Computer networking is a process of sharing data and resources shared by two or more computers linked together. The shared resources include printers, fax modems, hard drives, CD - DVD-ROM, databases and data files. A computer network) can be divided into a local network or small, of a network between computers in an office building (LAN medium (MAN), a network between two offices in a city and Wide Network (WAN), a network between computersone is local and the other can be thousands of miles away in another country in the world.
WAN connectivity is achieved through a network device such as a "router". WAN Internet is the world's largest network, where millions of computers around the world and others.
Networking is the practice of linking two or more computers or devices together. The connectivity can be wired or wireless. A computer network can be classified in different waysWays depends on the geographical area referred to above.
There are two main types of computer network client-server and peer-to-peer. In client-server computing, computer, play an important role together known as the server where the data files in the form of Web pages, documents, spreadsheet files, videos, databases and resources.
another computer on the network client / server are called clients and get all the data fromServer. Peer-To-Peer network on all computers in the same role to play and not act as a central server computer. In large companies around the world, client-server network model is in hard work.
A network topology defines the structure, design or layout of a network. There are different topologies like bus, ring, star, power, hybrid, etc. The star topology is most commonly used network topology. In the star topology, all computers are networkedwith a central device such as hub or switch. In order to form a star structure. If the hub / switch for any reason, all connectivity and communication between machines on a network will work be stopped.
The network is a communication language of computers and network devices, and that the language is referred to as protocols. The most common protocols and more popular on the Internet and in the home and other networks is TCP / IP called. TCP / IP is not asingle protocol, but is a suite of protocols.
A network can be wired or wireless and may be the TCP / IP in both types of networking.
A stream of data into a computer network can be logically divided into seven levels of the OSI model that the Xerox Corporation and was developed by Intel ISO.
1. Application Layer
2. Presentation Layer
3. Session layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Network Layer
6. Data LinkLayer
a. Media Access Control sublayer
b. Logical Link Control sublayer
7. physical layer.
A network can reach or be divided into different levels and depends on the network status and geographic location. Computer network, the network will be divided into Local Area Network, Personal Area Network, Campus Area Network, Wireless Local Area Network, Metropolitan and Wide Area network.
There are several methods, such as wireless networkHomePNA, Power line communication, Ethernet and wireless access to the Internet can also method.A in different species on the services it offers, such as server farms, storage area networks, control networks are specified value, value networks , SOHO Networking, wireless networks and added Jungle.
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