
How to buy a Motion Capture

More people are always in motion capture. Other people who do not know much
Motion Capture is put in motion capture. This leads naturally to people,
Take advantage of this lack of knowledge. It could be many examples can be found on the GDC
this year.

I do not like the obvious steps to buy a motion capture systems, such as
analyze your needs, budget, application and your place. All this is
simple. What is not sois simply the separation of good motion capture systems from the bathroom.
While it may be a matter of opinion, what is good and what is bad, there are some aspects
Motion-capture, you should have before considering a motion capture system.

Attention to the slogan "No clean up required"

The indication I've seen often is "No clean up required." And 'disputed that and Vicon
Motion Analysis lesser extent, are the first motion capture systems. These are
highEnd costly Motion Capture systems, which can be in right hands, even
Motion Capture incredible. The data from these systems to be cleaned. If a
Company makes this request for a system that is less than $ 100,000, or who have not
Sense of what "looks good" data or groped for customers who do not know, silly
a lot of motion capture. However, I would not buy a system from them. I see this
Claim and wonder what else is around.Attention to the slogan "No clean up
necessary "

Look at the video

In marketing, it's called "Switch and Bait." The video shown on the homepage of Shows
great motion capture data. And 'from the system you are going to buy? How long
It took clean the raw data to video? If you buy an 8-camera
System is based on data from a system of 24 cameras saw? Look at the video.

Did you see that working?

There are some motion captureCompanies that exhibit at trade shows each year as
Siggraph, and GDC, but never get their system running. If you can run
be inaccessible to a phase. Do not move in slow motion? They are doing a
predefined set of trains? It 'can interact with the motion capture artist? If you are not
Ask the artist to be picked up by some movements do not work for you then you have not seen the system
Working conditions.

It is the character to walk on the floor?

A normal walk is one ofto capture the movements of the most difficult, because everyone has a sense of
what should be similar. There is no good reason to remember the character
Wall. If a company tries to explain why to walk, have something to hide. Before
buy a system, I see the character as raw data, walk on the floor.

How much space do I need and what is the size of the field of motion capture?

Vicon is the leader in motion capture, but the system needs a very stableArea. There are
Some credit systems do not need markers, video cameras only. Ask how much space
is the amount of capture area is necessary. It probably needs a great space for a small income
Area. Find the area of the catch area. This is the floor area of the artist is
can ask to move in. In addition, to capture the vertical surface. You can enter below
knees, you can jump? Some systems have small footprints and small vertical surfaces
Productionpractically unusable. Space and capture area are two important
Aspects of a system for motion capture.

What can I do with the information?

Are you a customer, new motion capture. Did you find the perfect motion capture
System for the application. Where are you going to support, if you have any questions
with the data? Call the company and ask how to obtain hardware data
viewer software, animation program, and then in a gameEngine? If the
Businesses do not know how to use the data or do not know how to clean up the data,
walk. Me like to see a company that knows what to do with the purchase,

motion capture can be fun and productive or not. Share these important questions first
You purchase a system. Will make a big difference to your experience of motion capture.

Motion Capture happy!

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