Shoutcast Hosting - Music 24x7
According to Edison Research, a well known firm in media research, more than 42 million users were tuned in to online radio stations in October 2009. This is more than double the 2005 figures. This surge has been attributed to the emergence of shoutcast hosting technology. Shoutcast hosting enables users and professionals to set up and run internet broadcasting services. With this technology, an individual can relay live streaming audio from his computer through the internet. This technology is a viable and cost-effective alternative to AM, FM, or community radio stations.
Shoutcast Hosting: How it Works
Hosting on a shoutcast server is based on client-server architecture. The broadcaster's computer acts as the client, while a remote computer is the server. The usual inputs for shoutcast are MP3 and AAC+. You can use any MP3-compliant player, such as Winamp, iTunes, Real player, VLC player or XMMS, to listen to the live streaming.
To broadcast through the shoutcast server, you have to install compatible players in the system and a shoutcast DSP plug-in. The plug-in allows connection to the server using a dedicated IP address. Now, you can create an audio file directory by uploading songs on the server. While broadcasting, the client computer can make a selection from the directory that is relayed through the server IP address. Through multiple channels, the client computer can broadcast on-demand streaming music for all users.
Shoutcast Hosting: What to Look for
Ask your hosting provider whether they provide a trial service. This will allow you to check the streaming services and monitor service interruptions. Under ideal conditions, there should be no stutter when the music is playing. If you find any stuttering in the transmission and streaming, opt out immediately.
Create multiple versions of your favored tracks in your hosting library, i.e., high-bit rate for faster, uninterrupted broadband connections, and low-bit rate for slow internet connections.Make sure you have support for both ftp and ssh protocols on your host. Having access to both will help you toggle between the two according to available bandwidth when uploading tracks to your server.
Always opt for a managed,dedicated shoutcasting service. Why? Because you get the best maintenance plans and constant, uninterrupted availability of bandwidth. 24shells, the leader in the hosting industry, offers high quality shoutcast servers.
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