1. Why do I will be disconnected after 4 hours of use?
They are separated because of the limited number of ports to connect and the fact that 90% of users do not need more than 4 hours to connect, all units have been placed into a 4-hour period.
If you need more time, you should disconnect gracefully before the deadline and reconnect it so that you do not lose your work.
2. Why not an 800 number all the time?
With a free 800-number toCompany 5 cents per minute compared with a local number available, which start at 5-7 cents-off charge costs for the call with no per minute.
3. Must I be connected to me will come when ready to e-mail or e-mail?
No, it's in your e-mail server indefinitely until you need to access it.
The right way to e-mail when working remotely work around is to connect at regular intervals throughout the day to pull your email down and then separated.
You can prepare yourE-mail in offline mode.
When you start your next connection to incoming mail, all mails sent may be ready process at this time.
4. What is the reconnection with questions?
If you are running Windows 95, NT, 2000 or XP, make a connection should be as simple as clicking on the icon to connect again.
5. How can I get for my dial-up connection?
Install only the necessary protocols.
Usually IP is the only required if you have access to Novell NetWare servers.
Never install NetBEUI.
A good practice, even if only occasionally has access to Novell server created in two configurations, one with IP access and only with IP and IPX. Use the second configuration only when needed.
6. Why can not all of the NT units in the network environment?
When you dial into the Network Access Gateway, you are usually on a segment without a master browser, the units are displayed as in the network environment.
This appliesnot that you can not access the device, but.
If the device you are trying to access is a member of the corporate structure and the WINS setting of the remote unit per the instructions for configuration, WINS will automatically resolve the device IP address, when you map a drive in Explorer.
The key to this is to the computer and share name that you need before you know the procedure.
7. Why is my dial-up networking is not working, working after loading AOL?
AOLSometimes replacing the TCP / IP Winsock driver, what your PC running irregularly or not at all.
1. Delete all references to TCP / IP from the Network Neighborhood properties.
2. Restart the system.
3. Add the Microsoft TCP / IP protocol back in.
This will automatically functional TCP / IP on all adapters and you should again.
8. Can I fix it with Network Address Translation (NAT) on my home computer via VPN?
In general, NAT isnot supported by the IPSec VPN client.
Router like the Linksys BEFSR11 and BEFSR41 VPN support with a software workaround.
NAT implementations can be used when one-to-one NAT is used.
9. Why can not I get more speed on my 56K V.90 modem into a NAG sites?
A 56K V.90 modem is by design, asymmetric, so the download speed can be as much as 56k but upload speed is only up to 33.6bps.
Works for 56k, it has only an analog to digital(A / D) conversion to your local telephone loop.
So when analog modems at both ends, 56k speeds will never be achieved because most PSTN exchanges run digital routing.
NAG Some sites use analog phone lines with Cisco and standard 56k modems, while most PCs using dial-up, a similar modem.
Between the two modems, it limits the download speed up to 33.6 kbit / s max.
At the same time, many users may experience slower speeds connection for other reasons, for example, more poorLine quality.
These factors will also contribute to the quality and speed of the line.
10. If I is the client extranet load on my PC and WinPoET installed on my computer, it crashes or not working properly.
There are known problems running WinPoET software on the PC with the Nortel Extranet (VPN) client.
To repair your system, boot in Safe Mode and uninstall the software WinPoET.
A simple solution is that users install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardwareRouter.
It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which WinPoET removed from the PC and offers the added benefit of a NAT firewall for the user with the ability to hook up to three other PCs.
A second possibility is to search for a PPPoE client, do not interfere with VPN clients.
If you WinPoET, please contact your local ISP to confirm, will work with the Nortel VPN client.
If not, or if they are not sure, please install the new client, or ask your ISPto find an alternative PPPoE client does not interfere with the Nortel VPN client.
If you want to use WinPoET with the new Nortel VPN client, Nortel strongly recommends WinPoET 6.0 or higher.
WinPoET Earlier versions of the software are known to cause conflicts with the Nortel VPN client.
If you WinPoET on your PC and problems occur (ie with an earlier version prior to 6.0) the following 8 steps will ensure you uninstall the WinPoETSoftware from your PC and fix boot your system.
1. Log in Safe Mode.
2. Login under Admin profile.
3. Go to uninstall add / remove programs and extranet client. DO NOT reboot at the prompt.
4. Check WinPoET adapter is installed. If so, remove it.
5. Go to Device Manager / Network Adapters. Click with the right WinPoET or WINPORT adapter. Uninstall.
6. Go to Admin Tools. / Services and disable WinPoET-over-Ethernet.
7. Restart PC.
8.Install the Extranet VPN client.
An alternative solution is to install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardware router. It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which makes the need for WinPoET from the PC obsolete.
11. My ISP is connected and I have no known problem with my ISP. The problem is intermittent.
Check the version of the Contivity Extranet Access Client.
They should with the current version of the client 4.65 or higher. You can viewthe current version by clicking the Current Version.
12. I'm having problems with my VPN connection.
Try to isolate the problem by process of elimination.
1. If your Internet connection to the public Internet works?
2. Do you have the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?
3. Have you recently installed any new software or hardware?
4. Were there any hardware or software changes since the VPN --Connection was last working?
5. Have you scanned your computer viruses?
If you're still having problems, uninstall, or remove the following points.
1. Disable your firewall, anti-virus software and all other maintenance and security programs installed.
Try to connect to.
2. Remove from your router configuration.
Connect your PC directly to your Internet connection.
This is by connecting the cable, which reaches from yourDSL / cable modem directly into your network card or USB port.
If it succeeds, it can on your router's setup or firmware.
Refer to the manufacturer's website or documentation to troubleshoot your router or contact the manufacturer directly to assist.
You need to upgrade the firmware.
Please caution, even though you have bought recently router might might have been with an older version of the software packaged.
3. Enable your router Firewall / Internet security software programs one by one.
Cable / DSL users try: If you have a dial-up modem installed on your PC, test with a dial-up connection.
Use either dial to an ISP and then use VPN or dial directly into your network.
13. This does not upgrade to 4.6x the VPN client version.
Find in the list below and see if this applies:
Windows XP, disable the XP firewall.
Most VPN software> VPN clients can not coexist on the same machine.
Windows ME, remove and add TCP / IP protocol.
Brother multifunction printer, you can not run the latest software for your Brother printer. Windows 2000. Users should download drivers / software from the Brother website at http://www.brother.com or contact Brother for their support.
14. How can I remove and reinstall TCP / IP protocol?
Below you will find instructions to remove, and add TCP / IP forWindows 2000. (See Help screens for your operating system, Web support and / or documentation for instructions if you are not running Windows 2000.)
Please make sure, no matter what operating system you use, that you will restart when you're done (prompted), or run between the individual process.
For Windows 2000, you need as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to be logged in to perform this operation.
Remove TCP / IP
1. Open the Network andClick Dial-up Connections, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.
2. Right-click on any network connection, and then click Properties.
3. On the General tab (for a LAN connection) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click Uninstall.
4. In the uninstallation of Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) dialog box, click Yes.
Installing TCP / IP
5. Open Network and Dial-up Connections.(Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up connections.)
6. To enable the right-click the network connection for which you want to install, and TCP / IP, and then click Properties.
7. ) On the General tab (for a LAN connection) or the Networking tab (for all other connections, when Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) not in the list of installed components, proceed as follows:
A. Click on Install.
B. Click the Protocol and then click Add.
C. In theSelect Network Protocol dialog box, click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click OK.
D. Make sure that the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) is selected, and then click OK.
TCP / IP as the default network protocol if network adapter hardware was recognized during the Windows 2000 Setup installed. You only need these instructions if the TCP / IP default selection was overridden during the installation will follow.
15. I'm using Windows XP Home or Professional, and am not able to accesscertain Web sites or resources, servers, when connected to VPN.
There are some known problems when using the Nortel Contivity Client 4.60 on a PC running Windows XP.
The older version of the Nortel client (version 3.70) will fix the problem, but the ultimate goal is to upgrade to the latest version.
Please do not re-install version 3.7x as the correction.
16. My ISP requires the installation of WinPoET. Can I use it with the latest version of theClient?
If you WinPoET, it has version 6.0 or later of WinPoET.
WinPoET Check with your ISP and ask for v6.0 or higher.
17. After installing v8.0 of AOL, I have experienced problems with my connections to my network.
Users may experience problems with Windows Outlook e-mail.
You must create two separate profiles, a profile as a remote connection (POP3) account for your e-mail and AOL Internet another profile for a local LAN connection to yourCorporate Network e-mail.
Here's how: to do
1. Go to Start, Control Panel, Mail, Services, Show Profiles, and add the second profile.
2. Be sure to use the "Confirm profile" under the tab "General" MS Outlook features is enabled.
3. Disable ATWPKT2 driver. (The files ATKPKT2.SYS and ATKPKT2.VXD are located in the AOL directory under PROGRAM_FILESCOMMON_FILES.)
18. I can not get into an IP address, while"Hotelling".
When working remotely) from a hotel (Hotelling, you must try your Internet Explorer once, start, and an IP address.
If you just start VPN, you will not have received an IP address, and VPN may fail.
Turn off your firewall, because the hotel can recommend.
19. Why am I getting domain not available when dialing my ISP?
On your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection, right click with your mouse and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and make sure that the log is cleared, "On the network" checkbox, otherwise trying to break into the network when you try to log a connection is hanging.
20. Why must I run so slow when my VPN connection?
On your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection.
By clicking the right mouse button and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and make sure that the NetBEUI and IPX / SPX boxes are not checked, otherwise you will see delayswhile the system tries to unsupported protocols.
VPN only supports the TCP / IP protocol as the control of these fields you will simply slow down.
21. Why can not I on my NT resources when using VPN?
Windows 95 users should ensure they check the "Log on to the network box" on the extranet for customers according to the instructions for the extranet client installation to NT using resources such as Exchange and file shares.
22. Why do I seem to be running slowlythrough my VPN connection?
Try the software compression option in your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection as a VPN client has its own compression. By clicking the right mouse button and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and uncheck the "software compression" setting.
23. Why can not my Novell servers when using VPN?
VPN only supports the TCP / IP protocol and Novell servers require that Access to IPX / SPX on them.
Work with your Novell administrators to change or use an NT version of Novell that supports IP traffic.
24. Can not VPN Web Server over the Internet after establishing a Contivity VPN Client Connection.
This is normal and occurs as a result of all network traffic routed through the corporate network.
Typically, firewalls and other security measures to limit the corporate network, your> VPN to the Internet.
The Contivity VPN Switch administrator can be a default route on the switch to forward traffic to the Internet.
If this default route is not configured, you must disconnect the Contivity to web surfing on the Internet via your ISP connection.
25. Can not Contivity VPN Network Shares After establishing a VPN connection.
1. WINS server can notConfiguration for IPsec connections on the Contivity VPN Switch.
2. Your system may be established for a different domain than the network on the remote.
For the first problem, verify that the Contivity VPN client was configured with a WINS server.
1. Can follow the steps above to run in "a problem with name resolution with DNS services" IPCONFIG at a command prompt in Windows NT 4.0 and WINIPCFG run under Windows 95.
2. Verifythat a Primary WINS Server is listed under the section for the adapter called IPSecShm listed on NT 4.0 and Windows 95.
3. Verify that a Primary WINS server in WINIPCFG for the Contivity VPN client adapter is listed.
4. If there is no primary WINS server is listed, notify the network administrator that the Contivity VPN Switch may not be configured properly.
For the second problem, skip the first application in the domain, when Windows starts 95, and select "Log on to the remote --Dialog box domain "under the Options menu of the Contivity VPN client.
1. You will be prompted to log on to the domain of the remote network after the Contivity VPN connection.
2. This is the recommended method for users with a docking station configurations.
Alternatively, on both NT 4.0 and Windows 95, you change the workstation a member of a workgroup instead of a domain.
1. From the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.
2. Inthe Control Panel, double-click on the icon labeled "Network". The Network Control Panel applet will open. Select the tab "Identification".
3. Under Windows 95, the Identification page can be modified directly, while on NT 4.0 it is necessary to click the Change button to change the entries.
Change the use of a working group and make sure that the "computer name means" not with one, which may be on the remote network.
4. The name for the group is not important, then enteranything. Click OK to save your changes and restart the computer.
Enter when accessing a resource on the remote domain, if you are prompted with a username and password, you need a domain name preceded by your user ID.
For example, if your user ID is Joe and you have access to a machine on the remote domain named CORP, enter your user name CORPJoeS.
26. When trying to the VPN client on a dual-processor unit, you will load an error message.
TheNortel VPN client does not currently support dual-processor units.
27. When I installed my home network I Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), so that all can achieve my systems on the Internet. Now my VPN client no longer works.
The reason for this is that the Microsoft ICS uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to get the Internet connection, and NAT, which may not support IPSec connections.
The only way around this time is to the makeDevice to run the ICS, which you run your VPN connection. A downstream unit is not for VPN functionality.
28. Can the Cisco and other IPSec VPN client software, it is on the same machine with Nortel Extranet Access Client? Is it supported?
They can not coexist, and it is not supported.
The two virtual adapters are installed with each client conflict with each other.
It is a program on the new Cisco clients that will remove a NortelClient, if found by the Cisco VPN client unit installer.
All other VPN clients, a manual removal of the Nortel client or another client.
29. I have no problems with my VPN connection is already being discussed.
Try to isolate the problem by process of elimination.
1. If your Internet connection to the public Internet works?
2. Do you have the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?
3.Have you recently installed any new software or hardware?
4. Were there any hardware or software changes since your VPN connection was last working?
5. Have you scanned your computer for viruses?
If you're still having problems, uninstall / remove the following items.
1. Disable your firewall, anti-virus software and all other maintenance and security programs installed. Try to connect to.
2. Remove your router (Linksys, D-Link, Cisco,Netgear, etc.) of your settings.
Connect your PC directly to your Internet connection.
This is by connecting the cable, from your DSL / cable modem reaches directly into your network card or USB port.
If it succeeds, it can on your router's setup or firmware.
Refer to the manufacturer's website or documentation to troubleshoot your router or contact the manufacturer directly to assist.
You need to upgrade the firmware.
PleaseHave been careful, even though you have bought recently router could, it could be with an older version of the software packaged.
3. Allow up your router, firewall / Internet security programs at a time.
Cable / DSL users try: If you have a dial-up modem installed on your PC, test with a dial-up connection. Use either dial to an ISP and then use VPN.
30th VPN problem with name resolution with DNS services.
Cause 1:
A DNS --Server may not be configured for IPsec connections on the Contivity VPN Switch.
Measure 1:
Ensure that the Contivity VPN Client is configured with a DNS entry.
In NT 4.0, open a command prompt and type IPCONFIG / ALL.
Verify that a DNS server entry is listed.
For Windows 95, from the Start menu in the taskbar, select Run and enter WINIPCFG.
Select "Contivity VPN Adapter" from the pull-down list of adapters, then clickMore Info.
Write down the information at DNS server entry appears and confirm it with the network administrator.
Cause 2:
The host name has not been resolved both a public and a private IP address. This is commonly known as a split horizon DNS.
Action 2:
Open a command prompt and ping the host you are trying to achieve, to a fully qualified host name (eg http://www.vpnclient.com).
If you receive an answer, check whether the IP addressIn the first line (eg back www.vpnclient.com [] is an IP address from the remote office network.
If it is not, contact your network administrator that the internal host name should be amended so that it is not the same as the external hostname.
Cause 3:
The retail version (also known as "release 1") of Windows 95 contained a bug that prevented use of more than one DNS server. This problem was fixed in OS Release2.
Action 3:
If youusing a version of Windows earlier than Release 2 of Windows 95, then you need to upgrade.
31. I'm having trouble mapping drives using the latest VPN client.
This is a known issue by Microsoft, which occur when using cached credentials can be behind a NAT firewall.
The problem will occur for some users but not others.
It can happen regardless of the VPN client you are using.
Some users may only experience this problem after an upgrade to anew VPN client, but the restoration of the old client does not necessarily resolve the problem.
You can try to uninstall the VPN client and then reinstall it.
For further details and other VPN Doctor SourcesYour the Cure!
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