
Computer Repair Prices: Full price

Computer repair prices are fixed before you ever had a consulting job. Make sure that the prices, think about every aspect of computer repair work complete before setting, and that these prices are inclusive of all your customers' expectations.

The main factor for the A complete price

There's nothing more annoying than finding a computer or other technology item at the right price, only to discover that there is anything you need that is not included. This isthe definition of price as incomplete and computer repair specialist, we want to avoid it. prices will be incomplete and anger your customers feel betrayed.

Type Tools

If you add something special for your computer to fix prices as a bonus for your clients, customers feel good about the services you have requested your offer. Services such as free check-up post-repair client make the visit feeling that getting a good deal. It should also beadd calls for follow-up to the reputation of your company and the power of word of mouth.


You still want to work first as a repair, contact the customer a written estimate. The assessment must be the price of computer repair, and exactly what is included as a service. The changes should be brought before the client order are implemented in order to create a good relationship and to encourage future business.

Computer Repair PricesAnd revaluation

You should check the prices of computer repair as frequently as the growth of your company. Make sure fees include terms such as travel expenses or materials, or create them as separate items as appropriate.

You also need to change the rates, if you noticed, clients are regularly confused. You should see the correct prices of computer problems, only a few customers seem to be affected though. Each customer isare important and everyone should feel that they receive a fair and honest trade. Good feedback gives good advice, business development and future growth of your company's needs.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consultants Secrets. All rights reserved throughout the world. {Attention Publishers: Live HYPERLINK in author resource box for compliance with the copyright laws required}

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Webmaster Tools proxy list and site owners

Webmaster Tools proxy list

Google Publisher

Publisher SEO Google has many tools that the whole world for those who are interested in building your site in search queries.

You may find, for example, if traffic from, keywords, and especially as Google sees your site.

FileZilla FTP client

To manage your web sites should be able to upload and edit files on the server. FileZilla is a free easy to use program that allows you to make usethis

WinSCP File Management

This program allows both the secure file transfer and manage files on your server

Alexa Web Information

Alexa toolbar to a lot of useful Web traffic such as traffic data collected from the country, search query used to find your site, the data on your current target audience (age, sex, education , etc.), page views over time, links, reviews and more.

The site is useful, but one must always remember, the dataconing in principle from a source - in the toolbar. So if a user or group of users do not use the toolbar, your web activity do not accumulate Alexa.

Windows Analytics

A set excellent and powerful tool, free of charge from Google. The goal is to let you know as much as possible about your site visitors, so they can make decisions on the purchase of goods - Maximize AdWords (unlikely for a proxy) SEO. It will tell the country came on the market, how long they stayedand much more.

It 's the most widely used statistical program available on the Internet.

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Going wireless - Building an effective network of Office

If you reduce the creation of an office for the first time, or try to set the cable to work, creating a wireless network for office, you can save time and money. Therefore, it is important to understand that the benefits of a wireless office network can.

As such, you can create a wireless network to a network like the Internet without cable. Although to some extent that wireless technology can initially be moremore expensive than traditional cables, offers the long-term benefits it can work more economical, both financially and perhaps most important, in terms of efficiency and productivity.

What's more, a wireless network means that there is no need to wire your new office, if you decide to change the layout required. In addition, new employees have immediate access to the network, eliminating the need for cables up to their computer, the set of a non-wireless comparedNetwork

Another advantage that can provide a wireless network is that it eliminates possible problems that may arise in the office when visiting external staff and customers. A wireless network enables customers and collaborators fast network access, improving the efficiency of unnecessary stress load work and outside the IT department.

How are you, is one of the most overlooked benefits of wireless technology, the issue of security. Office fallsas a major cause of accidents at work, and with a lot of cables in the office did not help. But simply switching to a wireless network, this could save you incurring unnecessary costs that should be able to claim against you and your business are made.

In deciding how to provide access to Internet and intranet in the office, can be all too easy to choose the traditional wired for its initial financial benefits. Although initiallyless expensive, this method may be more costly in the long term. Moreover, it can be easy, the time factor in wiring an entire office or perhaps more importantly, how this method can be adapted to a changing work environment is forgotten.

may of course in a busy office mobility demonstrate an important and often necessary to have the flexibility to move in the office. This is especially important when you move the training of new employees, or regularbetween rooms within the home for meetings and presentations. However, wireless office [ Cisco Wireless LAN] is a simple and mobility within the office, so to focus on things that matter most.

In total, there are many benefits of switching to a wireless office network had. To actually be with a better office security, increased productivity and is proving moreis running in finance, a wireless network to offer very attractive benefits for each company.

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Fix Computer Freezing - Why would a computer suddenly crashes

Over the years I have seen many fixes for the freezing of computer. Unfortunately, many of these fixes are temporary, some of them were not fixed at all and, worse still, some of these fixes caused damage or at least possible damage to your computer. So what really works when a computer is freezing and not responding to clicks at all? In this article, we are the problem, the 'UPS computer freeze.

I have a way to read a computer freezing recovery is on the rightTaskbar, then, after the menu opens, click the Task Manager and close the frozen program in the Task Manager. This is fine if it's just a program that has been frozen.

The program is not responding computer crashes

If you have a program that crashes, it is likely that freezes every time you run. Usually the problem is this type of program freezes the program is not compatible with your computer or on the run the Windows versionComputer. In other words, this block is not a real computer.

Another common mistake is freezing the computer because it ran out of resources. This is not true. Windows operating systems to manage the swap file. swap files are created on the hard drive and are otherwise known as virtual memory.

Slow RAM

Basically what happens when a swap file is created, a portion of the disk is used for additional RAM. This is slower RAM, but RAM. AlthoughThe use of swap files as part of your memories have a tendency to slow down your computer, it is not being completely insensitive to a computer.

I also heard, the computer crashes are caused when too many programs in the background as Windows is loaded at startup. The remedy for this, they say, is to start-Run and type msconfig go. Once you're there, you're on the "startup" and close any programs you do not want to go with loadMass.

Delete restore points, Oh No!

There are two things wrong with this solution. First, many programs are loaded more synonymous with a slow computer a computer that crashes. Second, if you make changes in msconfig, delete all restore points. This is something that you do not want to do!

From my experience, the vast majority of PC crashes are caused by corrupted files in the Windows operating system. As thesecorrupted files will be fodder for a new, complete e-book. Only my word that is not your fault that they exist. The files that are usually damaged registry files. You can file the registry as much traffic cops directing the entire flow of information about your computer to think. If something goes wrong with these files, start the cops little traffic crashes resulting in computer crashes.

To remedy this situation, you must run a registry cleaner. And 'thissimple. I fooled around and experimented with different types of fixes for PC crashes. I'm always on the fact that the culprit is the corrupted log file and the solution lies in cleaning them come out.

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Fixing a slow computer operating system upgrade

Fixing slow computer speed can be attempted in various ways. One possibility is to update the Windows operating system. You can do it, especially if the old operating system is obsolete. Besides moving to a new operating system, you may get your PC back lost speed. There is a catch, and take this, sometimes an upgrade to a newer version of Windows will do the trick. This article explains why and how to upgrade to a higher speed.

Moving from a previous operating systemsystem could have a new version, it took two approaches. One would be to buy the Windows update, and the other would buy the whole package of the Windows operating system. Of course there is a different approach is required if you install the complete package as opposed to when you upgrade.

XP to Vista

To illustrate this, let us take an example. Now you have Windows XP and you want to upgrade to Vista. When you buy a Vista upgradePackage you are installing Windows Vista over Windows XP. In other words, the software update, you add all the files needed to upgrade to Vista, but does not erase all the files on your hard drive. This may have been some of the files slow down your computer may still be installed on your computer after the upgrade. This is the fishing we're talking about.

However, if you install a completely new system, Vista, you will need to reformat the hard drive and then beInstallation of Windows Vista and everything is brand new. Every file on your computer at this point is unaffected. Of course, before the hard drive, you had to format all the files, such as your user name and the file "My Documents" needs to file. In fact, you should do this even if the update package because something could go wrong with the installation and would prevent the use of these files.

Whether you upgrade or do aa full installation, you must back up all files. However, the point to upgrade the system to get the speed of the computer can not work. But a full install, if your computer is in good shape, it will. Then again, even if it has not been updated, but you just format the hard drive and install the original Windows XP, probably all the speed of the computer back.

Or clean the registry

Perhapseasier than you would if you had run a registry cleaner before you upgrade. You can find this speed would be lost again. Cleaner Registry Editor, delete the damaged files back, slow down your computer and write new files so that the computer will return to the original fast speed.

Of course, reinstall your Windows XP does not give you an update to Windows Vista, but it would be for the restoration of the speed of your computer worked. Then again, the performance of aRegistry Cleaner will probably get back to you computer speed is needed, and would certainly be the easiest way.

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Top Seven functions of the iPhone OS 4.0 that you should know

The introduction of the iPhone OS 4.0 on Thursday, 8 April 2010, a new way to complete the puzzle, the iPhone has already begun. I still remember the number of complaints from the Apple support has been added to the errors that consumers have experienced. The company has pledged to do more about him by releasing patches and fix the operating system on your iPhone development. At the moment we are the fourth generation of the fourth stage of the evolution of the iPhone OS. Apple is theshortly before the release of their latest technological innovation when it is really powerful and smartphones.

He has more than a hundred changes and corrections of iPhone OS 4.0 was taken. However, concentrated Steve Jobs (CEO) and Scott Forstall (Vice President), the formation of a more dynamic seven lights or what he calls "tent poles" of the iPhone OS 4.0. Let this agreement after the other;

# 1 The multi-tasking capabilities of the iPhone OS 4.0

I musthonestly, I'm not happy with my iPhone because I can not do multi-tasking. However, I had to stay here because I knew from the beginning that Apple will definitely release another operating system with this capability. However, came the iPhone 3G but I was not able to hear some news about the ability of multi-tasking. I was also thinking that it will not come into reality until I Rumors of iPhone OS 4.0 that I would believe to be heard. Well, it was Thursday, the day of the trial and I was realhappy.

iPhone OS 4.0 is still not satisfied on the other side lacks Apple iPhone. Although not all models of iPhone can be compatible with this operating system, but I'm happy because I am one of the acceptable. For those who do not know, iPhone OS 4.0 is only compatible with 3G iPhone and third-generation iPhone and iPod Touch.

# 2 E-mail

I've never had problems when it comes to e-mail function of my iPhone. Although, obviously, it still lacks someImprovements due to their limited capacity of e-mail message of any kind and non-uniform. Happy to say that the iPhone OS 4.0 to solve these problems.

With this new operating system, you can add multiple Exchange accounts and rapid exchange between these accounts. You can also organize your e-mail attachments, open wire, which in your favorite applications. But most importantly, you now have a single inbox.

Folder # 3

I am sick and tired of scrolling downthrough all seven pages home only to find my favorite application. I know you too. The idea of the folder screen is definitely my life a little 'easier when the iPhone. How do I keep the screen at home, 'til icons wiggle long enough, and I can take an app and put it on the other, to create a folder.

To change the default name or the contents of the folder, you must use only and allow expanded view. But I'm not sure how many applications you canput in a folder, or if there is a limit there. E 'to find out for you.

# 4 Enterprise

Forstall made a statement that 80% of Fortune 500 companies are now using the iPhone. The fact is that the iPhone has not got what BlackBerry has achieved so long as it relates to the IT department. My thought, Apple will never stop pursuing such a market, which is why she is there is plenty of expertise to their new operating system.

The distribution app wireless, enhanced data protection,more than one Exchange account, support for SSL VPN, Cisco and Juniper, and support for Exchange 2010, are just some of the additions you can enjoy the iPhone with OS 4.0.

# 5 Get iBook

With OS 4.0, iPhone owners will be able to on their devices iBook, the iBook, Apple e-book reader. With this feature, I'm pretty sure I can buy access to fresh content iBoodstore Apple e-book. Now that I have an iPad, you think I canto read my favorite ebook through it without buying another? Absolutely! I can also synchronize the current page I read.

# 6 The functionality IAD

This is truly new features to iPhone. Steve Jobs and Scott Forstall spent much time explaining this function on Thursday. It may be useful to others as you show that you can easily click to get information on lessons can be seen in your iPhone to find justice. Ok, let's say youDo you see a display on the movie "Avatar" on Click to preview or search for theaters that show how film can be seen.

# 7 Game Center

I'm pretty sure that Apple is still doing some improvements on this as it will come later this year. If you really love to play in a network of social gaming, this functionality is what you're looking for, you can invite your friends to play with you or sharing services for all games. I bet that's got to be funenough.

Other changes

Did I mention that iPhone OS 4.0 has more than one hundred new amendments to talk about? Well, it's true, but it will be able to write a book about the iPhone OS 4.0, when I get into detail of all. Here are some that you can find easily when you use the iPhone with the latest operating system;

• the larger fonts for titles, text and e-mail
• ability to spell
• Persistent WiFi
• Search for text messages
• Create TracksPlaylists
• iPod out
• Search the Web last
• etc., etc. .. There are many of them.

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Increase sales with video evidence!

We can not deny it - speaking of consumer consultation is sought from other services is certainly convincing. What to see in a video against reading their words in text? More credible? I think so. Not only is credible, but it is more convenient and does not require the ability to read!

You have a camera. You have a computer with Internet access. How do you make a video testimony that sell your product or service? Here are some tips for gettingStarting ...

Get a YouTube account
You will need a place to share these videos once you have them recorded, so you might as well set up and ready! Go to YouTube. If you have not already tried, is very reliable and easy to use website of the viral video that is completely free! The video will continue to be accessible to anyone and everyone on the Internet, so be careful of what you're after ... but with this type of load for your greatVideo testimony will be a great advantage for sales.

Find a good relationship
If you tie the ends are to bring to your sale or supply of a video camera of a project. After the discussion is approaching the point where a good place to ask your customer service to a safety recommendation on yours. Tell them that their names are completely confidential, and you want to share a few sentences with future customers. If they agree, you bring the cameraand take their advice. If you feel uncomfortable facing the camera, you do not need the pressure, but chances are, they can enjoy!

Once you have good marks in front of the camera, import your recordings on a computer. It is possible that the manuals that came with the camera, the number of visits, how the different, the processes of import that. YouTube accepts the following types of files: WebMate, MPEG4, 3GPP, MOV, AVI, MPEGPS,WMV, FLV.

Download the video on YouTube
At the top of the screen, next to the search bar, there should be a link to click on "Upload", which follow the onscreen instructions to exit, the world will be! You want to choose a good title and some descriptive tags. These are to increase your chances of seeing your video.

Once you do a couple of these, you can begin to get the hang of. You can also try to change a few together in a cool, assembly,perhaps with a little 'music? Without a high U.S. dollar professional editing software, there are many decent programs out there these days that a fair price for the project. PC users can take advantage of Windows Movie Maker, which usually comes with your computer, or can be downloaded easily. Similarly, Mac users a version of iMovie. Both are good tools for web videos of this caliber.

There are an infinite number of creative things you can do to yourinterest in video testimonials from customers is to work with you to the other sales people speak every day. How are you going out?


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My personal data and identity security on the computer repair shop?

What are you, you can read alarm. If you take the computer in for repair, your personal data at risk in the wrong hands, and it is possible victim of identity theft!

Most people do not think, and some people take for granted, but really, as I'm sure your personal information when you take the computer in for repair.

Hello, my name is Bill Arnone. I own my own computer repair company and have over 18 years experiencein IT management.

This is a question to me by my two consumers and business customers over the years.

Not all repair tech computer industry or the company responsible, ethical practices are not snooping on your computer for a client. There are some steps that you contact your personal and confidential data can minimize your compromise, but in general There is always some risk.

Here are some tips to reduceThe possibility of personal computer and personal information are stored in your hands to get ruthless.

There are two main components to address methods to improve the security of your personal computer, if your place in the hands of a technician or computer repair service provider.

The first component is to limit the amount of information provided in the computer serviceProvider-owned, if you give them to repair your computer. You can do this by using one or do both procedures.

Do not give it to them first. When the hard drive you can, take it from your computer and ask the technicians for their use another unit to carry out their repair. This is really only if the problem is not with the hard drive, as data corruption, errors or infection from viruses, malware orSpyware.

If your computer still boots, and you can program your TV, turn off all your usernames and passwords for all your programs, bots and web browsers. Move any personal files on an external backup device like a USB flash drive or hard drive. Then you can use a utility to securely erase all data erased from the hard drive to make sure it can not be restored. Think you delete it, simply by deleting the data once the data is not really, it is necessaryspecial software to make data can be fully restored.

If the disc is not an option under, try to plug another computer temporarily remove your personal data to another drive, while the repair of computers to write. Also, make sure that all temporary files that might contain personal information, such as the Web browser cache and other temporary locations Delete.

If none of these methods are practical for you, then youBuilding confidence and trust in your service provider.

The second component to ensure your personal information is safe with the computer repair person, is the determination of her integrity and to establish trust and comfort.

Here are some ways you can feel comfortable with the provider of computer services.

Find out how long they have done for computer repair. The longer the better. In theory, if dishonest and lackedIntegrity, they would probably not services.

What have the responsibility in the past? If you have experience in providing services to large companies, then you probably have a good track record for protecting customer data, because large companies require security for your data before doing a repair person on their systems.

Mechanisms are in place to prevent data theft or snooping on their activities? This does not necessarily meanapply to the individual technician, where the only person that the services, but for companies with more tech. It is recommended that policy and data protection mechanisms to limit the possibility of someone run with 'customer s. In reality, such safeguards are not 100% effective, but may serve as a deterrent. Ultimately, I think the only really safe way would probably be to strip search every technology before departureLocal. This did not happen, so it's a small risk is independent of the protection measures in place.

Receive certificates and references. Google is on the Internet. See if there are complaints about their treatment of personal data. Get recommendations from friends or referrals by looking at Tech, that someone else used successfully.

The sum of all these investigations is that you have enough or do research until you feel comfortable with the delivery of computerpersonal information about them to them.

Using this practice is not foolproof. I can not stress enough that the only way to guarantee bullet-proof your personal information and identity is not endangered, except to ensure that the computer repair company does not have access to it first. The reality is that in most cases, this simply is not practical or possible, especially if the correction of problems on your hard disk to restore functionality is whatrequired.

Finally, keep in mind that, in general, the majority of computer repair and service provider for the up-and-up. There are a couple of sour grapes in the crowd, but the rest of them are quite good.

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With the FTP client to update a website

Having a website for your online business today is an advantage because it can be seamlessly and internationally. Update your site with new content is a very important factor for your website accessible to the date on which you have so readers or customers with new ideas and receiving information all the time. This task can sometimes be a bit 'challenging. To facilitate this process, webmasters can use the FTP client function is called. FTP Client is a tool that allows youUploading files to your server or website. Instead of uploading a file sequentially in the Control Panel, FTP client, you can help to automate this process. This saves time and frustration.

Webmasters can easily get the FTP client software, because there are many free resources on the Internet. One that means I would recommend Filezilla. It looks like a user interface that allows users or computers to see four sections, which clearly shows listed in your fileThe web server. The files are located in folders and how you choose to expand, it will drop down shows all the content is located in this folder. Principle of operation is as Filezilla But moving files from one folder to another computer, in this case, move. The files from your computer to the web server.

Connecting to the Web server computer will be easy. All you need is an FTP account in your hosting accountIf the Control Panel. You can do this and you will receive login information. With this detail, you can log into the web server with FTP software. Once logged in, you can access all the files to view in your web server. Those who have no knowledge of these will find this a bit 'confused, because all they see is folders and folders.

It is about knowing where your file. Usually, the site will be directly in public_htmlFolder. If you're looking for older consumed by double-clicking or clicking the plus sign. Then you can view a list of folders. In these lists, it is usually a folder called "www" folder or a domain name. It 's always easy to find. Once you find the file you can upload to your computer using the files from your computer. Another way is part drag the file from your computer to the server section. Once done, yousee a process, a task once the task is complete.

So even if the client is not easy to use FTP, you will definitely get the hang of using a couple of times. It 's definitely helps to upload files to your server. So if you want to use your time, you must learn how to use it in the end.

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Download game World of Warcraft Full Version Computer, a free

World of Warcraft is one of the best and most players of computer games, each individual project. There are several ways this game can be downloaded for free on the Internet. I studied some of the advice and you should save a lot of research.

The best ways to download World of Warcraft full version here:

1. From Real Arcade Game Pass. The free trial version can simply be re-recorded, and allows unlimited free downloads of full games. Games includingWorld of Warcraft, and Gears of War. It 'really the best on-line service at the time for gamers.

2. Kazaa. It offers the full version download the game and it downloads very fast, often only a few hours. The only bad thing is this software is not allowed in all countries and often the files can contain viruses and other forms of spyware.

3. Games Warehouse. Need some 'new games. But often the games about two years from the originalReleased, they make it a free download. This is my favorite service, as well as updates to World of Warcraft with the patch.

4. Morpheus. The quality of these services has fallen a lot lately. Although still offer the game free. The download speed is too slow. But it is a good alternative is all the players want to be.

Often the quality of these downloads are almost perfect and the only thing you need to check on updates and patchesImproving the quality of World of Warcraft, especially if you play online.

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Getting Started with Exchange 2010 has begun

As most know, Exchange 2010 is the latest version of the mail server from Microsoft. I wanted to write a short description of the software and outline its functions.

Like its predecessor, Exchange 2010 requires that you make on an x64 platform. 32-bit processing is slowly but surely a thing of the past. In 2010, however, we must work with Windows 2008 SP2 or 2008 R2. One of the most important decisions you must make is whether to choose the Standard Edition or Enterprise. Thisdepends mainly on the number of stores you need. Standard 5 supports stored on the server, where 50 + Enterprise you can do. Regarding the client side, CAL's concerned, you have the 2008 Enterprise CAL, when you see the UM I want is. However, there is a limitation in the software. It 's just the issuance of a license. This means that you still have the ability to access the UM, but will not be licensed properly. Keep an extra element of Microsoft has decided is theJET EDB database. It has in the past that Microsoft has started with SQL Server database to house the Exchange said. This is not the case.

If you've ever worked with storage groups to restore in Exchange 2003 or 2007 you will not find these in 2010. How well are not in a position of routing groups. All Exchange 2010 routing of sites and services is made. So you must ensure that the properly configured sites front pagewith Exchange. It 'important to Exchange 2010 work properly. As for Microsoft Exchange 2007 public folders from trying to emphasize. Your goal is to eventually replace them with its SharePoint product.

Another important feature of Exchange 2007 and 2010 is its ability to reject e-mail at the gateway. The Edge Transport server to configure ADAM and Active Directory Lightweight services to query AD. This provides a list of valid e-mail address and pressthem on the edge of the network. If the Edge server detects that someone is trying to send within the organization and the user does not exist is immediately deleted. This saves memory and processing power internally so that you do not deal with spam.

In addition, Exchange 2007 and 2010 will have the opportunity to create direct access to files UNC paths. Thus, in OWA, when a user needs a file on a network drive, can not catch acumbersome VPN client. Outlook remains largely the same route in 2007 and 2010. It 's basically RPC packets encapsulated in HTTPS packets. This allows you to traverse the firewall without opening additional ports. Therefore, allow users to access their e-mail from Outlook, wherever they may travel.

One of the main new features of Exchange 2010 in my opinion is the availability of groups of database or DAG. This is essentially the same as CCR in Exchange 2007. Aboutwho tried, CCR, LCR, or SCR white configure Exchange 2007 to be the process throughout. Microsoft makes this DAG in 2010. It allows 16 copies of a user's mailbox for redundancy and disaster recovery to maintain. It does so through a process called log shipping. Where 1MB files created and then played in the database. To be able to maintain a backup server in another location for disaster recovery or two Exchange servers running next to eachothers.

Another interesting feature in 2010, is the fact that the Client Access server or your client redirects to the CAS server's database, which hosts the mailbox. It is no longer necessary to specify the location of the server in Outlook. The CAS analysis of AD and forward them automatically. Thus there is no hard coding. This makes the transition much easier for failover.

How many of you know that Exchange 2007 uses a graphical interface is simply a front-end for Microsoft's command line utilitycalled EMS or the Exchange Management Shell. Everything you do in the GUI is converted into a command and executed against your server. I personally would say there are about 90 percent in the GUI functionality in contrast to EMS. However, EMS certainly makes the process much easier if you apply an environment at the same time on multiple objects need.

As with Exchange 2007, is still the same five roles Edge Transport, Hub Transport Server, Client Access, Mailbox and Unified Messaging. Withinthese five roles, only the Edge Transport server must be installed separately from other servers. Everything else can be done in a field. Although this is not recommended for performance reasons. The reason why the server is Standalone Edge is designed to sit in your DMZ or at the border of the network. Absorbing hit list so that the internal servers are not affected. It has features such as aggregation of lists, which resulted in external Outlook client rules, so you can applythese rules before the message to everyone in your network.

The hub server is still the same as Exchange 2007, internal routes and maintain compliance with the rules of messages. You can also install a command against him anti-spam September In this way, if you are not using an Edge Transport server, you can order directly receive mail outside. Although this is not recommended by Microsoft.

The CAS server or client-server to interface with internal andexternal customers. As I said before that automatically redirects the client to Outlook, so there is no need to encode the mailbox server. It also accepts connections from smart phones, OWA, etc. It 's basically your interface with the client to the Exchange infrastructure.

If you want to make the infrastructure to monitor Exchange 2010, Microsoft has a plugin to your System Center Operations Manager or SCOM. This is a replacement for Microsoft MOM, which allows you to monitor your server.

InExchange 2010, you will not see SCR, LCR or CCR. They were replaced by DAG or the availability of groups of database. This is a replica of the configuration database is much easier. DAG is also possible for data residing on multiple servers. You can also buy different DAG. This is a great feature, because if half of the users in a group, and DAG, it goes down, not even the other half hit. Other benefits include the reduction of time again because they do not restore all users "Data only from those of the DAG. You can also swap the separate policies for different DAG. So if the management is in a regular and users in a different position to change the rules that apply to them. This is a great way to reduce risk by spreading the load.

With regard to the standard business software, and both go for the same disk installed. It 's just a different license key quote, which determines what version is installed. It 'also upgradeable.You can go from test to standard corporation. You can not get back by the company to default or in court.

be to install Exchange 2010 domain and forest functional level must 2003rd In addition, any site that contains Exchange 2010 must 2003SP2 2008 domain controller or domain controllers. It is recommended that the DC domain 2008r2 running, though.

EAS is still using Exchange or Exchange Active Sync for mobileDevices. In this way, your contacts, calendar, e-mail, etc., are all tightly integrated with your Windows Mobile devices.

A common mistake that people have, Exchange Enterprise Server, enterprise software must be installed. Or that the Enterprise Server software can not install on a standard Exchange. Both are mistakes.

If you start the Exchange installation, you should seriously consider how to configure the array. Exchange is a read / writeintensive application. Therefore, you should keep your operating system, log files and database of all separate on separate arrays. If this is not possible, then you should do at least yoru operating system files, and access to an array, and database files on another. The reason is simple. Log files are text-intensive files and the database is read-intensive. Separate these two from the speed of disk I / O.

Memory requirements in Exchange 2010 have been more or less unchanged. Start yourServer with 2 GB of memory and 5 MB for each user's mailbox. I personally recommend that you have 4 GB at a minimum. RAM is cheap these days that the advantage that most of them, depending on cost.

Although the Exchange databases can be very large, we do not recommend going over 100GB. This may be too cumbersome to reduce work and server performance.

If you want to remotely manage your Exchange server you can use management tools. Youis higher or on Vista SP2 and Server 2008 SP2 or later installed. You may not have to remotely access the Exchange server, all changes.

As for the layout of the site, you should also plan on a global catalog server in each site that contains a mailbox server. This is recommended by Microsoft and reduce WAN traffic.

Exchange has also established a new set of permissions to which they relate, such as RBAC or Role Based Access Control. From this you get 5Roles for the management of Exchange Infrastructure. She is a business management point of view, only the organizational management, destination management, records management, synchronization and management GAL.

Another thing you should consider before installing Exchange 2010 is to ensure that the domain is configured correctly. You can control how NETDIAG DCDIAG and tools to do this. To install Exchange 2010 must be a member of the Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins.You want to add the link on and list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer. Other parts of the software, the drive installed are.NET 3.5, should be, Windows Remote Management 2.0, PowerShell V2, the 2007 Microsoft Office Converter Pack filter. While the role of mailboxes, you must also have AD Services remote management tools.

Before starting the installation, you have the wiring diagram / ps delete it if not to make the contents of C: windowstemp, copy theThe files from the CD to the hard drive and run setup / ps. You set / PrepareAD / organization name: MyCompany where "my company" may be replaced by the name of your organization.

You must then prepare the conditions following these commands.

ServerManagerCmd-install RSAT-Web server add-ServerManagerCmd ServerManagerCmd-install Web-ISAPI-Ext ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Metabase ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Mgmt-Console installation Lgcy ServerManagerCmdWeb-Basic-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Digest-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Windows-Auth ServerManagerCmd-install Web-Dyn-Compression-install ServerManagerCmd ServerManagerCmd Net-http-enable-install RPC over HTTP Proxy Once this is complete restart the server. You are now ready / mode: install / roles: H, C, M, H, C, M and CAS hub install Mailbox role.

After installation, restart the Exchange Best Practice Analyzer, or BPA.

To installthe Edge server, you want to make sure that you are running 2008 Standard with SP2. You can need.NET 3.5, 2.0 remote management, PowerShell V2, AD LDS (can be installed on ADLDS ServerManagerCmd-i). Working for the Edge server in a DMZ you have to open ports 50389-50636. Then run the new EdgeSubscription-filename "c: tempEdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml" Copy the file generated on your hub server, you can import it into the GUI and start-EdgeSubscription of EMS. You can verify this, once importedverify that it works correctly with the help of test-EdgeSubscription of EMS.

Personally, I recommend using a RBL to block spam from entering your organization. Spamhaus is an example. These queries the server connection on a blacklist of IP blocks and the communication, if you can find the list. This feature can drastically reduce spam.

Another point that must be addressed is the purchase of a SAN certificate for Exchange server. Exchange transferred through a secureWith the mentality of default. Here is a link to OWA or Active Sync will be very painful if you try to issue your own SSL certificates.

A further improvement of security in Exchange 2007 and 2010 is that all systems of communication is encrypted and secure. TLS is used internally for all server communication server. RPC is used for Outlook clients to communicate with the server. SSL is for all external client communications, including, OWA, ActiveSync, etc. configured

OpportunisticTLS is a new feature, find your Exchange Server will not attempt long to send via SMTP by default. Before you encrypt a STARTTLS command to use TLS to communicate with other external SMTP server. If the other server does not support this is still uncertain about communication.

Yet included in Exchange 2010 is the possibility of using a journaling mailbox to keep track of all your e-mail. This is required by some organizations. Note that this function can yourprocessor utilization and memory by 25 percent. You must make sure that the server has a lot of resources before you use this function.

One of the requirements as stated above is that Exchange 2010 should be executed, Active Directory 2003rd Although 2008 is recommended if you with Cisco Unified Messaging 4.2 (1) or less, the 2008 is not compatible with Active Directory.

If so, the Active Directory infrastructure upgrade recommended that a virtualMachine with Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware. Set the virtual machine, an additional domain controller and make it a global catalog. So if the update takes the worst thing that you have data that is intact, if you downgrade to have. Do not forget to unplug it before upgrading. If you need your back, you can use Ntdsutil to take advantage of roles.

If you want to create reasons for a clean installation of a domain, you can always move with the ADMT utilityUsers, groups, computers, service accounts and trusts.

When migrating from Exchange 2003 and 2010, the summary is as follows. First you have Exchange 2003 with Service Pack 2 Active Directory domain and forest functional levels must be at least 2003 and has a global catalog is 2003 Server with SP2. AD Tools installed LDIFDE 2008 to upgrade the system. Update your Exchange Scheme. Transfer of OWA, ActiveSync and Outlook Anywhere on the CAS server. Install / upgrade-HubServer. Transfer the flow of mail to the Hub Transport server. Installing the Mailbox server and DAG, if necessary. Move the public folder replicas with pfmigrat.wsf or PFRecursive.PS1. Move mailboxes. OAB rehome. Move public folder hierarchy. Transfer the public folder replicas. Delete 2,003 public and private companies. Delete routing group connectors. Delete RUS with ADSI Edit. Uninstall Exchange 2003.

When migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2010, the process is a bit 'less. Check Exchange2007 server running SP2. Make sure your domain and forest functional level is 2003. global catalog server is 2003 SP2. Using instruments LDIFDE to update the schema. Prepare schema. CAS server. Transfer of OWA. Install Hub Transport. Transfer the post to the Hub Transport. Use your AddReplicatoPFRecursive.Ps1 public folder replication to move. Move mailboxes. OAB rehome. Transferring public folder replication. Eliminate the public and private transactions. Uninstalling Exchange 2007.

With Exchange 2010 or 2007Want to see your co-existence of time as small as possible. The longer you mix different versions of the problems you are for asking.

If you have Exchange 5.5, unfortunately, there is no direct upgrade at this point. You must first click on Exchange 2003 SP2 to 2010. With regard to Lotus Notes, Novell Groupwise and Sendmail, the path is advisable to install a clean environment and then import the data to work with tools. There is no upgrade path.

Databaseavailability groups or DAG are a very important feature of the new Exchange 2010. It gives you the opportunity to 16 copies of users 'mailboxes' get. You can also use different database to fail over to different servers and what kind of priority. The requirements for the DAG Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, two network cards in the mailbox servers, Exchange 2010 Enterprise, a witness file share. It is advisable to put this on the Hub Transport server. But technically it can be on any file server. E 'is very easy to install, how to create a share and then change the permissions managed and cared for.

steps to create a DAG, add members, and check the DAG

New DatabaseAvailabilityGroup-name-ExchangeDAG WitnessServer ExchangeHT WitnessDirectory "c: FSW-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses - verbose

Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer identity ExchangeDAG-MailboxServer ExchangeMB-Verbose

Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer identity ExchangeDAGMailboxServer-ExchangeMB2-Verbose

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup ExchangeDAG status identity

To view the network settings will

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork identity ExchangeDAG

We can then copies of the database with the following

Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy identity ExchangeMB2 ExchangeMB-MailboxServer

Then check the status

Get-status MailboxDatabaseCopy

To test the health

Test ReplicationHealth

Exchange 2010 consulting

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Microsoft Licensing Explained (XP, Vista, Server 2003)

If any of you have tried to understand Microsoft licensing laws you know how frustrating and confusing it is. I wrote a brief explanation below for Windows XP, Vista and Server 2003.

- Windows XP Windows XP is pretty easy. If you come to buy a new PC usually pre-installed with Windows XP. If it is a desktop, the COA is usually on the side of the case. For notebooks, the sticker is usually underneath. L 'Sticker containing the product key is the Windows license. You can use your license on a PC. You can transfer to another PC, but you must remove Windows from the original PC first. Activation of Windows XP for an unlimited number of times. Please note that if there were fewer than 120 days between activations had to call Microsoft to activate by phone.

- Windows Vista

The same rules apply to Vista to XP with some minorChanges. Are two activities on the Internet allows. If this is passed, you must call Microsoft to activate. Common reasons for the need to reactivate Windows are: reformatting the hard drive, switch to another Windows PC, a change in the hardware (usually by changing the motherboard).

- Windows Server 2003

This becomes very confusing. First of all, able to explain briefly the two most common uses for a server.

1. ApplicationServer - Log Users in the server to run applications directly installed on the server. Typical Call Terminal Services.

2. File Server - unit of data is mapped from servers to workstations, in order to have a common path for the files and / or databases.

If you install Windows Server 2003 should be just like XP and Vista will be activated. If you buy the operating system, it is usually with 5 user licenses. If you intend to use it as an application server(Terminal Services), the 5 titles does not mean you can save up to 5 users on the server. You still have to buy terminal services user licenses for each user that you are connecting. These 5 licenses that come with the licensing of Windows operating system. So let's say you have 10 users who need a connection. You will then need 10 user licenses and 10 terminal services user licenses for a total of 20 licenses for 10 users. Confused? Well, it gets better.

You can use theServer 2003, titles in two different ways to distribute: Device or Per User.

- For units

This is a Microsoft "A Per Device CAL gives each client computer the right and 2003 access to a server with Windows Terminal Server. The per-device CAL is stored locally and presented to the terminal server each time the client computer connection to the server. "

What does it mean that "device" is enabled by default and a lot ofWorkstation that is trying to connect, the TS licenses stored locally and presented for the connection to the server during the attempt. Per Device licenses can not be transferred to other computers.

- Per User

Also from Microsoft "In Per User licensing mode, you need a license for each user. With the granting of licenses per user, a user can access a terminal server from an unlimited number of devices and only one CAL for each site a CALDevice. "

What does it mean that you must manually set the server to per-user TS licensing. Then install the licenses on the server so that if a user used in an available license Log attempted. You can have as many users as the appropriate licenses.

The "per user" approach is not pursued. This means that there is no way to enforce the terms of the license and you can overcome your connections. For example, if you only have 5 licenses, and are set to "Per User" is hereis nothing stopping you from connecting 100 users. Please note that this is in violation of Microsoft's End User License Agreement.

For more information, visit the site to find the Microsoft.

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Cisco IPv6 Training (IPv6) Router Prefix Delegation - What is IPv6 prefix delegation?

Now to quickly respond to your question, Prefix Delegation (PD) is used as a procedure (mechanism) that is used to automate the transmission of IPv6 prefixes (address blocks). Prefix delegation is described in RFC 3769 and is usually used by ISPs for the transmission process of IPv6 prefixes (address blocks) to support its customers.

the version of Cisco Prefix Delegation (PD) consists of three terms, a Customer Edge (CE) router, Provider Edge (PE) router and a AAAServer.

The Customer Edge (CE) router, RR) is also known as the requesting router (acting as a DHCP client and is located at customer sites, but the task of interest in IPv6 prefixes (address blocks) Provider Edge ( PE) router.

The Provider Edge (PE) router that is also a router is known Director (DR), acts as a DHCP server and is located at the premises of the provider's responsibility to validate the authenticity and the profile ofRequest Router (RR) with a AAA server, and also places in a route system of the provider on behalf of the requesting router (RR) for the delegated prefix.

The reason why the delegation router places the route in the routing system on behalf of the applicant ISP Router (RR) for prefix delegation is to avoid the need for a dynamic routing protocol between the delegating router (DR) and requesting router (RR). So in other words, with the version of CiscoPrefix Delegation of the DR and RR are usually directly connected to each other, and only in certain circumstances, be appropriate to configure a DHCP relay router between the DR and RR, so that they can communicate.

Now, in case you're wondering if the AAA server, the DR position is connected to the ISP server that the hands actually IPv6 prefixes and hands over the IPv6 prefixes in the DR radius, so that the DR can then pass the IPv6 prefix (address block)Information on the RR.

I invite you to my website, you need to find the latest technical information on Cisco IPv6 design and implementation.

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Wireless router - can not connect to the Internet

Schaumburg Computer Repair Service receives many calls from people who say that a family member to set up wireless connections, and now does not work. Here are the steps to trouble shoot your wireless router.

Schaumburg Computer Repair Service is to go home and perform a brief investigation to see what wireless networks in the wireless area. Then, we'll see what to try the wireless network to your home computer to connect to. When we seethat the standard wireless network, Linksys, we recommend that the SSID be changed. Linksys is the default name on all Linksys routers. This could be the computer, connect to the wireless network neighbors.

When wireless clients are set correctly, you will begin to troubleshoot the wireless network. Usually tell clients that connect to the Internet. So when the clients connect to the wireless router, so you look at the wiredEthernet switch from the wireless router to your cable modem or DSL. If the connections seem good, I'll still put the Ethernet cable, it could be dissolved. The next step is to restart the wireless router. Home wireless router must from time to time because the firmware locks to be restarted. So you want to unplug the power cord from the router, wait about 10 seconds and reconnect in this way to solve about 90% of the problems. Then, if this does not workYou want to start the modem the same way.

Now for your laptop or desktop wireless access, and click the Start menu to go. Then click the Run box and type cmd. This opens the command prompt, type ipconfig / all This list of all your IP address. You should have an IP address of to something like 254. If yes, then great, that means that you should be able now to the Internet. If an IP address thenThey are not always an IP address from wireless router DHCP server assigns IP addresses. Now the promt command prompt ipconfig / release (this way your IP address). Now type in the command prompt type ipconfig / renew, this is a new IP address from wireless router to pull.

So, before calling a repair service in the first, start the client computer. Next, check all connections to and from the Ethernet wireless router. Then restart yourWireless routers and cable modems. Finally, try to restart the wireless computer again or appear in the commands from the command line above.

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Computer Shop business model is fundamentally wrong

If you buy from a small computer, you must understand the reality of a button - you can build your business on short-term services and one-shot deals, if you want to stay profitable. You need to build on opportunities to the attention of prospects who are interested in long-term services to attract attention if you really want a sustainable profitable business.

Many people start small businesses of all computers are wrong. They think they have to emulate largeCompanies providing services for tens of thousands or even millions of clients and customers a year to stay in business. These misleading to focus on retail start-up quantity rather than quality customers customers, and are incredibly price-sensitive customers with short-term profit margins very low. As the episode concludes that the new arrivals who are struggling to meet short-sighted and ultimately go out of business. Well, if you want a successful owner of a small computerShop, be sure to focus on long-term relationships with customers, you pay for performance at high current and appreciate your level of experience.

Why? As the traditional business model for open houses is not valid for a very long time. Sticking to this approach fundamentally wrong with the business operations can be very dangerous for the long term ... short-term survival.

The following 3 tips can help the major requirementsstop, high-paying clients how to build a business plan for your computer store.

Focus on proactive maintenance. I am sorry to hear from customers when something breaks ... and understand the problem has been resolved since yesterday? If you really meet the needs of customers who want to be with you in the long term, you must exit the fire extinguishers and go to the active role of the network operator. This means that you mustYou look around for proactive maintenance is not only dead, low-margin one-shot deals.

Explain the real cost of downtime. Before your potential customers really long-term relationships are sold on the value and ongoing maintenance for long, it is necessary to help them appreciate and understand the true costs of their inactivity. Your computer store should be armed with the skills to calculate the downtime of client reality for all. To discoverthese costs, we have a potential customer 's net income at or below last year, then divide this number by about 250 days and 8 hours per day. Thus, for example, if your client's small business had a net profit of one million dollars last year, your client will lose $ 500 ($ 1,000,000 days divided by 250 days divided by 8 per hour) in revenue per company hours of inactivity. ... or $ 4,000 per day or $ 20,000 per week of work. And aMillion dollars per year for small businesses is a relatively small business. If these numbers to present to your potential customers are much less likely to maintain a small investment for you every month on demand and protect against emerging technologies, leaving them high and dry as possible.

Weigh the costs / benefits. As you start the computer store, be prepared, the relationship outweigh the costs of downtime and benefits of the current year. drawings properly planned andinstalled networks are generally very reliable. But as you try to sell a network of customer support for the potential benefits of proactive, you must steer the conversation to an analysis of cost / benefit. First, to quantify the specific benefits that will offer customers - for example, based on proactive planning and maintenance, emergency and after-hour service at no additional cost, etc. Then a monthly fee for billing its estimate of work and service margins. AsFor example, you may be able to provide services for profit of $ 500 - $ 1000 per month on a commitment of two years. The Real Deal clincher comes, but if you avoid the cost of doing nothing for the downtime (you can go back to that a quick calculation in tip # 2) start to discuss. If you talk to customers even as much as $ 1,000 per month from your investment, and they know they are losing thousands of dollars a day, if not a reliable computerProfessional on call, they will see clearly how Rent still come out ahead. And do not forget to bring your letter of referral and case studies, please confirm your marketing message.

In this short article, we talked about 3 tips for your computer-based companies to meet the needs of continuous, high-paying customers. Find out more about starting a business computer and pull large, stable, high-paying customers

Copyright (C) All rights reserved

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Exchange 2003 RPC over HTTP

The release of Exchange 2003 bought us some very good features, like Intelligent Filtering (IMF) and my favorite RPC over HTTP message. This allows a user to access their e-mail client Outlook, without the use of VPN or dial-up network. To me, this was a way to send a god, I like to spend much time on client sites and need constant access to important documents to my e-mail stored. The RPC over HTTP I can just connect my laptop to the network, open my Outlook> Client and remove my e-mail as if I were in office.

The initial configuration of RPC over HTTP together is not easy and requires you to follow a rigorous process. I have a lot of clients call me the expectation that they do not get, that I devoted an article, decided to write this feature work.

RPC over HTTP System Requirements

To use RPC over HTTP, you must have Windows Server 2003 is running on your computer as follows:

or All Exchange 2003 servers that are accessed with Outlook 2003The client RPC over HTTP.

or Exchange Server 2003 front-end servers as RPC proxy.

o The global catalog server used by Outlook 2003 client and Exchange Server 2003 are configured to use RPC over HTTP.

Exchange 2003 proxy server must be installed on all Exchange RPC Server, which are used as indicated by the computer. In addition, the client computer running Outlook 2003, all with Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) orlater.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

Deploying RPC over HTTP

This section contains detailed instructions for deploying RPC over HTTP in Exchange 2003. Follow the steps in the following order.

1. Configure your Exchange front-end servers as RPC proxy server.

2. Configure the RPC virtual directory in Internet Information Services (IIS) server on the Exchange front-end.

3. Configure the registry to the exchange2003 that communicates with the RPC proxy server to communicate with specific ports for RPC over HTTP.

4. Open specific ports on the internal firewall for RPC over HTTP, and the standard ports for the exchange of communications front-end.

5. Create a profile for each user to use RPC over HTTP.
Each of these steps is described in the following sections. After completing these steps, users with RPC over HTTP accessthe front-end Exchange server.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

Step 1: Configure the Exchange front-end server for RPC over HTTP
The RPC proxy server processes the Outlook 2003 RPC requests that arrive on the Internet. In order for the RPC proxy server processes the requests successfully RPC over HTTP, you must have Windows Server 2003 RPC over HTTP Proxy networking component on the Exchange front-end server.

To configure theExchange front-end server for RPC over HTTP

1. On the server front-end server running Windows Server 2003, click Start, Control Panel, then click Add / Remove Programs.

2. In Add / Remove Programs, click Add / Remove Windows Components in the left pane.

3. In the Windows Components Wizard, click the Windows Components page, select Networking Services and click Details.

4. In Networking Services, select the Enable RPC over HTTP proxy, and thenClick OK.

5. In the Windows Components page, click Next to install the RPC over HTTP proxy Windows.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

Step 2: Configure the RPC virtual directory in Internet Information Services

Now you have your Exchange front-end server is configured for RPC over HTTP, you need the RPC virtual directory in IIS.

To configure the RPC virtual directory

1. Click Start, point to All Programs,Administrative Tools, then click Internet Information Services (IIS).

2. In Internet Information Services (IIS) in the console tree, expand the server you want, expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site, right-click the RPC virtual directory, and then click Properties.

3. In RPC Properties, on the Directory Security tab in the Authentication and access control panel, click Edit.

Note: RPC over HTTP does not allow anonymous access.

4. InAuthenticated access, select the check boxes next to Basic authentication (password is sent in clear) and then click OK.

5. To save the settings, click Apply, then click OK.

Your RPC virtual directory is now to use Basic authentication.
If you use SSL, skip the following steps to plan the configuration are not forwarded to SSL, however, the RPC proxy server is configured for non-SSL sessions. The non-SSL sessions can be transmitted by adding aRegister of particular value to the server.

Caution: Incorrectly editing the registry problems are serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system can do can bring. The problems resulting from editing the registry may not be correct defective. Before you edit the registry, back up all important data.

For non-SSL encrypted traffic using RPC over HTTP

1. The RPC proxy server, start Registry Editor (regedit).

2. In the console tree, navigate to the followingRegistration Key:

3. In the details pane, right-click and add a new DWORD value named AllowAnonymous and then right click and select Modify.

4. In the Edit DWORD Value, enter the value 1.

The RPC proxy server is now configured for applications without a requirement to produce a first encrypted SSL session to be transmitted. The adjustment to enforce authenticated access is still controlled in the authentication andAccess Control Settings.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

Step 3: Configure the RPC proxy server to use specific ports
After the RPC over HTTP networking component for IIS, you must use the RPC proxy server to use specific port numbers to communicate with the server on the corporate network. In this scenario, the RPC proxy server is configured to use specific ports and individual computers that the RPC proxy servercommunicates with are also configured to use specific ports when required by the RPC proxy server. If you run Exchange 2003 Setup, Exchange is automatically configured to be ncacn_http the ports listed in Table 2.1.

Phase 3 includes the following two methods.

1. Configure the RPC proxy server on specific ports for RPC over HTTP requests to servers that can communicate across a network.

2. Configure to use specific global catalog server portscommunicate to the RPC over HTTP requests to the RPC proxy server in the perimeter network.

Incorrectly editing the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to perform a new installation of the operating system. The problems resulting from editing the registry may not be correct defective. Before you edit the registry, back up all important data.

To configure the RPC proxy server to the specified default ports for RPC over HTTP

The following portsIf the required ports for RPC over HTTP.

Table 2.1 ports required for RPC over HTTP

Server ports (services)

Exchange back-end server 593 (endpoint mapper)

6001 (Store)

6002 (DS referral)

6004 (DS proxy)

Global Catalog Server 593 and 6004

1. The RPC proxy server, start Registry Editor (regedit).

2. In the console tree to the following registry key:

3. In detailPane, right-click the subkey ValidPorts, and then click Edit.

Figure 2.4 The registry settings RPCProxy

4. Edit the string in the Value data box, type the following information:
ExchangeBEServer: 593; ExchangeBEServerFQDN: 593; ExchangeBEServer :6001-6002; ExchangeBEServerFQDN :6001-6002; ExchangeBEServer: 6004; ExchangeBEServerFQDN: 6004;
global catalog server: 593; GlobalCatalogServerFQDN: 593; global catalog server: 6004; GlobalCatalogServerFQDN: 6004

O and ExchangeBEServer global catalog server, the NetBIOS name of Exchange back-end server and global catalog servers.

O ExchangeBEFQDN GlobalCatalogServerFQDN and the domain name (FQDN) of the Exchange back-end server and global catalog servers.

Communicate in the registry key that remains on all servers in the network society in which the RPC proxy server list.

access to communicate with the RPC proxy server, any server from Outlook> Doors client must have set. If a server as Exchange public folder was not configured to use RPC over HTTP as communication ports, the client will not be able to access the server.

To configure the global catalog server to specific ports for RPC over HTTP

1. For the global catalog server, start Registry Editor (regedit).

2. Navigate to the following registry key:

3. From the Edit menu, choose New, then Multi-String Value.

4. In the details pane, a multi-value string with NSPI interface protocol name.

5. Right-click the NSPI interface protocol sequences multi-string value and click Modify.

6. Edit the string in the Value data box, type ncacn_http: 6004

7. Start the Global CatalogServer.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------

Step 4: Create an Outlook profile with RPC over HTTP

To allow users to use RPC over HTTP client from their computer, they have an Outlook profile that uses the required RPC over HTTP settings. These settings enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communications with basic authentication, which is necessary when RPC over HTTP.
Although voluntary, it is veryrecommends that the "cached mode" option for all profiles, which is used to connect to Exchange using RPC over HTTP in conjunction.

To create an Outlook profile to use RPC over HTTP

1. Click Start, click Control Panel.

2. In Control Panel, one of the following tasks:

o If the Category View, in the left pane, under See other options in Control Panel, and then click Mail.

o If you are using Classic View, double-clickE-mail.

3. In the Mail Setup in Vista's profiles.

4. In Mail, click Add.

5. In New Profile, the profile field, type a name for this profile, and then click OK.

6. In E-mail Accounts Wizard, click Add a new e-mail account and then click Next.

7. On the Server Type page, click Microsoft Exchange Server, and then click Next.

8. Exchange Server Settings page, do the following:

a. In Microsoft Exchange Server,Enter the name of the server back-end server that hosts the mailbox.

b. Check the box next to Use Cached Exchange Mode.

c. In the Username field.

d. Click More Settings.

9. On the Connection tab in the exchange on the Internet pane, select Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTP check box.

10. Click Exchange Proxy Settings.

11. Exchange Proxy Settings page, under Connection Settings, the followingSteps:

a. connect the domain name (FQDN) of the RPC proxy server Use this URL to the proxy server for Exchange box.

b. Select the connection using SSL only check box.

c. Select the session mutual authentication when connecting with SSL checkbox.

d. Enter the FQDN of the RPC proxy server on behalf of principle for the proxy server. Use the format: msstd: FQDN of RPC Proxy Server.

e. As an optional step you can configure Outlook2003 default on the Exchange server with RPC over HTTP, connecting the box next to On fast networks, connect to Exchange using HTTP first, then connect using TCP / IP.

12. In the Exchange Proxy Settings in the Proxy authentication settings window, under Use this authentication when connecting to the proxy server for Exchange, select the Basic authentication.

13. Click OK

14. Enabling RPC over HTTP, allowing the user profiles for RPCHTTP communication with Outlook 2003. Alternatively, you can instruct the user how to manually enable RPC over HTTP for Outlook 2003 to their profiles.

If you have configured the client to communicate using SSL, you must use the machine to add SSL certificate chain, the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the client.

Users are now configured to use RPC over HTTP.

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PPTP and HTTP Port Forwarding with Static NAT on a Cisco router

Recently a student asked one of our seminars on port forwarding on a router. Its purpose was to connect clients to a server outside the internal PPTP VPN on this. This article will explain how to come together with a brief look at the static NAT for packets to be transmitted to a web server.

Port forwarding on a Cisco router

Sometimes we have internal resources that should be accessible from the Internet, such as web servers, mail servers or VPN servers.recommending isolate Typically these resources in a DMZ to the LAN of the office for protection from evil, but regardless of how you choose to create, the process of packet forwarding, the router interface belongs requested outside of an internal host . It 's really a fairly simple process. Here is the configuration of a Cisco 2611:

Interface Ethernet0 / 1

IP address

ip nat outside


Interface Ethernet0 / 0

IP Address192.168.101.1

IP NAT inside


ip nat inside source interface Ethernet0 list 101 / 1 overload

ip nat inside source static TCP 1723 interface Ethernet0 / 1 1723


access-list 101 permit ip any any

In the above configuration is Ethernet 0 / 1 over the internet with a static address of and Ethernet 0 / 0 is connected to the internal network with a static address Outside NAT configured on E0 / 1inside and NAT is configured on E0 / 0. Access-list 101 works in collaboration with the "IP NAT inside source interface Ethernet0 list 101 / 1 overload" statement to permit hosts E0 / 1 to use to access Internet Sharing, which has assigned IP address Ethernet E0 / 1 interface. connect

The statement "overload" implements PAT (Port Address Translation) which makes it possible. (PAT allows multiple internal hosts to a single address on an external interface by adding different partsThe port numbers for each connection.)

The "ip nat inside source static TCP 1723 interface Ethernet0 / 1 1723" statement takes the incoming port 1723 (PPTP) requests on Ethernet0 / 1 and forwards it to the VPN server is

It could be something similar with a Web server using port 1723 to port 80 or to the 443rd's what it would look like this:

Interface Ethernet0 / 1

IP address

ip natoutside


Interface Ethernet0 / 0

IP address

IP NAT inside


ip nat inside source interface Ethernet0 list 101 / 1 overload

ip nat inside source static TCP interface Ethernet0 80 / 1 80


access-list 101 permit ip any any

In this example, the Web server are on and instead of forwarding PPTP (port 1723) traffic, we redirect HTTP (port 80) traffic.

Of course, you canCisco router configuration in a similar way forward to accommodate almost any type of traffic from an external interface to an internal one.

Copyright (c) 2008 Don R. Crawley

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Simple instructions to ensure your home office or corporate network

I recently visited my brother and sister-in-law on vacation in Portland, OR. I brought my card to access the Internet, why not have a computer or the Internet. I did not need it as his neighbor was kind enough to open wireless access point that could open up, I did not. I resisted the temptation to look over your files and computer data. Many people are not so good.

Are effectively blocked from snooping eyes?

I asked my favorite securityExperts to help me a few tips for our customers with this problem. Here are some simple tips to get the job done.

3 Basic steps for a wireless home network safe to assume, written by an IT geek who does this for a living.

By default, most home router with no security set up the box. This means that your neighbor can easily connect to wireless network and surf the Internet without you knowing it. If this happens, they are using the bandwidth, theYou pay for, freely surf the Internet. But not all. exist without the right to security, the router and each network device is connected (computer, phone, etc.) is displayed for all to see that the wireless signal. From there it's super easy for a hacker into your computer and view files, or even worse, steal / delete your data.

So what? First, if you are not computer experts and are uncomfortable changes to the router, then atrusted friend or family member, the changes for you. You can also search the documentation that came with your router (may be in a PDF file on the CD that came with it). Here are the steps that should protect your wireless home network.

To begin, you must do yourself, the program settings of the router is a computer that is connected via Ethernet cable open. To achieve this, simply open your web browser - Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or whatever - and go address of the router192.168.1.1. Go ahead and type in the address bar (no, not Google). Other trademarks may also use or The documentation will tell you the address to use.

Inside, as follows:

1. Change your SSID WPA2 Open.

Your SSID (which stands for Service Set Identifier, which is simply the name of your wireless network) is what to connect to, access to the Internet. Out of the box, does not require a password toconnect to it (so it is open). You must log in to change the settings of the router and WPA2 security. This is currently the most secure setting on most home routers. You must enter a security key (commonly called a passphrase). And please include your name, pet name, father's name, street, or in any other common name, you or your family is connected. This includes at least 8 characters with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbersand of signs. KJ4 $ PM_r is a good example of a passphrase.

Some devices like a Wii do not support WPA2. If this is the case, we recommend WPA. Just do not WEP is an older technology and does not provide enough.

2. Do not broadcast SSID.

Who needs to know the name of your wireless network? They, of course. And anyone else that you want to access the wireless network. But your neighbor is to know? Or the kind of unity throughYour house? Of course not. There is an option to disable SSID broadcast. Also in your router's documentation on how to try to make this change (or have someone you trust). Now nobody can your SSID in "Network Connections Available" list to see.

3. Change the login password of your router.

The next thing to do is change your password, you must enter to access your router. For example, if you buy / Cisco Linksys brand router,It would be the home page from your web browser and go to as I said its access. The default password is "admin" user name left blank with '. The problem is, everyone knows it. So if you do not change, won for a hacker to access your wireless network (or even someone who you allow access, providing the pass phrase) is simply the address above, log into your router and throw with the network. do not want that, of course, change theI forgot my password! All routers have an area where you can make this change. In the documentation for your router (you can in a PDF file on the CD that came with him) came. Use the same rule to set the password for your wireless SSID. (That is not the same thing though)

After these 3 steps to protect your wireless network at home for more than external threats. While a very clever hacker can still get out to safety, do not bother you. There are too manyunsecured networks out there, so do not waste their time hacking attempts, networked home the Average Joe's that is sure to be configured to break. They are just down the street to your neighbors unsecured network.

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Pidgin Internet Messenger - worth it to use as an IM client?

Pidgin is an Internet-messaging tool that more or less all in one tool. The idea is that you can access multiple accounts on multiple networks simultaneously, and all your buddies appear as if you are logged into one account. The advantage is that you can just a client with the same treatment as opposed to three or four.

It 'easy to use this application?

For most Pidgin is extremely easy to use. If you startthe program, then go to accounts managed accounts. Here, the new account in the name with the ability to add a password to be forgotten for this account. If you want to remember the password, which enable or disable the change are, then it will automatically sign if it is that the computer and the other does not really use, it can save you time. Otherwise you might want to access your password private.

A major advantage is that if youmultiple user accounts on the same network, you may be registered in all of these simultaneously. If you have 3 MSN accounts, you can access all of them are in chat once. This is a great advantage, because not only with MSN client.

What are the problems in pidgin if any?

Sometimes it is difficult to add a companion. In the Yahoo network, especially if someone invites you and welcomes you in Pidgin, there is sometimes the name is not on your Yahoo. In general, you should addand delete friends if you're not in Pidgin.

Webcam and voice does not really work in Pidgin. If you enjoy talking to people agree or webcam, this web-messenger does not work for you.

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Cisco Certification Network Explained

Cisco Systems Corporation offers a wide range of certifications for technically oriented people who want to specialize in networking equipment in support of their hardware. There are three levels of certification in a general Associate of certification of professionals, the certification paths for routing and switching, design and network architecture, Network Security, Service Provider, Storage Networking and Voice certification.

Although not directlycomparable to university courses in all areas, it can be certified associate as approximately equal to Associate of Arts in the area to bring in technology, the shy Professional only a science, I think, and certification Expert comparable off with a part of Master's Degree Program .

Many professionals always end with a certified expert in area and branching with members and professionals in a couple of support topicsAreas.

Beyond the general certification programs, Cisco has also specialized certifications, which controls all require an employee to take the certification or better. These get more diverse, with topics of advanced routing and switching, with specialists in the field (the people, the trouble shooting difficulties), seller (people who are well-defined range of Cisco products a customer needs what and this place) and solutionsSpecialists (architectural design complete systems for customers).

The most common certifications Specialist dealing with data center, and there are eight of them, usually divided between sales support, design and application services, network switching and network interfaces, storage certifications. These build on more basic skills.

The second joint Specialist certifications more coverage (Internet Protocol) IP communications certificates are, in fact,Certification of Engineering and cover a range of telephony services network design, a certification center of contact, general IP communications certificates and more. What do these certifications is to provide a basis for the creation of networking solutions for large organizations.

One of the most sought after certifications amount of specialization include security and VPN skills covering everything from general firewall security techniquescertification of architectural design. There are also specialized certifications for wireless LAN and channel partners.

All of these certifications (both general and specific) requirements of the course and evidence in hand, we can expect that a typical course is three weeks (at Associates) to perform six to eight weeks, and met with a study, should pay a fee for this rather large and the procedures for certification.

Unlike many IT professionals of certificationPrograms, "Cisco's' tends to include a practical approach with the working class and certification, this is a direct response to the dilution of certifications competitors, which now" cheat sheet "Websites potential to help students meet a lot of books "for testing. Cisco Systems knows that the certification program for the students the basic skills used his number from people with the certification that the work can not do this work to promote good Ciscono assets to their employers. As a result, the expected hard work for this certification.

This page is to these certifications, put one foot in the labor market to work with this particular hardware and protocols. Therefore, Cisco certifications are a great investment in IT future.

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How you can support the growth Small Business VoIP?

That is the question .... How can you convince management that a VoIP solution will support small businesses?

The best argument for VOIP is to reduce communication costs ... but it is not the only reason.

I would suggest using hybrid solutions. Where most of the communication, voice and video are done through VOIP .... "Reserve" and rescue services in case of failure of the Internet occurs with minimal classical PSTN solutions.

When I say that from now on VOIP, I mean 90% of VOIPand some minimal PSTN add-ons.


1 - Reduce the cost of communication Austria ....

This is basically clear, it needs to be demonstrated. Suppose we have a society that most of his calls from "overseas" the United States and vice versa.

You need to get the cost of all those called to provide on one side .... and what would then calculate the price of all overseas calls on a VoIP system be left.

Now you have the number of calls * * Local rate numbercost of local calls.

Comparing costs in both situations.

R. Certainly, in the worst case where none of the end calls on both sides in a VoIP terminal, such as Packet8. To complete the comparison, all costs should be static and added cost of the equipment, support costs, etc.

b. Just compare the price for adding a line to 2Mbps PRI from your company to increase the BW 2 Mbps Internet connection will show much favor to VOIP.

c. the long-distance callsstrongly influenced by the duration of the call. While local calls and VOIP to the PSTN is affected much less by the duration. In some places in the state calls are not individually, but will pay a monthly payment is made.

d. Equipment costs for each terminal is less. While this is almost always the case, you must prove that the suppliers also in talks with a VoIP device, such as Avaya, Cisco, Nortel. And a comparison of prices in both cases.

2. The addition of new features for acurrent telephone system is messy most of the time .... When you add new features, functionality and capacity is easy to VOIP.

3. have a unified communications, VoIP and IP on the same corporate infrastructure is easier to manage .... but obviously needs more experience.

4. You can "local" has a VoIP provider is present. Want to be a presence in another state or country to establish - It starts with an ID to the new location, which responds to an existingOffice.

5. It allows you to virtualize your office. For example, a company provides after hours customer support through the use of people to work from home in four time zones. VoIP PBX allows the company to extend affordable and easy to their home ... although in different countries and managed by various telephone companies and ISPs.

6. In addition to reducing costs in contrast to PSTN, VoIP services offer better roaming, a way to move quickly and fully independent officelocal telephone companies (which means that in theory you can buy VoIP services from any service provider around the world). With VoIP services, you can build a phone system that serves the same voice to all employees around the world, making it possible to create virtual offices. You can also just voice, e-mail and presence services are integrated with VoIP technologies.

7. Other advantages are .... Ubiquity through unified messaging, mobile phone, the geographic growth through MPLSNetworks with centralized services, 50% less cabling in the LAN, use a laptop with VoIP client over headphones and digital / VoIP phones do not have to voice business can go through a data network, MPLS is able to make calls via the Internet to your Contact Center received.

Note that in trying to convince your business like this, a VoIP solution for ... It 'also important to be open to all possibilities and the advantages and disadvantages, everything.

* Voice quality is similar to the normal PSTNSolutions, but not exactly like POTS. You may undiscernibly are still some differences. How close is the quality of VOIP, how good the infrastructure is ready VOIP depends on how an SLA (Service Level Agreement) you have with your Internet Service Provider.

* If attacked, internet, intentionally or otherwise, any VoIP devices, end points, VoIP phones will be affected. It 's very rare that a PSTN system is brought down when a disasterhappens and everyone tries to answer every call.

* Voip won a bad reputation in recent years, when everyone is still talking about low call costs and free calls. VoIP is a reasonable installation cost but not cheap, at least if you use decent kit. If you try these things so cheap and of poor quality, so voice and to get more hate mail from management.

There you go ... most everything you need to make a strong argument for implementing a VoIP solution for the developmentYour company. To further support from all functions of the job .... and find the cheapest supplier (hardware and services) .... I suggest using the VoIP business Your help is free for you .... another advantage.

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