ignore it. Imagine stopping in the middle of a process whenever there is an inefficiency, lack of integration, lack of function, etc., to find a better solution. Would never have time. If you are employed and only attempt, a task to the end, I want to do is to stop completely and find a better way. We are therefore better solutions, better service or better within our own ignorant existing solutions.One of the best ways to solve this problem is to do what Joel and includes a program of technology together.

A good technology plan should be an overview of your operations and processes, identifying the principle
Existing technologies, serving every step of the process and working in your team every step of the process. With list in hand, to identify the stages of the process, or where you have a technical solution to all your current solution, or obsoleteinadequate. require knowledge of the process steps, your attention is to make it easier for you to better plan for technology adapts the process stream. The final phase of a plan to build the basic technology is the search for possible solutions and build a budget.

Assessing the ROI
And 'this big mistake, when it comes to purchasing technology is known as Return on Investment (ROI). Every seller wants to believe that if they can really show a great ROI that you receive yourCheckbook. Does not work like that. You know intuitively that a return on investment, depending on the actual use of the solution change, without the ongoing costs of the new solution, and if you and your users to actually adopt the solution.

The best way to judge whether a solution will give a return on investment is whether you can live without a solution altogether. You can of course costs - spending $ 5,000 to save $ 500 must consider not do muchSense. Conversely, if the solution is to increase your revenue by $ 10,000, while saving $ 500 $ 5,000 Divergence be useful. If you can not live without trying the solution, then ROI number is unknown, because the solution will be worth it if your budget offers up-front costs. If you can live without the solution then you must decide whether the new technology will help to grow, you can increase sales, improve your image, or other intangible benefits that can not be included in aROI analysis.

Value - perceived or realized?
There are two ways to avoid being sold the product: the perceived value or the realization of their value. The perception of value during the sales process and research format. Ask others how to use the product, read the most popular solutions, and hearing the anecdotal success stories all contribute to the perception of the value of solution. Then you buy and hope it lives up to the value you receive. The other way is to recognizeIt is worth buying before you. Realized value is usually during a free trial if the solution is to see in action and get results for themselves. For example, with our final product, Quik! Forms Library, you can try the software fully functional for 14 days free and to generate in the early minutes of modules to realize the value of the solution and whether the solution for you or not.

One reason why you have not purchased or use of a technology is due to a lack ofValue, whether perceived or realized. To improve your business with technology needed to overcome the obstacle of determining the value in a specific solution. Obviously the person or website will tell you that you have to look to technology to deliver a better job worth doing, but we are talking about improving your company so that the burden of proof to find the value of technology, is actually on You! Enjoy the free trial version and really the solution. Talk with other readers. Read testimonials and case studies. Find theValue and see what Joel is talking about when he says, "What are you waiting for?".

What was the latest technology you did not purchase?

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The Cisco PIX

Ciso PIX Security Appliance.

Cisco PIX security applications, applications for users and implementation of policies.

Cisco PIX attacks can protect from many different network and Internet-based applications.

Cisco PIX provides secure connectivity methods such as SSHv2 Secure Shell and two with VPN-Virtual Private Network.

This is fairly easy to install.

Cisco PIX Protocol can ensure VoIP voice over the Internet.
IPSec orS Internet Protocol Security IPSec can be configured for the VPN "

Cisco PIX security appliances provide multiple levels of security.
This hardware / software-based designed to search for anomalies aka strange traffic on the network, thats not normal, that might indicate an attack.

There are over thirty different search engines for various attack signatures.

The current version is Version 7.0 Cisco PIX Appliance

Here are some offeautures:

You can restore the previous configurations IOS.

QoS Quality of Service

You can use the software on the fly with a reduction in hardware upgrades. No reboot.

VPN Client Security

Layer 2 transparent firewalls.

This is really interesting for the 3G mobile security.

It is possible to configure the firewall to block instant messaging, P2P networks point to point.

You have the ability to block groped applications tunnel through the networkencrypted with

Cisco PIX PIX provide rich stateful packet inspection can protect your data, voice and video

Version 7.0 also supports IKE, or Internet Key Exchange.

Everything can be managed by Adaptive Device Manager Cisco console, web-based applications.

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How to buy a Motion Capture

More people are always in motion capture. Other people who do not know much
Motion Capture is put in motion capture. This leads naturally to people,
Take advantage of this lack of knowledge. It could be many examples can be found on the GDC
this year.

I do not like the obvious steps to buy a motion capture systems, such as
analyze your needs, budget, application and your place. All this is
simple. What is not sois simply the separation of good motion capture systems from the bathroom.
While it may be a matter of opinion, what is good and what is bad, there are some aspects
Motion-capture, you should have before considering a motion capture system.

Attention to the slogan "No clean up required"

The indication I've seen often is "No clean up required." And 'disputed that and Vicon
Motion Analysis lesser extent, are the first motion capture systems. These are
highEnd costly Motion Capture systems, which can be in right hands, even
Motion Capture incredible. The data from these systems to be cleaned. If a
Company makes this request for a system that is less than $ 100,000, or who have not
Sense of what "looks good" data or groped for customers who do not know, silly
a lot of motion capture. However, I would not buy a system from them. I see this
Claim and wonder what else is around.Attention to the slogan "No clean up
necessary "

Look at the video

In marketing, it's called "Switch and Bait." The video shown on the homepage of Shows
great motion capture data. And 'from the system you are going to buy? How long
It took clean the raw data to video? If you buy an 8-camera
System is based on data from a system of 24 cameras saw? Look at the video.

Did you see that working?

There are some motion captureCompanies that exhibit at trade shows each year as
Siggraph, and GDC, but never get their system running. If you can run
be inaccessible to a phase. Do not move in slow motion? They are doing a
predefined set of trains? It 'can interact with the motion capture artist? If you are not
Ask the artist to be picked up by some movements do not work for you then you have not seen the system
Working conditions.

It is the character to walk on the floor?

A normal walk is one ofto capture the movements of the most difficult, because everyone has a sense of
what should be similar. There is no good reason to remember the character
Wall. If a company tries to explain why to walk, have something to hide. Before
buy a system, I see the character as raw data, walk on the floor.

How much space do I need and what is the size of the field of motion capture?

Vicon is the leader in motion capture, but the system needs a very stableArea. There are
Some credit systems do not need markers, video cameras only. Ask how much space
is the amount of capture area is necessary. It probably needs a great space for a small income
Area. Find the area of the catch area. This is the floor area of the artist is
can ask to move in. In addition, to capture the vertical surface. You can enter below
knees, you can jump? Some systems have small footprints and small vertical surfaces
Productionpractically unusable. Space and capture area are two important
Aspects of a system for motion capture.

What can I do with the information?

Are you a customer, new motion capture. Did you find the perfect motion capture
System for the application. Where are you going to support, if you have any questions
with the data? Call the company and ask how to obtain hardware data
viewer software, animation program, and then in a gameEngine? If the
Businesses do not know how to use the data or do not know how to clean up the data,
walk. Me like to see a company that knows what to do with the purchase,

motion capture can be fun and productive or not. Share these important questions first
You purchase a system. Will make a big difference to your experience of motion capture.

Motion Capture happy!

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Home Business Idea: Ghost Writing

Ghostwriting is writing content for others and assigning all rights to the content of the person you paid for them. This means that your name will not appear on the published document and will get no public recognition.

You hope that a home business, you let your talent in creative writing, is to generate an income? Ghostwriting may not be for you.

Just kidding! In fact, it could be something true. The love of creative writing does not automaticallyTransfer Ghost Writing Talent. Creative writing usually involves writing about issues that feed your personal interests. Ghost Writing on the other hand, it addresses issues that others embrace and choose spellings that may not in writing your complaint in person.

If you write well, a strong command to the language and grammar, and enjoy exploring happen to have a range of topics, ghost writing can in fact an ideal choice for business you have. But as a successGhost Writer, you shake some of your expectations and embrace a plan for professional activities.

Ghost Writer, serving a community of writers, speakers, Internet marketers and website owners who create original content that does not have the time or perhaps even have the talent to create their own. Ghost Writer pen articles, reports, eBooks, Web copy, and also the total length of pounds for their clients.

Ghost Writer earn anywhere from $ 7 per item on the low end ofThousands of dollars for a book-length. Obviously, to begin, you need to get more customers by offering their services at a lower. As you gain experience, you will be able to impose higher prices.

The provision of other writing services to others is often associated with deadlines, but also gives you some flexibility in working hours. You can leave at any time and resume where you left off from day to day. There is very little need for telephone calls orventure outside the house for appointments, as most work will be sent via email.

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Workplace Internet and E-mail - you have an AUP in Place?

If you follow not Have a solid Internet and e-mail AUP (AUP) in place for your workplace Employees, Could seriously jeopardize your business.

The AUP should be carefully prepared so as to reduce risks through the use of Internet and e-mail slow down in your company, Risks that result in court proceedings and could Seriously on your business.

It 'important, especially in smaller companies to be realistic in compilingYour policy. Her priority is the security of your IT systems and data and, of course, maintaining the good name of your company, but it is important not to make the rules too rigid so that employees are able to do their work properly, stop or even affect the morale.

The policy must be updated regularly and should be the specific needs of your business address.

Here are some tips that could include a policy sufficiently developed:

Do not allow employees:

UseInternet Radio, SAPS this bandwidth, the Internet can slow down slowly, leading processes
Sites with peer-to-peer file sharing, the threat is due to viruses that can lead to a shutdown operation
Social networking sites during working hours, working time should be spent on work, not socializing
Visit the Web site or send or forward e-mail messages that the content is sex, gambling, violence or racial hatred, as they may arise in the context of costly disputes
Freeware Downloador shareware - the virus is high risk
Download the software copied - this is illegal and can lead to serious conflicts
The use of waste-mail for personal use, it is time and e-mails are still being generated and stored on corporate servers, which could lead to legal problems and whether the content of this e-mail dubious


Limit the personal use of the Internet at lunchtime or after working hours
Use a firewall content restrictions programmable
Make it clear that yourCompany has not e-mail communications of your business computers that store and the right to have access at any time
Clearly show that the disciplinary process, you must follow the violation of the policy is set
Ensure that all staff have a copy of the AUP and supervisors and managers to monitor the implementation

High profile cases about the use of company equipment for personal, social or questionable actions documented for the calculationEmployer. If you do not want that to happen to your business a place AUP will be as soon as possible. And appreciate the impact they can have a knock on the seemingly innocuous actions.

Take time to take a strong AUP, tailored to your business proposal is an important investment for the future of your company. Make sure you have a guarantee in place that it is applied!

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Pay less active on international calls - VoIP calls

Humans are always trying to make the best use of available resources. In the current situation, countries around the world closer, because to obtain the services of transport and communication. This has helped countries share technology to develop and grow their economies. Now the economy of a country depends on the economy in other countries. This phenomenon can be called globalization. The phenomenon of globalization is not limited to the level of governments. Citizens arealso benefits of open markets around the world. Students had the opportunity to achieve the formation of prestigious institutions in the world. Several countries are blessed with different attributes of nature and beauty of these countries people visit these places to see. People also visit monuments and glorious creations present in these countries. So men like web links throughout the world has created. People need to maintain these relationships.

Terms of communicationis enormous. Various sources of communication are present today, but a person wants more economic source of communication so that make long distance calls offshore. People of other countries to connect from ISD and mobile services. But people would call charges are cheaper than most, so they talk for a long time without worry about call costs. VoIP calls cheaper rate. One person can make a very large number of calls in a country with a very low price.

VoIP is an Internet-Protocol transmissions of voice data from one computer to another. With the help of VOIP services, a person can initiate calls from a phone or a can and another person to contact for your system or by phone. VoIP phone has popularity in many countries as a means to other countries. call the economic system is not the only reason for the popularity of VoIP calls. It 'been the same because of his popularity as the audio quality of calls is normal. Mobile VoIP calls are many servicesadvantageous properties, which produce no additional cost to the customer's pocket. These useful features are automatic redial, call forwarding, three way calling, call waiting, caller ID, and so a person can also provide information on plans for VoIP on many websites and can also access the VoIP services of some of these sites. Several VOIP providers have launched prepaid and postpaid calling cards and VOIP, so users can easily to VoIP services. Phone cards are useful for customers who do notAsks whether the post-paid cards are best suited for customers who are regularly in numerous international calls. Some companies have also VoIP phones which have been extremely useful to start thriving enterprises of communication.

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Cisco CCNA / CCNP Certification Exam Tutorial: Configuring PPP Callback

You can, in situations where a router needs a remote site to dial into a central router to run, but the budget is much higher when the remote router allows the call. This scenario is perfect for callback when the PPP callback client makes a call to a callback server, authentication is, and then the server depends on the client! This ensures that the client is not paying. The server then calls back to the customer.

InIn the following example, the client was configured and when R2-R1 is the callback server. Lets look at both configurations and requires only the PPP callback commands.


Forgot your username R1 CCIE

Interface BRI0

IP address

encapsulation ppp

dialer map ip name R1 5557777 broadcast

Dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type basic-ni

ppp callback

PPP AuthenticationType

Most of this configuration will be familiar to you, but the command PPP callback can not work. This command enables BRI to request a callback.

Pretty simple, right? The PPP callback server configuration requires more configuration and an additional map class as well.


Forgot your username R2 CCIE
Interface BRI0

IP address

encapsulation ppp

Dialer callback-secure

dialer map ip CALL_R2_BACK class name broadcast 5558888

Dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type basic-ni

accept PPP callback


CALL_R2_BACK dialer map-class

User name dialer callback-server

Survey control PPP callback server from top to bottom ...

Dialer callback-Secure provides security for the withdrawal. If the remote router can not be authenticated for the withdrawal, the call is interrupted.

The dialer map statement hoursCALL_R2_BACK calls the class appears at the bottom of the card configuration.

PPP callback can accept PPP callback on this router.

dialer callback-server username callback server says that the statement refers to the device map is a client dialer callback.

The only way to find out if the work configuration and testing, then try to ping from R1 to R2 to see if the withdrawal takes place.

R2 # ping

Type cancel the escape sequence.

Sending5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to timeout is 2 seconds:

02:45:42: br0 DDR: Dialing cause ip (s =, d =

02:45:42: DDR br0: Attempting to dial 5557777

02:45:42:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: 1, was amended in

02:45:42: br0: 1 DDR: Callback negotiated - now separated

02:45:42: br0: DDR 1: Disconnect call

02:45:42:% ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface BRI0: 1 is now connected to 5557777 R1

02:45:42:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: 1,different situation down

02:45:42: DDR: Callback client for R1 created 5,557,777

02:45:42: br0: 1 DDR: disconnecting call .....

Success rate is 0 percent (0 / 5)

R2 #

02:45:57:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: 1, changed to

R2 #

02:45:57: br0: 1 DDR: Callback received from R1 5,557,777

02:45:57: DDR: Freeing callback R1 5,557,777

02:45:57: br0: 1 DDR: dialer protocol up

1 02:45:58:% LINE PROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol interface BRI0:been amended

The recall has been successfully negotiated, and then disconnected the call. R1 and R2 then called dialers point to R1, confirmed the end of the call.

R1 # show dialer

type dialer BRI0 - = ISDN

Dial String Successes Failures Last DNIS Last status

5558888 2 4 00:00:20 happened

Zero incoming call (s) have been shown.

0 incoming call (s) rejected for callback.

BRI0 1 - dialer type =ISDN

Idle timer (120 seconds), Fast idle timer (20 sec)

Wait for carrier (30 seconds), resume (15 seconds)

Dialer state of the data link layer up

Dial reason: Callback callback

Time to disconnect 99 secs

Connected to 5558888 (R2)

Pretty cool! Callback is not only important for the transfer of your CCNA and CCNP exams - in a case such as this example shows, the company can save a lot of money!

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Pediatric EMR software and functions

An Electronic Medical Record System is an integral part of pediatric health care practices. A specialized EMR system serves the needs of a pediatrician. To learn more, we first need to know what a EMR.

Children are special patients. All growth, changes in the body and problems of understanding and be under medical supervision, to provide the best care. Pediatricians have calculated a diverse range of pediatric medical records have access to the BMI or Body MassIndex and the growth pattern of the body of a child. Pediatric Specific EMR Features include:

Or immunization and health maintenance reminders for better treatment
Or Document / Image Management
O Patient Online Portal
Pediatric Dosage Calculations or specific
or Client / Server or ASP basis
OE & M coding based aid
or computer-based management documents and images
O child growth chart (electronic)
O Recipes (PDR) is based

And acharacteristics of the variety of other pediatric EMR based.

Celebrated EMR Vendor:

RevenueXL brings experienced, tested and proven Pediatric EMR software market. EMR is software available with a variety of functions fulfilled a pediatrician, clinical methods much more automated and easy and will help provide the best clinical treatment of patients. The software works RevenueXL Software E & M Coder, and Super account the special features for solutions in children. TheEMR software can be customized to the needs pediatrician.

Pediatric EMR Software Features:

O Child of categorization test charts for age and gender on vaccination and other vaccinations make it easier to follow and remember.
Or X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, EKG and other medical images can be stored in electronic circuit boards, and can be accessed with a click. medical notes can also be created and stored with this in order to facilitate monitoring.
Oconsent forms can be printed and the electronic signature of the patient can be easily removed.
Dates and appointments or can easily and settlement software with EMR are carried out.
Handwriting doctors or 'unreadable. If you read the chemist ask him tired, this software with the writing requirement will be of great help. Recipes can be sent by fax or mail directly to the pharmacy.
or electronics and integrated dose calculator dosage of medicine iscomplete and easier.

Pediatric EMR models

Pediatric custom templates (specific for the different divisions of the drug), the following -

or abdominal pain models
Conjunctivitis or Templates
Food poisoning or Templates
Models appendicitis
O ENT (ear, nose and language models)
or viral fever Models
sick child or test models
Growth chart or Templates

Contact us today for custom solutions for pediatric treatments. UsI assure you, all kinds of integrated solutions for specific pediatric problems.

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PLM Perspective - If the glove does not fit must fulfill

For some reason, Johnny Cochran rhyming in my mind as I read the story of a great book called 'Switch: How to change things when you drive "by Chip and Dan Heath. In the story of a man named Joe Stegner has ways of his company , a major producer that are losing large sums of money for the fight to convince. Sounds familiar? In this particular case, he leads his company to waste billions of dollars to acquire by inefficient processes. An important change in processmust be to eliminate this waste, and needs a convincing example, go to his house point. He reached for a single item that was her point; gloves. After investigating the matter, found that the factories were in his company to buy 424 different kinds of gloves. In addition, the gloves were purchased from various suppliers and cost could be $ 5 to $ 17 for a plant in another area. When it's time for his meeting with the executives in his company, has built up a tablehigh paid all 424 types of gloves, and the price for each pair. Called this show the "glove-sanctuary. The leaders were stunned. You could go around the table and see several pairs of gloves, that were substantially similar, were still cost the company $ 10 or $ 15 dollars more. The exhibition has been so effective, it ended up on the road so that everyone can see how much money the company had just wasted with gloves. At the end of the demonstration had the desired effect. Itillustrates the extent that the company is wasting money unnecessarily addressed by a flawed process and pushes society to this problem. Each game ended with the exception of the glove seller.

The similarities with the type of debate we are facilitating change management in Product Lifecycle Management and Engineering Collaboration surprising. Most of the time, we will present data on spreadsheets and PowerPoint, and our audience nodded his head in agreement or just noddingout period. We go through a detailed financial management of the need to convince their changes and these presentations are often ignored. The question is how do we recognize as agents of change and communicate effectively the impact of PLM organizations in product management?

The challenge is that the value of PLM is not as obvious as in other areas. PLM leads to side effects that create value. PLM does not develop products faster. It allows the optimization processand re-use change and reduce the end stage and bring in the manufacturing process before, etc. All these things ultimately allow the company to develop more products in less time, but what and how much shorter it really depends on how efficient were in first place and complexity of products. The result was that PLM ROI presentations are very abstract and very dry. Some management team and just get intuitively know that makesSense arches over a single source of truth, with all the physical data as a record of product. They understood that the electronic processes can be controlled and optimized for maximum efficiency. You understand that all this information can be stored in a database, real-time reports that enable them to identify bottlenecks in the process and maximize energy efficiency. Investigations of Aberdeen, to take CIM data and others, that "best in class" companies use PLM for profit.Aberdeen study "profitable product development for SMEs," says: "The Best in Class SMEs are the objectives of product and drive profitability of the product from 49% to 74% more frequently than average companies and up to 14 times more frequent laggards. "This is pretty convincing stuff, but as you will in a way that resonates with a particular company?

Joe Fowler has recently published a blog on Linkedin, I think it offers some valuable perspective on the value of PLM.In his article titled "critical success factors for an enterprise PLM solution," writes "Remember PLM is more than ERP. You have to commit. PLM is your intellectual property, what is your property ERP physical self. Wonder to challenge each of you and that one is more worthy of a society. "Joe is able to speak authoritatively on the value of PLM. He was one of the main resource on one of the biggest initiatives in the history of the PLM industry to Lockheed Martinand has a good part of his career in the implementation of PLM solutions for the industry involved spent. So I think we can say that something that society should PLM product development was on top of their list. But there is considerable resistance in many companies and avoid the high price of PLM business.

To understand the reasons, companies and their leadership team, you should resist change, PLM, you must understand the psychology. Many of yourPsychologists are aware that the theory that the brain has two stand alone systems, an emotional side and a rational side. The book "Switch" Dubs both sides of the "Trip Planner" and "one who does." To trigger action to address the emotional system rather than rational needs. The emotional system in our brain is more powerful and often sabotaged, if our rational side knows better. Think about things like diet or exercise, we know where we should eat right and exercise regularly.Process improvement is no different. Most executives know they must do, but act to inertia and fear of the unknown, or even help maintain procrastination. PowerPoint slides and tables are not the emotional side appeals and motivate someone to act. You must change a convincing way to make something that people on an emotional level as an illustration. Among a list of companies that compete directly for the company and show howhave implemented, PLM and put your company behind would surely trigger some emotions. Stacking saving money with Monopoly money might might be a bit 'unusual but effective ROI as a table. I will resist the hackneyed "phrase" thinking outside the box but if you are keen to improve the ability to effectively develop the products you need to tap into that emotion and use it to motivate others.

In summary PLM is a complex but significantvalue proposition for companies. Although it may be difficult to quantify and communicate the value of your greatest enemy is human nature and the reluctance to change. You must be aware of psychological factors play a role when it supports a deviation from the norm and find ways to respond to the emotional side of people to successfully renew the status quo. It 'really does not matter whether PLM or other process improvement important. People resisted, and managers are reluctantultimately the decision will be made based on emotions. Are you with many other improvements in process and capital expenditures in competition is so critical that the elements of PLM, the "who does" not be identified as the cause of the designers. Remember, the glove, he worked for Johnny Cochran, and can work for you.

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Visits - or waste of blessing?

Sometimes I bar meetings with a client or meeting who plan an event, but the idea that I make a site visit. The rationalization is: "There is no need to fly you to City X-site inspections to be done, right? After all, we know more or less where the meeting should take place. A chain of fame or big hotel to the city center - there are only four or five ways, so just choose the best output. No need to have the time or moneyfor you to go there in person. "

Poor customer - they do not understand that there is no better way to spend the inspection time and money to make a correct point. Of course, I visited and stayed at hotels in major city center X. Of course he can go online and see all the pretty pictures of the exterior of the hotel lobby, bedrooms, meeting space and spa perfect. I can also look at current rates, dining options, meeting room and the abilityRoutes from the airport. But experience has shown that there is no substitute for the real, live, checkpoint in first person, capable of having only around 10% of the questions on locations in relation to meet the event, without spot and property "see.

Of course I have my homework, a short list of possible properties to develop and ensure that meet the criteria for the first meeting room, equipment, accommodation and the like. I can alsoAND and calls made through email, if desired dates ares available if the property has space for the number of rooms I need for the initial cost budgets, if the property is no renovations Planned During the time you want, and what groups other may be in-house at the time.

But to answer a single site inspection, the deeper issues that lie to the ultimate success of the event in context: the staff room, meeting rooms and all the atmosphere andThe atmosphere of the room. Let us be clear - many properties look good on paper or online, but the visit of a person tells the true story. Although their stay in an apartment in the past, things would change. More important, the customer often has specific requirements that must be considered as a request for rooms with sea or minimum distance Between residential areas and meeting rooms.

If I inspections follow an analytical methodology has severalAspects of the property to me a strong feeling for the best situation.

Initial impressions
I look to see the outside of the premises and also in its environment, what kind of impression does it. I then check the registration area and at the entrance, lobby and its facilities, restaurants and cafes, railway stations, as well as the cleanliness and condition. I keep an eye on security and also for other guests to see "who" attracts the property. Wantedobserved for the staff in all areas of the venue to see how they interact with guests. I expect interaction with staff to see visitors warmly, letting guests know they are welcome.

I spoke with the Sales Manager many times before I arrived for a visit. But once there, it is important to see how your relationship developed with that person (or under-developed in some cases). How can they manage your project is incredibly important - the level of time they spendwith you, the rooms that show you how your questions (one is my favorite response: "Show me your worst room"). Who else, they ask all of you. Meet the Chef (especially when they know that the customer has specific needs regarding food, such as sustainability, environmental or other preferences), or the Director or Director of Catering Conference if they Stores Get it? If the sales manager or the General Manager provide aAppearance? Believe it or not, all this is very important and is a good indicator of how your business in an important piece of property and how you and your guests will also be treated, the signing of the contract, and you are on the property.

First, look at the layout and size of rooms - there is a reasonable desk / work area (easy access and enough plugs for all our mail), you can easily move, there is additional living area , utilityAccess to the bathroom? At the same search I see the general condition of the room, especially all non-alcoholic products, including indoor / bedspreads, carpets, curtains, towels and even to see if they are old, stained or worn. A look in the bathroom me know if there are loose tiles or water, or enough storage space for the layout of the bathroom. The color palette of the room is important - it is elegant, bright and pleasant place to be? ICheck the lighting is working and adequate. And as the air conditioning and heating openings - are clean? Participants in the meetings always require high-speed Internet. I make sure to ask when it was last updated, how fast, what is the cost for each day or several days, and of course the cost can be negotiated for a group? What are the hours restaurant and room service? There is a fitness center and use it there a fee? What are the opening hours? How close are theBedrooms meeting room?

Meeting Space & Function
My visual inspection of the living room contains a lot of what I saw was the property as a whole - the general condition of the room, including soft and durable goods have met all the needs of my clients as natural light, the size can (both increasing and even decreased if required), ceiling height, have special needs AV (front or rear projection, multiple screens oris a simple 8-inch screen and an LCD projector "lost" in your room?), what about him (other meeting rooms, catering kitchen, swimming pool, a garden or parking lot?), where other rooms if I get more space or a separate room for meals; need is enough space in the pre-function space outside the room or foyer for registration and space with other groups or private, to be shared? I am sure that the lighting, heating and air conditioning, soundproofing to review,Near the toilet and out. I Check if there are columns or other obstructions that may limit visibility, and also control the shape of the room, since not all are square or rectangular. I request a layout of the room with a seating area to the same number of people I look to see how the AV equipment and other requirements is in the room, such as desktop monitors and stations of food. If the AV in-house, a supplier of goods, or areEmployees?

Other issues we are discussing as you walk into the room - collect What is the rent space? What is the setup fee? There is a minimum food and beverage costs, certain to give up? What are the estimated costs for meals and breaks? There are no standard questions that I need to be aware of (did you know that in Certain cities, union contracts, Such as something as simple as a coffee break can be recharged dictate?). What are the fees and charges? What is the deadline for the guarantees?Then I check the menu and shot them to select, price, presentation, creativity and willingness to be flexible to meet specific customer requirements.

I make sure I have seen all of the meeting room That return my event / meeting Could (even if "might" are not available on my preferred travel dates). And, above all, the room I'm looking for visa and was "on hold" for my group or other sales manager still trying to "sell" them, even while theyare there? Do not assume that everything is saved for you if you ask the question!

When guests are on site, to check whether there is sufficient parking space, and cost. In some larger cities may Valet up to $ 50 per night, cost about the property, but could be a public car park adjacent or separated by less than half. If there are other events planned for the same time, there is ample parking for everyone? It 'very frustrating When your guests arrive at a meeting only with a sign in the parking called "Parking Full-overnight guests only" welcomed. If guests are traveling from afar, the hotel offers a shuttle service to / from the airport? Otherwise, private shuttle service, taxi or car rental can be arranged in advance? What are the costs? And that the transfer time from the place?

Wrap-up and scoring
Costs are important, and it is essential to ensure that theBudget> customer is not exceeded. But this is only part of the equation. For the event to ensure an optimal and a very satisfied customer, I need total balance of the total estimated cost against the suitability of the location, accessibility, comfort, cleanliness, ambience and feel of the location of the event. to see through the property, which are the people the right questions, requests for documented proof of past performance, and look carefully, especially during an inspection, Iguests can enjoy the best recommendation for my clients, their events and you. Why do I need a personal visit from someone who knows how to find something and ask questions, is one of the most important and financially responsible for all elements of the planning process.

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How to be setbacks, successes

We all experience setbacks, and it would be nice if we did not. Given the fact that they are part of life for myself as a coach asked if I have to work with people "as we left-backs for success? Over the years, it becomes clear to me that a number of things can make a difference. So here is what makes the difference?

First off the setback Feedback

First, it is important to recognize that a setback is only feedback. One ofThere is, of course, check if something changes, and you know you have to do something different. But it is worth clarity about the kind of feedback is to offer such a defeat.

Sometimes the feedback is coming from outside - the world has changed and must change. An example would be if we learn that a company is downsizing. You have not done anything differently, but the world is different and this is having an impact on you. Other times, it is the result of feedbacksomething you did resulted in a change - has a story and your partner decides to leave. But people must have done nothing to create setbacks. You have just done the same thing, as ever, and have done so many times that now a change that was unexpected. For example, they have the same number of cigarettes smoked per day, and end ¬ ï ND have some kind of serious illness - feedbackOthers

If you have any feedback control is only an indication, one can begin to tell you what to do next. If you learn that your conduct has had an effect, and know that is not what you were trying to reach, you say that your attitude needs to change. So you can start thinking: "How could it change my behavior is better?" However, you can only do so when you see the control is not so overwhelming or proof of your error, but only as a confirmation.

The feedback is not the same bankruptcyand if you make this distinction, it is already starting to change your internal state, as you say in it. And like you're inside it has a huge impact on how processes of control.

According to Control Your State

The second thing that would make a big difference, your emotional state and physical.

Answering a setback, not only determined by the size of the control, sometimes we'rejust vulnerable, then the little thingsTrigger large responses.

Just like managing your physical and emotional state?

The first thing to do is get you your answer, rather than ignoring or distracting with large amounts of alcohol, television or other activity that takes them away from what is actually happening. We recognize what is going one step.

Step two is to recognize that it is necessary to rely, to recognize that any shock or disappointment, of course, would behave an effect. Feel overwhelmed and work or have an impact not only emotionally but also physically, so you can feel tired or low energy or a bit 'wobbly. These are all things that are beginning to address, perhaps it comes fatigue, adding more time to relax can. Regarding the wobbliness, well, what helps you feel strong? What helps you feel grounded?

The answer varies from person to person. I know which one of my customers found that it workeddid not feel as emotionally fragile, because, although it was taxing her body that she was reminded of how he felt strong physically. They also changed their brain chemistry, producing a release of endorphins, which showed a sense of wellness in the hours for the rest of the day meant he has pursued. E 'was to remedy. He changed his status and he knew he would do that through the work done in your way can be very different.

The trickIt is a balance between staying to keep in touch with what's going on internally for us to improve, while the adoption of measures to maintain the general condition. Often this is the one-on-One Coaching NLP can be very valuable. There are many techniques of NLP today that will help you get what's happening so you can manage and change your physical and emotional state, so you can make a difference.

To maintain its physical and emotional condition is really important and can not be done without firstEveryone knows what's going on inside you. This is not everything, because you must also recognize that this is a process that moves through time. Setbacks are not just for a moment and then everything is fine again. Setbacks may last for some time and during what is a difficult transitional period is the question of what best to help. This brings us to the third important strategy.

The third objective will be to resource uncomfortable

The aim will be resources, do not get stuck intry to be comfortable. The majority of people are looking for comfort and experience some discomfort when I'm out of that comfort zone. The comfort zone can include a certain lifestyle, with a particular partner, with a particular job or a certain routine. The world is represented somehow familiar and secure.

The point is that all the setbacks, suddenly the world is not as expected. Therefore, we can often experience some degree of discomfort. Often people trydesperately to restore such facilities. Sometimes it can be very trying to do it blocked. I remember working with a man who had broken up with girlfriend six years ago. We met because he realized he could not get to take her back, and that his life on the road Hold too long. Therefore, a useful strategy is to try not to feel good, but to ensure that resource. When I'm resourceful, I can handle the challenge of the unknown, uncertainty or ambiguitymy new position in this new set of circumstances. So the question really is what I do to be resourceful? What is that I will be more resourceful?

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As a computer network to synchronize with the Time Protocol (NTP)

Synchronization of modern computer networks is crucial for a number of reasons, and due to time protocol NTP (Network Time Protocol), this is relatively simple.

NTP is a protocol for the analysis of algorithmic time on different computers and compares it with a single reference clock time and adjust for any drift in synchronization with the source of time guaranteed. NTP is capable of this task, which can be synchronized with the network protocolmillisecond to get realistic.

The choice of time source

When it comes to establishing a time reference, there's really no alternative, as a source of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to find. UTC is a time scale global networks used throughout the world as a time scale of a single computer. UTC is always just around the world through a constellation of atomic clocks.

Synchronizing UTC

The easiest to use, after receiving the UTC Time Sourcea layer of public time servers 2. These are the layer-2, as the time after receiving the first spread from an NTP server (stratum 1), which is connected to an atomic clock (layer 0). Unfortunately, this is not the most accurate method of receiving UTC because of the distance data on the client-host of the trip.

There are also security issues associated with using an Internet layer 2 source UDP port 123 firewall must be left open, since theTime-code, but this firewall opening and has been used by fraudsters.

Dedicated NTP servers

Dedicated NTP servers, often referred to as a time server network, the precise and safe method to synchronize over a computer network. They work outside the network, so no firewall problem. This layer 1 devices receive UTC time directly from an atomic clock source, or long wave radio waves or the GPS network (GlobalPositioning System). Although this requires an antenna, which in the case of GPS, and must be placed on the roof, the server automatically synchronizes the time of hundreds or even thousands of different networked devices.

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Criteria for selection of Computer Repair Services

It may not matter much when someone says that the computer-repair-help is a must. But the question could be some arguments on the computer, which repairs are the best. The decision is often difficult, because someone before using the services, it is difficult to know what they have to offer. The only way out of this, consider the use of proper selection criteria for the reliability of the company to do.

One way to choose a computer repairServices from the list, you can have is through surveys with friends or work colleagues about their services. If one of them is strongly recommended that a given company to higher skills and able to finish the job quickly, can be the first choice.

Regarding the recommendations are not available, and you will help, from left to your own devices for the selection of reliable computer repair, first check as to the amount of know-how their employees. You may need to find this out directly and indirectly. The positions of most services enter the list of customers to whom their services. Check with them to help assess the level of technical expertise.

Another thing to consider is whether they provide the first place, if the nature of the problem requires some knowledge of computer repair limit their aid activities, in line, especially when the> Client is away. This difficulty can not, as the computer problem on-line offers the possibility of repair. But some problems may require a technician to check the car in person. It 'so important to know if they are willing to come in person, or if they expect you to bring the machine to their service center.

Spare parts are available, is also a criterion of choice, repair computer, since the evaluation of aServices. For machines that are past their warranty period, you may sometimes need replacement parts. If these are not readily available with the service provider, it is useless waste of time bringing. If you are unable to immediately provide the spare parts, repair computer should at least be able to, with the user in a stand-up computer when the original version.

Even when the company spare parts, got theirbilling methods may vary. This is another point to consider when selecting help repair the computer. Some service centers to enter into service contracts with their clients if they provide some spare parts at no additional cost. The cost-effectiveness of this provision a mandate to be decided based on several things, like taxes, and the guarantee conditions of services is likely to need.

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Back up computer data regularly

When was the last backup data on your computer? For too many, the answer is the last month, last week, "I do not remember, or never.

If you're a casual computer users at home the consequences of losing the data on your computer (documents, emails, photos) can not be too serious. If you can run a business from home, the consequences of data loss can be devastating.

Most people think that data loss will not be them. They turn their> Computer (s) regularly and magically all their documents and data are there. But imagine how you would feel if something happens to your computer and all your data disappeared.

There are many ways you could become victims of data loss.

* Your computer may be stolen. Imagine being in your office or home and find everything that your computer has been done. And 'unlikely that the computer is returned. YouComputers will have the stress and aggravation of replacing. Want to have copies of all invoices, emails, photos and documents drafted client computer has been restored as soon as the new one? For many people the answer is no.

* Your computer's hard disk may fail. If you are lucky and have a computer expert may be able to recover your data, but what would you do in the meantime, if you do not have backups? If luck was not on yourside could go all the data on the disk.

* An increase 'could destroy the computer's motherboard. This happens more often than many think. After every storm your local computer repair computers have a steady stream of repair is taken. The hard disk can not be hit, but you will have to wait for the technician remove the hard disk and copy the data. If the hard disk and all your important data is damagedforever. Do you have backups, you can use your will to restore the data to new computer?

* We want to live in a world where global warming seems to be a growing number of natural disasters. Strong winds can destroy your office in the villa at the end of your garden can, rivers in flood, the ground floor offices in a few minutes swamp. If you are a victim of such an event was in shock. When the shock runs out, you do not want to find heartbreakgone all your important data.

What does "backup? Simply put, it means another copy of your data, not on your computer hard drive, many people use. External hard disk connected to your computer. This is a simple way to perform backups regularly your computer to guard against an error in the browser. But an external hard drive protects against some of the scenarios. It makes sense, at least two backups, have asuch as computer away from the main road. If you run a business in an office, make a backup copy of data at home, or use an online backup service.

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Remote Desktop Software

As you probably know, has a large number of technical developments over the past 20 years. The doubt has the greatest impact the Internet will, but. Nothing has changed our lives as much as the Internet. The world has become smaller due to the possibilities of the World Wide Web Just think of social networking, innovative forms of communication such as Skype and MSN, or new ways of spreading the message. 20 years ago, we had to relyJournalists on the spot when something was going to be. Now the locals tell us what we want to know about blogs, and from there the message will spread throughout the web.

One of the developments, which goes hand in hand with the Internet and networking means access remote PC. " Access Remote PC is basically a way to have access to another computer and use it then your like you where sitting in front. The type of access you have a computer variesand depends on the software. It varies from a can "just watch the screen of" customers to have absolute control, and even block the person who sits in front of the reality of the client computer.

Their measurement and control access to the client computer as different tasks associated with the Remote Desktop software also vary. One of the ways it can be used by support staff of software companies. Suppose you have a problem withSoftware you purchased. You can use the support line of the company that bought and will have on you when you set the remote access software so That your screen visible to them. Now you can see the problem yourself and try not to, and explain them. This is much more effective with them then guess your problem and then tell you how to fix it.

Just another type of application software for remote desktop is to use it to increase the efficiency of your employees.Of ', you're the manager of 20 employees who all work on your computer. Using Remote Desktop software will help your business in three ways: first, to be able to see if employees Actually to do what they should do. Only in this context, employees become more productive already. Secondly, if one of your staff needs your help or something to see, he will be able to provide all of you to leave without you, showswherever you are at this time. Third, the team will reach a new level. Everyone will share such an extent that the new level of productivity is more evident.

Tags : MP3 Player canonpixmamp550review

List Building - How your website can build your customer list

If you are a new company, you have the new site, you need to raise awareness of the data and you must create a list of potential customers - a list of clients.

So how do you go about creating a list of customers? There are several methods of online marketing that can be used. The ultimate goal is traffic for your important marketing tool is to create your site.

It is possible to drive traffic to your website by advertising in one of the following methods: AdvertisingEzines (online magazines) to write articles, article marketing, all people can access your website.

When you get traffic to your website, to ensure that your site is interesting, informative, interesting and contains no broken links. The information on your website is designed to keep people attracted considerable interest.

Most of you already know, but you can install monitoring software on your computer statistics say that the pagesmost popular, most visited to find out what your guests while on your site, the length Number of visitors to your site through the number of visits, which is to link your website, and install a tracker to know how many people visit your site. All these statistics show that it generates a list of clients.

All information should be collected by the monitoring software Statistical examined to determine which are the things peoplethat your visits are the most popular and build, build your customer base know that every day, but generating traffic to your website.

Tags : MP3 Player faultprotection


The selection criteria for the right Computer Service Center

Computer Service, any requirement in today's world. Even for those who have an adequate knowledge of computer technology and repair some of the same outlet, a center of services, access is a must. You will still need spare parts, software updates, support and, if more problems. For others, their basic understanding of computers is low, can also be difficult to stay afloat without access to goodCenter.

The service center made from a computer to customer services at the location specified in the site or online service. The choice for customers, the type of service can vary different things. Bits that are far removed from the service center computer may prefer to use the Help on how it will be difficult for them to haul the car service center at most, while those who want an immediate solution for theirProblem may prefer online to get help.

A good service center should theoretically be able to assess all three types of services all the time, based on customer request. The same customer may require different services at different times. The choice of center clients are first, whether the center of town, type of service they receive and do not depend offer.

Another thing that may seem a customer in a service center, whether openall the time. People need a service at any time of day and any day of the week. So the best center is what makes its services available to you at any time of day and day of each month, including holidays.

Center services must be accessible across all channels such as messaging, e-mail, telephone and fax. Even if they are open at any time if they do not by any means of communication, will be in contact with themdifficult.

Another selection criterion for the customer service center may be the pattern of response. Although the center is accessible at any time at all, if a customer has problems in the queue waiting to be taken for her on a first come first served, can not be a comfortable scenario. One thing good enough hands to take center care of immediate needs are all requirements.

Spare parts are available, is another thing to consider when selecting a service center. Centermust have various spare parts in stock, and will probably need for different brands and models of computers. If there is unnecessary delay in the issue is resolved.

Finally, it is obvious that a good technical knowledge of data center must have a very high level of computer with the ability to provide updates, such as different types of services, data recovery, virus removal, and the solution of all hardware and software problems.To ensure this, it is better for potential customers to other customers who are already using this service companies examined.

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The Number One Secret Confident Speaking

Are you a speaker co-dependent? Want to see your face members of the public reaction as we speak, are attributed subversive meaning, their body language?

"The lady's sweater is boring." "The guy thinks I'm stupid." "Why is this person to leave the room?" I said something that offends?

Co-dependency is the need, others on the necessity of those please, please define themselves. Not workingA report-to-one and deadly as a speaker. During a speech, it is hard enough to concentrate on what you want and tell him to deliver a convincing and organized manner, without trying to get all the spectators that you want.

Here's the number one secret to a confident speaker. Next time you stop for a speech or presentation, try to please the public.

The time to think about your audience is nice but to stand before them.Until then, it's too late. Time to focus on your audience is nice at home, in preparation. Here you can customize your materials, take into account their specific needs and add or subtract the stories, quotes and the points.

My philosophy is, and not try at home on stage. As a former actor, I am before the debut of the samples. Actors unprepared would never consider strengthening in front of an audience. Speaking clearly different, one thing is the same.The best in the industry are the best because it has more time to prepare, what to say and do and spend less time winged.

The concept of flying leads a tormented spirit tried and speakers for the trust to a public that an angel appeared and somehow give them wings to fly with them. It does not happen. If you want to see quotes a top professional speaker you've noticed, are stories that are well thought out and just listen and try, a logicFlow of content, which constructs a thrilling climax. There is no luck.

I began by noting that the time to think about your audience is nice if not before them. This means that you try to please them, if you're here? Yes and no. Consider the theater as an example. If you go see a game, players have a job to do. This task is to make their mark, their supply lines and give the best performance in every night. The aim is tonight to support a high level of consistency from night to, regardless of the public. Since the game is the same every night and the lines and blocking does not change is the only variable intensity of performance, which is the sum of many individual services. The actors have no responsibility for connecting with the audience. Your task is to offer an outstanding performance. If they do, the public is with them.

My point is that actors have a jobDo not depend on the reaction of the public. I think that our work is as much like a speaker. Our first task is consistent, regardless of the immediate feedback we receive from our brilliant public. If you decrease our ability to take a lot of change and try to please them, we often lose our center and our power. I call to discuss co-dependency.

This point is particularly important in relation to the narrative. good stories are written, tested and workedmaximum emotional impact and intellectual. They must be stored and transmitted with an eye toward consistent replicated at any time. Like a song that should always be sung with the same text and melody, a good story is a standard situation. It should be a perfect combination of writing and performance, the mini-games. Why bother dealing with something that works? Why change for each transaction? For most speakers, the answer is simple. Their stories were freely mixed over time, developed withoutto think much. She has done before.

My challenge to you, the audience spent more time in your preparation. If you take care of them no attention. Just do what you have prepared. Believe me, the audience show their appreciation.

One thing I learned in the last 30 years, the performance of the public are fickle. I can not count on it. If I were to give me answers as likely to laugh or cry depends, I am oftendisappointed. What can I expect? I can count on me. I control my destiny to be prepared at home. Well, if I do I'm trying to get to my standards, not theirs. I set a high bar for me. If reached, I am satisfied, regardless of public reaction. I know that on the plane and head to the next concert I have my times, my lines and my emotional intensity to be nailed. And you know what? Well, I do not try to please them, they are constantlyvery satisfied. Life is funny, is not it?

To learn how to write a speech and dynamite, see my Dynamite Speech System

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IPv6 Training (Cisco) - the Difference Between Stateful and Stateless DHCP

Well, instead of me just jumping right into explaining the difference between Stateful and Stateless DHCP. I'm going to slow down just a bit and briefly explain DHCP first.

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, this client / server protocol has been around for awhile now, and is regually implemented on IPv4 networks. IPv4 DHCP, is explained in RFC 2131 and IPv6 DHCP is explained in RFC 3315. But, in a nutshell; network adminstrators use DHCP to provide a framework that is used by networked devices (DHCP clients) to obtain various necessary parameters from DHCP Servers so the DHCP clients can operate in an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Now when it comes to DHCP for IPv6 (RFC 3315), there are two ways DHCPv6 can be implemented, either Stateful or Stateless. Stateful DHCP is centrally managed on a DHCP server(s); and the DHCP clients use Stateful DHCP to obtain an IP address(es) and other useful configuration informaiton from the DHCP server(s).

But, Stateless DHCP on the other hand; means the DHCP server(s) is not required to store any dynamic state information on the DHCP server(s) about any indivisual DHCP clients. Instead, the DHCP clients autoconfigure their own IP address(es) based on router advertisments. So, with Stateless DHCP, the DHCP clients don't use the DHCP server(s) to obtain IP address(es) information, they use the DHCP server(s) to obtain the other useful configuration informaiton (like the address(es) of DNS servers).

Currently, Cisco recommends that you use Stateless DHCP instead of Stateful DHCP when implementing and deploying IPv6 networks; because, Cisco Routers are not designed to act as Stateful DHCPv6 servers. But, if you need to implement Stateful DHCP on your IPv6 network; Cisco makes a product named Cisco Network Registar (CNR) that can help you out a lot. I invite you to visit my website were you'll find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and Implementation Techniques.

To your success,

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Shoutcast Hosting - Music 24x7

According to Edison Research, a well known firm in media research, more than 42 million users were tuned in to online radio stations in October 2009. This is more than double the 2005 figures. This surge has been attributed to the emergence of shoutcast hosting technology. Shoutcast hosting enables users and professionals to set up and run internet broadcasting services. With this technology, an individual can relay live streaming audio from his computer through the internet. This technology is a viable and cost-effective alternative to AM, FM, or community radio stations.

Shoutcast Hosting: How it Works
Hosting on a shoutcast server is based on client-server architecture. The broadcaster's computer acts as the client, while a remote computer is the server. The usual inputs for shoutcast are MP3 and AAC+. You can use any MP3-compliant player, such as Winamp, iTunes, Real player, VLC player or XMMS, to listen to the live streaming.

To broadcast through the shoutcast server, you have to install compatible players in the system and a shoutcast DSP plug-in. The plug-in allows connection to the server using a dedicated IP address. Now, you can create an audio file directory by uploading songs on the server. While broadcasting, the client computer can make a selection from the directory that is relayed through the server IP address. Through multiple channels, the client computer can broadcast on-demand streaming music for all users.

Shoutcast Hosting: What to Look for
Ask your hosting provider whether they provide a trial service. This will allow you to check the streaming services and monitor service interruptions. Under ideal conditions, there should be no stutter when the music is playing. If you find any stuttering in the transmission and streaming, opt out immediately.

Create multiple versions of your favored tracks in your hosting library, i.e., high-bit rate for faster, uninterrupted broadband connections, and low-bit rate for slow internet connections.Make sure you have support for both ftp and ssh protocols on your host. Having access to both will help you toggle between the two according to available bandwidth when uploading tracks to your server.

Always opt for a managed,dedicated shoutcasting service. Why? Because you get the best maintenance plans and constant, uninterrupted availability of bandwidth. 24shells, the leader in the hosting industry, offers high quality shoutcast servers.

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Can You Maintain a Small Computer Network? Then Why Aren't You Your Own Boss?

If you have the skill and ability to maintain a small business computer network, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to start a computer consulting business of your own and become your own boss. I can promise you from personal experience, there is no more rewarding career choice that you can ever make than to become successfully self-employed.

It's extremely easy to build a profitable client base when you build on a managed service model, and once you do, you will have an unmatched level of job security, no limit to the salary you can make, tremendous freedom in your daily schedule and more free time for your personal life than you can ever expect to have if you're working for someone else.

With so many potential benefits, why would you choose to work for someone else?

Don't think you can get enough clients?

Nonsense! If you setup your business under the correct model of flat-fee managed services, each of your clients will pay you a set fee each and every month (and I can show you how to guarantee to collect this fee on the FIRST of every month! No waiting 30, 60, 90 days for payment!) Small businesses with an average of 10 employees will gladly pay a managed service provider a fee of $1200 a month or more to know that their systems are monitored 24x7 and that support can be provided instantly (you can easily do both by using inexpensive, web based utilities). Just FOUR small clients can generate a stable, reliable salary of almost $58,000. ANYONE with a desire to succeed and a few decent pieces of marketing materials can land four or more small clients very quickly and easily.

Worried you can't sell?

Let's say instead of starting your own business, you chose to look for a new job instead. How different do you think going on an interview is from selling a potential client on your managed service? I'll tell you how different... Selling to a potential client is WAY EASIER!

On a job interview, you're probably competing with dozens, if not hundreds of other potential candidates. Many of which will probably have an equal if not greater level of experience than you do. But when you're talking to a potential client for your computer consulting service, you'll be competing with two or three other candidates at most. And if your potential client came to you through a referral (the greatest way to find new clients by the way), odds are, you won't be competing with anyone!

When looking for new clients, you should be going to places where they are actually out looking for you (business networking, through referrals, through job ads the client placed, etc.). These businesses are already anxious to use your service. As long as you can show how your service can provide a benefit and value to this potential customer, you can make the sale.

Not sure if you're qualified to run your own business?

If you can maintain a small business computer network, you're qualified to run your own computer consulting business! Thanks to the inexpensive system monitoring and remote access applications available today, you can easily support a small but very profitable base of small business customers. Because you'll be able to maintain your clients systems without having to run on-site for every little issue, and because you'll be able to ensure a much more stable operating environment through your monitoring, you will be able to support your entire client base on just a few hours a day. Starting a computer consulting business as an Independent Computer Consultant requires almost zero startup capital and very little monthly overhead. By leveraging the use of current technology, there are few business opportunities available that are easier to start than that of an Independent Computer Consultant operating as a Managed Service Provider.

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What Are the Procedures to Study With Checkpoint 156-701 Certification Exams?

Checkpoint's 156-701 certification exam name is checkpoint integrity. There is no prerequisite required for the candidates to write this examination. This certification will suit best to the candidates who wish to gain skills as well as knowledge in checkpoint integrity.

Exam objectives:

Exam objectives of checkpoint 156-701 are as follows:

1) Diagram on how integrity advanced server or client components and architecture secure network endpoint PC's
2) Usage of integrity advanced server tools for creating basic integrity server or client network
3) Creating a rule based policy package for integrity client's deployment
4) Usage of integrity advanced server tools for configuring policies that include zone based security features, program control and firewall rules
5) Usage of integrity advanced server for the protection of remote external endpoints PCs
6) Usage of integrity monitor reports to refine the model deployment of life-cycle policies
7) Integrity advanced server architecture and overview
8) Installation of integrity advanced server on windows server 2003
9) Usage of integrity advanced server on creating integrity client packages for installation purpose
10) Creation of new integrity administration account
11) Usage of integrity manager for creating integrity entity
12) Identifying the appropriate policy template that is given according to the specific integrity client requirements.
13) Usage of enforcement rule manager for creating an enforcement rule
14) Creating security policy from the policy template
15) Posting integrity enterprise policy
16) Creating integrity firewalls rules for the security policy
17) Creating zone rules
18) Creating program rules for security policy
19) Creating rules to secure remote endpoints PCs
20) Configuration of integrity anti spyware protection
21) Checking with integrity clients for spyware incidents
22) Creating a MailSafe extension
23) Configuring outbound in e- mail protection
24) Configuring instant message security
25) Identification of integrity monitoring reports.

Exam cost and other details:

The cost of the examination varies around 150 to 200 USD. Exact exam fee can be found in the Pearson VUE website. Examination can be taken in any one of the 3600 Pearson centers that is near you. Examination consists of multiple choices as well as scenarios type questions with approximately 120 minutes time. Exam duration differs with 90 minutes for Japanese as well as native English speaking candidates. Minimum score to pass the examination is 70% and retakes are available. There is no negative mark for each answer that is made.

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Computer Problems Tips - Spyware Hackers Or You - Who is the Most Dangerous?

"The Amish Virus

You have just received the Amish virus. As the Amish don't have any technology or programming experience, this virus works on the honor system.

Please delete all the files from your hard drive and manually forward this virus to everyone on your mailing list. Thank you for your cooperation."

As a computer technician, the first time I read this joke, I laughed out loud. Yep, I thought to myself, ain't that the truth. I know from both personal and professional experience that spyware programmers can cause a lot of damage not only to a computer but also to your personal life if they have access to your sensitive files.

But all jokes aside, the most dangerous person who can access your machine is not some remote foreign hacker but you and your family. Often when I visit a client who is having spyware issues, I often find that the bulk of their problems are self inflicted.

Malicious programmers can only hide their products inside of innocent looking pop-ups, webpages or "freeware" programs hoping to lure some unwary computer user into downloading them. Like a fisherman on the river bank, they can only cast out appetizing bait hoping to hook you.

But it's you, the computer user who can do whatever you like with your machine:

Like download files or programs from unknown sources...

Or turn off your firewall, because you find it annoying...

Forget to download and update security patches for operating system...

"Borrow" programs from your good buddy and install on your PC...

Visit high-risk websites catering to game "cheats", offshore gambling or the "babe-of-the-day"...

Use weak passwords or don't change them frequently enough...

Change the security and privacy settings on your web browser, so you don't have to keep approving downloads...

Never look at the URL or address of website to make sure you haven't been redirected to a spoof site...

Never read the EULA (end user license agreements), opt-in terms, privacy statements, and any notices with any software you download.

I feel, that to a certain extent, lack of proper knowledge on how to prevent spyware is a problem but still a good many clients just don't care enough to stop their bad browsing habits. They like doing what they want on the Net and they just figure that spyware is the "cost" of doing business as usual.

But this "it can't happen here" mindset is exactly what the bad guys are looking for. They have created the best "lures" they possibly can but you still have to "take the nibble" to get caught.

Spyware like the "Amish Virus" relies on people to make their own selves victims.

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How to Prevent Small Business IT Disasters!

Many small business owners feel that I.T. (known as "Info Technology) is not an important factor when considering their business expenses. Many business owners have the "break/fix" mentality; in other words feel that there is no need to worry about their computers or data until something "breaks" or fails to work properly.

Other business owners' feel that a family friend, volunteer, or neighbor who "knows computers," is a viable solution to protecting their data and keeping the computers and servers running efficiently and reliably.

Lastly, there are many entrepreneurs who understand the importance of having a solid I.T. solution in place, but can't afford $2,500-$7,000.00 or more to hire one or two full-time employees. Each of these mentalities can prove to be catastrophic to your business in what is known as "I.T. Downtime.

IT Downtime is the amount of time in which a computer or server; or multiple computers or servers are not functioning. EVERY business loses money when systems are not functioning as intended, and some lose large amounts of money when experiencing downtime. How much revenue in USD, does your company lose per employee, per hour of IT downtime?

(Number of employees X Hourly salary of each employee = Total cost of downtime per hour)

For instance; your company has 10 employees, and each averages $15 hourly:

One hour of downtime will cost your company - $150.00.

Two hours of downtime will cost your company - $300.00.

Eight hours of downtime will cost a whopping - $1,200.00!

Unfortunately, downtime is not the only factor that can prove disastrous to your small business. Depending on your company's business model, it's possible that you cannot quantify computer/server/network downtime, into an hourly "loss figure.

Realistically, there are many other common I.T. scenarios that warrant having a solid solution in place.

Here are several that you may want to keep in mind:

1.) Security exploitations

Scenario 1: The latest "security exploit of the month" brings your business to a halt when an employee downloads and opens a malicious file, causing the infection of your entire network.

Scenario 2: An employee, who was terminated a year ago, regularly logs into your network.... and who knows why!?

Are YOUR workstations and server(s) up to date with needed patches and security updates to prevent exploits from happening?

Do you have a stringent password policy in place forcing passwords to be changed at regular intervals? How about a employee termination policy that disables accounts for previous employees?

2.) Backup Solutions

*Scenario: Your main workstation/server fails, and you realize that several months of backup was successfully created, but does NOT restore!

More than 80% of firms say they are satisfied with their disaster recovery preparations. But the research by Symantec shows that half of the firms quizzed have experienced two outages in the last six months with virus and hacker attacks, power outages and natural disasters being the most common causes.

Only 12% of small and medium size companies back up their data daily, and on average small firms back up only 70% of their customer and business data. More than half the small and medium sized companies said they would lose 30% of their data if their computing systems were wiped out by a fire.

Do you have reliable backup that is TESTED regularly to ensure validation? Do you have an OFF-SITE backup solution in the event that your office is burglarized or destroyed in a natural disaster?

3.) Spam Filtering

Scenario: You are sick and tired of sorting through countless "junk" mail to get to your important email!

Do you have a spam filtering solution that allows legitimate email to reach it's intended user's inbox, while sending junk mail to it's appropriate place; thus saving crucial time?

4.) Computer /server hardware problems

Scenario 1: Several computers in your office won't power on, and two employees cannot work until the computers are repaired.

Scenario 2: Your employees cannot access the database software needed to complete customers' orders, and the database server has a failed motherboard that no one anticipated!

Do you have a technician available who not only knows which hardware brands & components are deemed reliable; but whom can monitor event logs and hardware, to mitigate disasters before they occur?

5.) Malware/Viruses

Scenario: An employee opens up a file attachment sent from an unknown person. The file creeps into your company's network and infects every workstation.

Do you have a reliable antivirus & malware solution on your workstations? Better yet, do you have "Gateway Level" protection that will quarantine threats PRIOR to hitting your network?

6.) Productivity

Scenario: You notice that little work is being done, as employees spend more time on Social Networking sites, than actually working.

Do you have a content filter in place that not only prohibits access to pre-determined websites, but - also helps to prevent your computers from accessing malicious and harmful websites?

7.) Power Protection

Scenario: A powerful storm hits and unfortunately lightning strikes a power line which crashes upon your building; creating a surge which destroys all of the computers in your office.

Do you have a MONITORED battery backup solution applied to all of your workstations and servers, in case of a power outage? Are your workstations and servers secured with adequate surge protection?

Now, let's discuss a solution to the above mentioned problems: A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (also known as "Managed Services").

*A maintenance agreement covers the above mentioned issues by addressing your system(s) BEFORE a problem occurs. There is no need to hire a full-time IT person with benefits, sick time etc; when you have a one stop solution for a very small FRACTION of the price. There is no need to work in fear with your fingers crossed, scared that your network will go down, or a virus will wipe out your important data; since that is part of our maintenance agreement.

No longer will you need to call in a volunteer who may not have the level of knowledge required to address your I.T. issues; and no longer do you have to wait days on your "free help."

Hopefully you have a better understanding of maintenance plans and how your business can benefit from the peace of mind that comes with pro-active maintenance. So don't delay, pick up the phone and call your IT provider TODAY!

Happy Computing!

Jarvis Edwards - TekTime

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