Small Business Consulting: Overcoming Client Denial
When working in consulting to small businesses, customers can ask: "Why do I need something so big and powerful as the network you recommend? There are only seven companies in person and our network works fine, at least for Most of the time. "
"Selling Fear
In this situation, to overcome the denial, you often sell "to fear. Be prepared to speak through a small consulting firm on the client understand that their accountant family PC so that the reason was for herdaily and can $ 50K first subtracted caught during an annual inspection by the CPA.
Only the naive believe in consumer confidence and any other employee of any non-employees, physical access to the palace.
Customers get thinking about safety
But in reality, small businesses rarely think about security until it is too late. Get Your Small Business Consulting and potential customers think of how access togranted.
Get your potential customers think sensitive files such as credit card numbers, social security numbers (U.S.), trade secrets, accounting data and the annual meetings of the staff.
Client to determine needs
As small business customers have to say, might not think that the big picture of you proposed client / server network is excessive. This is one more reason to go through the consultation of small business customers a comprehensive approachinitial consultation, needs assessment, IT audit and site analysis.
Many times a small business owner could only file-sharing or contact us via email. If you press further, however, it turns out that in reality a system of contact management, group scheduling, network fax, intranet and a secure enterprise, high-speed surfing the Web need to Any Desktop.
The Bottom Line on Small Business Consulting
If customers of small business advice out there, do not need data security isprobably not probed deeply enough. Find out where the client stores its customer lists, proprietary models for measuring, forecasting wages, bonus calculations, the data of credit card and social security number.
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