Virtual Private Network FAQ
Because before I get logged off after 4 hours of use?
E 'due to the limited number of ports the connection will be disconnected and the fact that 90% of users do not connect more than four hours, all units have been set for a period of 4 hours.
If you need more time, you should disconnect before the deadline and grace so again, you lose your job.
According Why not an 800 number all the time?
With a coastline 800 number 5 CorporationCents per minute to call a local number, if available, costs, 5-7 cents to start off a call, no fees per minute.
Thirdly I need to be connected to e-mail if e-mail arrives, or prepare?
No, it's in your mail server and stored until you need to access it.
The right way to handle e-mail when the job is to do a regular dial-up during the day your e-mail pull down and then disconnect.
You can e-mail in the offline preparationMode.
If you can handle the next incoming connection to e-mail, all mail is sent as prepared this time.
Fourth reconnection What questions?
If you have Windows 95, NT, 2000 or XP to restore the links as easy as clicking on the icon to connect again.
Fifth How can I speed up my dial-up?
Install only the necessary protocols.
Usually the IP is only necessary if you have access to the Novell server.
Do not install NetBEUI.
A goodPractice, if only occasional access to Novell servers in two configurations, one with IP access and create only with IP and IPX. Use the second configuration only when necessary.
Sixth Why can not I have all drives in an NT network?
When you dial in the Network Access Gateway, you are usually in an area without a master, as the units are displayed in Network Neighborhood.
This does not mean you can not access thehowever.
If you want to access the device, is a member of the corporate structure and WINS is configured remote control via manual configuration, WINS will Automatically resolve the device IP address when you see a drive in Windows Explorer.
The key to this is the name of the computer and sharing it is necessary first to know the process.
Seventh Why is my AOL dial-up networking does not work after loading?
AOL sometimes replaces the TCP / IP Winsock driverBecause of your PC errors, or does not work.
First remove all references to TCP / IP properties of Network Neighborhood.
According to Reboot.
Third Add Microsoft TCP / IP back in.
This will automatically TCP / IP for all adapters and should work again.
8th Can I use Network Address Translation (NAT) VPN to connect your home computer?
Normally, NAT is not supported by IPSEC VPNClient.
Router like the Linksys BEFSR11 BEFSR41 and no support for VPN software solution.
NAT implementations, where it is used one-to-one NAT is used.
Ninth Why can not I have more speed on my 56K V.90 modem in a NAG sites?
A 56K V.90 modem is asymmetrical design, so the download speed can reach only up to 56k, but upload speed 33.6bps.
works for 56k, has only one analog to digital (A / D) conversion to your local phone bookLoop.
So if you have analog modems at both ends, the speed 56k will never be like most PSTN exchanges run digital routing achieved.
Some sites use NAG standard analog telephone lines with Cisco and 56k modem, while most PCs using a dial-up modem similar.
Between the two modems, it limits the download speed up to about 33.6.
At the same time, many users may experience slower connection rates for other reasons, the most bad connection.
These factors arealso contribute to the quality and speed of society.
When the tenth load on my PC Client Extranet and WinPoET installed on my machine hangs or does not work correctly.
There are known issues WinPoET client software running on your PC with the Nortel Extranet (VPN).
To begin to repair the system in safe mode and uninstall the software WinPoET.
A simple solution is to have users install hardware BEFSR41 Linksys router.
It has a firmware PPPOE connector,removed from the PC and offers the additional WinPoET a NAT firewall for the benefit of users the ability to connect up to three other PCs.
A second option is for customers to find a PPPoE client does not interfere with the VPN.
If you WinPoET, contact your local ISP to confirm your willingness to work with Nortel VPN client.
If not or if I'm not sure, please do not install the new client, or ask the ISP for not one alternative, the PPPoE client foundinterfere with the Nortel VPN client.
If you decide to use WinPoET VPN client with the new Nortel Nortel recommends WinPoET 6.0 or higher.
Earlier versions of the software are known WinPoET customers conflict with the Nortel VPN.
If WinPoET on your PC and problems (eg with an earlier version prior to 6.0), the following eight steps are safe WinPoET uninstall the software from your PC to boot the system and repaircorrectly.
First Log in Safe Mode.
According Login profile administrator.
For the third / remove programs and uninstall add client extranet. Do not restart at the command prompt.
Check the fourth WinPoET adapter is installed. If a way to remove it.
Fifth Go to Device Manager / Network Adapters. Right click WinPoET Winport or adapter. Uninstall.
Sixth Go to Administrative Tools. / Services and disable WinPoET-over-Ethernet.
Seventh Reboot the PC.
Install the eighth Extranet VPN client.
Aworkaround is to install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardware router. It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which makes the need for WinPoET PC obsolete.
11 My ISP is connected and have no known problem with my Internet Service Provider. The problem is intermittent.
Check the version of the Contivity Extranet Access Client.
They should with the current version of client 4.65 or higher. You can download the latest version by clicking the Current ViewVersion.
12 ° I have problems with my VPN connection.
Try to isolate the problem elimination process.
First is the connection to the Internet to the public Internet?
According to you the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?
Third you have recently installed new software or hardware?
Fourth, there have been hardware or software changes to work that the VPN connection has been changed?
You acquired the fifthThe computer for viruses?
If you still have problems, uninstall or remove the following points.
First Turn off your firewall, anti-virus software and any other maintenance or security programs installed.
Try to connect.
According Remove the router configuration.
Connect your PC directly to the Internet.
This is accomplished by connecting the cable / DSL modem cable directly into your network card or USBPlug.
If successful, the problem may be the installation of the router or firmware.
Check with the manufacturer's website or documentation for troubleshooting the router or the manufacturer directly for assistance.
You must upgrade the firmware.
Please carefully, although you could probably just bought the router, it was packed with an earlier version of the software.
Third Enable the router's firewall / Internet security programs, one atTime.
try to Cable / DSL users: If you have a dial-up modem on your PC, try using a dial-up.
Or you use a dial-up ISP and then use VPN or dial directly into the network.
Upgrading to 4.6 x 13 version of the VPN client fails.
Consult the list below and see if this applies:
Windows XP, disable the XP firewall.
Most VPN software VPN client can not coexist on the sameMachine.
Windows ME, remove and add the TCP / IP.
Brother multifunction printer, you can not have the latest software for your Brother printer. Windows 2000. Users must download the driver support / software from the web or ask Brother to Brother.
14th How do I remove and reinstall TCP / IP?
Here are the instructions to remove and add the TCP / IP for Windows 2000. (See your operating systemhelp screens, web and / or documentation for instructions if you are running Windows 2000.)
Make sure that, no matter what operating system you choose to restart when you're done (as requested) or run between the individual process.
For Windows 2000, you must be an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this operation.
Remove TCP / IP
First click Open Network Connections, click Start, point to Settings andthen Network Connections.
According Right-click on any network connection and then click Properties.
Third General tab (for a LAN) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click Uninstall.
In the fourth uninstall Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) dialog box, click Yes.
Install TCP / IP
A fifth open network and remote connections. (Click Start, point to Settings, then click Network anddial-up.)
Sixth Right-click the network connection, on which to install and activate the TCP / IP and click Properties.
Seventh General tab (for a LAN) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), when Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) is not in the list of installed components, then do the following:
A. Click Install.
B. Click Protocol and then click Add.
C. Select Network Protocol dialog box, click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and click OK.
D. Make sure that Internet Protocol (TCP / IP is selected), then click OK.
TCP / IP is installed as the default network protocol if network adapter hardware in Windows 2000 Setup has detected. You just need to follow these instructions will not work if the TCP / IP standard selection was overwritten during installation.
15th I have Windows XP Home or Professional, and are unable to enter the server, some Web sites or resources is associated with whenVPN>.
There are some known issues when using the Nortel Contivity Client 4.60 on a PC with Windows XP.
The previous version of the Nortel client (version 3.70) has solved the problem, however, is the ultimate goal, the upgrade to the latest version.
Please do not reinstall 3.7 x fixed version.
16th My ISP requires the installation of WinPoET. I can do with the latest client?
If you WinPoET, is version 6.0 or higherWinPoET.
Contact your ISP and ask WinPoET v6.0 or higher.
17th After installing AOL 8.0, I have problems with my connection to my network of experts.
Users may have problems with Windows and Outlook email.
You have two separate profiles, a profile of how a remote connection (POP3) account for your e-mail and AOL Internet is a different profile for a local LAN connection to the corporate network e-mail.
Here's how
First Go to Start, ControlControl Panel, Mail Services View Profile and the second profile.
According sure to use the button "Submit Profile" tab "General" MS Outlook objects are selected.
Disable the third ATWPKT2 driver. (The files will be removed and ATKPKT2.SYS ATKPKT2.VXD AOL directory under PROGRAM_FILESCOMMON_FILES).
18th I can not "an IP address, while" Hotelling.
When working away from a site (Hotelling), you must first open your Internet Explorersearch for an IP address.
If you only start VPN, you will get the IP address should not, and VPN fail.
Turn off the firewall, can recommend the hotel.
19th Why I'm not always the domain still free to dial my ISP?
The Internet service provider (ISP) dial-up connection, click the mouse button and select Properties.
is off, click the Servers tab, type and make sure that "Log on to network", or try to hangaccess the network when you attempt a connection.
20th Because I'm so slow, if you get the VPN connection?
The Internet service provider (ISP) dial-up.
Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
Click the Server tab, type and make sure that the NetBEUI and IPX / SPX boxes checked, otherwise you will see delays while the system searches for the supported protocols.
VPN only supports TCP / IP as the control of such boxesslow down.
Why can not the 21st for my NT resources while using VPN?
Windows 1995 users should make sure that will review the "Access to the network box" in the extranet for customers according to the instructions for installing the client extranet resources such as file shares and NT Exchange use.
22nd Because it seems to run slowly through my VPN connection?
Disable compression software, select the Internet service provider (ISP)VPN client connection as is its compression. Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
Click the Server tab, type and uncheck the setting "compression software.
23rd Why is my Novell server when using VPN?
VPN support TCP / IP and most of the server requires only that Novell IPX / SPX access a.
Working to change your Novell or NT administrators are using a version of Novell support IPTraffic.
24th Can VPN Web server on the Internet after establishing a Contivity VPN client connection.
This is normal and occurs because to share with all network traffic through the network.
In general, and other security measures on the corporate network will limit the Internet firewall on the VPN.
The administrator Contivity VPN Switch can route a default onGo to Internet traffic.
If this default route is configured, you must disconnect the Contivity web-surfing the Internet via your ISP connection.
25th Can shares VPN After creating a Contivity VPN connection.
Before WINS server can be configured for IPSec VPN connections on the Contivity switch.
The second system could be established for a different domain thanOn the remote network.
For the first problem, verify that the Contivity VPN Client is a WINS server is configured with.
First follow the steps above in "problems with name resolution with DNS services" IPCONFIG at the command prompt to run on NT 4.0 and run "winipcfg in Windows 95.
Verify that a second primary WINS server is listed in the section for the tab labeled IPSecShm on NT 4.0 and Windows 95.
Make that a thirdPrimary WINS Server Adapter is listed in WINIPCFG the Contivity VPN client.
Fourth If there is no primary WINS server is listed, inform the network administrator Contivity VPN Switch that can not be configured correctly.
For the second problem, skip the first application in the domain, Windows 1995, and started when the "Select Log on to the remote domain" in the menu Options dialog box Contivity VPN Client.
Before you will be prompted to enter the domainthe remote network after the Contivity VPN connection is established.
This second method is recommended for users with a docking station configurations.
Alternatively, on NT 4.0 and Windows 95, you change the job of being a member of a workgroup instead of domain.
Before the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.
According to In Control Panel, double-click the icon labeled "Network." The Network Control Panel opens. Select the identificationtab.
In Windows 95 Third, the items on the "identification" can be changed directly, while on NT 4.0 you must click the Change button to change entries.
Change to use a working group and verify that the "computer name" is not one that can be on the remote network.
The fourth group name is not important, give something. Click OK to save changes and restart the computer.
When you access a resource in the remote domain when prompteda user name and password you need to get a domain name preceded by the user ID.
For example, if the user ID and Joes is access to a computer in the remote domain named CORP, enter your user CORPJoeS.
26th When you try to load the VPN client message on a dual processor unit, you get an error message.
The Nortel VPN client does not currently support dual-processor units.
27th When you connect my home network, I installed Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), so that all systems can reach the Internet. Now my VPN client is not working.
The reason is that Microsoft ICS Network Address Translation (NAT) for Internet connection and NAT, which can not support IPSec connections.
The only way around this time to make the device ICS, you connect from your VPN. Each downstream device does not work for herVPN>.
28th May or other Cisco IPSec VPN client software on the same field with Nortel Extranet Access Client? And 'this supported?
They can not coexist, and is not supported.
The two virtual adapter with each client to install conflicting.
This is a program on the new Cisco client install, uninstall a program, the Nortel VPN client, if authenticated by the Cisco Unity client.
All other VPN clientsrequire manual removal of the Nortel client or another client.
29th I'm with my VPN connection does not already discussed problems.
Try to isolate the problem elimination process.
First is the connection to the Internet to the public Internet?
According to you the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?
Third you have recently installed new software or hardware?
Fourth, there have been changes to hardware or softwareSince the VPN connection was working last?
Fifth You have your computer scanned for viruses?
If you still have problems, try to uninstall / remove the following items.
First Turn off your firewall, anti-virus software and any other maintenance or security programs installed. Try to connect.
Remove the second router (Linksys, D-Link, Cisco, Netgear, etc.) configuration.
Connect your PC directly to the Internet.
Thisand connect the cable from your DSL / cable goes directly into your network card or USB port.
If successful, the problem may be the installation of the router or firmware.
Check with the manufacturer's website or documentation for troubleshooting the router or the manufacturer directly for assistance.
You must upgrade the firmware.
Please carefully, although you could probably just bought the router, I have designed aearlier version of the software.
Third turn on the firewall router / internet security programs one by one.
try to Cable / DSL users: If you have a dial-up modem on your PC, try using a dial-up. Or you use a dial-up ISP and then use VPN.
30th VPN problem with name resolution and DNS services.
Case 1:
A DNS server can not be configured for IPSec VPN connections on the Contivity switch.
Validate that the Contivity VPN client, a DNS entry was configured with.
For NT 4.0, open a command prompt and type ipconfig / all.
Verify that a DNS server entry is listed.
For Windows 95 Start menu, select the taskbar, "Run" and type winipcfg.
Select "Contivity VPN Adapter" from the pull-down list of adapters, then click More Info.
Write down the information displayed on the DNS server entry and confirm the networkAdministrator.
Case 2:
The host name is resolved has both a public and a private IP address. This is commonly referred to as a Split-Horizon DNS.
Action 2:
Open a command prompt, ping the host you are trying to achieve with a fully qualified host name (eg
If you receive a reply that the IP address back to the first row (for example, is [], an IP address fromnetwork remotely.
If not, inform the network administrator that the internal host name should be changed so that it is not the same as the external hostname.
Case three:
The retail version (aka "Release 1) Windows 1995 contained a bug that prevents the use of more than one DNS server. This problem has been resolved in OS Release2.
Action 3:
If you have a version of Windows earlier than Windows 95 Release 2, you must. Updating
31st I am having trouble mapping drive using the VPN client later.
This is a known issue from Microsoft that can occur when the cached credentials behind a NAT firewall.
The problem occurs for some users but not others.
It can happen regardless of using VPN client.
Some users may experience this problem after upgrading to a new VPN client, but the restoration of the old customer, not necessarily only FixProblem.
You can try uninstalling and then reinstalling the VPN client.
For more details and more SourcesYour VPN doctor Cure! VPN frequent-questions.html> Host article
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