
What is the management of security?

How to protect your data.

It is not sufficient to apply user and group security and permissions. They also consider the following.

* Configure security applications, files

* Setting the default security system users

* Secure physical environment and the computer

* Group of users in different groups and implement specific security

* Avoid using generic logins

* Supervise and monitor your security logs regularly

It security solutionsFragmented?

Just because you have IDS, anti-virus and firewall is installed, does not mean you have secured your network, data and files on your infrastructure.

You must do more. You must know the data stream, as it is and what route it takes and how to reach the goal. You must know that access to information that has changed the date, and keep your eyes in various stages of data detect any unusual activity.

Your IDS, anti-virus, firewallperhaps a great job as individuals do, but your goal is to ensure that all your personal safety, work together and improve your overall security.

Think big picture, your goal for the network to backup files and data. What tools needed to build it? How you can integrate different security solutions in a secure environment and you a decent performance.

Where else could implement security

Could beinstalled some of the following security measures already, or perhaps you did not. And 'good idea to review them and make sure you have done what he could.

* Level Network - Firewall

* Application Layer - Proxy

* Network Layer - NAT

* Physical Layer - STP cabling

* Network Layer - IDS

* Network Layer - IPSec

* Application Layer - Web server configuration

* Network Level - Services and enough ports, DoS

* Application Layer - Anti-Viruse-mail, DoS

* Transport Layer - SSL

* Network layer - Network Scanner

* Application Layer - DCOM XML

Not every organization needs the security of the above and, in some cases, these are not sufficient. Depends organization that protects them and how important information is their similar activities.

What is the management of security?

Note: The following, and you should be in good shape with your security management.

* Know the risksout there, and how they are managed

* Ensure security policies are written and enforced

* To sort the data and the corresponding work

* You must practice and standards to clarify what must be done

* Without proper security organization that knows what to do

* Users, IT staff and management must be brought to safety.

With a little 'planning, you can manage security as you want.

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