
What are the advantages and objectives of the Checkpoint 156-703 certification exam?

Checkpoint 156-703 exam is CPCS Name (Checkpoint Certified Specialist) - Connectra. This certification will enable candidates to acquire knowledge and skills for CPC Connectra. The requirements for candidates are required to test this is to write or Checkpoint 156 to 215.1 or 156 to 215.65.


Checkpoint certification is used in many Fortune companies throughout the world, and candidates can easily lose their jobs with high salary paid justCompletion of their certification.
Exam Objectives:

The following are the objectives of the review and Checkpoint 156-703 are:

A good comparison), as the contrast Connectra client side and server-side security features.
2) Comparing the distribution in the DMZ Connectra, compared to a LAN.
3) create the necessary rules, based on the control of communication and transport for LAN and DMZ
4) Performing initial setup and installation ofConnectra is based on the requirements.
5) Definition of portal administrator functions and menu items.
6) The definition and configuration of device options in the Administration Portal
7) Configure SSL Network Extender for the mode of application and network
8) The definition and configuration, see data compression
9) Set the authorization and authentication settings for groups of users inside and outside
10) The definition of the configuration settings and security level
11) and defineConfiguration of groups of internal and external users
12) Creating RADIUS, LDAP, and SecurID server and user groups
13) The debate and the configuration of web applications
14) The debate and the configuration of web mail services
15) Configure file sharing
16) the configuration of the network application in network mode
17) configuration of the Citrix services
18) Define and configure the client-server certificate and certification
19) Go to the Connectra Signed certificate
20) Configuring SmartDefense protection of the safety net
21) Configuring SmartDefense protection application intelligence
22) Configure Security for Web Intelligence
23) Configuring the protection of the integrity of employment and confirmation of client-side functionality
24) configure the ICS requirements for scanning security threats that the requirements
25) Compare the client verification scan options for Connectra> Client
26) on the client's behavior during test application for the protection of security
27) installation and configuration of the database Connectra SmartDashboard
28) How to configure remote log
29) Troubleshooting LDAP error message with the recorded data
30) Take a snapshot of Connectra and then stored back with the pictures.

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