Learning in detail Certification CCDP
CCDP Cisco Certified Design Professional represents. As the name suggests, is connected to the network design. CCDP certification is through the professional level of network design principles and concepts. It requires not only knowledge but also experience the appropriate network in the same field. In short, the application of the candidate for the CCDP certification should have a thorough knowledge about the design of switched networks, including WAN (Wireless Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), andaccess to other services. The candidate must also know how to satisfy customers specific technical and business application of the modular concept.
Applicants for this certificate must be aware of the requirement for CCDP certification, the first since the initial certification, CCNA and CCDA is to receive certification. Once the candidate completed the first two certifications that will be eligible for appearing for the CCDP certification. Well,obtain this certification, the candidate is required, there are three mandatory tests. There are two ways to delete these tests, the first pattern and an examination of the other is a model with two tests. If a candidate chooses a model, then the first, he / she has definitely clear BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks) for 90 minutes, over BCMSN (Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks), also of 90 minutes and ARCH (Designing Cisco NetworkArchitectures) again 90 minutes.
If a candidate chooses the two test patterns, then he / she is free to BSCI and BCMSN appear in combination and then the third, which is ARCH. The questions are asked in the tests, a mixture of drag and drop, simulations, and various options. The number of applications can vary in all tests. CCDP certification is valid for three years, so it is always advisable to take two pattern tests. And to recertify, candidates must not pass throughCCIE or CCDE written exam before the expiration of certification. Guides and books relevant are readily available online and in bookstores, or can an IT specialist training.
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