
Workplace Internet and E-mail - you have an AUP in Place?

If you follow not Have a solid Internet and e-mail AUP (AUP) in place for your workplace Employees, Could seriously jeopardize your business.

The AUP should be carefully prepared so as to reduce risks through the use of Internet and e-mail slow down in your company, Risks that result in court proceedings and could Seriously on your business.

It 'important, especially in smaller companies to be realistic in compilingYour policy. Her priority is the security of your IT systems and data and, of course, maintaining the good name of your company, but it is important not to make the rules too rigid so that employees are able to do their work properly, stop or even affect the morale.

The policy must be updated regularly and should be the specific needs of your business address.

Here are some tips that could include a policy sufficiently developed:

Do not allow employees:

UseInternet Radio, SAPS this bandwidth, the Internet can slow down slowly, leading processes
Sites with peer-to-peer file sharing, the threat is due to viruses that can lead to a shutdown operation
Social networking sites during working hours, working time should be spent on work, not socializing
Visit the Web site or send or forward e-mail messages that the content is sex, gambling, violence or racial hatred, as they may arise in the context of costly disputes
Freeware Downloador shareware - the virus is high risk
Download the software copied - this is illegal and can lead to serious conflicts
The use of waste-mail for personal use, it is time and e-mails are still being generated and stored on corporate servers, which could lead to legal problems and whether the content of this e-mail dubious


Limit the personal use of the Internet at lunchtime or after working hours
Use a firewall content restrictions programmable
Make it clear that yourCompany has not e-mail communications of your business computers that store and the right to have access at any time
Clearly show that the disciplinary process, you must follow the violation of the policy is set
Ensure that all staff have a copy of the AUP and supervisors and managers to monitor the implementation

High profile cases about the use of company equipment for personal, social or questionable actions documented for the calculationEmployer. If you do not want that to happen to your business a place AUP will be as soon as possible. And appreciate the impact they can have a knock on the seemingly innocuous actions.

Take time to take a strong AUP, tailored to your business proposal is an important investment for the future of your company. Make sure you have a guarantee in place that it is applied!

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