
Protecting wireless networks

Wireless networks are commonplace almost everywhere you go. Wireless networking is now easy, economical and can be quite want to get anywhere. By now most wireless access points, the device can be simple and the setup for the wireless so that they are very comfortable. But with the convenience that wireless creates, there is also some security risks and vulnerabilities. With a few simple tricks and configurations, you can protect your wirelessfor the home network.

Before Change all default settings on your Access Point
All wireless access points regardless of which are derived from default settings are left on it, and if possible at all, access, access to the documentation of the access point to make is to win. The two main settings that you want to change the default access point is not lit, the admin password and SSID. Changing the default settings of these two drastically increase the security of your accessPoint.

According know your broadcast industry
Location, Location, Location. Where it determines the access point in your home or office where you can catch the signal. Obviously you want to keep the signal in your office or home is limited, so the worst place to put the access point near a window across the street. The fact that you emit a radio signal in the direction of the road for all people to pick up. The best place is for an access point for attention to security asnear the center of your home or office.

Third Turn off SSID broadcast
Wireless access points are usually installed by default on its SSID, that someone said that it is in transmission range of wireless network in the area. Disable this feature, you must know the SSID of the WLAN to connect to it. This security measure is to capture the basic drivers from picking up your wireless network war. This increase, together with the Configure Web is clearly listed below is yourSecurity.

Fourth Enable WEP 128-bit
wireless signal is standard on air in clear text, which means that someone sent in a bug (sniffer) can pickup the transmission between computers and wireless access point. Enabling and Configuring 128 bit WEP encryption, you will find the information you send over the air. 128-bit WEP must be configured on the Wireless Access Point and also be configured exactly the same way on your computer without wiresare connected to the access point.

Fifth Enable MAC address filtering
If you have 3 and 4 to be configured to enable MAC address filtering is probably not necessary, but it's still an option to increase security. Almost all access points that nowadays come with MAC address filtering. These filters allow you to enter the MAC addresses of wireless cards to connect the access point and other wireless devices that attempt to deny thefor the connection.

Sixth Disable DHCP on the router or access point
Disable DHCP on the router / server / access point means you must manually set all the computers IP addresses. Disable DHCP, you need someone to know your real IP system to connect to the network. This is not a security measure very large, but adds another layer of disadvantage for the person seeking access.

Security is a continuous process of change and evolution.With the implementation of some of these recommendations, you can greatly increase your safety and protection.

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