Loose Lips Sink Ships
It was a huge issue during World War II and should be a big issue in your business. If the word innovation is used in your business, the idea that there are people out there wanting to know what you know and how you do it may be a real threat to your "innovation" and your advantage in the marketplace. Let's say you are in the manufacturing business and you have the need for roll form equipment. There is probably nothing proprietary about the particular roll form die you use or the roll form taps. However, the way you use these to create the product may be proprietary. The idea that you can make a piece of equipment to order even if it is part of a workhorse series which is just that, no bells or whistles isn't all that impressive one way or the other. That is, unless a competitor can get a hold of how the work horse is used in conjunction with the other equipment to create your innovative product line.
To some this may seem like a spy story that is over the top. To others, this is a history lesson that they could write, including the loss of business to someone who seemingly did not have good business ethics. Of course, all is fair in love and war and business is war.
When you are on a plane and talking to your business associate, it may not be wise to talk about the latest greatest ideas and innovations. You really never know who is listening in. The same goes for in a restaurant. Now this may seem like paranoia but if you have something that gives you an edge, you want to protect it at all times.
Electronic eavesdropping is the latest in corporate espionage. A few of the new ways to see what your company is doing even have catchy names. The Evil Twin, the War Drivers, the Promiscuous Client, and Bluesnarfing and Bluejacking are all ways to access your information which resides on your computer. With the advent of WiFi, it's always enticing to head to the nearest coffee shop with free WiFi and do some work. Be careful what you log on to. If you are not familiar with these terms, look them up and also look up the protection you might need if you suspect this could be happening to you.
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