Employee Appreciation - For Maximum Client Satisfaction Impact
It's sad but true. We tend to take those closest to us for granted. We see our employees day after day and after a while we begin to lose touch with the fact that they like to be thanked occasionally for the things they do to make our organizations successful. So, how can you show your employees that your appreciate all that they do? Consider these tips as a part of your employee appreciation campaign:
Employee incentives. Reward those who achieve their goals with gift certificates, dinners out, a day off with pay, or a day of personal assistant services.
Recognition of successes. Be it a bulletin board in the lunch room, or a company dinner, let your employees know that you want to share their success with their colleagues, and use them for an example of your company expectations. Recognition is a prime motivator for many, so praise them often and publically. Let them know you notice the great job they do for the organization.
Training programs. Let your employees know that you want to continue to help them develop and grow. Encourage them to take advantage of training programs in their field of expertise and make sure that your human resource department is providing the basics such as communication skills, telephone etiquette, basic sales skills, customer service excellence, leadership, diversity, etc.
Annual employee surveys. You ask your customers what they think of your operations through programs such as mystery shopping and customer surveys, so why not consider surveying your employees too? Consider the value of annual employee surveys to gauge employee satisfaction in the workplace, and then be prepared to act on the feedback you receive.
Customers have a high level of sensitivity when it comes to how happy your employees are. If your employees aren't happy then your customer won't be either. So take some time to show your employees how much you care. Your efforts will be rewarded a thousand fold as you watch your customer satisfaction and profit levels soar.
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