E-Mail Me a Big 10-4
They have seen war and military movies and soldiers, screaming at their radios, "10-4" and "over and out" times. This is a real military radio protocol. I have a customer who e-mails answered with 10-4 and that has me thinking about e-mail, since it remains the main communication mode always been in the business. Faster than a letter, more efficient than a phone call, and enables the documentation, if you store your e-mails.
Ever wonder how many e-mails to send and receive you in a certain dayin the course of the transaction?
We are all multi-tasking, SMS and im'ing so fast that shortens the correct spelling and even social etiquette. Any e-mail does not have an answer, but there is another person at the other end of the correspondence left to ask whether you get the e-mail and read. E-mail has its strengths and its weaknesses. One challenge is the spam box and the other in competition with volume and a busy executive attention.
Sometimes I do not answer immediatelybecause to me, what I do have focus, I'm busy in a meeting or send in a conference call or I make a mental note to him and it is later filed and risks falling into a black hole of my brain does not see daylight conditions.
As a child of a military pilot, I saw my father talking on the phone with "Yes Sir" and other military formalities. We also occasionally have to talk to him via radio transmission, while in the cockpit flight to or from missions. TheseConversations were always with phrases that seemed stiff and awkward as a child, as does, for example, "10-4" that he got our gear and leave marks instead, we have "over and out."
The point was that each and every communication was acknowledged received, and although the language sounded complicated, it was really useful to know that through the crackle of the radio he heard us and receive the message was understood.
My client acknowledges each e-mail, which ISend to direct and "10-4" is often nothing more than effective must be said. He got the e-mail message, understood, and we are moving forward. I love it! If you are knee deep out into a project and the e-mails flying back and forth with information relevant to the project, it is helpful to know that the message was received and read. You move to the next issue or theme and the flow of the project continues smoothly. Although the message may appear to be lacking in etiquette and formalitythank you very much, he gets the job done and I find it oddly comforting. Perhaps because of my upbringing, maybe because I have some jealousy, I can not accept "10-4" but I am left to thank you with wordy combat hold answers and awkward that I am hard of text on my phone. 10-4 would be so much easier. I have THX or THNX rearranged on one occasion, and I often wonder if the same effects as 10-4.
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