
Dial Up Internet Accelerators

It is widely accepted that dial up is not one of the fastest options available to access the Internet. It takes a lot of time to establish a connection. In a dial up connection, the user, known as the client, sends data to the remote server. This is done through a modem. It is like asking permission to access the Internet and is known as a handshake. It takes a lot a time to send the data back and forth to establish the connection, which is essential to verify the user account information.

Therefore, ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are constantly trying to reduce this handshake time in order to accelerate the connection. ISPs load special software on their servers that speed up the connection. These servers are then called acceleration servers. These acceleration servers are placed between the dial up connection and the World Wide Web. This helps speed up the connection.

In a normal dial up connection, the request made by a machine, for any page, goes through the ISP to the Web. The machine that has requested this information has to go through a number of stops before it is connected to the machine that provides the information. This makes the process very time consuming.

With the acceleration server, the request goes to the server that searches for the information on the machine?s behalf. The acceleration server uses a broadband connection to quickly search the Internet for the server that hosts the required information. Once that server is located, that information is routed to the machine that requested it.

Acceleration servers use several techniques like compression, filtering and caching to speed up the connection. Compression is used to send large data across in compressed form. Photos and graphics are generally sent in this manner. This may result in loss of quality, as some data is lost during compression. Filtering is used to block ?pop ups,? as they slow down the performance of the connection.

Dial up accelerators make sure that dial up services are able to keep up with all the faster and more reliable Internet access options available today.

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