
History of spyware, adware and malware

The history of spyware is quite instructive. Especially for those who want to, to understand this threat seriously. There is no denying that spyware is now not only fairly widespread, but also a very serious threat to every computer user.

Today, the spread of spyware is clearly demonstrated by the development of the great anti-spyware industry. There is no way that these have taken place if it had not taken a huge and growing demand for protection againstSpyware. In fact, it is virtually impossible for someone to dare to be exposed online, without in any way spyware. It is of course much more dangerous if you do not know what it is or where it has begun. The truth is that a large majority of people who are relatively new to the World Wide Web have no idea what spyware, or the potential harm that it brings. As in many other cases, ignorance can be quite dangerous.

Is said to have described the first report on the use of the term "spyware"occurred on 16 October 1995 in a Usenet post about Microsoft's business model. The term was actually first used to position hardware for espionage can be used. That changed in 2000, when Gregor Freund, the term used to refer to his personal firewall ZoneAlarm.

Another significant development in the history of spyware, took place in early 2001 when Steve Gibson, founder of Gibson Research discovered to his horror that the advertising software was installed on his system. It seemedhim that the only goal was to steal personal data. To investigate the problem further, he discovered that it was called by adware companies Aureate and Conducent. Gibson then quickly developed and published the first anti-spyware program called OptOut. Many other anti-spyware programs were to follow, and today there is a wide and dizzying variety of choices for the user to choose from.

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