
What are the procedures, with Check Point 156-701 certification exam stress?

Checkpoint 156-701 Exam Name Check Point Integrity. There is no requirement that the candidate needed to write the exam. This certification is the best hope for candidates to acquire the skills and knowledge of Check Point Integrity.

Exam Objectives:

Check Point 156-701 exam objectives are:

A) design, as Integrity Advanced Server or client components and architecture of secure network endpoint PCs
2) UseIntegrity Advanced Server to create tools Integrity server or network client base
3) Create a packet-based rules for 's operation Integrity Client
4) use Integrity Advanced Server tools for configuring policies that include security features based on area monitoring program and firewall rules
5) Use Integrity Advanced Server to the remote endpoint security external PC
06:00) the use of integrity monitoring reports to refine the modelDistribution of life cycle approaches
7) Integrity Advanced Server Overview and Architecture
8) Installing Integrity Advanced Server to Windows Server 2003
9) use Integrity Advanced Server to create packages for installing client-integrity
10) the creation of new access care integrity
11) use Integrity Manager for the preparation of unit integrity
12) defining the appropriate economic policy template for the particular view ofIntegrity Client requirements.
13) Use of rules manager application for the creation of application of the rule
14) How to create security policy from the policy template
15) Posting integrity of company policy
16) How to create firewall rules for the integrity of security policy
17) Create Zone rules
18) the rules for the creation of security policy program
19) Create rules for endpoint security remote PC
20) the configuration of Integrity Anti-Spyware Protection
21) with freeIntegrity customers accidents spyware
22) Create an extension MailSafe
23) How to configure e-mail out to protect
24) Configuring Instant Messaging Security
25) Identification of monitoring reports Integrity.

costs of examinations and other details:

The exam costs vary around 150-200 dollars. exact test fee can be found at Pearson VUE. The test can be one of the centers of the 3600 Pearson, who is around you, be adopted. The test consists ofScenarios and multiple type questions with 120 minutes. exam time is different with 90 minutes for candidates to Japanese and English. The minimum value is passed the exam, 70% and shooting are available. There are negative signs for each answer which will be taken.

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