
Server vs Client Sides of Web

Things which exist on one's personal computer are referred to as "client side", and on the web host as "server side". The average internet user might have first heard "client" in the context of applications installed on the personal computer, such as "email client". Those mail systems which can be used from anywhere are "web mail", and exist on the server side.

In practical terms, all your office suite programs, media players, programs to edit images, most games, and so forth, are probably client side, although "utility" type functions are evolving on the server side. For example, users can now share data on server side spreadsheets and word processors.

Most browser function is defined on the client side, perhaps with some JavaScript add-ons for interaction, calendars, multi-level menus, animated graphics, et cetera.

Business enterprise level content management, databases, store systems, and much more are on the server side. Server side programming can range from simple CGI scripts ("Common Gateway Interface") written in a variety of languages, such as Perl. Large databases can be built in the popular open-source MySQL, and accessed through interfaces programmed in PHP.

First embodiments of such CGI functions started a new copy of the executing module for each command request. To avoid server shutdown from excessive workload, host programmers have evolved better ways, but these need not concern us ordinary mortals.

Fortunately for this author, a web site builder does not need to be an expert in all those server side tools in order to use them. Most hosting companies now offer access to pre-installed modules. Persons wanting better features can purchase modules from third parties to upload and install, such as shopping carts, which are backed by support staff, user, or similar.

If the site builder lacks a very fast connection to the server, s/he can install client side copies of operating systems for SQL, PHP, other... to emulate behavior on the host. Sometimes the emulation is less than perfect, such as with different release generations, so adjustments may be needed after upload.

Why would anyone bother to do this? One reason is that PHP can take over parts of HTML coding, such as with "include files" which represent often used sections of header, footer, body, or serve more robustly than JavaScript for interactivity and utility functions.

If the connection is fast, however, present day "shared hosting" and "virtual private/dedicated servers" make it very difficult for one domain owner to break the system for other users. And only privileged employees have access to the power switch. VPS allows power users to get more behind the scenes than can the SH customer.

Caveat: Whether your HTML writing is done directly on host account or on personal computer for upload, keep an off-site copy against the day your hosting company drops or back levels your content. It will happen.

What ever the approach a person uses for working on the internet, all these elements are examples of "distributed processing", a concept which some large mainframe computer manufacturers had hoped would never be realized. Now that the small guys and gals have forced the issue, by using ever more powerful personal computers in place of dumb terminals, the big dogs have learned to love and profit from it.

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