
Why should you have an iPhone 3G?

Apple is supposedly everything to release its new iPhone 3G in a few days from now. Why you should buy it?

Here are a few random thoughts on the issue .....

When you use your phone mainly for calls and do not need high-speed (HSDPA) Internet on the device, it is not necessary if you are to places without GSM (eg Japan Travel)

With it, your connected is almost everything you need electronically no matter where you go. (Except for isolated rural areas where it can not beavailable). With Apple Mail, Safari and soon the number of applications for iPhone / iPod touch come to really think about mobile computing than then phone. Can you call him? Sure, but if the majority of iPhone owners are similar, the phone aspect of it is not used nearly as much as the other communication aspects. The bottom line is, if you are connected 24 / 7, the iPhone is the best and easiest to use to bet on.

To be honest though .... This is a fairly open-ended question. ButI will offer some brief context for you to answer for themselves ..

To me an iPhone you buy indicates that the buyer wants the most comprehensive capabilities in a package they can, true Internet web access, contacts, calendar, and a solid phone to name a few.

It also means that the owner of a phone with flexibility in the future wants. Since the iPhone based software can be easily added to new features. More compelling is the release of Apple iPhone SDKMonths, all major Exchange Server integration to add more functions, so that the iPhone is a player in the business environment. Exchange functionality enables push contacts, e-mail and calendar as well as access to GALs and use of certificates, VPN, identities and security features such as auto-wipe your phone should be lost or stolen.

3G is really just an increase in the speed of the network as surfing, play YouTube etc. will be accelerated. Most people who already have an iPhoneprobably will not feel constrained to a 3G. But if I were in the market for a new phone, I would probably go for the iPhone.

However, there are two drawbacks ....

* You gotta go with AT & T as a provider. They have had the exclusive for the foreseeable future. Mind you, service can actually be very good .... but it is limited.

* IPhone Like many phones today, the one camera installed, but can not currently take video. Why is a rugged mobile phone from Apple .... that a disk has built.... is not a video is beyond me.

Actually, given the fact that the iPhone 3G is not yet out, the answer to that question is pure speculation. There is no truth nor set any targets that the iPhone will have ..... except that fact that it is 3G capable.

Frankly, from what I heard there actually any drastic improvements. Frankly, I can not really offer a ..... except maybe a GPS chip GMM to make more accurate.

So .... Armed with only a few"temporarily" as a common About .... Your best approach is to wait probably a week or 2 after the announcement. Let's settle the consequences and out the "truth". Then make a decision.

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