
A Brief History of Dell

Headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, Dell is one of the largest companies in the world employing more than one lakh people. And 'Michael Dell was founded in 1984, while still a student at the University of Texas at Austin. Such as PC's Limited was permitted. It 'was one of the first entrepreneurs in the belief that the sale by the computer systems directly to customers, their needs can be better understood and effective processing solutions can be provided.

In 1985 the company producedits first indigenous project - the "Turbo PC". PC's Limited advertised the systems in national magazines for sale directly to consumers, assembled and customized for each unit ordered a selection of options. Buyers were lower retail prices and offer more comfort. Although not the first company that was this model, limited use of the PC is one of the first to succeed him. The company grossed more than $ 73,000,000 in its first year.

The company changed its name"Dell Computer Corporation in 1988. Customers who was the driving force for the company. In 1996, Dell earned one of the pioneers of Internet-sales, close to a million dollars a day. In 2000, sales reached close to 50 million dollars a day.

Dell faced much criticism in 2005 when at 35,000 batteries if their laptops caught fire, remember. And again in February 2007, Dell has formal investigations by the SEC and U.S. Attorney for the SouthernDistrict of New York for the deficiencies in their expected profits.

Since then, Dell has come a long way. On February 27, 2008 was the first Dell computer company to join The Climate Group, underscoring the company's commitment to environmental management, energy efficiency and activities impact on climate. It has successfully implemented several recycling projects in different countries.

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