
How to Attract Your Ideal Clients

When people start out in business, they often get caught up in all the details of how to get started - finding premises, training, logos, decorations, websites etc, etc. If you're a solopreneur, and new to business, this can be very challenging and take a lot of time and energy. I often coach people, who have got so caught up in the details of their business, they have lost sight of the vision - what their intention was when starting the business. I coach others, who are so attuned to the vision of what they want to do - that they cannot get down to the detail at all, they have so many ideas, but they never seem to be able to put them into practice. Most of the people I coach in my Spirit in Your Business programme want use non-traditional ways of marketing their business, and can become overwhelmed by all the different aspects.

I have been in both situations in the past - and can still sometimes find myself being pulled one way or the other. What my aim is, and now I achieve it more and more frequently, is to be able to move freely and easily between the detail and the vision.

Initially, when I was setting up my homeopathy practice, I wasn't able to call it a business at all!! I didn't see it as a business, and therefore didn't approach it in a business-like way. Business was a dirty word to me, and didn't fit in with my view of myself as a healer. Many years later, a lot of coaching and personal discovery later - I am very happy to see myself as a spiritual business-owner. I can see by making this transition, my ability to serve people has actually improved. I am making more money than I did previously, am attracting people who really benefit from what I have to offer, and am much more efficient with my time and focus.

One of the tools that I have found really helpful in doing this, is to draw up a clear vision of the type of Client that I want to attract. I have an activation that I use, which serves to really align me to my inner guidance. I listen to this and then write down the qualities I seek in my ideal client.

You can do this easily too - get yourself into a relaxed, highly attuned state and then ask yourself the following questions (change them as you wish and as appropriate to you particular business).

who is my ideal client?

what is their gender?

what is their age?

what are they seeking?

how are we aligned energetically?

what are their financial circumstances?

where do they live?

how do they find me?

how can I best serve them?

how will we work together?

what previous work will they have done?

what type of personality are they?

what are their interests?

You might come up with something like this:

My ideal client is:



lives in the GMT time zone

can easily and willingly pay my fees

knows the benefits of coaching

is prepared to take action to achieve their goals

is on a spiritual journey

has an alternative health practice

is an energetic match for me

has a good sense of humour

(or something completely different!! - it doesn't matter, there is no right or wrong answer, as long as it reflects you and the people you want to attract to your business.)

Any other questions which come to you will be perfect also. Some of the questions may challenge you - just note that with interest, and see if there are any messages their for you.

I would then suggest that you write out, or type up a description of your ideal client, and display it somewhere that you can easily see it. Read it often. I find that it helps me to read it before I make any decisions about my business. This helps to keep me focussed, and has stopped me going off on a few tangents - and if you are working on-line at all, you will know that there are many distractions calling you like the Sirens, trying to steer you off course! I find that reading my Ideal Client, description helps to re-centre me. I read it and them go back to the choice I was thinking of, and just ask, will this help me attract my ideal client or not? If it won't, then I don't have to think of it anymore. If it will, I give it more consideration.

Once you are clear about who your ideal client it, it makes it easier for you to align your own energy, so that you can attract them to you. Remember, your main task is to manage your own energy, so that you are vibrating at a level that allows you to attract what you want into your life. If you want to attract people who are at ease with money - you'll be much more likely too if you feel completely at ease with money yourself!

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