To create an image using Symantec Ghost, GhostCast server?
If you can take a picture from your hard drive in various ways to create. One way to do this, restart the computer, Symantec Ghost to create a floppy image of unicast and multicast, hard disk, hard disk or peer to peer.
So if you create an image the first thing I want to do is create a Symantec Ghost boot floppy. This boot disk will not boot to Windows, but the program starts in DOS Symantec Ghost.
How do I create an image with GhostCast Server?
GhostCast server is a software program to Symantec Ghost. Using GhostCast server you can create images of computers on your network or you can use an image to restore several connected clients at the same time. The only thing you need is to start all clients with a Symantec Ghost boot floppy, then you accept all clients connected to the GhostCast server utility and then simply send the image to all connected clients.
First you have to make sure that> Computer is created from an image is connected. Of course the GhostCast server computer and be connected.
Start the client from the Symantec Ghost boot floppy.
Now we return to the GhostCast server computer and start the GhostCast server utility by clicking Start -> Programs -> Symantec Ghost -> GhostCast Server.
Here you have a session in the Session Name box, enter the name.
Then select the"Create Image" option to create an image of the customer.
Then click the Browse button to locate a place where the image must be saved.
If you want to create the score, an image of entire hard disk, select the disk "option." Want to select an image from a particular partition the "partition". (In this example, I describe how to create an image of a disc).
Then click on "Accept Clients.
Now GhostCast Serverwaiting for clients to connect.
You can see that this is still no customer.
Now go to the customer as the Spirit is launched in Symantec-click (or keyboard) 'GhostCast' -> 'Unicast.
Enter the name of the meeting in which exactly the same in GhostCast Server.
Let the "Discovery Method" to "Automatic" and click OK.
The next thing you do is select the unit from which the image has to be done.
and click'Ok'.
Here you can choose if the image is compressed space should be safe. The options are "No", "Fast" compression or "high".
I recommend you select the compression "Fast".
The next thing to do, creating images with the confirmation of "Yes".
Now Symantec Ghost to wait click on 'Submit' button in GhostCast Server.
Thus, the GhostCast server computer and click again on the text of the 'button'.
After you click "Send" is the imagebe created and stored on the site you chose in GhostCast Server.
You can view the details in GhostCast Server.
After the GhostCast progress is 100% is to create the image, and you can close GhostCast server.
We have created a ghost image with the GhostCast server!
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