
Cisco network components: rent, buy or rent?

Cisco shares are valued for their reliability, flexibility and ease of configuration. But to receive these benefits may come at a high price, especially if you buy new parts. As a result, many companies decide to leave the Cisco components of an IT service leasing and rental of IT equipment. But what is the best option for your company? If you rent, buy or components of Cisco? We help answer the question below.

The value ofRental

While the rental cost is less than the initial purchase, it is not viable in the long term. As a result, many companies that rent network components, one of the following scenarios:

1. It is necessary to conduct studies Proof of Concept

If the company believes that it could benefit some parts of its network, to rent to test the parts for his statements. If they work as expected, have purchased new or improved skillsParties.

2. Your data center is moved

Known as data center migration leads to a transfer of data centers to the need for backup equipment at the site of normal wear equipment while it is moved. Equipment rental is the ideal solution.

3. Need equipment for a specific project

Sometimes a company takes an unusual project, in terms of network equipment, the project requires. In such cases, equipment rentalit is better to buy it.

4. You must back up your equipment during peak hours

If a company has a high volume of online sales experience at a particular time of year, you can return to its network equipment in this period to ensure sales are not lost in the event of a technical defect.

The value of the lease

long-term contracts, leasing is not offering the same flexibility rents. But it is the long-term equipment needspossess at the same time avoiding some of the costs such as cost and equipment maintenance costs. In some cases, prevent the leasing company for fear of a product whose benefits before the end of the lease. However, many IT services to provide guarantees for leasing back-end to avoid this.

The price for the purchase of new or upgraded network shares

If you must use part of the scope of their lives to buy new or refurbished inCondition is the best option. While the new components are the most desirable, use the refurbished and new components, and cost less than half their original price. For more information about Cisco products are the best buys on new and are now fully restored, contact with an IT services, components, specializing in rehabilitation Cisco IT.

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