
Telecommuting via remote IP-telephony

You've probably seen tons of spam e-mail or banner ads promising wealth while working in his pajamas at home. Hopefully, only a small minority believe in those get-rich-quick schemes, but someone has to earn this money.

Working from home has become a valuable endeavor for both employees and employers. Many companies have introduced flexible working hours and have found that some employees of the responsibilities can be fulfilled at home. The employee benefits from a moreflexible hours, reducing wasted time commuting to and better lifestyle. The employer benefits by reducing workstation costs, higher productivity, time, and less brick and mortar overhead.

With central IT applications such as accounting systems and order entry systems in use for the remote for some time. Most large corporations and medium-sized businesses can secure a kind of remote access to their data networks. This is usually carried out over a VPNSoftware client or hardware VPN gateway. More recently, voice applications have migrated to the remote area. Large manufacturers such as Avaya, Cisco, Nortel and provide IP PBX systems, the remote-voice applications. In particular, IP and IP softphones Deskphones with the wonders of the public Internet connection to allow the employees to their combined business phone system at home.

Now you can use your computer workstation, connected to your company's dataNetwork and desktop IP phone or softphone connected to your telephone company. For many, cabin or office workers, this is all they really need. Data entry, order fulfillment, or server-oriented computer task can be performed. Calls can be answered, transferred, and the like. You can even access your corporate voice mail.

So now you're wondering what exactly you need to successfully work from home. Well, if you are an employee, then you need to know that the companyYour work is you. If this is the case, then the IT department can help you protect your remote home office setup.

For entrepreneurs want to offer teleworking, remote employees over IP telephony, here is a basic checklist of requirements:

• Broadband Internet connection at the enterprise and remote-site staff (T1, Cable, DSL, etc.)
• Headquarters: Data Connection - Firewall w / built-in VPN or a stand-alone VPN gateway appliance. Voice Connection - IP PBXSystem with support for remote softphones or Deskphones by IP network.
• Staff site (hardware-based connection): Router w / VPN function or remote VPN appliance to connect to the remote VPN gateway. This hardware is there for both PC and IP desk phone or soft phone directly to remote data - and voice network to connect.
• Staff site (software) based solution: Data Connection - VPN software client to connect to the PC Company Remote VPN --Gateway. Voice Connection - IP Desk Phone with VPN firmware to connect to the remote PBX or IP softphone on a PC connected via VPN client software installed.


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