
Cisco CCNP Certification exam tutorial - Knowing RADIUS and TACACS + For Your ISCW Exam

As part of your CCNP certification exam studies, particularly for the ISCW exam, you must remove the differences between TACACS + and RADIUS.

As a CCNA and future CCNP, you have the authentication in the form of creating a local database of usernames and passwords for Telnet access and PPP authentication is configured. This is sometimes called self-AAA application, since no external server is involved.

It 's more than likely that using aServer for one of the following security protocols configured:

TACACS +, a proprietary Cisco protocol based on TCP

RADIUS, an open standard developed UDP-based protocol originally developed by IETF

An obvious question is: "If a TACACS +, TACACS what?" TACACS, the original version of the protocol and is rarely used today.

Before proceeding with the AAA authentication configuration, there are some other TACACS + / RADIUS differences, you should knowby:

While TACACS + encrypts the entire packet, RADIUS encrypts only the password in the first client-server package.

RADIUS combines authentication and authorization processes effectively, making it very difficult to make a run, but not the others.

TACACS + are considered as authentication, authorization and accounting in separate processes. This allows a different method of authentication should be used (Kerberos, for example), while using TACACS + for authorization andAccounting.

RADIUS does not support Novell Async Services Interface (Nasi) NetBIOS Frame Protocol Control Protocol, an X.25 packet assembler / disassembler (PAD), or AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP or ARA). TACACS + supports all of these.

RADIUS implementations from different vendors may not work well together, or at all.

RADIUS no control over the authorization level of users, but can TACACS +.

We will discuss the use of two protocolsa future CCNP certification tutorial! Read more tutorial CCNA, CCENT, and CCNP here on the site!

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