T1 Router Recommendations
Here's the scenario .... seen too often by the way ... with a practical answer honestly.
You have (1) T1 line, T1 router for which you need a plug in your Ethernet router / firewall / VPN, LAN, then the ball in. We want to connect the router to a second T1 line (T1 or 2-bound) to handle future growth (if required). They want to "manage" and the router simply.
Now here's the questions you may have .....
1. What are some basicT1 router that fits the bill?
2. If these routers T1 traditionally provided and maintained by local network provider or contractor?
3. There are advantages and disadvantages for the management of these routers do let alone against the carrier? Usually not, because the maintenance / management, you need to do about it?
Here's the answer, you really need ......
Unless you really, really complex or unique, are the best thing to do is to allow InternetProvider to supply to the router ... This service is called "managed". Then you charge, do not pay for a dual T1 router on which you could never use the second extra circuit, it is not necessary to go through the lease or purchase decision, no maintenance costs or concerns that you have to do no danger of obsolescence, and not the program of activities (or pay someone to do it). circuits of AT & T managed router option only for an additional $ 15/month or so for a single T1. OtherProviders are free to the router.
A major advantage of managed services in normal situations. If you have a router, and your service is interrupted, you really are naked when the carrier claims the problem is with your equipment. You must deny any possibility that swapout to visit or what repairs are necessary to establish that the equipment is fine .... You have to eat the bill .... and make your service is still down. With managed services, what is the problemfault of the carrier, and can not with your finger.
If you are "out of your element with this type of thing, then management and optioning your router would be really out of your comfort zone and you find yourself too much time on this rather than simply to the circuit. Of course, if you start on a managed basis, you can always modify a purchased router if you do end up with things that would not support the carrier would be with the router (BGP want to be one,Example).
T1 router is not a purchase of $ 50 at Wal-Mart. Pay a nominal monthly fee to avoid the original purchase price, avoiding the learning curve of the configuration and maintenance, avoids the problem of T & M fees and the availability of the IT guy, to avoid that sinking feeling when the router goes bad 3 days after the warranty period and avoids the risk of obsolescence (if you buy a router, T1, and then upgrade 3M, will be back to your dealer for a newPurchase).
Different countries, different customs. Each weighs, which is important.
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