
Our client is the truth

A key feature of our business is the reputation that has earned our business with others. What, employees, partners, suppliers and competitors, our business customers think matters a lot. Our business reputation has a direct impact on our success and our esteem, our wallets and our pride.

There is also something that we do not have complete control.

We know how we feel about our business, including what motivates us to that pointProvide a service that we want and the quality of our products. We have our own truth about the reputation of our company. We can never completely objective to evaluate our business reputation, but it is important that we give our customers the pulse of our own and know how they feel about us.

The real challenge comes when the company's reputation is not what you want to be. There may be more complex when employees are out of your business and do somethingthat would never do as an entrepreneur.

The move to our customer is the truth

What can we do when the truth 'of our customers' is different from ours? First, we must learn to act as customers' shoes to understand ours, their perspective and how it differs from ours. This requires that we objectively in a situation of emotional potential. Consider some examples.

I had a client tell me I'm very excited because myWeb designers a misspelled word on your site. It 'was a legitimate complaint: it was clearly a mistake on my staff is a part. My personal second language was English, so that this error has occurred. However, my client was right to feel angry reputation, because they taught spelling and grammar and could not have a typo on their website without their own. Two different truths asked the seriousness of the error. In the eye of my staff, was a small mistake. In my client Eye, was monumental.

I've had customers come unglued another if their website rankings in two of Google. I had taken the steps to get their side of that location. He thought that he should be number one. If I had done nothing, they have classified. Their position was new, and Google has given preferential older sites. My truth is that I have done a great job, and their truth is that I failed miserably.

If we offer an excellent service, we have in our step> Client's shoes to see what is important to them. If we turn our customers' our priorities for the delivery of our quality of service and our reputation is spread.

Here are the steps to get there:

Becoming aware of what customers are important, otherwise your order will be for what is important to you.
When you begin to work together, understand what your customers and define the values, which would make a good job they are) the mind (not to sell her.
Instruct employees that mostvalues ​​closely what the customer values.
Keep open the channels of communication. Regularly ask the customer how you're doing.
If the difference is:

a. respiration, and emotionally detached as possible.

b. Ask the customer to a description of what happened and what went wrong from their perspective. Learn why it is important to them.

c. Ask the customer if you were, how they want it resolved. If you agree that implementto solve.

d. If you disagree, you have some options. Can you explain to your customer's perspective. You can separate client. Or make a counter offer. What should you decide that the attempt typo customers and your reputation off.In best, we apologized, fixed, and added another layer of quality control for this client. The best thing to do would be of the call to have the front and set theadditional level of quality control in the early stages of the project. The customer can then decide if they wanted to step in to pay more.

In the case of search engines, we tested the client to education, such as engine optimization research, and it did not work. We fixed what we were doing was a refund, and let go to this client, focusing on not doing business with the new "list". (Yes, we have a list, and so should you!)


Staying objective of the game when money is a huge challenge. Follow the same procedure as above, with an added touch: Make sure the line price tag with the value of your customers take your product or service claims. Since the prices of the products, programs and services may vary considerably, it is essential that you check with our customers in order to determine the value they perceive that they will get money for his turnmet.

If you and your customers are really like about your company's reputation, you have taken a successful leap in your business.

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