
Pay-Per-Click VS. SEO

Pay-per-click you can immediately conclude that the use of analytics can be captured.

Search engine optimization takes time to achieve a good organic results. It is Link Building and many other factors that mention achieving a high ranking, no time! I used SEO for the last company I worked for his very time consuming and expensive to do. Most busy executives do not have the time to send hundreds of e-mail asking for reciprocal links. Who wants?

Instant results = chatSatisfaction. Think about when you write an ad that is well written and relevant, it can at the top of all search queries on Yahoo and Google may place let alone moved to Google and Yahoo advertising networks.

Do not get me wrong SEO should be part of your overall marketing strategy, but if your new to the game, or even old PPC can bring about instant results, and sales. PPC is a tactic, I think of SEO as a long-term strategy.

It's not just aboutalways these ads in PPC services like MSN, Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing, look for it to prepare your site with the information that your potential customers. Is your site user-friendly? Is there a contact form completed for them? Do you have conversion tracking software on the backend your return on investment track?

The website should navigate clean, easy to use. Contact information should be easy to recognize.

This takes planning. It is also a smart idea to startReflecting on a budget. How much are you willing to pay your competitors to gain a higher rank or a new customer for? The goal is to get high conversion rates, and retain these customers. Set up auto-responder. Create a newsletter or a blog. The more online marketing, the better.

Remember, the higher your conversion rate is the more profitable is your site for you and what should we have grown our online business is.

We want our visitors againto customers or at least warm leads, while providing information and great products or services.

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