
Virtual Private Network FAQ

Because before I get logged off after 4 hours of use?
E 'due to the limited number of ports the connection will be disconnected and the fact that 90% of users do not connect more than four hours, all units have been set for a period of 4 hours.
If you need more time, you should disconnect before the deadline and grace so again, you lose your job.
According Why not an 800 number all the time?
With a coastline 800 number 5 CorporationCents per minute to call a local number, if available, costs, 5-7 cents to start off a call, no fees per minute.
Thirdly I need to be connected to e-mail if e-mail arrives, or prepare?
No, it's in your mail server and stored until you need to access it.
The right way to handle e-mail when the job is to do a regular dial-up during the day your e-mail pull down and then disconnect.
You can e-mail in the offline preparationMode.
If you can handle the next incoming connection to e-mail, all mail is sent as prepared this time.
Fourth reconnection What questions?
If you have Windows 95, NT, 2000 or XP to restore the links as easy as clicking on the icon to connect again.
Fifth How can I speed up my dial-up?
Install only the necessary protocols.
Usually the IP is only necessary if you have access to the Novell server.
Do not install NetBEUI.
A goodPractice, if only occasional access to Novell servers in two configurations, one with IP access and create only with IP and IPX. Use the second configuration only when necessary.
Sixth Why can not I have all drives in an NT network?
When you dial in the Network Access Gateway, you are usually in an area without a master, as the units are displayed in Network Neighborhood.
This does not mean you can not access thehowever.
If you want to access the device, is a member of the corporate structure and WINS is configured remote control via manual configuration, WINS will Automatically resolve the device IP address when you see a drive in Windows Explorer.
The key to this is the name of the computer and sharing it is necessary first to know the process.
Seventh Why is my AOL dial-up networking does not work after loading?
AOL sometimes replaces the TCP / IP Winsock driverBecause of your PC errors, or does not work.

First remove all references to TCP / IP properties of Network Neighborhood.

According to Reboot.

Third Add Microsoft TCP / IP back in.

This will automatically TCP / IP for all adapters and should work again.

8th Can I use Network Address Translation (NAT) VPN to connect your home computer?
Normally, NAT is not supported by IPSEC VPNClient.
Router like the Linksys BEFSR11 BEFSR41 and no support for VPN software solution.
NAT implementations, where it is used one-to-one NAT is used.
Ninth Why can not I have more speed on my 56K V.90 modem in a NAG sites?
A 56K V.90 modem is asymmetrical design, so the download speed can reach only up to 56k, but upload speed 33.6bps.
works for 56k, has only one analog to digital (A / D) conversion to your local phone bookLoop.
So if you have analog modems at both ends, the speed 56k will never be like most PSTN exchanges run digital routing achieved.
Some sites use NAG standard analog telephone lines with Cisco and 56k modem, while most PCs using a dial-up modem similar.
Between the two modems, it limits the download speed up to about 33.6.
At the same time, many users may experience slower connection rates for other reasons, the most bad connection.
These factors arealso contribute to the quality and speed of society.
When the tenth load on my PC Client Extranet and WinPoET installed on my machine hangs or does not work correctly.
There are known issues WinPoET client software running on your PC with the Nortel Extranet (VPN).
To begin to repair the system in safe mode and uninstall the software WinPoET.
A simple solution is to have users install hardware BEFSR41 Linksys router.
It has a firmware PPPOE connector,removed from the PC and offers the additional WinPoET a NAT firewall for the benefit of users the ability to connect up to three other PCs.
A second option is for customers to find a PPPoE client does not interfere with the VPN.
If you WinPoET, contact your local ISP to confirm your willingness to work with Nortel VPN client.
If not or if I'm not sure, please do not install the new client, or ask the ISP for not one alternative, the PPPoE client foundinterfere with the Nortel VPN client.
If you decide to use WinPoET VPN client with the new Nortel Nortel recommends WinPoET 6.0 or higher.
Earlier versions of the software are known WinPoET customers conflict with the Nortel VPN.
If WinPoET on your PC and problems (eg with an earlier version prior to 6.0), the following eight steps are safe WinPoET uninstall the software from your PC to boot the system and repaircorrectly.

First Log in Safe Mode.

According Login profile administrator.

For the third / remove programs and uninstall add client extranet. Do not restart at the command prompt.

Check the fourth WinPoET adapter is installed. If a way to remove it.

Fifth Go to Device Manager / Network Adapters. Right click WinPoET Winport or adapter. Uninstall.

Sixth Go to Administrative Tools. / Services and disable WinPoET-over-Ethernet.

Seventh Reboot the PC.

Install the eighth Extranet VPN client.

Aworkaround is to install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardware router. It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which makes the need for WinPoET PC obsolete.

11 My ISP is connected and have no known problem with my Internet Service Provider. The problem is intermittent.
Check the version of the Contivity Extranet Access Client.
They should with the current version of client 4.65 or higher. You can download the latest version by clicking the Current ViewVersion.
12 ° I have problems with my VPN connection.
Try to isolate the problem elimination process.

First is the connection to the Internet to the public Internet?

According to you the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?

Third you have recently installed new software or hardware?

Fourth, there have been hardware or software changes to work that the VPN connection has been changed?

You acquired the fifthThe computer for viruses?

If you still have problems, uninstall or remove the following points.

First Turn off your firewall, anti-virus software and any other maintenance or security programs installed.

Try to connect.

According Remove the router configuration.

Connect your PC directly to the Internet.

This is accomplished by connecting the cable / DSL modem cable directly into your network card or USBPlug.

If successful, the problem may be the installation of the router or firmware.

Check with the manufacturer's website or documentation for troubleshooting the router or the manufacturer directly for assistance.

You must upgrade the firmware.

Please carefully, although you could probably just bought the router, it was packed with an earlier version of the software.

Third Enable the router's firewall / Internet security programs, one atTime.

try to Cable / DSL users: If you have a dial-up modem on your PC, try using a dial-up.

Or you use a dial-up ISP and then use VPN or dial directly into the network.

Upgrading to 4.6 x 13 version of the VPN client fails.
Consult the list below and see if this applies:
Windows XP, disable the XP firewall.

Most VPN software VPN client can not coexist on the sameMachine.

Windows ME, remove and add the TCP / IP.

Brother multifunction printer, you can not have the latest software for your Brother printer. Windows 2000. Users must download the driver support / software from the web or ask Brother to Brother.

14th How do I remove and reinstall TCP / IP?
Here are the instructions to remove and add the TCP / IP for Windows 2000. (See your operating systemhelp screens, web and / or documentation for instructions if you are running Windows 2000.)
Make sure that, no matter what operating system you choose to restart when you're done (as requested) or run between the individual process.
For Windows 2000, you must be an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this operation.
Remove TCP / IP

First click Open Network Connections, click Start, point to Settings andthen Network Connections.

According Right-click on any network connection and then click Properties.

Third General tab (for a LAN) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click Uninstall.

In the fourth uninstall Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) dialog box, click Yes.

Install TCP / IP

A fifth open network and remote connections. (Click Start, point to Settings, then click Network anddial-up.)

Sixth Right-click the network connection, on which to install and activate the TCP / IP and click Properties.

Seventh General tab (for a LAN) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), when Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) is not in the list of installed components, then do the following:

A. Click Install.

B. Click Protocol and then click Add.

C. Select Network Protocol dialog box, click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and click OK.

D. Make sure that Internet Protocol (TCP / IP is selected), then click OK.

TCP / IP is installed as the default network protocol if network adapter hardware in Windows 2000 Setup has detected. You just need to follow these instructions will not work if the TCP / IP standard selection was overwritten during installation.

15th I have Windows XP Home or Professional, and are unable to enter the server, some Web sites or resources is associated with whenVPN>.
There are some known issues when using the Nortel Contivity Client 4.60 on a PC with Windows XP.
The previous version of the Nortel client (version 3.70) has solved the problem, however, is the ultimate goal, the upgrade to the latest version.
Please do not reinstall 3.7 x fixed version.
16th My ISP requires the installation of WinPoET. I can do with the latest client?
If you WinPoET, is version 6.0 or higherWinPoET.
Contact your ISP and ask WinPoET v6.0 or higher.
17th After installing AOL 8.0, I have problems with my connection to my network of experts.
Users may have problems with Windows and Outlook email.
You have two separate profiles, a profile of how a remote connection (POP3) account for your e-mail and AOL Internet is a different profile for a local LAN connection to the corporate network e-mail.
Here's how

First Go to Start, ControlControl Panel, Mail Services View Profile and the second profile.

According sure to use the button "Submit Profile" tab "General" MS Outlook objects are selected.

Disable the third ATWPKT2 driver. (The files will be removed and ATKPKT2.SYS ATKPKT2.VXD AOL directory under PROGRAM_FILESCOMMON_FILES).

18th I can not "an IP address, while" Hotelling.
When working away from a site (Hotelling), you must first open your Internet Explorersearch for an IP address.
If you only start VPN, you will get the IP address should not, and VPN fail.
Turn off the firewall, can recommend the hotel.
19th Why I'm not always the domain still free to dial my ISP?
The Internet service provider (ISP) dial-up connection, click the mouse button and select Properties.
is off, click the Servers tab, type and make sure that "Log on to network", or try to hangaccess the network when you attempt a connection.
20th Because I'm so slow, if you get the VPN connection?
The Internet service provider (ISP) dial-up.
Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
Click the Server tab, type and make sure that the NetBEUI and IPX / SPX boxes checked, otherwise you will see delays while the system searches for the supported protocols.
VPN only supports TCP / IP as the control of such boxesslow down.
Why can not the 21st for my NT resources while using VPN?
Windows 1995 users should make sure that will review the "Access to the network box" in the extranet for customers according to the instructions for installing the client extranet resources such as file shares and NT Exchange use.
22nd Because it seems to run slowly through my VPN connection?
Disable compression software, select the Internet service provider (ISP)VPN client connection as is its compression. Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
Click the Server tab, type and uncheck the setting "compression software.
23rd Why is my Novell server when using VPN?
VPN support TCP / IP and most of the server requires only that Novell IPX / SPX access a.
Working to change your Novell or NT administrators are using a version of Novell support IPTraffic.
24th Can VPN Web server on the Internet after establishing a Contivity VPN client connection.


This is normal and occurs because to share with all network traffic through the network.

In general, and other security measures on the corporate network will limit the Internet firewall on the VPN.


The administrator Contivity VPN Switch can route a default onGo to Internet traffic.

If this default route is configured, you must disconnect the Contivity web-surfing the Internet via your ISP connection.

25th Can shares VPN After creating a Contivity VPN connection.


Before WINS server can be configured for IPSec VPN connections on the Contivity switch.

The second system could be established for a different domain thanOn the remote network.


For the first problem, verify that the Contivity VPN Client is a WINS server is configured with.

First follow the steps above in "problems with name resolution with DNS services" IPCONFIG at the command prompt to run on NT 4.0 and run "winipcfg in Windows 95.

Verify that a second primary WINS server is listed in the section for the tab labeled IPSecShm on NT 4.0 and Windows 95.

Make that a thirdPrimary WINS Server Adapter is listed in WINIPCFG the Contivity VPN client.

Fourth If there is no primary WINS server is listed, inform the network administrator Contivity VPN Switch that can not be configured correctly.

For the second problem, skip the first application in the domain, Windows 1995, and started when the "Select Log on to the remote domain" in the menu Options dialog box Contivity VPN Client.

Before you will be prompted to enter the domainthe remote network after the Contivity VPN connection is established.

This second method is recommended for users with a docking station configurations.
Alternatively, on NT 4.0 and Windows 95, you change the job of being a member of a workgroup instead of domain.

Before the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.

According to In Control Panel, double-click the icon labeled "Network." The Network Control Panel opens. Select the identificationtab.

In Windows 95 Third, the items on the "identification" can be changed directly, while on NT 4.0 you must click the Change button to change entries.

Change to use a working group and verify that the "computer name" is not one that can be on the remote network.

The fourth group name is not important, give something. Click OK to save changes and restart the computer.

When you access a resource in the remote domain when prompteda user name and password you need to get a domain name preceded by the user ID.

For example, if the user ID and Joes is access to a computer in the remote domain named CORP, enter your user CORPJoeS.

26th When you try to load the VPN client message on a dual processor unit, you get an error message.
The Nortel VPN client does not currently support dual-processor units.
27th When you connect my home network, I installed Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), so that all systems can reach the Internet. Now my VPN client is not working.
The reason is that Microsoft ICS Network Address Translation (NAT) for Internet connection and NAT, which can not support IPSec connections.
The only way around this time to make the device ICS, you connect from your VPN. Each downstream device does not work for herVPN>.
28th May or other Cisco IPSec VPN client software on the same field with Nortel Extranet Access Client? And 'this supported?
They can not coexist, and is not supported.
The two virtual adapter with each client to install conflicting.
This is a program on the new Cisco client install, uninstall a program, the Nortel VPN client, if authenticated by the Cisco Unity client.
All other VPN clientsrequire manual removal of the Nortel client or another client.
29th I'm with my VPN connection does not already discussed problems.
Try to isolate the problem elimination process.

First is the connection to the Internet to the public Internet?

According to you the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?

Third you have recently installed new software or hardware?

Fourth, there have been changes to hardware or softwareSince the VPN connection was working last?

Fifth You have your computer scanned for viruses?

If you still have problems, try to uninstall / remove the following items.

First Turn off your firewall, anti-virus software and any other maintenance or security programs installed. Try to connect.

Remove the second router (Linksys, D-Link, Cisco, Netgear, etc.) configuration.

Connect your PC directly to the Internet.

Thisand connect the cable from your DSL / cable goes directly into your network card or USB port.

If successful, the problem may be the installation of the router or firmware.

Check with the manufacturer's website or documentation for troubleshooting the router or the manufacturer directly for assistance.

You must upgrade the firmware.

Please carefully, although you could probably just bought the router, I have designed aearlier version of the software.

Third turn on the firewall router / internet security programs one by one.

try to Cable / DSL users: If you have a dial-up modem on your PC, try using a dial-up. Or you use a dial-up ISP and then use VPN.

30th VPN problem with name resolution and DNS services.

Case 1:

A DNS server can not be configured for IPSec VPN connections on the Contivity switch.


Validate that the Contivity VPN client, a DNS entry was configured with.

For NT 4.0, open a command prompt and type ipconfig / all.

Verify that a DNS server entry is listed.

For Windows 95 Start menu, select the taskbar, "Run" and type winipcfg.

Select "Contivity VPN Adapter" from the pull-down list of adapters, then click More Info.

Write down the information displayed on the DNS server entry and confirm the networkAdministrator.

Case 2:

The host name is resolved has both a public and a private IP address. This is commonly referred to as a Split-Horizon DNS.

Action 2:

Open a command prompt, ping the host you are trying to achieve with a fully qualified host name (eg

If you receive a reply that the IP address back to the first row (for example, is [], an IP address fromnetwork remotely.

If not, inform the network administrator that the internal host name should be changed so that it is not the same as the external hostname.

Case three:

The retail version (aka "Release 1) Windows 1995 contained a bug that prevents the use of more than one DNS server. This problem has been resolved in OS Release2.

Action 3:
If you have a version of Windows earlier than Windows 95 Release 2, you must. Updating

31st I am having trouble mapping drive using the VPN client later.
This is a known issue from Microsoft that can occur when the cached credentials behind a NAT firewall.
The problem occurs for some users but not others.
It can happen regardless of using VPN client.
Some users may experience this problem after upgrading to a new VPN client, but the restoration of the old customer, not necessarily only FixProblem.
You can try uninstalling and then reinstalling the VPN client.
For more details and more SourcesYour VPN doctor Cure! VPN frequent-questions.html> Host article

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It 's the MCSE 2003 accreditation difficult to achieve?

For a long time to pass the Microsoft certification was relatively simple.

After Microsoft had certainly done their homework, they realized that the bar was too low, and with the release of the certification MCSE 2003, a new type of test is done, the will and the courage to try.

The MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer or there) in 2003, the following seven modules;

Core Networking Systems Exams: are thesefour tests on various topics around Windows Server 2003. Windows 2003 operating system clearly central to this particular certification path.

Client Test OS: At some point, you might adopt this system of two tests alone Windows 2000, Windows XP or newer client operating system, XP. Windows 2000 is no longer a supported Windows operating system, then the only ones that are availableWindows XP and Windows Vista.
Test Design: The test was design, where many people take the examination (including myself) fell at the first attempt. Style and the evidence is completely different from the MCSE, design verification provided a scenario case study, students who followed, was by some multiple choice questions with real-world scenarios. This type of interview was and is a solid "acid test" of whether theTest takers had their homework in the form of checks and laboratory study design done right. It would be almost impossible to happen to someone without experience in the real world, systems of Microsoft, this test at the first attempt.
Elective exam: Students were offered a choice of over 40 certifications in different tests, namely, choice exam to complete their review of the certification received their full seven MCSE. These includeSQL Server, Microsoft Exchange, the darker and less popular Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) test.
This certification path is not easy to nobody, if I have committed myself to support it, I was going to client 10 years real world and server operating system, and I struggled with the complexity inherent in the three tests was that I do.

Once I had achieved my MCSE 2003 but I was in seventh heaven.just over two years of hard work and long hours on simulators in various client sites will let me get what many in the past have failed,.

If you are in the exams in this way then I wish you much luck looking for, you put the time that is required to reach your goal!


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What is 3G and Bonding How do you use?

One thing that is constant with technology is always progressing. In recent years, wireless access in the back and brought some problems for the ride. So if the mobile internet has shown, the signal strength was a problem. This lays the foundation for the 3G network connection and a piece called 3G technology.

Bonding What is 3G?

This is a question that requires a little 'history. First, there is a standard in the mobile industry, called GSM or GlobalSystem for mobile communications. That was in Europe in 1982 with the idea of producing a standard mobile phone use across Europe, should be developed. By the end of 1993, the GSM standard has been in operation for more than 48 countries worldwide.

In the field of GSM, there is a package of services that we know, such as GPRS or General Packet Radio Service. This is the package of services that allows us such freedom, such as mobile Internet, ever, push to talk (PTT), Instant Messaging,Multimedia Message Service (MMS) and Internet access via WAP Wireless Access Protocol systems for intelligent devices.

All this is covered by wireless access and the bandwidth. The greater the bandwidth, the signal that the device to connect to the system. The current 3G network using the GPRS / GSM access for all. The problem is that the bandwidth is not strong enough to support all those users. We come now to 3G binding.

3G-binding is the use of multiple SIMThe cards, like those in your phone, build a bigger and stronger connection to the wireless network (s) on the one hand stable bandwidth. 3G is a binding piece of hardware as a multi-WAN routers and mobile routers made public. These devices combine all of your wireless device with the SIM card in each.

The result is a faster usage of Internet activities, such as video streaming, upload photos and so on.
The process of combining the strengths of The Sims is known as 3GBonding.

How can it be used?

Apart from the speed and power of wireless, security of transmitted material is higher. This makes the system ideal for businesses to move information between conference offices in different countries or the like. In addition, entrepreneurs can feel safe on the road an item of sensitive information on a central server connected to the VPN.

When will always need more speed or bandwidth, that allhas to do is to add more devices SIM in order to increase the signal strength and increase the level of encryption. In other words, you can ensure a better connection, data transmission and not for fear of losing connectivity. Business applications literally in front of you.

Currently we have 3G capabilities, but it came a new generation of development. This is called 4G or fourth generation. This refers to cellular standards and therefore have additional benefitswith wireless Internet access, WiFi and WiMAX, in particular (usually referred to as 4G).

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Reverse Phone Lookup Address - every caller easy and accurate search

The number of times we fought with their hands in despair, trying to figure out who he was, had called from an unknown phone number must be legion. We thought the call was a business client or an old friend. And we have even more desperate.

Times were hard. And look for the reason of this very "modern" approach is simple - the introduction of reverse phone number, which can not only look for the name, but also to address. The idea is simple, but effective.Phone companies keep a list of every phone number ever sold. However, these virtual treasure troves of information are not available to us, as seen by the public. Reverse Phone Search Providers the right to these directories, and to register by paying a small fee to help offset this amount, while you have access to all information, including:

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- Address
- E-mail
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The problem is usually in search of a sufficient Reverse Phone Lookup Service. There are many "free" of these services are available but are too vague and general level, those who pay. The result can, avoid these services. You should opt for a reverse phone search system you must pay a small fee. Are more precise and easier to use. They also want to give you as many times as you, so many cell researchPay as you wish. It 's a great way to find the caller is behind an unknown number.

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How is vital for business VoIP?

Entrepreneurs and investors know the importance of communication for business success. After proper communication with customers, suppliers, partners and employees will ensure that every aspect of the business is well maintained and organized to ensure that all processes run as smoothly as possible. Making sure that all relevant information is passed quickly - be it employees, customers or suppliers, which keeps the economy from collapse.

To ensure that adequateThe communication channels available, businesses are investing in telecommunications systems: telephones, fax machines, telephone systems, mobile phones - for premises and, if necessary, international communication. However, owning and maintaining such systems can be a significant amount of investment Usually the amount that would be too taxing for newly created small and medium enterprises. Moreover, the traditional PSTN or Public Switched Telephone Networks to certain restrictions, can not keepwith the needs, particularly in the highly competitive global market.

What companies need is a viable alternative that can meet all their telecommunications needs. Business VoIP solutions to meet this need - and much more. The following is an overview of VoIP solutions for businesses and how they can benefit small and medium-sized and large.

An overview of VoIP and business benefits

VoIP, or Voice over InternetUsing Internet Protocol for voice packets over the Internet instead of traditional PSTN phone lines switched Leave. In contrast to PSTN, which are highly regulated, resulting in price premiums (especially for international calls), VoIP calls are much cheaper and can only a fixed monthly fee, regardless of minimum for all calls from the point of departure.

Traditional PBX or Private Branch Exchange systems require sophisticated and expensive telecommunications equipmentTo connect all telephone lines in the business to the PSTN. VoIP systems, on the other hand, only requires a broadband Internet connection to make calls. Plug your phone into an Ethernet cable and that's it.

Business VoIP networks offer a wide range of features and functions that might be useful for business users. These features include voicemail, conference bridges, car-dependent, group calling, caller ID, call forwarding andmuch.

What VoIP can do for your business

Companies often rely on the phone every day to make multiple calls to existing and potential customers. In conventional systems, the number of calls, time will be made equal to the size of PBXs has it, all the telephones connected can hang space and how quickly can switch providers and phone calls. With hosted VoIP, multiple phone lines and calls can be made simultaneously and routedautomatically to their destination without the need for additional manpower to facilitate calls.

The globalization of most industries, companies must maintain a presence in different states or countries, to be fair to an international clientele. Proper maintenance of communication between departments would be too expensive with traditional telephone networks. With hosted VoIP solutions are different offices are not separate PBX and investInternational calls can be made at discounted prices.

The additional features and functionality of VoIP for companies such as video conferencing, unified messaging services and multimedia applications lead to better productivity and better opportunities for higher revenues. Employees can work from anywhere, teamwork and communication with management is essential to keep moving. All these features make VoIP a vital tool in business telecommunications will soon be an essential element for successany business growing.

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More options than ever to work from home

As a constantly evolving market in which we live! Ten years ago, that cable would be able to be here in a hotel room coffee writing this post on a notebook, while the e-mail to eBay and all over the world from the outside!

With over a billion computer users worldwide, online has never been a time to make money. From this coffee that I buy and sell almost anything on the planet, not only on eBay, but also many other onlineWebsites including your site.

Never, we never had the opportunity to work from home.

The biggest question is: all I ask, "What can I sell on eBay?

My answer comes in several parts. Recently, we have a separate laboratory with multiple servers crunch on the Internet 24 / 7 to make products for us, we will find the source usually from Asian countries, but you can start a lot easier and we tested this strategy many times and it works.

First, like everything that I teach,Start making money in your niche.

Ask yourself what is your niche. What I mean in my niche is simple: we are aware of specific issues, just because we are fans of them. Examples: Gardening (gardening), music (CDs, stereos, etc.), fitness (fitness products, etc.). The secret is finding your niche and start selling products in your specific niche. What magazines do you read? What is your job and past jobs?

You can expandTechniques later.

How many times have you heard the saying: "This is so expensive in this country." Well guess what '- to buy only the goods on eBay from that of other countries and sell in your country. Where to buy eBay items

The most profitable way to make money, imported directly from the manufacturer, however Checkout auction houses online in your country. The subtly easy to find in these pages to see what the other site.

To do this, go to alexa.comand download the free toolbar Alexa. It 's a great complement to your Web browser. No matter what site you go, that will show you where everyone else was first. All you have to do is find an auction site and then follow to find the way to the other. I found some incredible source cheaper products in this way.

A good source for products, if you start from garage sales Saturday morning. be called in some countries are flea markets. I recentlywent to three of these on a Saturday morning in Sydney, Australia where I live for research and here are my results.

The items sold at cost price on eBay Result

Sewing machine
Cost $ 30
Sold $ 141
Profit $ 111

Video Camera
Cost $ 150
Sold $ 260
Profit $ 110

Wooden doll
Cost $ 2
Sold $ 27
Profit $ 25

Cost $ 10
Sold $ 280
Profit $ 270

Small compact
Cost $ 40
Sold $ 118
Profit $ 78

Cost $ 20
Sold $ 127
Profit $ 107

Compact 35 mm
Cost $ 25
Sold $ 291
Profit $ 31

6 Total
Cost $ 277
Sold $ 983
Profit $ 706

So, after three flea markets, a gain of $ 706, I think is a pretty good result.

Another place to buy products, is the market bad products available from countries such as eBay or buy the paper, and especially products with the wrong spelling, ie laptop instead of laptop.

I just bought one recentlyaluminum boat, missing the word "boat" from advertising and the auction ended at 01.30 watch!

These errors cost seller expensive, but to do good business for the astute buyer.

These days we buy directly from manufacturers in China, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. The cheapest way to do this is at least 1 cubic meter purchase goods, and sends them across the sea. Only the import of overseas experience after winning strategies and start oversmall. You can find many products in China and Hong Kong in

Starting a fantastic way that I think every beginner should be to objects in your house that you no longer sell. It 'also very good Feng Shui to eliminate clutter in your home. If your house is completely naked and there is nothing that we no longer need to be creative and to request something to sell, you can find. All it takes is a few dollars to start and then turn it into $ 10, then $ 100etc.

You know the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink!" This is how it feels to me sometimes. Many people tell me: "Neil, you have this wonderful lifestyle, what can I do for the money you have and all the free time you have? Brand 'If I tell them that your Internet business, including 9 Building 10 is nothing. Sometimes I wonder what would people hear before they finally do something.

It seems that you can sell something for moreBid on eBay for you in the paper. One of our customers buy cars cheaply from the newspaper and then immediately sells them on eBay and make a nice profit.

The great thing about eBay is a much bigger than any newspaper then sell more expensive products tend.

Marketing is everything, not just for eBay, but everything in life, always a partner! Profit from other lack of marketing skills. Marketing sold, the income difference between a good andcan be a massively bad. If you learn to be a good marketeer, the only model on others - have it so easy. The problem is that most people is the way of ego.

Buying eBay Products.

The old saying "You make money when you buy" is so true. Do not enter a bidding war! Every time I buy houses, I'm on the right front, so I see the auctioneer and buyers. I never involved in the bidding war, but wait until the dog is about to fall and just before theHammer hits the block, I hope that my first and last commandment murderess! The advantage is no sense in a bidding war with anyone. The only person who wins this, the seller! Wait for the eBay auction before bidding. I do it last minute!

Sale of products

Obviously the reverse. Advertise the product as long as possible. In the case of eBay, 10 days and set the starting price as low as possible. I start most of myProducts to 99 cents. The advantage is, you collect a lot of people do not just watch the race, but also start, emotionally attached to the product. Even if we wanted to buy only from logic, is a reality that we buy with emotion. If all cars purchased by the logic, we should take the old Volvo!

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Why the MCSE certification a boost to your career?

One of the jobs that people will be happy to be that the software engineer. This is a good job because the salary and there are many other advantages of the people. People feel that you're a techie person and a good measure of respect in society for people in this profession. You can also make you feel that you get to help the lives of people around the world better. The thing to do is to enter the software industry to obtain a certificate of good in this areawho want to enter.

This certification, which adds great value to the CV of a person who wishes to enter the realm of software, is the MCSE certification. MCSE stands for Microsoft certified software engineer. This certificate is issued by Microsoft, which is the organization best software in the world.

The certification program has two divisions in it, and MCSE Security MCSE Messaging. You must clear both the tests. There are about six tests in it. ThisNetworking has been subjected to tests carried out, are four in number and the client and design. It 'important that you go all the tests.

After all this you have to visit many exams before you for the MCSE exam real. This is because there are many factors to be included in an MCSE exam, I am. The purpose of the visit of the sample is that you should be able to get an idea of what the control looks like and how well that aresubject.

Want to know, should focus on any topic you want more. One of the things you should keep in mind is the maintenance time. So if you are able, are now able to get a big boost for your career.

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Small Business Consulting: Overcoming Client Denial

When working in consulting to small businesses, customers can ask: "Why do I need something so big and powerful as the network you recommend? There are only seven companies in person and our network works fine, at least for Most of the time. "

"Selling Fear

In this situation, to overcome the denial, you often sell "to fear. Be prepared to speak through a small consulting firm on the client understand that their accountant family PC so that the reason was for herdaily and can $ 50K first subtracted caught during an annual inspection by the CPA.

Only the naive believe in consumer confidence and any other employee of any non-employees, physical access to the palace.

Customers get thinking about safety

But in reality, small businesses rarely think about security until it is too late. Get Your Small Business Consulting and potential customers think of how access togranted.

Get your potential customers think sensitive files such as credit card numbers, social security numbers (U.S.), trade secrets, accounting data and the annual meetings of the staff.

Client to determine needs

As small business customers have to say, might not think that the big picture of you proposed client / server network is excessive. This is one more reason to go through the consultation of small business customers a comprehensive approachinitial consultation, needs assessment, IT audit and site analysis.

Many times a small business owner could only file-sharing or contact us via email. If you press further, however, it turns out that in reality a system of contact management, group scheduling, network fax, intranet and a secure enterprise, high-speed surfing the Web need to Any Desktop.

The Bottom Line on Small Business Consulting

If customers of small business advice out there, do not need data security isprobably not probed deeply enough. Find out where the client stores its customer lists, proprietary models for measuring, forecasting wages, bonus calculations, the data of credit card and social security number.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting, one hundred and first All rights reserved throughout the world. (Editors Note: Direct link to the author resource box required for copyright compliance)

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The Linksys Wireless N Router is ideal for large groups

The Linksys Wireless-N Router is one of those, you should consider buying, especially if you Have a group of people to go online and expect to have high speed. The good news is that Linksys Wireless Broadband Router is an excellent product to help this larger network. For example, the Linksys Wireless-N Broadband Router is the ideal choice for those who need more speed and range, although it requires little space, too.

What doesOffer?

One can expect a lot from the Linksys Wireless N Check out some of the following characteristics and advantages of this particular product.

The first Wireless N is one of the most advanced wireless technologies. Makes it easier for many users to share Internet access. Each user will experience the level of full Internet access possible without a reduction, if multiple users online simultaneously.

The second system also provides multiple users to shareAnd print files, virtually the same time.

A third of the best features of this model is the Linksys router, which provides coverage and protection sufficient to allow users to enjoy high-intensity, high-capacity bandwidth without slowing down. Those who use Voice over IP, video or games on the Internet will find that there is less lag with this device.

If the fourth is on all wireless devices N, this Linksys router not excellent wireless broadband.However, it also works for those devices that are equipped with Wireless-G or Wireless-B, consider that for all needs.

Fifth coverage is offered fantastic. It will provide full coverage easy to go home. MMO Technology provides. This helps to increase signal range and reduce dead spots in the situation. This means that you are more serious for your laptop computer and other devices.

For those seeking a reliable tool to get online, even ifhave a significant number of devices that are part of the network will have the Linksys Router Wireless N Router is the perfect adoption. This product offers excellent coverage and overall speed, without degrading experience, if multiple users access the Internet. It also works very well for many companies that offer this type of network functionality and performance needs.

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MCSE Certification preparation

MCSE certification is considered one of the most prestigious certificates in IT sector in question. The MCSE exam is tough. The person who is undergoing this test is already an IT professional, it is absolutely necessary for a candidate, at least one year of previous experience of inclusion.

Materials for MCSE on Microsoft Windows 2000 and MCSE on Windows Server 2003 is different. The first documents 70-210 Exam 70-215 Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 ServerExam, 70-216, Network Administration Exam, 70-219 Active Directory design and choice Security Design exam, 70-220, Exchange Server 2000, 70-224.

The latter includes 70-290 exam, applications management and maintenance of a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 70-291 exam is to implement, manage and maintain a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure. 70-294 exam tests the design, construction and maintenance of a Microsoft Windows Server 2003Active Directory infrastructure.

Happen for a total of 32 course units in order to complete the course. Kit preparation and sample exams are available online. Classes and tutorials are available. The cost of these courses range from $ 2,000 to $ 4,000, depending on the institution.

The topics for the exams are MCSE Managing and Maintaining a deployment of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment, management and maintenance of a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure,Design, construction and maintenance of a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory infrastructure. Create Sites and Manage User, group and computer accounts, management and access permissions to files share Web server control and manage Internet Information Services management hardware, disk storage, software and services for printing and Implementation Procedures for Making backup and recovery system, install and use the configuration of the TCP / IP, DHCP to manage IP addressesConfigure and manage DNS clients, servers and zones, management of routing and remote access, including VPNs, and implement security procedures monitored traffic management.

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Computer Marketing secrets that nice to win customers

You start a computer business related and are not sure how to plan a computer-marketing?

When you first start marketing your business, be sure to know exactly what kind of small businesses seek to achieve, and with a targeted marketing message. This means that we must look to the characteristics of ideal potential customers and learn how to achieve better.

If youYou begin to feel overwhelmed owners, if you find that there are as many as 30 marketing computer business task you can do, how. You should see a list of all the options and then find four or five, the most appealing to you. The most important thing to remember is that you diversify. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. You should see a couple of other computer-marketing campaigns ever run at any time.

The following three tips can help you design aComputer-marketing plan that will make your work unique business and provide you with the best prospects, clients and customers.

Consider the many computer-marketing options. Think about the marketing strategies and you can see how it would work, their commercial success to your special. Some of the tactics to be considered include outbound telemarketing, targeted direct mail postcard or letter, in which a certain number of cards / letters to a target and thenfollow-up, a few weeks later, b2b fairs in your area, shows or industry events, marketing organization, seminars yourself host or co-host with trusted business advisors or partners. There are many more creative options you can choose, for example how to best reach your target think.

Diversifying and track your marketing campaigns. One of the most important features of a computer-marketing plan is large which is different. Again, not to spend yourtotal annual marketing budget on a single campaign. You want to hit different areas and then see how you can monitor and measure, what you do. Find out how much time and money you are investing in each country and what kind of contacts you receive as a direct result of your investment. Basically you need to find out what marketing activities and strategies that are, you can learn more from Those Who are working and eliminate what is not does not make it easy to do in economics.

Evaluate marketing results every quarter. No matter what, marketing strategies and campaigns to your computer that you select, you must give everyone the ability to generate results. This means that in most cases, you should stick with a campaign to see at least two minutes, three months ago, as it grows. After one quarter is over, stick with the campaigns, and worked to give up, who do not. Then add some new marketing mix, so always test newClient attraction strategies. Remember that marketing is an ongoing evolutionary process that will be refined over time.

In this article we talked about three options to provide a strong client list. Learn more about how you can quiet the customers who pay high hours

Copyright (C), All rights reserved.

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How can your company use GPRS Bonded?

Companies around the world discover the benefits of an online presence. Even big companies are moving in this direction and culture medium from web pages. This new frontier is the use of new technologies. One such technology is used with GPRS 3G-bound commitment. The question here is how your company can use a GPRS connection?

GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service. GPRS is for all current network users than 2G and 3G. The involvement ofIncluding GSM wireless communications standard, which is the basis for most if not all, wireless services we enjoy. In 2G networks, provides a data rate up to 114 KB per second.

Bonded GPRS is a relatively new idea that can increase the signal strength within your own network. For example, if your phone connection to your laptop, the signals from both SIM cards are bonded or combined to obtain a wireless connection stronger. This can be an advantagefor several reasons.

Bonded GPRS allows the field service personnel to connect the site has a stronger connection to an integrated signal. The power of two SIM cards (mobile phone and laptop together) offers wider broadband signal. The result is less signal loss, dropped connections and less reliable data transfer.

Combine this with a leap, secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) and the source of the data transfer is the objective that is encrypted a. This allowsRoad Warrior sales people to connect to the Home Office from anywhere on the globe and send sensitive documents without fear.

Another advantage is the ability to send certain documents or data via a text message or sending it via a Bluetooth connection. Instead of the Airwaves general, running on all texts of SMS messages through a secure connection and private broadband network are sent. Therefore, you can use my phone Send private network andAttachments from seals GPRS.

This is not only safer, but is also faster. Data transferred in this manner is almost immediately. This corresponds to higher productivity and greater efficiency. If I understand correctly the technology, devices have linked users to send messages from a laptop or other wireless device to a different text, provided that all devices are connected to the same network.

The networks were the beginning ofInternet and computers at home. Business GPRS is a step further and allows users on a link of broadband interface that is strong, virtually indestructible, safe and fast. This package allows expert users to send pictures, documents or other file format that is supported by the GSM standard. The result is faster transactions.

In the world of online business, speed is a factor. Using a GPRS connection is this capacity to a level, incredibly safe andQuick. Productivity has never been better, and information has never ran faster. So, in short, that's how your businesses can use GPRS modern consolidated.

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Cisco CCNA, CCNP, and CCENT Practice Questions - RIP, VLANs, HSRP, and More!

We test your knowledge of RIP, Easy VPN Server, VLANs, Cisco and other topics important certification exam! The answers can be found at the end of the article to be found.


What would each show command RIP-value double in the next edition of the command?

R1 # show IP protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds
Keep Invalid after 180 seconds, 180, flushed after 240

CCENT Certification:

SixThe configuration of a Cisco switch and attempt to create a place in a port VLAN that is not yet. What will happen, and what message one might expect to see?

CCNA Security Certification / CCNP ISCW exam:

Working in SDM to configure an Easy VPN Server. There are three options for authenticating your Easy VPN Client. What?

CCNP Certification / BSCI exam:

What do the following IPv4 fields have in common, that tell themIPv6?

Header Length
Fragment Offset
Header Checksum

CCNP Certification / BCMSN exam:

What can a single word HSRP router to take over the active router if the current route of Active's online?

CCNP / ONT Exam:

What header RTP header compression?

Here are the answers!

CCNA: Answer: To change the order of fundamental values RIP timers. To double each value, we would have the followingCommand:

R1 (config-router) # timers basic 60360360480

CCENT: Answer: The switch will dynamically create the VLAN and send you a message indicating that only. Here is the message I received when placing a port in VLAN 500, a VLAN that did not have this option:

SW1 (config) # int fast 0 / 1
SW1 (config-if) # switchport mode access
SW1 (config-if) # switchport access VLAN 500
% Access VLAN does not exist. Creating VLAN-500

CCNA Security / ISCW exam answer:The choices are pre-shared keys, digital certificates, and both.

CCNP BSCI Answer: None of them made the cut to IPv6 - are fields of IPv4.

CCNP BCMSN response prevention. In the following example, R2 was not the active router, even if its priority is higher than the active router. After reconfiguring R2 prevent priority statement with the option, the Active router R2.

Note that can anticipate now appears in the output of SHOW idleR2.

R2 (config-if) # standby 5 priority 150 preempt

1d11h:% STANDBY-6-State Change: Ethernet0 Group 5 state Standby -> Active

R2 # show standby
Ethernet0 - Group 5
Local state is Active, priority 150, may preempt
Hello time 4 sec, wait time 12 sec
Next hello sent in 1.844
Virtual configured IP address
Active router is local
Standby router expires in 10.204
Virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac05
2 changes state, the changeState change 00:00:13

CCNP ONT Answer: RTP HC will compress the headers of RTP, sure - but it will also compress IP and UDP headers.

RTP compression can cause a lot of overhead reduction. Consider those three headers and their size:

IP header: 20 bytes
UDP header: 8 bytes
RTP header: 12 bytes

HC show that RTP header total size, across 2-4 bytes, depending on their documentation decreases lead.

More freeCisco certification exam questions practice on my site like this!

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What is a certified AIS

AIS Certification or Advanced Information Security Certification is a certification from HP and falls into the category of advanced certification and is not for beginners in the field of computer security thought. Launched in 2001, the AIS certification offered by the Security Council 's University in recognition of expertise and competence in the prevention of risks to safety and ITS information management. And 'global, which has a certificate holder AIS as a single soundFoundation and advanced design, operating systems, the network option and security components to meet business needs. Advanced certification in information security requires knowledge of high quality security concepts.

AIS for certification, you must have a minimum of one year of practical experience in dealing with the support and technology solutions in enterprise-class network environment. Some other important conditions for receiving AISCertification are attending at least eight classes at the AIS and a "roadmap" to pass the exam after completing the course. The completion of these eight courses distributed in all eight tests makes you eligible for the prestigious ISA certification. For example, HP OpenView and ISA Server for Windows V7 duration of the examination, which is required HP HP0-727 HP OpenView Operations I (7.x) - Windows. A sample curriculum for certification AIS can address issues such aspenetration testing of network analysis of virus, patch management, network intrusion detection system, as applied to architecture security, computer forensic investigations, network and security is also key issues such as firewalls and network security concepts VPN . A person for this advanced certification, a profound need to address these issues. Fees vary from class to class, but on average is about $ 1,200 to $ 2,500 per person.

The good news about thisCertification, that once you have taken, will remain throughout your life is validated. There are several recommended HP training courses are available, such as the INTRO course fully prepares to face the AIS certification exams. Additional preparation materials AIS are available on the Internet. Even engines online tests are producers like TestKing and Pass4Sure, and many others are available. The key is you just as much effort on your part, because there is no shortcut toSuccess.

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Wireless Network Security - The Basics of Securing a Wireless LAN

Authentication process network

The process of mapping a client and the authentication of an access point is standard. If shared key authentication to customers in selected, there are additional packages sent confirmation of authenticity key.

The following describes the EAP authentication on the network.

First client sends probe all access points

Second access point sends the information with a frame rate of ETC

Third Clientselect the next point better access

Fourth scans Client Access Point in order of 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and then

Fifth Data rate selected

Sixth Associates Client Access Point SSID

With the seventh EAP authentication on the network authenticates the client to the RADIUS server

Open Authentication

This protection has a rope to an access point or access points defines a logical segmentation of the wireless network known asService Set Identifier (SSID). The client can not associate with an access point, unless it is configured with the SSID. Network management is as simple as determining the SSID of each network client. 'S Access Point can be configured to broadcast the SSID does not improve security is something. Most companies implement key static or dynamic, in order to integrate security SSID.

Static WEP

Configure your client with an adapterprivate static wired equivalence (WEP) enhance the security of your wireless transmissions. The access point is encrypted with the same 40-bit or 128-bit WEP key, and while this key combination is configured to compare. The question is, hackers can intercept wireless packets and decrypt the WEP key.

Dynamic WEP keys (WPA)

The use of dynamic WEP encryption keys for each session will enhance the security of a hash algorithm, the new key pairs generated with specificIntervals, make it more difficult to spoof. The log-802.1x authentication with TKIP and MIC methods including encryption. Authentication between the wireless client and RADIUS authentication server allows dynamic management of security. It should be noted that any type of authentication is the Windows platform support given. One example is the PEAP requires Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 with SP4 or Windows 2003 on each client.

The802.1x is a standard for user authentication for each session with this encryption supported EAP types: EAP-TLS, LEAP, PEAP, EAP-FAST, EAP-TTLS and EAP-SIM. authentication credentials for network-User have nothing to do with the configuration of the client computer. Any loss of computer equipment does not compromise security. TKIP encryption with an encryption standard to improve the best WEP encryption key hashing package (PPK), verify the integrity of the message handling(MIC) and broadcast key rotation. The protocol uses 128-bit key to encrypt data and 64-bit keys for authentication. The transmitter adds a few bytes, or MIC, in order to decrypt a packet before encryption and the recipient and verify the MIC. Broadcast key rotation rotation unicast and broadcast keys at certain intervals. Fast reconnection is a function of the EPA, allowing employees available, should without a re-authentication with a RADIUS server to change rooms or floors will wander. TheClient username and password will be cached time with the RADIUS server for a while.


Implemented to build secure tunnels symmetric key algorithm

Clie NT and RADIUS server-side mutual authentication

The client sends the username and password in the secure tunnel


SSL v3 builds an encrypted tunnel

Sid and RADIUS client and server-side PKI certificates awarded mutual authentication

Dynamic per customer for meeting key used to encrypt data

Protected EAP (PEAP)

Implemented on a Windows client authentication method EAP-ny

RADIUS authentication server certificate's root CA server digital

client-side authentication with RADIUS server ticati Microsoft MS-CHAP v2 client with the username and password I encrypted credentials

Wireless Client Network EAP> Auth ntication process

Client First Associates with a ccess

Second access point allows traffic 802.1x

DAR ES third client authenticate IUS server certificate

Fourth RADIUS server sends the user name and password encrypted customer request

Fifth dial Cl s ame word to end users wi encrypted password to the RADIUS Server

Sixth WEP RADIUS server and client products. R ADIUS server sends the WEP key to access point

Seventh Place access encryptedBroadcast 128-bit key with the session key dynamic. Leave the client.

8th C lient and Access Point with session key to encrypt / decrypt packets


WPA Pre-Shared Keys used some features of static and dynamic WEP keys, key protocols. Each client and access point is configured with a specific code static. The code is generated TKIP key used to encrypt the data session. The access code should defend at least 27 charactersagainst dictionary attacks.


WPA2 implements the standard methods of authentication WPA with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This encryption method is provided with the implementation of the government, etc., where the highest security requirements must be implemented.

Application Layer passcode

SSG uses an access code at the application level. The client can not nticat Auth and unless they know the access code. SSG is implemented in public places suchsuch as hotels, where the customer pays for access and word spread the word allows the network.

VLAN assignment

As noted, companies deploy access points with SSID tasks that define the logic of wireless networks. The access point SSID is mapped to a VLAN on the wired network segments that traffic from certain groups, as traditional wired network. wireless deployments with multiple VLANs then configure ISL or 802.1Q trunking betweenAccess Point and Ethernet switches.

Miscellaneous Settings

Turn off Microsoft File Sharing
Implement anti-virus software and firewalls
Install your company VPN Client
Turn O FF Auto connect to a wireless network
Do not use AdHoc mode - this allows laptops to connect to unknown
Do a good signal exceeded Site Survey
With the minimum power setting

Anti Theft option

Some access points have an option Anti-theftto ensure available with lock and wiring equipment, while using public space. can be mounted this is an essential feature of implementations of public access points where or stolen, is there any reason why it is so below the ceiling.

Security attacks

Wireless Packet Sniffer is recorded and analyzed decode packets sent between the client computer and the AP. Th and goal is to decipher the information on safety.

Dictionary attacks attempt toIdentify key for decryption on the wireless network configured with a list or a dictionary, with thousands of catchphrases access code. Collects information from hackers authentication and scanning every word in the dictionary against the password until a match is found.

The specifically assigned to each wireless client security. For I c AP-mode option is less secure without authentication. Every computer on the network can send data to an ad-hoc neighborsComputer. Select Infrastructure mode, if available.

IP spoofing is an attack on the common network with simulated or replaces the source IP address of each packet. The network communication device thinks that its approval to a computer.

SNMP is sometimes a source of security risk. Implement SNMP v3 with complex community strings.

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What is the management of security?

How to protect your data.

It is not sufficient to apply user and group security and permissions. They also consider the following.

* Configure security applications, files

* Setting the default security system users

* Secure physical environment and the computer

* Group of users in different groups and implement specific security

* Avoid using generic logins

* Supervise and monitor your security logs regularly

It security solutionsFragmented?

Just because you have IDS, anti-virus and firewall is installed, does not mean you have secured your network, data and files on your infrastructure.

You must do more. You must know the data stream, as it is and what route it takes and how to reach the goal. You must know that access to information that has changed the date, and keep your eyes in various stages of data detect any unusual activity.

Your IDS, anti-virus, firewallperhaps a great job as individuals do, but your goal is to ensure that all your personal safety, work together and improve your overall security.

Think big picture, your goal for the network to backup files and data. What tools needed to build it? How you can integrate different security solutions in a secure environment and you a decent performance.

Where else could implement security

Could beinstalled some of the following security measures already, or perhaps you did not. And 'good idea to review them and make sure you have done what he could.

* Level Network - Firewall

* Application Layer - Proxy

* Network Layer - NAT

* Physical Layer - STP cabling

* Network Layer - IDS

* Network Layer - IPSec

* Application Layer - Web server configuration

* Network Level - Services and enough ports, DoS

* Application Layer - Anti-Viruse-mail, DoS

* Transport Layer - SSL

* Network layer - Network Scanner

* Application Layer - DCOM XML

Not every organization needs the security of the above and, in some cases, these are not sufficient. Depends organization that protects them and how important information is their similar activities.

What is the management of security?

Note: The following, and you should be in good shape with your security management.

* Know the risksout there, and how they are managed

* Ensure security policies are written and enforced

* To sort the data and the corresponding work

* You must practice and standards to clarify what must be done

* Without proper security organization that knows what to do

* Users, IT staff and management must be brought to safety.

With a little 'planning, you can manage security as you want.

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Secure Proxy

Secure Proxy acting as intermediaries accepting applications for other systems and thus contribute to others in the order given. These are often used when the network connecting the client computer is incompatible with a direct. An example is when the customer needs is not able to take the security of the server.

Secure Proxies are also used for screening purposes. This allows access to inappropriate web sites contain unwanted or administrator. In addition, the Secure Proxy ServerAlso used for cache, faster access to frequently used Web sites.

Key Features

These types of proxies are working on the application level - the seventh layer of the OSI model. Unlike firewalls, which work differently in the lower layers tend secure proxy, to remain dependent on demand.

These types of proxies are easy to install and are very difficult as a firewall, just because the functionality for each protocol is configured on an applicationTime.

However, increased well-configured secure proxy performance and security. work with proxy servers for OSI application layer, the filter questions are very sharp. Through the control messages, web proxy server can easily verify URLs outgoing requests for web pages.

A director

Message feature allows network administrators to access cash at some sites and allow access to others. Normal small firewall to check domain name web withinMessages.

Likewise for incoming data, filters ordinary router network address or port number. However, content filtering proxy server also in the message-based application.

These types of proxies are much as they are easy to configure and are used here with high efficiency. This is a transparent proxy server, also provides NAT. This is the main reason why client-server computer is basically unaware of the existence of the proxy.

In addition to security featuresand caching usual proxies also support secure NNTP, and HTP. Secure Proxies are now used by large companies around the world.

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Reasons for Virtual Assistants Need MS Excel training

MS Excel is one of the more important that each virtual assistant should know how to use. It 'very useful, especially for SEA, want to expand their skills and offer more in the range of services to their customers. MS Excel Training Wizard is a good investment for the virtual? You bet! Here are the reasons why:

This is a spreadsheet

MS Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be manipulated electronically. And 'efficientallows a fast and efficient use of tables or cells in which such data as numbers and text can be entered.

virtual assistants may find this feature very useful, especially when saving to perform calculations, data, sort data and accounting. Each cell can be programmed to use a formula, mathematical functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed.

If a job requires more complex formulations VA, MS Excel can be usedCreate formulas that are modified to adjust the functions of cells.

The data can be used to produce and store

Virtual Assistant, you can MS Excel to store and manipulate data. The data cells can be ordered for easy search and analysis so they can be used for various purposes, such as store names, addresses, locations, postal codes, telephone numbers and keywords.

MS Excel can be used for conditional formatting, so the appearance ofDetails of the selected cells can be manipulated. negative values, for example, can be formatted, displayed in red, while those with positive values can be made to appear black, blue, green or any other color is. Data can be formatted to interact with information displayed on another worksheet.

When it comes to storing data, MS Excel is extremely efficient. It can be up to 16,000 columns and one million rows. This space is more than enough to ensure that a virtual occupiedWizard even large amounts of data without fear of running out of tables always use the jack.

Excel charts can be used to produce, and graphics

virtual assistants may be asked to create graphs and charts for presentations and data analysis. Using MS Excel training, Vas will be very easy to create professional-looking charts and tables quickly.

When Visual Oomph is required, easy to use virtual assistants impact to the charts and diagrams, asTransparency, shadows, and even 3D.

MS Excel modules can be used to create

Virtual assistants can benefit from training MS Excel, because it can be used to make several types of electric or use online or for print design. Using MS Excel, selected cells can be frozen, regarded as long lists or large amounts of documents is easier.

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This makes sense for your business - managed colocation or managed server?

IT outsourcing Hosting Housing can from raw milk, which has a place to house your server capacity, the power to carry out and operate the online connection, a server dedicated fully managed. A fully managed server generally includes all the hardware and technical services on the server to keep running 24x7. The range of services including the first Housing and Managed Server allows IT managers to select only the services that their company needs. You canchoose options managed backup, managed services, basic monitoring, colocation and fully managed servers.

Managed Housing is comparable to a fully managed server, except that the hardware is wholly owned by the customer in. With crude colocation, the server owner is responsible for monitoring and tracking, responding to and repairing problems with their servers and preventive measures such as ensuring their data. With managed colocation and managed servers, many of thoseOperations may be data center operators that these services could offer a lower cost to society to provide itself be outsourced.

One advantage of colocation, managed hosting needs of the customer and one problems are addressed by industry experts with extensive experience and knowledge. The customer does not worry about the problems to a month because they pay the managed hosting services for all. With managed colocation, customers also willby reducing their total cost of IT management. As the staff and the space center will be together on many servers in the data, the customer pays a lower price than letting the data center personnel

Other than the hardware, there are few differences between managed server colocation and managed by most hosting providers. But one of the advantages of managed servers is managed through the recovery time of co-location faster for hardware failures. With managedServer hardware from the hosting provider of property, have replaced most of the spare parts readily available in hardware quickly and to prevent the availability of a similar server downtime to replace during maintenance. Managed Colocation, client 's server, any hardware errors vary widely and often require long delays in coordinating the ordering, delivery and replacement of custom server components.

benefits similar to managed serversManaged colocation and management experts to provide customers a lower cost than the cost that could host internally. However, managed colocation best for companies that already have the server hardware and expert in technology, employees, control and administration just want security and reliability of a data center services providers and key management. The managed server is best option for companies that do not have the personnel or hardware, and want morereceiving services such as basic maintenance and troubleshooting. Both options allow you to use a company's know-how of the staff of the computer center and have absolute security, management, monitoring and reporting.

All in all, both managed colocation and managed server should service sector according to their way of thinking about business, rather than the outsourcing of IT services. Excellent data centers, companies can choose their desired services andDegree of control. In the spectrum of raw materials colocation server to manage, every company can find an IT management solution that is best for your scenario.

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Communication, collaboration and remote access - Insights for Small Business

Thanks to evolving technology, there are several ways to communicate and collaborate within a business. Commercial communication between employers, managers, customers and employees is essential to the success of an operation. The most advanced online communications equipment are offered for free or cheap. Here are some better ways to bring aide to communication between employees, using collaboration and productivity within the remoteAccess.

Facebook for Business? Why not!
This online social networking site is home to millions of users. With its recently updated privacy settings and features easy to use, now almost all are free with this tool. Entrepreneurs can create groups for members only.

Once a group has been created, and staff are invited (must be a member of the Facebook group before receiving calls), communications, documents and images can be loaded. This makesCommunication within the group very easily. For example, updates may be posted to the group short of the wall. Facebook is a free service that can be combined with access anywhere, provided they have an Internet connection and a valid email address.

Make calls with Skype or Engin
Skype is a free software that has many unique features of communication. Its competitor, Engin, offers a similar service. Both use a so-called Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).Employers can make video conference calls with the touch of a button on VoIP. Other characteristics of these services include instant messaging, screen sharing and file transfers.

Engin and Skype calls over the Internet are free - you pay only a low monthly cost flat-fee access.

want this software is ideal for managers and executives, in the person of its employees up-to-date, or reduce or conference travel expenses. Many sales and marketing managers use this softwareConduct online training. To download the software, users need a computer with Internet access and basic Windows (or Mac), which probably means that not all updates for expensive equipment before you down the working and pay to use as a collaboration tool.

Yahoo Messenger and MSN
This is a chat board software since computers were invented. When he created the first time the software was only capable of short messages between members (in transmissionin real time). New features include integration with other major social networking sites like Flickr and Twitter. It comes with better language support and improved video calling.

The latest version (Yahoo Messenger 10) is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 could also try MSN Messenger, a free service that offers instant messaging is very popular in Australia. Both are very successful and popular communications platforms.

DocumentationSharing sites
There are a variety of Web sites that offer free online sharing of documents between members permit, without there being on the same network.

This sharing sites are not only VPN for communication, but also for the projects is that good teams or more agencies or if people need access to documents may, but do not get to their e-mail, fax or society.

Three of the most popular file sharing sites are Google Docs, Microsoft Live and Scribd.Users can web documents, spreadsheets and presentations. This service is free, but most of the time that offer advanced functionality at a low price. With an advanced user and have access to pay more gigabytes of storage space.

Remote access to a virtual private network (VPN)
A virtual private network or VPN uses the Internet for information users to work offsite or specific offices OutpostRemote Access password. This information is usually on a network provider organization. It is not expensive, have a VPN.

In many cases, a VPN will be developed for free, and is a free software available for small business operators or new budgets are tight in one.

Remote access to a virtual private network can be offered as a software or service. Some of the best client software including Cisco VPN and OpenVPN.

Sharing InformationTwitter
Twitter is one of the largest online social networking sites in the world (as well as Facebook). People find and interact (in 140 characters blocks) with other stakeholders in the same things they are. You can find information and opinions about products and services and more real-time update to share your status. Links to useful information, websites and videos can also be included in a post.

Is not private - the information you put there is availableHis followers, be they friends, colleagues or random trailers. Increasingly, this channel is used for the production of ads and supports the rapid dissemination of current news. Instead of a cooperation that enables internal staff of the channel, there is a communication tool for businesses to engage with their customers and the media.

There are many advantages to improve cooperation within a society and, of course, many ways to improve businessCommunications that save money and reduce overheads can.

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Protecting wireless networks

Wireless networks are commonplace almost everywhere you go. Wireless networking is now easy, economical and can be quite want to get anywhere. By now most wireless access points, the device can be simple and the setup for the wireless so that they are very comfortable. But with the convenience that wireless creates, there is also some security risks and vulnerabilities. With a few simple tricks and configurations, you can protect your wirelessfor the home network.

Before Change all default settings on your Access Point
All wireless access points regardless of which are derived from default settings are left on it, and if possible at all, access, access to the documentation of the access point to make is to win. The two main settings that you want to change the default access point is not lit, the admin password and SSID. Changing the default settings of these two drastically increase the security of your accessPoint.

According know your broadcast industry
Location, Location, Location. Where it determines the access point in your home or office where you can catch the signal. Obviously you want to keep the signal in your office or home is limited, so the worst place to put the access point near a window across the street. The fact that you emit a radio signal in the direction of the road for all people to pick up. The best place is for an access point for attention to security asnear the center of your home or office.

Third Turn off SSID broadcast
Wireless access points are usually installed by default on its SSID, that someone said that it is in transmission range of wireless network in the area. Disable this feature, you must know the SSID of the WLAN to connect to it. This security measure is to capture the basic drivers from picking up your wireless network war. This increase, together with the Configure Web is clearly listed below is yourSecurity.

Fourth Enable WEP 128-bit
wireless signal is standard on air in clear text, which means that someone sent in a bug (sniffer) can pickup the transmission between computers and wireless access point. Enabling and Configuring 128 bit WEP encryption, you will find the information you send over the air. 128-bit WEP must be configured on the Wireless Access Point and also be configured exactly the same way on your computer without wiresare connected to the access point.

Fifth Enable MAC address filtering
If you have 3 and 4 to be configured to enable MAC address filtering is probably not necessary, but it's still an option to increase security. Almost all access points that nowadays come with MAC address filtering. These filters allow you to enter the MAC addresses of wireless cards to connect the access point and other wireless devices that attempt to deny thefor the connection.

Sixth Disable DHCP on the router or access point
Disable DHCP on the router / server / access point means you must manually set all the computers IP addresses. Disable DHCP, you need someone to know your real IP system to connect to the network. This is not a security measure very large, but adds another layer of disadvantage for the person seeking access.

Security is a continuous process of change and evolution.With the implementation of some of these recommendations, you can greatly increase your safety and protection.

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When a good Identity Access Management (IAM) software goes bad

Since we are a more traditional break here in the U.S. at the end, may be useful in the real world think IAM software implementation problems. I initially thought of doing a standard "Time Line of posts on IAM software, but on further review, it seemed more Germanic in IAM software problems concentrating.

First, some "gross generalizations" about Identity Access Management (IAM) software (in random order):

The suppliers are not always their best people on IAM-related accounts. OfOf course, this depends greatly on many factors, so I used the term in general. "Engineers best and brightest minds - developers, key strategists, and frankly, many people who are running in the" blogosphere "business blogs actually not implement IAM software. So, who comes to your site? Partners Offshore hires, trainees, sales representatives (or "technical trading") is high-dollar are certainly more likely to have the talent, but also such accounts may suffer in this extendedIAM market.
IAM software is inherently incredibly complex - of nature and design. We can not wait Have your system have been thoroughly tested under all permutations of the Environment, version, DNS, Certificates, mixed authenticators, etc. I could repeat this point one thousand times . Note for the company - most of IAM software, especially "suites" are essentially service offerings, such as products packaged to meet real. You can start life as a retail package, but must be strongtested, adapted, configured, developed, expanded and adapted to the real world enterprise environments. This is the reality of software in the area of Identity and Access Management. Please do not expect point and click configuration for true enterprise-class software. It is not only an unrealistic expectation, but can lead to all kinds of planning and budgeting deficiencies when it is time to implement, and improve. Keep
IAM software is often closely correlated with some versions ofOperating systems, Web servers, application servers and related components. In fairness to the major players, try a product to market, in which he supported "N number of platforms with the multiplier effect comes into play if the raw number of other systems or" the goals of opinion, get 'that the software seems to be communicating. Do not be deceived the "open platform" story seller. JDK version, OS revision level (except service pack / patch number) in someCases may create or destroy key components IAM.
Sellers usually do not support their best people on the phones or on queues based support portal to help you. The most important of all companies IAM (probably all, but I funds and say 'maybe') offshore to support key parts of their software. Certainly, most do, as we learned first hand over and over again. A debate on the merits (or less) of offshoring is best left to experts. My point here is thatdo not occur often, it is a fact with the provider of enterprise software, and you can reasonably expect, communication skills and issues of delta time zone (and others) to find the support base for the products of the IAM.
IAM contends people are not necessarily up to speed on the latest versions and permutations of its products. This is an area of great variance in the main hall supplier. In general, however, support can be called through many hands before entering the country for a tripsatisfactory solution. For providers with frequent review cycles can be considered almost certain that a good part of the support staff is not fully up to speed for the latest versions. Furthermore, subsidiaries, property of a support case can be daunting and extremely frustrating for business customers. (Or anyone else for that matter.) On a similar note, tend suppliers - such as airlines and companies in the health - their resources to sell expensive. I am more than happy to sell the product at allThey want the support of great promise, but at the end of the day may not have the resources to support what they sold. This is a classic problem, and one that should be connected with a group of companies see a solution in the near future.
As with any chain of IAM software is only as good as its weakest link or connection. The best software in the world can only be responsible for its internal operation and to set the operation of connected components. Case in point - Databasesand operating systems. IAM infrastructure can be a facilitator, characteristics and functions that do not yet exist, and provide a platform for delivering services. But many organizations have disparate repositories of information and services that are in various states of disorder, older versions, configuration errors, or dirty / unstructured data.
The success of IAM software implementation requires a team. Minimally, this includes one or more technical implementation by the supplier and one or more subjectsExperts from the client side. Subject experts are real experts in their target platforms and data that can be on these platforms for software IAM, a prayer of success.
Many suppliers IAM Franken Steined have "(if that can be used as a verb) IAM various software packages, a presence in the IAM space to create. No names are necessary. Everyone in this room and all our customers know exactly what I'm talking about. We return to the point of complexity, consider theLogistics bring three or four completely discontinuous, independent countries, together, form a unified whole. Not easy is it? Ok granted, the IAM software is not * so * complicated and the point a bit 'exaggerated for dramatic effect, but you get the point. When cobbling together parts of machinery to make new machines will be new complexities and problems. The composition of a team of people who can successfully implemented all of the pieces is on a site for a client livingextreme challenge for most any manufacturer.

So what can (and will) go wrong with the IAM software? Here is a very abbreviated list ....

Installation failures. Terribly common for a number of reasons, including faulty installation scripts, Library / File issues, version conflicts, etc., see "dependency failure" below for more details.
Authentication failed.
Authorization failures.
Connection failure.
dependent failures (other versions of software, missing libraries and JAVAclasspath, missing patches, patch or replace a "configuration older, but more" supported)
Weak-link encryption. In this scenario, parts of the transaction will be encrypted identity, but not others.
Database read failures. (Bad connection strings, databases, require special tuning JDBC string of characters such as translation, etc. ..)
Database failures misread. The tables say one thing, says the provisioning tool that is connected to the database for something different ...
SSOBankruptcy. User logs in, the token is granted, users would like to make chips other portal / application / website and sign "seamless. Often not as seamless especially if several products are involved in the transaction.
directory service attributes do not match.
Java Library Errors. Should not refer to the installation, but the Start / Stop IAM components or application server.
Function errors. three quarters of the way they appear in the transaction, strange errors ....
Module or pluginMatching. The previous version of a plugin or a module that has been certified for an earlier version is not a stretch with the new, only to find that specific plugin that your website is based on not being thoroughly tested ...
SSL / certificate failures. certificate authority certificate may cache Web server, Java application server, client or browser. Enlarge the picture for the environment requires, including client certificates.

There are many others but these areOnly a few of the many things that the Identity and Access Management component may maintain installations determined by the performance of their mission. (And still earn some serious your company has spent on them.)

Is there hope?

Yes there is. Here are some (far from inclusive) suggestions that help * ensure * that access identity management software installation and maintenance, the best chance of success, may:

Standardizing on a version of the JDK, and the planStick with it for at least one full cycle implementation. It 'very easy (and tempting) to constantly update the JDK and JRE components are available when new. But this can create problems of compatibility with the IAM software. Stick with the version that the software is certified and certified, if multiple versions, go with the latter. This is * always * go with a minimum of version 1.5.x, the variety of security and improvement of the security model that is now available.Suppliers will be based on the old JDK and patches, so do not assume that the fact that an automatic update is needed to solve a specific problem.
For Microsoft shops (TM) or heterogeneous environments with Windows 2k3 server and XP or Vista clients plan, a move to.NET 3.0. We have discussed elsewhere, but is an important point. There are not only useful new IAM-related but.NET * * is in general compatible with previous versions, bug fixes and whileImprovements. CardSpace support is also a key driver for moving toward.NET 3.0.
Standardize secure JDBC driver to a specific version, and that the Identity and Access Management Provider certifies version said for connectivity to your data sources. IAM companies, in particular the provision and control instruments, rely heavily on the JDBC connections to directory services and databases. Their products are often coded to expect a certain class or driver version. In the case of JDBC, the new is not alwaysbetter. Again, "newer is not always better when it comes to JDBC." Remember also that many members of the IAM software can count on the same driver, then mix and match versions can be an important source of pain.
With the major providers have a clear picture of their product roadmap for the next three years. Remember that identity management programs have access to several years of efforts. If they can not provide one, it usually means they are just waiting to see what others are doing inIt is space, then go buy a Spree. (We are not names.)
With small vendors have a clear picture of their exit strategy, and the source into account the demand of escrow. Of course, not many small providers of this information, and not really long-term plan. No problem with that is, in itself, but the rate of bubbles in this area is important to know where these companies. Talk with the President. Talk with the fee (if applicable). I can not tell you,How many established "smaller" providers we spoke, and asked these questions point blank, just to see, they are acquired in the coming weeks.
scenarios for review with the manufacturer, the technical staff and see how they react. Repeat with their service. Make a few phone calls to test the service during the product evaluation. Insist on you to do the full support guest access. Call during the day, then call at 2:00 am. Ask the same Question every time. Compare and contrast.
Request for test drives virtual software vendor. Check the library with the application and web server load. Acquisition and review of protocols. Check for discrepancies.
Request ... * ...* no question a team consistent implementation. Large companies have sufficient resources to meet the challenges without the manufacturer's representatives show up at a site, or send email to ask your technical team global concerns> Password or troubleshooting VPN access to your environment. Get to allow a single team forward together for a 2-3 Person Change "contingency" and get this written in the contract.
If you, your product and / or product suites have finally decided to raise a good mix of your cross-functional experts (SMEs) and send to the IAM training product. More importantly, * ensure that SMEs to go further, to stay with the project planning .* * Key to SMEscomfortable and understand their IAM products, particularly where they connect with the resources of SMEs subsidiaries.
Imagine a complete list of all your applications Authentication: Databases, Directory Services blob XML, flat file or anywhere IAM data are stored in your company. This as a checklist for the provider of IAM and ask them to detail how their specific product (s) in any case is an address, and also who can not. Although this may seem a trivialPractice for many large companies to find out exactly what they have much less how to protect them, what they have is a huge exercise. The collection and analysis of this data is not up to your team IAM implementation vendor. Please do not expect this for you. Instead, please allow this ready for them, begins to be implemented. Often, an important detail or pattern in the review of the portfolio will phase, which may be crucial in deciding the best architecture andimplementation plan for the environment.
Maintain a strong code / software management practice. If you do not have in place, you get one before you're IAM multi-product implementations. Structure your code repository of product and project management, and keep in mind that access to make the management and provisioning products, major changes to directory services and databases. Match each update of a specific building or revise the IAM software components.

Product Description

InSummary, Identity and Access Management (IAM / IdM) software installations must, like other aspects of your identity and access management (IAM) program administration. Plan for the IAM software complexity, and most importantly, adopt a small child with an instrument software. Do not jump to the certificates, a policy on passwords, including the Federation of complex databases and directories until you have a clear test plan in place, and can provide basic functions to test the product. Once validated inEnvironment, move very basic level function until the applications are fully satisfied.

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