
Getting Back the Lost Client in Six Steps

If you lose a customer, it's almost always because of the service. The price is rarely the problem. Before you try to win again, losing the client, you need to investigate the problem and find out why the client lost in the first place. What does your customer think that was the problem? What do you think the problem? If you work together again, the problem will resurface?

Here are six steps that help you back a lost customer

1. Give it someTime. Do not go rushing to the client. Do they think about the problem, if there is. This will also give you time to think about your approach. Client problems are sometimes like lovers problems. Time is often used for healing of the wound without you doing anything else.

2. Give a recommendation or an offer for your support. In the world of business we come across people who need them, or need. Keep your customers in mind and keep an eye on lost customers for everythingthey could benefit. By knowing the needs of our customers, it is sometimes easy to suggestions as to how either with a reference to the company, or your support with any problem that could help them contribute to this.

3. Do not sever communication links. Keep them on your mailing list. Stay informed on the mailing list. When you send a newsletter, they keep sending them. If you stay in email contact with your customers, keep posted the lost customers. It would not hurt either,Mention any good news for customers in the newsletter or e-mail.

4. Make it easy to be returned to the customer. If you are calling to speak with a happy sound to them. When you meet them face to face, shake hands and give them a big smile. This will remind them why they were working with you the first place.

5. Have the customer solve a problem for you. If you are working on a community project and you think the customer may be able to help you, give them acall. If you respect their eating habits, ask for a restaurant proposal for an anniversary dinner. Ask for software. Ask the people. Ask virtually everything but the wrong tone.

6. When the customer comes back to thank them greatly. Everyone likes to thank. We enjoy to believe that we make a difference and that we are very much appreciated. Show that lost thanks to your customers.

It takes an effort to go. If your clients feel wanted in the firstPlace, it is almost impossible for someone to steal other things they want to have gone from you. Once lost, you only need to gently after them by reminding them of your services, keep your appreciation of them and your knowledge of their needs. When you return them to keep and treasure them.

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Citrix GoToWebinar is technology. Citrix Systems, Inc., based in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, in 1989, is known for its ICA protocol and thin client solutions are known. The company is a leader in access infrastructure solutions, including network access, single sign-on, VPN capabilities, presentation services, remote control and remote support applications. ThusThe company is a perfect pairing for GoToWebinar.

GoToWebinar The technology is simple to use. Everything you need to do is enter a few details and GoToWebinar generated automatically send a registration landing page and a conference or meeting invitation for you. But you need not even for those who wait, if you do not, you may want to call a virtual meeting at any time. Just click Start webinar now immediately a webinar. And it is so easy that you will be creating and hostingYour own professional quality webinars from day one. This is a very shallow learning curve.

GoToWebinar allows you to reach more people more quickly. The program sends reminder e-mails and visitors can add your event in their calendar in one simple click. Participants can call in via telephone or listen via VoIP. In this way you will increase your leads. You can create a much more precise target audience through downloading a ranked list interest rates. What's more, earlierYou can download presentations and other organizers and panelists practice to carry with you to rehearse. Virtual presentation, sales and training are all now possible with just point and click.

You will never lose to a conference notes again, or fall victim to low notes to make. Each GoToWebinar can be recorded and played back in full and over again, first with rewind and fast functions.

Your visitors do not even need to GoToWebinar customers, nor do they havePre-installation of software. All they have to do is accept your invitation at any time can so that you have access to their computer desktop and be able to access yours (or the extent to which degree you want).

GoToWebinar uses state of the art end-to-end 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption for all data, including webinar screen images, files, keyboard and mouse and chat text, so that all sessions are unsure.

If you have a virtual office orhave tried to taste the possibilities of conducting meetings and presentations to find more effective, efficient and practical point of GoToWebinar is a possible solution for your needs and desires.

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Tips for Clients Gifts

For those who have the time and effort into the development of a EU funding, which they really need to understand the value of maintaining these hard-won customers. There are many situations that scratching an entrepreneur can rely on the head and ask yourself which client gifts are the most appropriate, if at all. The same goes for the valuable employees as well.

To maintain friendly but professional boundaries is not usual, is about what and what not,to select the appropriate client gifts. They should really put some thought into the gift is for what person is adequate. Suppose, for instance, you think that bottle of wine that you bought the perfect thank-you gifts, but this client gifts are not for everyone. This person that you give me drink any alcohol, or worse yet may have a drug abuse problem. It was able to get pretty risky. Another point is the customer the background. Not everyonecelebrates the same holidays and some may not appreciate not receiving client gifts for holidays, which they recognize. If you are not sure what to celebrate a particular customer or employee, then you may want in the middle of the stay-the-road envy as neutral as possible.

I worked for an agency that provides services for families who have children with autism are available. Since the child is the actual consumer, I'd be especially careful not to cross through the purchase of professional boundariesClient expensive gifts for the children I worked with. This was no easy task, because your first instinct, everything you can and, to be as generous as possible in order to do the children. But it is always recommended that clients, our affordable and appropriate.

Some customers are hard to find and you can not find, no present, they will enjoy. My sister bought an optical illusion puzzle for one of its customers. Believe it or not that individual actuallycalled my sister and berated them because he at no time a stupid riddle. Thus, on top of the part, in my opinion, but I just wanted to be known that can and will happen. He interprets the gift as an insinuation, it takes time and is not a real job. Therefore, it is really important that they are suitable for client gifts and attractive at the same time.

Some of the most valuable employees are secretaries. I always make it my job to are the secretaries, if I give client gifts. Remember, the Secretary, the gateway to the boss and usually has the bosses ear. If I have a relationship with a company, I always ensure that belong to the secretary in the client gifts, because it is one of the most important partner in the firm. It is good practice to send a greeting card or flowers on Secretary's Day too.

It's pretty easy just make sure that you have a pretty good idea of who your> Customer before the purchase represents. Keep it clean and simple and keep it professional. That is always a good policy. Even if you are able to have a comfortable lunch with a client, and even if you share a few jokes, you're really better off is to keep our relationship is that the economy and always in the client gifts that you should be reflected.

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Virtual Private Network Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do I will be disconnected after 4 hours of use?
They are separated because of the limited number of ports to connect and the fact that 90% of users do not need more than 4 hours to connect, all units have been placed into a 4-hour period.
If you need more time, you should disconnect gracefully before the deadline and reconnect it so that you do not lose your work.

2. Why not an 800 number all the time?
With a free 800-number toCompany 5 cents per minute compared with a local number available, which start at 5-7 cents-off charge costs for the call with no per minute.

3. Must I be connected to me will come when ready to e-mail or e-mail?
No, it's in your e-mail server indefinitely until you need to access it.
The right way to e-mail when working remotely work around is to connect at regular intervals throughout the day to pull your email down and then separated.
You can prepare yourE-mail in offline mode.
When you start your next connection to incoming mail, all mails sent may be ready process at this time.

4. What is the reconnection with questions?
If you are running Windows 95, NT, 2000 or XP, make a connection should be as simple as clicking on the icon to connect again.

5. How can I get for my dial-up connection?
Install only the necessary protocols.
Usually IP is the only required if you have access to Novell NetWare servers.
Never install NetBEUI.
A good practice, even if only occasionally has access to Novell server created in two configurations, one with IP access and only with IP and IPX. Use the second configuration only when needed.

6. Why can not all of the NT units in the network environment?
When you dial into the Network Access Gateway, you are usually on a segment without a master browser, the units are displayed as in the network environment.
This appliesnot that you can not access the device, but.
If the device you are trying to access is a member of the corporate structure and the WINS setting of the remote unit per the instructions for configuration, WINS will automatically resolve the device IP address, when you map a drive in Explorer.
The key to this is to the computer and share name that you need before you know the procedure.

7. Why is my dial-up networking is not working, working after loading AOL?
AOLSometimes replacing the TCP / IP Winsock driver, what your PC running irregularly or not at all.


1. Delete all references to TCP / IP from the Network Neighborhood properties.

2. Restart the system.

3. Add the Microsoft TCP / IP protocol back in.

This will automatically functional TCP / IP on all adapters and you should again.

8. Can I fix it with Network Address Translation (NAT) on my home computer via VPN?
In general, NAT isnot supported by the IPSec VPN client.
Router like the Linksys BEFSR11 and BEFSR41 VPN support with a software workaround.
NAT implementations can be used when one-to-one NAT is used.

9. Why can not I get more speed on my 56K V.90 modem into a NAG sites?
A 56K V.90 modem is by design, asymmetric, so the download speed can be as much as 56k but upload speed is only up to 33.6bps.
Works for 56k, it has only an analog to digital(A / D) conversion to your local telephone loop.
So when analog modems at both ends, 56k speeds will never be achieved because most PSTN exchanges run digital routing.
NAG Some sites use analog phone lines with Cisco and standard 56k modems, while most PCs using dial-up, a similar modem.
Between the two modems, it limits the download speed up to 33.6 kbit / s max.
At the same time, many users may experience slower speeds connection for other reasons, for example, more poorLine quality.
These factors will also contribute to the quality and speed of the line.

10. If I is the client extranet load on my PC and WinPoET installed on my computer, it crashes or not working properly.
There are known problems running WinPoET software on the PC with the Nortel Extranet (VPN) client.
To repair your system, boot in Safe Mode and uninstall the software WinPoET.
A simple solution is that users install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardwareRouter.
It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which WinPoET removed from the PC and offers the added benefit of a NAT firewall for the user with the ability to hook up to three other PCs.
A second possibility is to search for a PPPoE client, do not interfere with VPN clients.
If you WinPoET, please contact your local ISP to confirm, will work with the Nortel VPN client.
If not, or if they are not sure, please install the new client, or ask your ISPto find an alternative PPPoE client does not interfere with the Nortel VPN client.
If you want to use WinPoET with the new Nortel VPN client, Nortel strongly recommends WinPoET 6.0 or higher.
WinPoET Earlier versions of the software are known to cause conflicts with the Nortel VPN client.
If you WinPoET on your PC and problems occur (ie with an earlier version prior to 6.0) the following 8 steps will ensure you uninstall the WinPoETSoftware from your PC and fix boot your system.

1. Log in Safe Mode.

2. Login under Admin profile.

3. Go to uninstall add / remove programs and extranet client. DO NOT reboot at the prompt.

4. Check WinPoET adapter is installed. If so, remove it.

5. Go to Device Manager / Network Adapters. Click with the right WinPoET or WINPORT adapter. Uninstall.

6. Go to Admin Tools. / Services and disable WinPoET-over-Ethernet.

7. Restart PC.

8.Install the Extranet VPN client.

An alternative solution is to install the Linksys BEFSR41 hardware router. It has a firmware PPPOE connector, which makes the need for WinPoET from the PC obsolete.

11. My ISP is connected and I have no known problem with my ISP. The problem is intermittent.
Check the version of the Contivity Extranet Access Client.
They should with the current version of the client 4.65 or higher. You can viewthe current version by clicking the Current Version.

12. I'm having problems with my VPN connection.
Try to isolate the problem by process of elimination.

1. If your Internet connection to the public Internet works?

2. Do you have the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?

3. Have you recently installed any new software or hardware?

4. Were there any hardware or software changes since the VPN --Connection was last working?

5. Have you scanned your computer viruses?

If you're still having problems, uninstall, or remove the following points.

1. Disable your firewall, anti-virus software and all other maintenance and security programs installed.

Try to connect to.

2. Remove from your router configuration.

Connect your PC directly to your Internet connection.

This is by connecting the cable, which reaches from yourDSL / cable modem directly into your network card or USB port.

If it succeeds, it can on your router's setup or firmware.

Refer to the manufacturer's website or documentation to troubleshoot your router or contact the manufacturer directly to assist.

You need to upgrade the firmware.

Please caution, even though you have bought recently router might might have been with an older version of the software packaged.

3. Enable your router Firewall / Internet security software programs one by one.

Cable / DSL users try: If you have a dial-up modem installed on your PC, test with a dial-up connection.

Use either dial to an ISP and then use VPN or dial directly into your network.

13. This does not upgrade to 4.6x the VPN client version.
Find in the list below and see if this applies:

Windows XP, disable the XP firewall.

Most VPN software> VPN clients can not coexist on the same machine.

Windows ME, remove and add TCP / IP protocol.

Brother multifunction printer, you can not run the latest software for your Brother printer. Windows 2000. Users should download drivers / software from the Brother website at or contact Brother for their support.

14. How can I remove and reinstall TCP / IP protocol?
Below you will find instructions to remove, and add TCP / IP forWindows 2000. (See Help screens for your operating system, Web support and / or documentation for instructions if you are not running Windows 2000.)
Please make sure, no matter what operating system you use, that you will restart when you're done (prompted), or run between the individual process.
For Windows 2000, you need as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to be logged in to perform this operation.

Remove TCP / IP

1. Open the Network andClick Dial-up Connections, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.

2. Right-click on any network connection, and then click Properties.

3. On the General tab (for a LAN connection) or the Networking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click Uninstall.

4. In the uninstallation of Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) dialog box, click Yes.

Installing TCP / IP

5. Open Network and Dial-up Connections.(Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up connections.)

6. To enable the right-click the network connection for which you want to install, and TCP / IP, and then click Properties.

7. ) On the General tab (for a LAN connection) or the Networking tab (for all other connections, when Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) not in the list of installed components, proceed as follows:

A. Click on Install.

B. Click the Protocol and then click Add.

C. In theSelect Network Protocol dialog box, click Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), and then click OK.

D. Make sure that the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) is selected, and then click OK.

TCP / IP as the default network protocol if network adapter hardware was recognized during the Windows 2000 Setup installed. You only need these instructions if the TCP / IP default selection was overridden during the installation will follow.

15. I'm using Windows XP Home or Professional, and am not able to accesscertain Web sites or resources, servers, when connected to VPN.
There are some known problems when using the Nortel Contivity Client 4.60 on a PC running Windows XP.
The older version of the Nortel client (version 3.70) will fix the problem, but the ultimate goal is to upgrade to the latest version.
Please do not re-install version 3.7x as the correction.

16. My ISP requires the installation of WinPoET. Can I use it with the latest version of theClient?
If you WinPoET, it has version 6.0 or later of WinPoET.
WinPoET Check with your ISP and ask for v6.0 or higher.

17. After installing v8.0 of AOL, I have experienced problems with my connections to my network.
Users may experience problems with Windows Outlook e-mail.
You must create two separate profiles, a profile as a remote connection (POP3) account for your e-mail and AOL Internet another profile for a local LAN connection to yourCorporate Network e-mail.

Here's how: to do

1. Go to Start, Control Panel, Mail, Services, Show Profiles, and add the second profile.

2. Be sure to use the "Confirm profile" under the tab "General" MS Outlook features is enabled.

3. Disable ATWPKT2 driver. (The files ATKPKT2.SYS and ATKPKT2.VXD are located in the AOL directory under PROGRAM_FILESCOMMON_FILES.)

18. I can not get into an IP address, while"Hotelling".
When working remotely) from a hotel (Hotelling, you must try your Internet Explorer once, start, and an IP address.
If you just start VPN, you will not have received an IP address, and VPN may fail.
Turn off your firewall, because the hotel can recommend.

19. Why am I getting domain not available when dialing my ISP?
On your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection, right click with your mouse and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and make sure that the log is cleared, "On the network" checkbox, otherwise trying to break into the network when you try to log a connection is hanging.

20. Why must I run so slow when my VPN connection?
On your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection.
By clicking the right mouse button and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and make sure that the NetBEUI and IPX / SPX boxes are not checked, otherwise you will see delayswhile the system tries to unsupported protocols.
VPN only supports the TCP / IP protocol as the control of these fields you will simply slow down.

21. Why can not I on my NT resources when using VPN?
Windows 95 users should ensure they check the "Log on to the network box" on the extranet for customers according to the instructions for the extranet client installation to NT using resources such as Exchange and file shares.

22. Why do I seem to be running slowlythrough my VPN connection?
Try the software compression option in your Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up connection as a VPN client has its own compression. By clicking the right mouse button and select the Properties button.
Click the Server Type tab and uncheck the "software compression" setting.

23. Why can not my Novell servers when using VPN?
VPN only supports the TCP / IP protocol and Novell servers require that Access to IPX / SPX on them.
Work with your Novell administrators to change or use an NT version of Novell that supports IP traffic.

24. Can not VPN Web Server over the Internet after establishing a Contivity VPN Client Connection.


This is normal and occurs as a result of all network traffic routed through the corporate network.

Typically, firewalls and other security measures to limit the corporate network, your> VPN to the Internet.


The Contivity VPN Switch administrator can be a default route on the switch to forward traffic to the Internet.

If this default route is not configured, you must disconnect the Contivity to web surfing on the Internet via your ISP connection.

25. Can not Contivity VPN Network Shares After establishing a VPN connection.


1. WINS server can notConfiguration for IPsec connections on the Contivity VPN Switch.

2. Your system may be established for a different domain than the network on the remote.


For the first problem, verify that the Contivity VPN client was configured with a WINS server.

1. Can follow the steps above to run in "a problem with name resolution with DNS services" IPCONFIG at a command prompt in Windows NT 4.0 and WINIPCFG run under Windows 95.

2. Verifythat a Primary WINS Server is listed under the section for the adapter called IPSecShm listed on NT 4.0 and Windows 95.

3. Verify that a Primary WINS server in WINIPCFG for the Contivity VPN client adapter is listed.

4. If there is no primary WINS server is listed, notify the network administrator that the Contivity VPN Switch may not be configured properly.

For the second problem, skip the first application in the domain, when Windows starts 95, and select "Log on to the remote --Dialog box domain "under the Options menu of the Contivity VPN client.

1. You will be prompted to log on to the domain of the remote network after the Contivity VPN connection.

2. This is the recommended method for users with a docking station configurations.
Alternatively, on both NT 4.0 and Windows 95, you change the workstation a member of a workgroup instead of a domain.

1. From the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.

2. Inthe Control Panel, double-click on the icon labeled "Network". The Network Control Panel applet will open. Select the tab "Identification".

3. Under Windows 95, the Identification page can be modified directly, while on NT 4.0 it is necessary to click the Change button to change the entries.

Change the use of a working group and make sure that the "computer name means" not with one, which may be on the remote network.

4. The name for the group is not important, then enteranything. Click OK to save your changes and restart the computer.

Enter when accessing a resource on the remote domain, if you are prompted with a username and password, you need a domain name preceded by your user ID.

For example, if your user ID is Joe and you have access to a machine on the remote domain named CORP, enter your user name CORPJoeS.

26. When trying to the VPN client on a dual-processor unit, you will load an error message.
TheNortel VPN client does not currently support dual-processor units.

27. When I installed my home network I Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), so that all can achieve my systems on the Internet. Now my VPN client no longer works.
The reason for this is that the Microsoft ICS uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to get the Internet connection, and NAT, which may not support IPSec connections.
The only way around this time is to the makeDevice to run the ICS, which you run your VPN connection. A downstream unit is not for VPN functionality.

28. Can the Cisco and other IPSec VPN client software, it is on the same machine with Nortel Extranet Access Client? Is it supported?
They can not coexist, and it is not supported.
The two virtual adapters are installed with each client conflict with each other.
It is a program on the new Cisco clients that will remove a NortelClient, if found by the Cisco VPN client unit installer.
All other VPN clients, a manual removal of the Nortel client or another client.

29. I have no problems with my VPN connection is already being discussed.
Try to isolate the problem by process of elimination.

1. If your Internet connection to the public Internet works?

2. Do you have the latest version of the Contivity Extranet Access client?

3.Have you recently installed any new software or hardware?

4. Were there any hardware or software changes since your VPN connection was last working?

5. Have you scanned your computer for viruses?

If you're still having problems, uninstall / remove the following items.

1. Disable your firewall, anti-virus software and all other maintenance and security programs installed. Try to connect to.

2. Remove your router (Linksys, D-Link, Cisco,Netgear, etc.) of your settings.

Connect your PC directly to your Internet connection.

This is by connecting the cable, from your DSL / cable modem reaches directly into your network card or USB port.

If it succeeds, it can on your router's setup or firmware.

Refer to the manufacturer's website or documentation to troubleshoot your router or contact the manufacturer directly to assist.

You need to upgrade the firmware.

PleaseHave been careful, even though you have bought recently router could, it could be with an older version of the software packaged.

3. Allow up your router, firewall / Internet security programs at a time.

Cable / DSL users try: If you have a dial-up modem installed on your PC, test with a dial-up connection. Use either dial to an ISP and then use VPN.

30th VPN problem with name resolution with DNS services.

Cause 1:

A DNS --Server may not be configured for IPsec connections on the Contivity VPN Switch.

Measure 1:

Ensure that the Contivity VPN Client is configured with a DNS entry.

In NT 4.0, open a command prompt and type IPCONFIG / ALL.

Verify that a DNS server entry is listed.

For Windows 95, from the Start menu in the taskbar, select Run and enter WINIPCFG.

Select "Contivity VPN Adapter" from the pull-down list of adapters, then clickMore Info.

Write down the information at DNS server entry appears and confirm it with the network administrator.

Cause 2:

The host name has not been resolved both a public and a private IP address. This is commonly known as a split horizon DNS.

Action 2:

Open a command prompt and ping the host you are trying to achieve, to a fully qualified host name (eg

If you receive an answer, check whether the IP addressIn the first line (eg back [] is an IP address from the remote office network.

If it is not, contact your network administrator that the internal host name should be amended so that it is not the same as the external hostname.

Cause 3:

The retail version (also known as "release 1") of Windows 95 contained a bug that prevented use of more than one DNS server. This problem was fixed in OS Release2.

Action 3:
If youusing a version of Windows earlier than Release 2 of Windows 95, then you need to upgrade.

31. I'm having trouble mapping drives using the latest VPN client.
This is a known issue by Microsoft, which occur when using cached credentials can be behind a NAT firewall.
The problem will occur for some users but not others.
It can happen regardless of the VPN client you are using.
Some users may only experience this problem after an upgrade to anew VPN client, but the restoration of the old client does not necessarily resolve the problem.
You can try to uninstall the VPN client and then reinstall it.
For further details and other VPN Doctor SourcesYour the Cure!
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Fulfillment Hair Care Customer

Customer Fulfillment hair is very different than it did 20 years ago. The hairdressing business heard so much more than just styling or coloring hair. Customers have become quite sophisticated about the services they expect to find in a salon and meeting their expectations of how you build a successful company.

First and foremost, there must be a level of incomparable quality. Hairdressers expect customers to a salon with trained hairdressers current on the search for modernStyling techniques. These styles are the latest trends and new looks that require special cuts. But hairdressers should also be prepared, traditional styling calls to fulfill.

Make a mistake a few hairdressers, insists a client try to create a new style, if the customer has the style that meets their personal needs requested. A good hairdresser hairstyling program will teach in a way that the beautician is able to cut into a traditional or new style that complemented theCustomers look. This requires a thorough training that shows the face and head shapes in addition to the styles suitable for different hair types.

Stylish Services

Hair Today, customers expect to be able to access a wide range of services can. That means it requires to keep satisfied that provide the hair well-trained technicians who can work for all types of hair and a variety of services far beyond the simple cut and styling. For example, should stylists to color currentTechniques and the use of hair extensions. To satisfy clients, hair stylists have to special services such as hair straightening, eyebrow shaping and damaged hair to provide treatment.

Of course, there is no question that a hairdresser must be familiar with many different hair care products. There are hundreds of specialty products developed in the market to address problems with hair. There are deep treatments, aging hair products and special coloring and highlighting products.Only stylists who have been trained in dealing with residence in the hairdressing industry is currently in a position to satisfy all types of hair care customers through the right product choice.

Of course, beauticians also be able to manage their time and their clients schedule appointments. Customers expect quality time with a hairdresser who focused on it during the scheduled appointment to get. This means that scheduling conflicts and billed appointment times must be avoided.Learning stylists, receive quality training, as they take their time in a manner to assure the customer provides the service levels they require to manage.

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The fulfillment of hair care customers is the key to success in the hairdressing business. The demand for qualified beauty therapists is high. That is, there are many job opportunities for a person who is certified to a good school that teaches international and modern styling and hair care techniques.

The WorldThe barber has expanded and grown over the years. The customers are more demanding and require a level of service that was once reserved only for celebrities. But the technique, equipment, new products and comprehensive training has even the most demanding types and hair care treatments.

If you want to put hair care customer satisfaction, you must be willing to work in this new world of style and fashion!

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Therapeutic Communication in the nursing profession

Nursing care is a profession. It is also a profession that more and more evidence in practice. As far as the scientific aspects of care is increasing due to the complex technological advancement of medicine and equipment used in the patients bedside, the fact remains that the nurse is the first person that the customer usually comes in contact In any emergency or in hospital.

After these words, the term "care" is an essential emotionthat all nurses must be for that matter, have all the people in the health professions. With the concern of the ability of a trained nurse will facilitate therapeutic communication. One might ask, what is therapeutic communication? To get a better answer to this question, should the concept of communication are defined first.

Communication can be defined as "The process of transmitting messages and interpreting meaning." (Wilson and others, 1995) With therapeutic communication, the sender, or the nurse lookingto illicit a response from the recipient, the patient that the patient's mental and physical health benefits. Just as stress has been a negative impact on affecting the health of individuals, the therapeutic approach in helping to communicate effectively. Used in a particular situation of each communication.

Everyone has the individual who looks like they either have seen angry, stressed, ill or maybe sad. These feelings are not always communicated to others through words but through gesturesand facial expressions. A nurse must always these expressions into customers aware of these terms can be said the only way my sister, whether from something else that requires their attention. The term for this type of non-verbal communication is called given meta-communication. In the meta-communication, the customer can look at their amputated stump and say that it is not really that bad off, while the tears roll from her eyes.

In aCase such as this the nurse should stay and explore further how the person feels really are. There are many factors that are associated with healing and comfort aspects of therapeutic communication. The circumstances surrounding area, and the timing all play a role in the effect of therapeutic communication. When a client is rushed to emergency surgery may not have enough time to talk on the bed, but the holding of a hand could convey much more than words to the customersuch a moment.

Ideally, for effective therapeutic communication nurse must be aware of how they appear to the client. If a nurse appears rushed, for example, she spoke quickly, her face looks harried, and they are breathing heavily, his eyes not on the client, but perhaps on an intravenous bag on the client in the next bed. In a case like this, there is nothing that my sister could say to the customer, in a way that the therapeutic believe the customer would. The helping relationship has not been established and therefore therapeutic communication can not be relieved. Some of the therapeutic communication are associated with emotions, but are not limited to the following: professionalism, confidentiality, friendliness, trust, availability, empathy and compassion. (Potter, Patricia A., Perry, Anne G., Co. 2003, Basic Nursing Essentials for Practice, pg. 123, Mosby)

All these emotions go into the> Client sister relationship, which must be established at the first meeting with the client by the nurse as soon as possible. To create the beginning of this nurse-client relationship, the nurse must be the entire message that the client is communicating to assess the nurse, too, such as anxiety, pain, sadness, fear or indifference. The nurse should be keying in the message that it sends to be trained. Only then can the nurse determine the best therapeutic approach. Anyonethat should be in a hospital or emergency room environment has thrust has to fear.

This level can be up significantly if the customer feels that they have been abandoned or that there is no one who really cares about how they feel. If a client is the recipient of therapeutic communication from an individual customer care, a level of trust is achieved and more than that the client's whole face may change for the better. Your blood pressure, respiration andReduce levels of stress can simultaneously. When this happens, the management of pain, if any, is involved, can be solved faster. The goal is to dominate a nurse in medicine

Find out more about nursing education at The NET Study Guide.

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How to provide space for content caching

To estimate A technician called me recently for storage capacity for Internet caching. The technician, is a part of a team that is for the creation of the Internet gateway for an ISP in a small country in the Middle East.

The technician was very limited numbers available to do the necessary dissipation. He could express the question is very simplistic --

"The ISP will be able to serve 40,000 users. What should be the available data storage capacity for contentCaching? "

As part of the team SafeSquid that content filtering proxy that expands often get this kind of query, but with one major difference. Most are formulated as queries - "We have an Internet pipe of X Mbps. What is the recommended space for efficient caching?"

Sensible advice for such a query can be derived if we allow a few assumptions, and focus on some simple facts.

1. Only the contents of which can fetch over HTTP are cached.

2.The maximum speed can be retrieved with the contents depend on the Internet pipe.

3. There are a lot of HTTP traffic, the un-cached, for example - streaming audio / video, pages, the results of other SQL queries, including search engine-driven queries, and HTML content in web mail.

4. The main content that is cached HTML pages, embedded images, style sheets, Java scripts and other files that you need to download and execute on the localDesktop or another application to view ads, such as PDF / Flash (some) files.

5. A simple request to display a Web page that automatically triggers a normal browser, downloads from a variety of content such as cookies, images and other embedded objects. These are needed by the browser to display the page, as per the page design. All components that can represent the web page, not necessarily "sources" from the web site that was requested Web page.

6. ModernInternet browser caching provide that user is manageable, and has so much like the cache principles in the design of caching proxies. So that any content or subject matter are not necessarily required. But yes these browsers depend on the availability of local memory on the client systems and usually no more than a few hundred MB. And in any case, these local caches are not usable between different users.

7. Internet resources could be of different use,depending on time of day, which in peak and off-peak hours.

Therefore, if we have an Internet pipe is 10 Mbps, the maximum data we can (data transfer rate)

= 10Mbps x 60 seconds = 600 Mbits of data in one minute

= 600 x 60 = 36000 Mbits of data in an hour

Now assume the company uses a bandwidth manager to reserve QoS for each pre-application (or protocol). In general, applications such as SMTP and VPN receive the lion's share,almost 50% and the rest is shared between HTTP / HTTPS, and others.

But I know very few people who would invest in the pipelines, meant exclusively for SMTP and / or VPNs, and a separate (cheaper) internet connection for HTTP / HTTPS.

If the company has chosen, it web host server within it's own business premises, then the entire distribution program has radically changed.

Even in the event that the company is not a bandwidth manager that is located in a first-come,first-serve basis, we could still be maintained by an estimated dose of transport on the basis of applications or protocols.

To build our algorithm, it might be useful to it with a concept - HTTP_Share, so that - HTTP_Share = x% of the Internet pipe.

Now that would mean HTTP_Share, the Max data that would get transferred over HTTP traffic

Therefore, more are to our previous derivation of 36.000 Mbps throughput per hour, if we take the factorHTTP_Share

HTTP_Traffic = x% of data throughput

Now, if x = 35 (35% of the total data transfer for HTTP)

HTTP_Traffic / h = (0.35 x 36000) Mbits / hour = 12,600 Mbit / hour

Now guess the company has off-peak and peak hours of Internet use, so that 40% of the day (about 9.6 hours) is peak hours, while 60% of the day off-peak. Peak-hour days are the days when we would witness TOTAL utilization of ourInternet line. And if we assume that the utilization rate above 30%, ie the stress level during off-peak hours about 25% of the peak, we can further estimate on the basis of the above derivation --

HTTP_Traffic / day = ((12600 x 0.4) + (12600 x 0.6 x 0.25)) x 24

HTTP_Traffic / day = ((0.4 x 1) + (0.6 x 0.25)) x 12600 x 24 = 166320 Mbits

This is looking for a very simplistic model. More realistic, would require a reasonable hourly rateStepping that an appropriate pattern of distribution is throughout the day.

Now we deal with the toughest and most controversial part!

What would be the ratio of cacheable_content in HTTP_Traffic?

Based on my experience in various customer premises, I prefer to accept - 30%.

That would mean 166,320 x 0.3 = 52617 Mbits of content that could be cached per day.

Standard practice is to store content for at least 72 hours to (store-age).

That is, we would need for a storage ofat least 49,896 Mbits.

Thus, a conventional 8bits = 1byte conversion, tells me that we need a storage of at least 6237 MBytes

Another interesting picture is not visible, that should be used during peak hours is that the HTTP_Traffic if it is used as data by the proxy server downloaded seen, should be smaller than the data sent to the customer, and the difference would be the cache efficiency. This means that the cached content has been used to the requests would be made to serve theCustomers.

In the discussion we have ignored the fact that the performance drop is not damaged due to factors such as network latency.

In the described method, however, still no answer to the original question. As in the original question, the Internet pipe is not defined. So I was pretty skeptical that such a calculation is ever implemented, because it was the number of users) (customer, which was defined, better known as my approach on Internet_Pipe. MyArguments and their insistence on the fact that the content can be cached a fraction of the likely download HTTP content. And the maximum content which can be downloaded on the Internet_Pipe on whether you have one user or one million users. Tushar Dave of Reliance Infocomm, has helped me, the puzzle is complete with an interesting algorithm that introduced himself as the missing piece of the whole puzzle!

Suppose your ISP serves its customers with 256 KbpsConnections, then for 40,000 users, it seems almost need 10 Gbit / s Internet pipe.

But actually that is generally never true (in fact, would be for 40,000 users actually an ISP Commission with a web-pipe of less than 1 Gbit / s in most cases!). The ISP has never applied for 1, while each user to receive at any moment. This is called the OFF time is known, ie the time when a user is the content that is already available is viewing. An ISP can certainly expect at least 50% of theOFF time.

OFF-time can even go up to more than 75% if the ISP is doing his service more personal and small businesses, which together used the Internet connection is not by several users. Second, most of these user accounts are governed by a bandwidth cap, for example, a user can choose to accounts that allow a download of a few Gbs.

In the above derivations, we estimated the HTTP_traffic / day of Internet pipe, but now we have derived simple HTTP_traffic / day from the projected demandHTTP_Traffic per month.

Thus, the estimate over-all throughput be derived without knowing the Internet pipe! And the above derivation is still valid!

So let's see whether we can do some calculations (empirical, of course!)

connections = 40000

user_connection = 256 Kbps

HTTP_Share = 35%

ON_time = 50%

peak_hours = 60%

off_peak_utilisation = 25%

cacheable_content = 35%

store_age = 3Day

PEAK_HTTP_LOAD (in kbit / s) = x compounds user_connection x HTTP_Share = 3584000

NORMAL_HTTP_LOAD (in kbit / s) = PEAK_HTTP_LOAD x ON_time = 1792000

HTTP_Traffic / h (Kbits) = NORMAL_HTTP_LOAD x 3600 = 6451200000

Cache_Increment / h (Kbits) = x cacheable_content (HTTP_Traffic / hour) = 2257920000

Total_Cache_Increment / day = 24 x ((1 - x peak_hours

off_peak_utilisation) + peak_hours) x (Cache_Increment / hour) =2257920000

Required Memory (Kbits) = x store_age (Total_Cache_Increment / day) = 6773760000

Required storage capacity (in Mbits) = 6615000

Required storage capacity (in Gb) = 6459.9609375

Given 8 bits = 1 byte, it looks like we have a need little more than 800 GB of storage

However, I would cacheable_content requisition a storage capacity for a possible increase in the downloaded content from 35% () accommodates upright for at least 3store_age cycles, ie 800 x 1.35 ^ 3 = 1968 GB

The above derivation is subject to a right set of assumptions. But it should in the course of adjustments money, very simple.

For example - if the connections grew by 20%, 20% then we would need more space!

But, more importantly, allows anyone with my beliefs differ

but the approximation of the inventory.

Is this just now, thank youTushar.

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Enrollment in an online Middle School Academy

You want to ensure, as parents, to ensure that your child the best education that he or she needs and deserves. They would get him into top colleges in your region or middle schools, or, as some parents to Teach your child through home schooling. Home school is growing in popularity and draw more from the parents all over the world.

One factor is because the parents do not need to have worried about the safety of their children because the child studies at home. Another factoris that the parents themselves can closely monitor the academic progress of their child, so often seen, they are the teachers of the child. Today the most popular form of home schooling will be through an online academy.

Over the last few years have been developed online colleges for employees who wanted to go back to school, finish their education or acquire a master's degree. Later, online high schools emerged in the academic scene as well. They were meant to meet the needsStudents who had irregular appointments as celebrities, professional athletes, and the like. Today, this type of training is available to middle school students with the same situation as well as through online courses.

An online school is technically as any traditional high school, except that he deserve a unique and flexible approach to credit with computer-based courses, correspondence offers independent study, experiential learning, and Credit-Based Options. Administratorsonline schools believe that every student has the right and privilege to middle school has finished, but not all students are to achieve this objective in the traditional setting is required.

Many critics have the advantages of studying in an online academy dismissed and have argued that the study online takes your child out of growth and development. They pointed out that the study does not permit online that your child develop good social skills because the student is isolated from otherStudents, and not the ability to interact with their peers. This can be completely up to a certain extent, but not.

It is true that your child will be alone during the work at the computer, but it is wrong that he be isolated. Online schools, you can have your child and other students who interact with each other via VPN forums in the online academy. This allows your child to talk about what he has learned with other students of the mid-lineSchool.

Well, why you should consider your child in an online application middle school? For while he made his diploma, you can adjust its educational plans, while using the latest technology. Your child can also complete his designated courses at their own pace, due to the flexibility of the planning online academies.

That's not all. An online school is great for students who need to return to the track with the appropriate progress. The academic year in an online school is notTo conform to the model, the traditional school, so that your child can start at any time of year. Students can either advanced or remedial courses. If you want the best education for your child, it would be a good idea to send him to an online academy.

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PPTP and HTTP Port Forwarding with Static NAT on a Cisco router

Recently a student asked one of our seminars on the port forwarding on a router. She wanted to PPTP clients from outside to a VPN server on the get in touch. In this article I will explain how to do it together with a brief look at using static NAT traffic to a web server.

Port Forwarding on a Cisco router

Sometimes we have the internal resources that it be Internet access, such as Web servers, mail servers or VPN servers.In general, I recommend isolating those resources in a DMZ to protect your corporate network from the bad, but regardless of how you choose your design, the process goes forward packages you want from the outside interface of the router to an internal host. It's really quite simple. Here is the configuration on a Cisco 2611 router:

interface Ethernet0 / 1

IP address

ip nat outside


Interface Ethernet0 / 0

IP Address192.168.101.1

ip nat inside


ip nat inside source list 101 interface Ethernet0 / 1 overload

ip nat inside source static tcp 1723-interface Ethernet0 / 1 1723


access-list 101 permit ip any any

In the above configuration is Ethernet 0 / 1, is connected to the public Internet with a static address of and Ethernet 0 / 0, connected within the network with a static address NAT is outsideconfigured E0 / 1 and NAT inside is configured on E0 / 0 Access-list 101 works in conjunction with the "ip nat inside source list 101 Ethernet0 / 1 overload" statement to allow to use all the hosts within the E0 / 1 interface to the common use of the Internet, which is assigned the IP address of Ethernet -connect interface to connect to E0 / 1.

The "overload" statement implements PAT (Port Address Translation) which makes this possible. (PAT allows multiple internal hosts to single address on an external interface of sharesAnnexes different port numbers for each port.)

The statement "ip nat inside source static tcp 1723-interface Ethernet0 / 1 1723" takes incoming port 1723 (PPTP) requests on Ethernet0 / 1 and forwards them to the VPN server is

You could do something similar with a Web server by using port 1723 443. on port 80 or port Here's what would look like:

interface Ethernet0 / 1

IP address

ipnat outside


Interface Ethernet0 / 0

IP address

ip nat inside


ip nat inside source list 101 interface Ethernet0 / 1 overload

ip nat inside source static tcp 80 interface Ethernet0 / 1 80


access-list 101 permit ip any any

In this example, the Web server is located at and instead of forwarding PPTP (port 1723) traffic, we will forward HTTP (port 80)Traffic.

Of course, you can configure your Cisco router in a similar manner so that almost any type of traffic from an external interface helps us to an internal host.

Copyright (c) 2008 Don R. Crawley

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IP Softphone Scraping Increases Call Efficiency

As will be remote IP softphones more common and more popular, there is a feature from a user favorite. Scratching. Scraping is the ability to a phone on your computer or laptop screen to select whether on the web, a document or appears in a program, right-click on the highlighted number, and phone number are automatically selected for you automatically!

Traditionally been considered the IP Softphone as a very limited application. Share a house in a loadedLaptop for the office workers, from home a day or two should work here and there, and they can stay in touch with the office. During remote control, they get all the features of the central telephone system without the pain or cost of an IP phone and carry out back to the office. Telecommuters can know even on-line presence on the PBX, the office staff if and when they become available.

The problem has always been as inefficient IP softphones areSelect outgoing calls. Who wants to point out, and click the mouse on the screen, a keypad have to choose a 10-digit number? It was so uncomfortable that the alerts can only be done. Depending on the industry if the calls were not met, then work not just always done. If the work does not get done, then all of the benefits of telework go out the window.

Enter the IP Softphone with scraping ability. Remote users now can select outgoing calls from their laptop or PCcall over IP softphone with your mouse to highlight the desired number. Call Right-click on the desired number (Most softphone applications), the softphone and connect to your number!

The application is so successful and easy to use that remote workers now prefer the IP Softphone over traditional IP handset. Instead of pointing and clicking a number, a quick swipe of the computer mouse is now connected to choose! You can alsowork with simple soft VPN connection back to the office recommended in comparison to the more expensive, router and static IP address, IP connectivity for mobile phones.

Some call centers, which previously used to use conventional phones with headsets now only IP soft phones and headsets that are connected to their computers. While working from a database for your outbound calls, the system either selects the numbers for them, or they are in a position to highlight and select the desired numbers. For incomingOperations, a simple mouse-click answers the call, so that no phone is really needed. All other functions that are normally associated with traditional mobile phone, also on the IP Softphone, so that all employees have the opportunity to transfer, hold, conference calls, send email to keep to your mailbox Recoeder etc. The cost of IP Softphones In comparison to conventional phones was dramatically different, so are the right applications, they are not only more efficient, they costeffective.

Sales are booming applications. Certain fields make tremendous use of the Internet as a powerful prospecting tool. Imagine the efficiency of the click on the number vs. search back and forth at the number you are researching, while changing screens, pointing and clicking, etc., in order to complete your call. Whether you are calling from a database, document, or via the Internet, an enormous amount of additional calls can now be made via softphone. Check with the telecommunicationsProfessional to determine whether an IP softphone applications are fit for your company.

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E-Mail Me a Big 10-4

They have seen war and military movies and soldiers, screaming at their radios, "10-4" and "over and out" times. This is a real military radio protocol. I have a customer who e-mails answered with 10-4 and that has me thinking about e-mail, since it remains the main communication mode always been in the business. Faster than a letter, more efficient than a phone call, and enables the documentation, if you store your e-mails.

Ever wonder how many e-mails to send and receive you in a certain dayin the course of the transaction?

We are all multi-tasking, SMS and im'ing so fast that shortens the correct spelling and even social etiquette. Any e-mail does not have an answer, but there is another person at the other end of the correspondence left to ask whether you get the e-mail and read. E-mail has its strengths and its weaknesses. One challenge is the spam box and the other in competition with volume and a busy executive attention.

Sometimes I do not answer immediatelybecause to me, what I do have focus, I'm busy in a meeting or send in a conference call or I make a mental note to him and it is later filed and risks falling into a black hole of my brain does not see daylight conditions.

As a child of a military pilot, I saw my father talking on the phone with "Yes Sir" and other military formalities. We also occasionally have to talk to him via radio transmission, while in the cockpit flight to or from missions. TheseConversations were always with phrases that seemed stiff and awkward as a child, as does, for example, "10-4" that he got our gear and leave marks instead, we have "over and out."

The point was that each and every communication was acknowledged received, and although the language sounded complicated, it was really useful to know that through the crackle of the radio he heard us and receive the message was understood.

My client acknowledges each e-mail, which ISend to direct and "10-4" is often nothing more than effective must be said. He got the e-mail message, understood, and we are moving forward. I love it! If you are knee deep out into a project and the e-mails flying back and forth with information relevant to the project, it is helpful to know that the message was received and read. You move to the next issue or theme and the flow of the project continues smoothly. Although the message may appear to be lacking in etiquette and formalitythank you very much, he gets the job done and I find it oddly comforting. Perhaps because of my upbringing, maybe because I have some jealousy, I can not accept "10-4" but I am left to thank you with wordy combat hold answers and awkward that I am hard of text on my phone. 10-4 would be so much easier. I have THX or THNX rearranged on one occasion, and I often wonder if the same effects as 10-4.

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The Rise of Broadband Internet in India

The Internet has become indispensable as any other technology in the PC world. The Internet users are on the rise world. As a developing country occupies an important position in the BPO segment, India has built up large state of the art infrastructure such as communications, internet and development centers. The Internet is the backbone of the IT industry and the outsourcing sector. As recently as 2003 was, India is struggling with the dial-up Internet services,with poor reliability for the exchange of multimedia content and important data. Apart from the cost of the services that customers often found themselves on the wrong end of the stick, where connection problems and slow connections.

Broadband arrived with a bang around the year 2006. Together with the state BSNL, many private players like Airtel, TataIndicom, Reliance and many more, came on the scene. Competition, a tough, that hit the rock bottom fees and facilities managedprovided to increase from day to day. Today, the average broadband Internet connection at a speed of more than 2 Mbit / s, is at a price of around Rs.900/pm available (approximately U.S. $ 25) with unlimited downloads. The reliability of the Internet has doubled and the speed of audio / video downloads exceed 1500kbps for an average domestic user. Streaming video has become reality. People are just TV programs over the network and the cricket games on the net have come into fashion.

Gone are the times ofthe painfully slow Internet connections. Today, as the broadband and Wi-Fi revolution, many of the educational institutions have opted for online admission test, leading to faster recording processes. Online shopping and bill payment to customers who have more than doubled, and the growing number of netizens, align themselves to the culture of netbanking spreads slowly, and the safety concerns associated with netbanking to the requirements of the Internet banking solutionUsers.

The rise of broadband Internet connections generated a new momentum and enthusiasm among the knowledge-seeking in today's Internet in Indiat provides large enterprises opportuniities. Online marketing and online businesses are on the rise. India also has the rest of the world in the promotion of Internet-related businesses in a big way membership.

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30 client redirects or more - How to Get Them

Get all the recommendations that you want?

Most jobs not because they are afraid. Fear that they violate their customer relationships. Fear that they do not maintain any new business. Or fear that they look cheap or salesy.

It is imagined psychological line in the sand you from the intersection with anxiety. It is a concept that I teach called "DV", or damage to Verge. You're afraid that by the word "links" you will find your clients to push over that line,and create damage.

Let me give you an example.

Questioned by 5200 investment and insurance professionals earlier this year from my company's strategic importance! An overwhelming 79 percent said they rely on recommendations as a major source of new business. Eighty three percent of the experts had to at least 100 customers. But the average number of referrals, which they had from their customers over a period of 12 months, only 6 to 12 years! This means that on average only about 10% of their customersWere generating referrals. That's horrible! And causes as passive.

If the customer the best source for new business then the number of shows, a major problem. The question is, why? My answer is Damage edge: A psychological barrier where you imagine the worst that will happen when you ask a client for a recommendation.

Even before you get thinking about the topic, your brain enters into warp speed and says: "I can not ask them for a referral, theyprobably mad at me. . . feel disturbed. . . be uncomfortable. . . [insert your excuse here]. . . or worse yet, as they say, "No!"

What I am referring to nothing other than your conscious mind is in the act and start unduly imagination that worst-case scenario come to life. You see someone violating presumptuous, asks the wrong way to feel embarrassed, and finally ruining a prized relationship.

Four ways to break through

1. More in lineYour customer's communication style. The Damage Verge is different for every customer and client, depending on the person concerned communication style. Still other customers are immediately eliminated, no matter what you try to argue with them. Understanding your customers' different styles of communication and openness to build your target more business will go a long way in the care referrals.

2. Knowing how to ask "for the references. Nothing looks more fear inExperts as the idea started with a client and asked them "for referrals. So not! That's right - ask for referrals. Concentrate on making personal approach to customers. What matters is that you must certify and test with every client that they find value in you and your work. Use a monthly meeting, lunch or a quarterly review to touch base. I ask a simple, very big question: "Mrs. Client, you tell me: What should I do in my relationship withYou? "The answer is the referral to the door swinging wide open - or temporarily close down. Either way, you've read much better on the relationship.

3. Practice your moves with your C-level clients, and then up. Practice, in which the stakes are not as high. Take the pressure on themselves by building self-confidence and enthusiasm - and results to be seen - with B-level and C-level customers. It is highly unlikely that you would ever hurt someone who has confirmed their value. But if you upset someone, there is a C-level client that would not be irreplaceable, if they were to their business elsewhere.

4. Give customers a reason to share with others. I believe in the 80/20 rule when it comes to client recommendations. He says that 80 percent of your customers are using only about 20 percent of the services have to offer you, too. One way to counter this is through the pooling of current services as "value added" extras - that shows an understanding of your current> Customer relationship and while you give your customers one more reason to suggest your services to others. Remember, you want to introduce the subject of numerous processes with your customers without compromising the relationship at all. You want to get close to her shortly before the damage, but you must never cross. It's like when you by in the vicinity of thin ice - without ever falling. Stay in the area where the relationship provides sufficient support for what you say - and is not overloaded.


Talk about the pain of change with clients

This month we have to discuss what so many professionals miss their opportunities and often surprises after the project has begun. They discussed the pain of change with clients. The problem is that very often your customers to their sinking ship, hoping that you download their sinking ships into smooth cruising mode again in one or two days, and often) for a competitive (ly small fee.

And if this is not the case (according to Dr. Edgar Schein, over 90% of theConsulting projects fail because of confidential events, not to debate and inaction) on the part of customers who had very often not responsible for advisers to the expected results. But who is in the driver's seat? You or the client? Who is the decision maker? No, is not it? Thus, final results may not be in your hands. And you must communicate to your customers.

But consultant responsible for the results of the projects of their clients is just as senseless asthat parents be solely responsible for their children's performance. Consultants, like parents, are not the ultimate decision makers.

You can not guarantee that your customers get out of bed in the morning let alone whether they or the use to reject your advice. In plain English: You are NOT responsible. The customer is.

Regardless of what parents for their children, regardless of how much they contribute to their children in order to achieve it, decide if the children aware ofengage in crime or drugs, is not that a Piepmatz parents can do about it. The responsibility for achieving results, and authority for decisions to come hand in hand. You can not separate the two.

By nature, humans are the unknown aspects of the change fear, and, interestingly, when the change process will be promoted to a smooth ride and a tendency to get clean with a steady gradient, some people agitated and jumps on the opportunity, but some people Special care will be exercised.

So, howthe military handle a total buy-in of new recruits? Read the next paragraph of General Patton's troops prepared for battle.

"You are going to die, not all die. Only two percent of you here today, in a great battle. Death is not feared. Death, in time, belongs to all people. Yes, it's every man, in his first fight anxiety. If he says he is not, he is a liar. "

The U.S. Navy SEAL unit, strongly supports the most intensive part of their training, known as "HellWeek. They tell potential recruits of all the pain and suffering they have endured to become adult members of one of the most respected teams in the American military machine.

And you know what, if people are mentally prepared for the emergency, they can better take it. And failure rate in the military is much lower than the project failure rate in the world of consulting.

In the world of professional services, there is the current situation, the desired situationand the unknown "swamp" customers will have to get to the "promised land to go."

The key is to tell our customers that there is a swamp full of alligators and mosquitoes, not a rose garden with colorful butterflies, which journey you will cross over into the promised land swamp like a challenging hike with blood, sweat and tears, but a pleasure cruise cute waitresses and celebrity hunks.

Customers know what is happening to them right now, and often a concept can and what can waitthem into the promised land, but still, they are scared to death of the sump. And since you often have many swamps and many promised lands were exceeded, you can tell your customers what they expect on the trip and what to take with them. You can tell them to take a gun and a knife, and let her make-up kits and iPods at home.

When I ran out of Hungary in 1988, no money and no English, I knew I was plastered in a quite a few stumbling blocks. I knew I could enddumped until they are deported immediately or in a refugee camp to live like a rat, until I have a chance to work would be found and will be released in the normal world (aka the rate race. Oh, those infernal bugs everywhere). Like me, many of my friends were fed with the communist system, but unlike me, in spite of knowing the beauty and benefits of the promised land, they found too scary to cross the swamp, and decided to stay.

Many potential customers are so. AndThe sooner they decide whether they are willing to cross the swamp with you, the better it is for both your piggy bank and health. Imagine several meetings, go write a proposal and then the prospect withdraws. A kind of "projectus interruptus" if a customer cancels before something "serious" happened. Arrrrrg!

So, during your first conversation you have described and evaluated stay the expense of customers, where are they now, and get the value thatPromised Land. This establishes your actual value, which is based on the tuition fees. (For more on this see "It's All About Your Guide service professionals" involved in recruitment, awareness and protection fees " value.html)

So now customers about the possibilities, they are waiting for the promised land of excitement, and mistakenly assume that you do all the necessary work and you actually wear them on their backs to the new destination. Thisprovides false expectations, and if something unexpected happens (not always), you get blamed for everything done, including the Spanish Inquisition.

So, let's start and communicate the pain of change.

Ask the prospect about their interests and concerns related to the change effort, and then elaborate on each item to the level of detail as necessary. Then bring what has been missed. If the outlook express concerns about mosquitoes only to the alligators. TellPerspectives when they step off the path, the swamp, it can swallow. These are not scare tactics, such as "If you do not buy, my fire alarm, your children burned alive and you will hear screaming, for the rest of your life." That depends. Here, you use fear to make a purchase decision.

Your prospects already have a purchasing decisions on their values. Everything you do is to just fill the details of what may or may not happen during the trip through the swamp. Take someTime to discover each other, all the perceived dangers. If they do not happen that's great, but if they do occur, and your clients are not properly prepared, they'll freak out like wounded animals, they can be totally unpredictable and you can be pretty deep yogurt. That's what some customers asking for a refund or threaten to bring them to justice. It can be quite unpleasant.

So remember, for a moment you are your first day at university.

"The people who you may feel a bit crowded right, but. Relax In a few months, half of you will get out of here. "

So understand, students, if they are willing to work off their ass, they will soon not without hope in hell that they get to pay tuition fees at the beginning of the course. And if they want to come back later, they have to pay again.

The other important point is to understand buyer that, before the situation improves, it will get worse. It is the same as the people shortly before his death, often seem to get betterBless, and then without much ado, singing and dancing irreversibly they kick the bucket.

Therefore, you must discuss the pain of change and also the conceptual agreement with the buyers. You need to know what they are about to get into. Remember, fear of failure is a major restraint force in the lives of people.

In most organizations, change takes place on five levels:

1. ASSET LEVEL: For industrial organizations are assets of the buildings, computer systems, production lines, whichFleet of company cars and the copier. For a professional service firm is its people. This is such a fundamental change in the purchase of a new copier. However, some people may insist on maintaining the old copier exist because they are accustomed.

2. ROAD MAP LEVEL: This is plans, systems and processes that organizations go from A to B and navigate effectively through the jungle of commerce throughout its life to make. The "roadmap" also includes policies, procedures, codes of conduct,Scripts and every piece of information that can be codified in written documents. Change seems to be at this level too easy, but at this level, we do not know whether people are at all interested in changing.

3. Capability Level: This is the skills and competencies of the people concerned organizations to produce what they produce. This includes both explicit (learned to work through memorization of information) and tacit (intuition, finesse, gut feeling, "ditch." Basically, cellularLevel knowledge) experience. Two police officers can use the same level of explicit knowledge, but the one who personally led numerous raids on drug operations, where the bullets flew significantly more tacit experience.

For this reason, it is big mistake to continue to rent to people (employees, contractors or consultants) on the basis of () explicit knowledge. I dare say, Donald Trump's assistant knows more about real estate agents than most out there who are certified to handle andregistered with any club that has something to do with real estate. The person can explicitly but implicitly astonishing astonishingly incompetent. My expertise is about 20% and 80% of explicit knowledge tacit information (intuition and gut feeling, ditch work, basically a cellular level knowledge).

The mistake here is that by people, training, managers expect instant improvement in performance of their people as soon as they return from the course. But people needTime, the new information will turn into new skills. For a doctor quite a long time passes between the first anatomy at medical school and the first real heart surgery. I have never seen a doctor, can the people work on one days coming to completion. A law graduate must be invited to the bar to practice. It can only happen in the world of commerce, that after the completion of a freshly minted MBA demands, and often a senior management position with a corner office receives a personalSecretary, some mind-numbing bonuses (for what?) And a company Mercedes.

4. INTENTION LEVEL: This is changing the driving force behind the initiative. It is fairly easy to change things, but to change people is a horse of a different color at all. We have discussed many times how important it is to include organizational goals and strategies with their personal goals, and this is the perfect place to see this approach in action. If they exist, people buy into the changerelatively easy (All right, let's factor in the general fear) of change, especially if they will see that all around them pass through the same changes.

For every desire for change, there is an opposing desire to keep the same things. At this point the best thing you can do is to find advantages and disadvantages to both situations.

5. LEVEL VISION: This is really the essence of the change effort. Many people say: "I want to start the workout," but very few,Who actually start to need higher-level reasons, we call it vision in order to actually start and maintain them in the long run. I know a company that relies on its website that the best IT company in the vicinity, while the President is encouraging people to half do repairs, so that they can return the milk and customers over and over again . He lives pretty high on the hog and works hard, how to explain to his people why there was no wage increase and again, can not afford the company,To pay premiums. Basically he is a corrupt lying SOB.

Post-Reading challenge

* Enjoy the view of your projects and try to see how often your customers are surprised and even shocked by count of unexpected setbacks. Have you ever been made responsible for these setbacks?

* After discussing the current and desired situations, like you could change about the possible pain on the basis of the above five levels?

* How can we communicate more effectively, that the creation ofdesired results, while with the client must be mutually accountable to each other, the 'client's sole responsibility, as he / she is the final decision is taken.

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Easy Small Business Strategy strengthens international customer

If you have a systematic plan to implement a case study at the time of sale, you get several case study elements. Some of your customers will be unwilling to commit to a full case study. No cause for concern. There are three variants of the case study.

1. The most coveted is the long presented a case study format with the whole story and the results. This can be used or printed in PDF format from your online sales teams on your website and also as a call to action.

2. A Brief HistoryTestimony is only a few short paragraphs in length. It can be used in your monthly newsletter, your ezine in a box in your promotional material online and offline.

3. The shortest form is a quotation. Some quotes may be as long as a brief history testimony. The more specific the ratio, the better for you, highlighting the type of information that we have a full length case study. The courses are planned to the most versatile advantage of a systematic case study. These can be used to build yourCredibility in almost all of your international communication tools.

Remember to leave your customer 's request full name, location, and some contact details if possible use. A quote, without at least the name and location will lack credibility. Photos and audio descriptions are great on as well and can even more appeal to your online marketing.

And what happens if your international client says he is not in the case study program are interested in, if youto mention it to him at the time of sale? Or what if you forget to ask? Follow-up in due time, when enough time has elapsed for him to evaluate your product and ask him another question.

Ask him for a recommendation. Does he know of another company in his country could benefit from, the shape of your product?

All of this dialogue will be easy with your international customers. There will be a dynamic relationship with your customers. And learn more about your internationalMarkets.

Use this action incentive tool in addition to the prospect of generating monthly international communication discussed last week as part of international business development strategy.

Case studies are the first of seven measures incentive tools. How can the other six measures incentive tools to support your international business?

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Memory Cards Complete Guide

Ever wondered what are these tiny chips? Confused by the name?
We are here to help you.

This article is about the various memory components in the market for mobile phones.

Memory Stick

MS Memory Stick is a removable flash memory card format launched by Sony in October 1998 and is generally used to describe the whole family of Memory Sticks. This family includes the Memory Stick Pro,Revision allows greater maximum storage capacity and faster file transfer speeds, and Memory Stick Duo, a small form-factor version of Memory Stick.

50,0 × 21.5 × 2.8 mm

Memory Stick Duo

MS Duo

31.0 × 20.0 × 1.6 mm

The Memory Stick Duo, which is slightly smaller than the competing Secure Digital format, was developed in response to demand from Sony for a smaller flash memory card for pocket-size digital cameras and mobile phones, as well asSony PSP. Memory Stick Duos are available in all variants, the same as their larger cousins (normal to the available limited to 128 MB, larger Pro Sticks, with and without high-speed mode, with and without MagicGate support) and a simple adapter (often together with the sale of Memory Stick Duo), a duo can to every device that can accept its larger cousins may be used.

Memory Stick Micro M2

15.0 × 12.5 × 1.2 mm

In a joint venture with SanDisk, Sony announced a new MemoryStick format on 30 September 2005. The new Memory Stick M2 ( "micro") measures 15 × 12.5 × 1.2 mm and could theoretically be 32 GB in the future. Maximum speed is 160 Mb / s. It will come with an adapter, much like the Duo Sticks, to ensure compatibility with current Pro devices.

Multi Media Card


32 × 24 × 1.5 mm

The MMC card or MultiMediaCard was introduced in 1997 by SanDisk Corporation and Siemens AG. At this point theMMC card was the smallest memory card about the size of a postage stamp on the market based on flash memory technology. The card is very similar to the Secure Digital Memory Card, actually the SD card is inserted into place on the MMC card. They have almost the same form factor is the only difference is that SD cards are slightly thicker and they have a write-protect switch.

As the MMC card is too slow transmission speed, 2.5 Mbps, compared to other memory cards, especiallyon SD Memory Card, a new high performance version of the MMC card was compared in 2005, introduced under the name MMCplus. The MMCplus today has the highest, up to 52 MB / sec, theoretical data transfer speed in the whole memory card industry.

The MultiMediaCard Association announced that by the end of 2005 the SecureMMC apply only to the MMCplus and MMCmobile memory cards available. The SecureMMC is a copyright protection application that features DRM, Digital Rights Management,and VPN, Virtual Private Network capabilities.

Reduced Size Multi Media Card


16 × 24 × 1.5 mm

MMCmobile (RS-MMC)

RS-MMC, Reduced Size MultiMediaCard, was introduced in 2003 by the MultiMediaCard Association (MMCA) as the second form factor memory card in the MultiMediaCard family. The RS-MMC is a smaller version of the standard MMC card, about half in size, and was specificallyare designed to be used by mobile phones and other small portable devices.

Dual Voltage Reduced Size Multi Media Card


16 × 24 × 1.5 mm

In 2005, dual voltage (DV) RS-MMC was introduced. It is basically the same card as the standard RS-MMC but operates with dual voltage, 1.8 V and 3.3 V, resulting in lower energy consumption, contributing to longer battery life for the life of host devices. The DV RS-MMC and RS-MMC areoperate totally compatible, but for some phones, especially Nokia, with only 1.8V cards the regular RS-MMC will not work. We recommend that you always have the Dual Voltage RS-MMC buy for sure that your memory will work with the electronic device.

MMCmicro Card


12 × 14 × 1.1 mm

The introduced MMCmicro, formerly known as S-CARD from Samsung, was adopted and introduced in 2005 by the MultiMediaCardAssociation (MMCA) as the third form factor memory card in the MultiMediaCard family. MMCmicro is the smallest, about the size of a fingernail, memory card in the MultiMediaCard family and is among the smallest in the world. It was specifically used in mobile phones and other small portable devices.

The MMCmicro card is an adapter, MMCplus available. This not only makes it compatible with all MMC and MMCplus slots but also to all SD Memory Card slots. It isimportant to note that music files to MultiMedia Cards, I do not play in a position to return to when they are in an SD memory card slot due to the copyright protection features of the inserted SD slots supported.

Since the MMCmicro is the latest card to develop and to market it is not compatible handsets and introduced to many electronic devices still. However, it is expected that one of the memory card formats that dominate the mobile phone sector will be among the pioneersmicroSD in the development and the Memory Stick Micro.

Secure Digital Card


32 × 24 × 2.1 mm

The SD Memory Card or Secure Digital was introduced in 2001, SanDisk Corporation, Matsushita (Panasonic) and Toshiba. The SD memory card on the MultiMediaCard, MMC memory card standard and has almost the same form factor, the size of a postage stamp, are the only difference that the SD card is slightly thicker and has aWrite-protect switch. Since MMC cards are thinner than SD cards can be used in all SD Memory Card slots are, but not vice versa.

The SD card is today the most commonly used memory card. It can be found in most digital cameras, PDAs and many other electronic devices. The SD Memory Card slots can be used for more than flash memory cards. The SDIO, Secure Digital In & Out, is the general term for the many expansion modules that can be found in the form of the SD memory cardFactor. SDIO modules can be inserted into the slot, and for other functions like Bluetooth adapters are used, GPS receivers, digital cameras, TV tuners, etc.

miniSD Card


21.5 × 20 × 1.4 mm

The miniSD was introduced in 2003 by SanDisk Corporation in cooperation with Matsushita (Panasonic) and Toshiba. Later that year the miniSD format was developed by the SD Card Association as a second form factor memory card in the Secure Digital adaptedFamily. MiniSD is a smaller version of the SD Card format, expect about 60% smaller in volume and provides the same benefits as the SD Memory Card, the write-protect switch.

MiniSD was designed specifically to be used in small portable electronic devices like digital cameras and cell phones. But since all miniSD memory card always with an SD memory card adapter coming, they are compatible with all SD Memory Card slots, and thus the compatibility with the rapidly growingNumber of SD Memory Card compatible devices on the market.

MiniSD was the second after SD memory card adapted to memory card from the SD Card Association, which today consists of three members will be. In 2005, the microSD was introduced as a third, and smallest, member of the Secure Digital family.

microSD Card also known as Transflash


11 × 15 × 1 mm

rashFlash, formerly known as T-Flash, was developed by SanDisk Corporation in 2004 introducedworld's smallest memory card, about the size of a fingernail. TransFlash was specifically used in mobile phones. Motorola was the first mobile phone manufacturer to adapt the TransFlash memory card standard.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2005 TransFlash of the SD Card Association as the third form factor memory card in the Secure Digital family has been adjusted after SD Memory Card and miniSD. After the adoption, name changes TransFlash microSD. The microSD has exactlythe same dimensions and specifications as the TransFlash and therefore both memory cards are fully compatible with each other.

Today the microSD is the most commonly used memory card in mobile phones and the SD Card Association's aim is to provide a microSD memory card de-facto standard for all phones. All TransFlash and microSD cards always come with an SD memory card adapter, which makes them compatible with all SD Memory Card slots. The microSD is about 10% in size comparedon the memory card and about 30% compared to SD, miniSD.

xD-Picture Card


20 × 25 × 1.7 mm

The xD-Picture Card was introduced in 2002 by Olympus and Fuji film as a replacement for the older SmartMedia card. It is manufactured exclusively by Toshiba and is only a brand name products under the name of Fuji Film and Olympus.

The xD-Picture Card format was designed to be used in digital cameras and is more or less only used in Fuji Film andOlympus digital cameras. How not accept SmartMedia Card, xD-Picture Card, a controller chip, which can make it into a small form factor, but at the same time, it can reliably to the host controller chip device.

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Disaster Recovery Plan - Voice and Data Infrastructure Protection

How many customers can you afford to lose before it affects your bottom line?

Losing voice communication and access to data through human error, intentional acts, or nature caused, or disadvantages, or paralyze a company's ability to do business. Whether your company has not experienced this in some form of communication and data loss are common problems that most companies experience at some point in their existence.

In all likelihood, your organization has a state ofthe art telephone system and computer hardware, video conferencing, superior staff, great health benefits, vacation and retirement plans, but you have a disaster recovery plan in a position to protect your business? Whether one or more sites is irrelevant. In the current economy, it is a bitter truth that even the slightest interruption in service can cause devastating consequences. Is your company protected? If not, why not?

Because of the incident which may result in negative effects yourBottom line, emergency preparedness planning is still deeply rooted in corporate culture. Disaster recovery is an important concern for organizations today's demanding enterprises a solution that provides continuous service notice that must be made within the budget constraints. The realization that winning is to get directly involved in the provision of uninterrupted services is linked, even in the most extreme situations has been made public.

For those who use computers on a daily basis-the home or officeAccess to files and programs, Business, VPN networks in businesses and communicate via the Internet, the connection may be interrupted, alarming. Just the thought of what would happen if all or part of the information has been lost, you can press the panic button. Consider this scenario on a much larger scale, for example, in a large company. Without the ability to receive or make calls to obtain access to information via the Internet or the amount of lost revenue can assume astonishing proportions.
How long has your company can contact with your customers, suppliers?

Two of these incidents that crippled businesses that are in billions of dollars in lost revenue, which recently participated in the blackout in New York and Chicago, Illinois, extensive fire damage at LaSalle Bank. Although La Salle Bank and was on a limited basis by the next morning with a disaster recovery system that would result in much less downtime had.

How muchRevenue your company can afford to lose?

Companies which are losing run with a disaster recovery plan in place risks similar to those filed by companies with no insurance in case of chronic natural disaster through a game of chance that successful companies are not willing to bear. Aaron Kane, TELE CALL, Inc., President, states: "After a disaster recovery plan is a kind of insurance that protects your business from a service interruption. The cost is minimal compared to the alternative scenario. CALL TELEfocused on proven solutions for businesses of all sizes can ensure in a cost effective manner that will be used in maximizing the return on investment (ROI) in the event of a disaster. "

Many large companies have disaster recovery plans, but small and medium enterprises are often prepared for this type of emergency, because it costs weighed against the possibility of business interruption and decide to give him a chance that this can occur in their businesses, too take.

Imagine this dilemma:A medium-sized companies that sell widgets experiences a power outage lasting two full days completely off telephone communications. What would happen to your customers try to ask yourself and the ability to call from your call center? Starts without opportunity for your customers to contact you or vice versa can cost you money from the moment that the failure occurs.

Is your company ready to handle this type of emergency?

What is Disaster Recovery?

For voice,it means that a system set up so that you can continue to have the voice communication without interruption.

For the data, it means an off-site backup data is produced on a fully operational recapture after turning back.

How does a disaster recovery system work?

After an emergency situation occurs, the first step, the ability to connect quickly with your customers in touch again. With a disaster recovery plan at the ready, please notify your solution provider and the telephoneCompany to begin routing your calls to an off-site facility, which will answer your calls as if you still do business.

In the second step would be to continue with your staff to ensure the nearby facility to telephone operations, limiting downtime and regain control of the telephone communication and the ability to access critical information and business files.

The reasons for data recovery

A company has obvious direct costs associated with a disaster resulting from businessInterruption, but there are also many indirect costs are taken into account, such as cash-flow interruption, loss of customers, loss of competitiveness, loss of market share, investor confidence, erosion, loss of reputation of the company, and violations of legal or official. And installed by a professional voice and data solution provider maintained, disaster recovery is a tested and proven formula for comprehensive business continuity.

Review this checklist will help you determine howwell protected your company would be if your voice and data communications were compromised in a disaster.

• When our phones go down, we have established an alternative system to maintain contact with our customers.

• Our data supports that are off-site on a daily basis.

• We are a system that you have us immediately to the staff on, you can begin concrete and specific functions.

• To reduce downtime, we have reached an off-site facility, where the employee iswork until the primary site is available.

• We have a step-by-step action plan for when a disaster occurs.

• We are prepared for any interruption of service, which is detrimental to our bottom-line impact.

Most companies fear the competition or terrorist attacks involving the highest risks to their line, though, business disasters due to human error, natural disasters are caused, and power outages are a much bigger threat to business continuity. Protect your voice and data servicesServices is critical to maintaining business operations during disasters and in day-to-day operations.

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