Filtering Data In Excel 2003
Excel 2003 can filter a large amount of data that is created or imported into the programme. Filtering data in Excel 2003 will find and display only the records you want to work with and is most appropriate when you want to find particular records or work with a subset of the data in an Excel 2003 document.
Excel 2003 offers an Auto Filter feature that enables you to identify cells that contain a specific search term, or multiple cells that meet your search criteria. You can also construct custom filters that help you find specific data within cells.
When filtering data in Excel 2003 via the Auto Filter function, Excel will retrieve all records that meet your search criteria and hide all records that don't. This is particularly helpful if you are attempting to standardise data, find errors or blank cells within the data.
To filter your data using Auto Filter, select Data > Filter > AutoFilter. Your column label will become a pull-down menu. All unique entries in that column will be listed in the pull-down, along with the choices (All), (Top 10...) and (Custom...). You can select your filtering criterion for the column by selecting it from the pull-down menu. To use multiple filtering criteria from a single column, you must create a Custom Auto Filter for those criteria.
To create a Custom Auto Filter, turn Auto Filter on. You can do this by toggling the Auto Filter button on the Standard toolbar. Click the gray arrow in the column header and select Custom... from the list of choices. This will activate the Custom Auto Filter dialogue box.
Within this dialogue box, you will be able to choose the best ways to limit your filters and provide an exact filtering term. You can also choose a second set of filtering criteria and indicate whether you want the criteria ANDed or OR'd. Once your filter is set, click OK and your data will be filtered according to your criteria. Rows that do not meet your filtering criteria will be hidden. They will not be removed from the document! You may edit the data within the rows you're working with.
When you have finished filtering data in Excel 2003, you may deselect in the Standard toolbar to turn the feature off. All rows of data will be visible in your document.
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