How To Keep Your Clients and Customers Coming Back For More
1. It is vital to your business success
Taking good care of your clients will ensure the success of your business. Taking your eye off the client care ball on the other hand is a sure-fire route to business failure. Your clients are literally the life-blood of your business and if you don't take good care of them they will go else where before you know it.
2. It's easier than you think
Good client care doesn't have to cost you any money at all. It's about going the extra mile and treating your clients how you'd like to be treated as a client. We've all experienced bad client service - it's unfortunately all too common nowadays. How infuriating is it when you can't get a complaint resolved? Or when you're spoken to rudely on the phone?
Good client care is about making sure you do the basics well.
Ensure that every single interaction your client have with you is pleasant, successful and enriches their lives. The more they enjoy their interactions with you and your company, the more they'll want to come back.
Going the extra mile can be as simple nowadays as calling a client back when you say you're going to (it's amazing how easy it is to exceed client expectations now that the standard of what we expect is so low).
A great example of how I provided a favourite client of mine with what I perceive as exceptional client care is when I helped them by a pair of running shoes. It took about half an hour of my time, saved them a whole heap of hassle and money and made me feel great about myself in the process. What's more it ensured they keep coming back to me as a coach and recommend me to all their friends.
3. It'll make you stand out from your competitors
As I was saying before, not many businesses nowadays take exceptional care of their clients so if you do the basics well, it's not that hard to stand out from the crowd. But if you're in a highly competitive market, it is absolutely vital you go the extra mile to take care of your clients - if you don't there'll be no shortage of other places for them to go.
4. It needs to be totally integrated into your business
Good client care should be totally integrated into all aspects of your business. Right from when you first get an enquiry from a potential client through to when they leave you as a client (which hopefully they never will). The idea of taking care of your clients should be integral to every single interaction you have with a client.
5. It's an attitude
Once again, good client care is an attitude - not something you pick and choose to do when you feel like it. If you are running your own business, then you are in the business of serving - whether it's a product or a service, your ultimate purpose is to serve your clients. Many people forget this - and if it's not something you enjoy doing, then you either need to re-think your plan or change your attitude!
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