
The Number One Secret Confident Speaking

Are you a speaker co-dependent? Want to see your face members of the public reaction as we speak, are attributed subversive meaning, their body language?

"The lady's sweater is boring." "The guy thinks I'm stupid." "Why is this person to leave the room?" I said something that offends?

Co-dependency is the need, others on the necessity of those please, please define themselves. Not workingA report-to-one and deadly as a speaker. During a speech, it is hard enough to concentrate on what you want and tell him to deliver a convincing and organized manner, without trying to get all the spectators that you want.

Here's the number one secret to a confident speaker. Next time you stop for a speech or presentation, try to please the public.

The time to think about your audience is nice but to stand before them.Until then, it's too late. Time to focus on your audience is nice at home, in preparation. Here you can customize your materials, take into account their specific needs and add or subtract the stories, quotes and the points.

My philosophy is, and not try at home on stage. As a former actor, I am before the debut of the samples. Actors unprepared would never consider strengthening in front of an audience. Speaking clearly different, one thing is the same.The best in the industry are the best because it has more time to prepare, what to say and do and spend less time winged.

The concept of flying leads a tormented spirit tried and speakers for the trust to a public that an angel appeared and somehow give them wings to fly with them. It does not happen. If you want to see quotes a top professional speaker you've noticed, are stories that are well thought out and just listen and try, a logicFlow of content, which constructs a thrilling climax. There is no luck.

I began by noting that the time to think about your audience is nice if not before them. This means that you try to please them, if you're here? Yes and no. Consider the theater as an example. If you go see a game, players have a job to do. This task is to make their mark, their supply lines and give the best performance in every night. The aim is tonight to support a high level of consistency from night to, regardless of the public. Since the game is the same every night and the lines and blocking does not change is the only variable intensity of performance, which is the sum of many individual services. The actors have no responsibility for connecting with the audience. Your task is to offer an outstanding performance. If they do, the public is with them.

My point is that actors have a jobDo not depend on the reaction of the public. I think that our work is as much like a speaker. Our first task is consistent, regardless of the immediate feedback we receive from our brilliant public. If you decrease our ability to take a lot of change and try to please them, we often lose our center and our power. I call to discuss co-dependency.

This point is particularly important in relation to the narrative. good stories are written, tested and workedmaximum emotional impact and intellectual. They must be stored and transmitted with an eye toward consistent replicated at any time. Like a song that should always be sung with the same text and melody, a good story is a standard situation. It should be a perfect combination of writing and performance, the mini-games. Why bother dealing with something that works? Why change for each transaction? For most speakers, the answer is simple. Their stories were freely mixed over time, developed withoutto think much. She has done before.

My challenge to you, the audience spent more time in your preparation. If you take care of them no attention. Just do what you have prepared. Believe me, the audience show their appreciation.

One thing I learned in the last 30 years, the performance of the public are fickle. I can not count on it. If I were to give me answers as likely to laugh or cry depends, I am oftendisappointed. What can I expect? I can count on me. I control my destiny to be prepared at home. Well, if I do I'm trying to get to my standards, not theirs. I set a high bar for me. If reached, I am satisfied, regardless of public reaction. I know that on the plane and head to the next concert I have my times, my lines and my emotional intensity to be nailed. And you know what? Well, I do not try to please them, they are constantlyvery satisfied. Life is funny, is not it?

To learn how to write a speech and dynamite, see my Dynamite Speech System

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