
C-TAPT and Homeland Security

C-TAPT is a business and government initiative designed to develop relationships that will improve and strengthen cargo and border security. C-TAPT understands that by working closely with consolidators, importers, manufactures and others who are the main participants in the international supply chain, cargo security will be provided. C-TAPT in conjunction with United States customs department are asking that businesses have defined security practices and to verify the security practices of those they do business with.

Customs and C-TAPT recognize that a supply chain that is secure is one of the most important parts of keeping the country safe from terrorists. U.S. Customs is looking for an anti-terrorism partnership with businesses that are involved with trade through C-TPAT. U.S. Customs wants to work closely with businesses that comply with trade laws and make sure the supply chain is secure.

When a business deals with cargo containers, C-TAPT guidelines call for a container inspection, the use of container seals and a proper place for the containers to be stored. The integrity of cargo containers should be maintained at all times. Once a container is loaded it needs to be properly sealed and maintained.

When it comes to the container inspection C-TAPT recommends a seven-point inspections. The left and right sides should be inspected along with the front wall, ceiling and doors. The outside and undercarriage should be inspected as well.

Businesses that are involved in shipping and receiving containers should have written procedures in place that define how container seals should be handled and put onto full containers. There must also be procedures written out that detail what to do if a container seal has been tampered with or compromised. Only certain employees should be permitted to distribute seals for containers in order to maintain container integrity.

The Department of Homeland Security recently compiled a list of anti-terrorism services and devices such as container seals. Sealock Hybrid security seals are one of the devices placed on the list. These container seals lock and seal container doors and the construction of the seals and the technology of the device allow any tampering to be noticeable when it is inspected. Sealock seals come in three types; Single Use Sealock, Keeper Sealock and Sealock Junior.

Sealock security devices are the first and the only container seals that have been declared anti-terrorist technology. The seal and lock protection make it stand out as a security device. Also, each Sealock security device has a seal that keeps the container doors from opening and once the seal has been taken off of the container, it can't be replaced. Therefore any tampering would be impossible to miss.

When it comes to cargo container storage, C-TAPT requires that these containers be stored in an area that is secure. This prevents unauthorized persons for gaining access to the containers. The business should have written procedures in place that detail what should be done in the event there is unauthorized entry into the container storage area or the container itself.

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Choosing Between Cable or DSL Internet Connection for Your Home

Do you remember the olden days of dialup internet connection? All those hours spent trying to connect to it and when you finally do you're rewarded with slow web browsing, regular disconnections, and not being able to receive any calls on landline phone. Those were the good old days, weren't they? Now we have the luxury of high speed Internet and forget about how difficult life used to be. We are free to enjoy constant Internet connection, web pages load much faster and we never need to worry about missing a call.

You'll find that most web pages load faster broadband than they do over dial-up. It works better for downloading files, streaming video, or sending big e-mail attachments. Broadband generally makes your life much easier. If you spend more that an hour a day online, then the time and aggravation you'll save is definitely worth the $40 to $50 per month for its service.

There are basically three different types of broadband internet connections, DSL, cable, and satellite with cable and DSL being the most popular. It may be time for you to explore the high speed internet connections available in your area. Here are a few ways to help you choose between cable and broadband.

You'll want to go over the availability of each and compare them with each other. Cable internet connection is much more common due to the existing cable TV subscriptions most people already have. DSL, on the other hand uses existing telephone wires, so it isn't available in many areas, notably rural ones.

You'll want to know about what kind of connection speed you'll get with either. Cable is thought to be faster than DSL, but one thing to remember is that the actual connection speed you experience depends on the number of subscribers using the connection at that time. Numerous people all connected to the internet in a set area simultaneously can considerably slow down the data-transfer speed of a cable connection. Available bandwidth depends on how many people share the line, and they are often shared among several users. The plus side of a DSL hookup is that each user gets an individual dedicated line.

The quality of service for each should also be taken into consideration. Broadband connection quality through DSL is dependent on the distance between you and the remote terminal. If there a remote terminal near you, you will see better service than if a terminal was located far away from your home. All of the laid-out cables in use from the cable TV companies all but guarantee that their customers get consistent service but they need to know the number of local users actively using the service before making a decision.

The prices for each service need to be looked over. Most internet service providers offer competitive rates, but you'll find that DSL is sometimes a little more expensive. Many companies will also sell you package deals, which encourage users to purchase a package of services instead of only one.

Each company's customer service department and quality should play an important factor in your decision. Before making a decision on either, be sure that it has a good customer care department. Does either suffer from downtime in their connections? The best way answer this is by going online and reading customer feedback.

Finally, a company's data-security features should be reviewed. Both cable and DSL connections are secure, especially for home use.

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Recommendations For A Small Office PBX System

Here's the scenario:

You are researching options for a PBX system to cover about 10 lines or so. You PREFER not to rely on VOIP for outbound connections, but VOIP in the office itself is probably ok.. and possibly for office-to-remote office. Your focus (mimicking your bosses orders) is on ease of setup, affordability, and reliability of the system (the usual pretty obvious management direction).

Now...where do you go from here?

To go with a premise based solution for a small outfit might not be the be the best option. The reason I say that is it isn't necessarily an easy system to manage, especially when you are considering linking remote users for an "on net" appearance. There are solutions available for your size venture, but from my experience they aren't the most effective.

An outsourced solution will give you the same look and feel, plus much more, of a very high end PBX type solution. It also makes the connection of remote users much easier. In many hosted, or outsourced solutions, the need for VPN is eliminated, which can be difficult to maintain for voice. Small companies can operate much like large enterprises with a simple, outsourced telecommunication service.

Depending on your level of comfort with network setup and management, if you intend to install and maintain the system yourself, I suggest the vendors discussed below. When in doubt.....get assistance from a professional who has experience with IP/VoIP needs analysis and platform selection for small to midsized businesses.

You can maintain your analog POTS lines or whatever connection to the PSTN you currently utilize, there is no reason to let go of that. Most IP based systems these days let you create a mixed dialplan, where you can supplement your traditional lines with a few VoIP lines (SIP Trunks) that can be leveraged for LD or International calls.

There are many variants of Asterisk that incorporate a graphic user interface that encompasses most administrative tasks like setting up your trunks(lines), creating extensions, registering IP phones, setting up auto attendants and myriad other options.

For Asterisk based systems, I would suggest checking out:

With any of these, your base needs would be the PBX, which is typically a rackmount or midtower server with fairly modest specs (Intel Xeon CPU, 1GB RAM, single or dual SATA hard drives if you want RAID, and if you have (8) analog phone lines, you would need an 8FXO TDM Card integrated into your PBX chassis.

The only problem with an asterisk based setup is that it requires a lot of work on your part. Definitely do some research on some hosted or managed PBX vendors that service your area. Something on premise will probably not make financial sense.

If you are looking for more of an appliance type solution, I would check out

Generally speaking .... expect to pay $400-$600 per seat for the PBX, phones, and perhaps a managed ethernet switch.

Also, having your internal LAN setup for VoIP is important. You want to implement an internal QoS (Quality of Service) mechanism, typically a VLAN that segments your IP Phones from your normal bandwidth, so you allocate suitable bandwidth for the VoIP.

I would not discount voip for outbound connections. So hopefully your "PREFER" is not a rock solid position...and you're open to outbound VoIP. There are a few good managed voip providers out there. Managing your own PBX is not a simple task. You need to understand dial plans, did/dod, voice mail integration. If you want to do it well, you will want to have at least a dedicated person.... if not team. For 10 lines, it would likely be overkill.

Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

For ten users, I would also consider using Google Apps [].

For your companies email and calendaring. Why run your own server and have to deal with backing up your email when you can have Google do it for you. For a real estate business (for example) you wouldn't worry too much about storing your mail on Google's servers. They are not medical records or legal records (at least not so much that I would not trust google). You could likely get away with the free standard version.

Whatever direction you decide to go in you do have options. Do your research ..... decide early on "in house" vs "remotely managed" solution ..... and of course don't forget the boss's direction for "ease of setup, affordability, and reliability of the system".

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Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Client Satisfaction Surveys - Part 2

This Article is Part 2 of a series of articles on the subject of customer and client satisfaction surveys. Part 1 covered the early planning stages for customer satisfaction surveys including project goals, reporting deliverables, and initial discussions on survey methodologies.

The next step for an effective customer satisfaction survey is gaining a better understanding of the best survey methodology given the client's project goals and budgetary requirements. As much time as needed should be spent discussing the characteristics of the target survey population. For example, if the customers are other businesses, what are their specific job titles and/or job functions? What is the typical client revenue size buying the products or services? If buyers are primarily comprised of consumers rather than businesses, what are the specific demographics of the customer - such as age, gender, household income, region of the country, etc.?

Once the customer demographics are fully identified, the most effective survey methodology can be explored. This will require a full and complete understanding of the scope and quality of the customer records. Most clients will have this information at hand and can provide estimates on the availability of email addresses, phone numbers or mailing records, as well as the quality / reliability of each. Others will need to check and get back to you with "best guesses" of list quality. The provided records information can then be examined in concert with the customer characteristics to determine the best approach for gathering feedback.

For example, a client might advise that the records list includes highly accurate phone numbers of almost every customer. However, upon further inquiry, the records do not include the direct phone numbers or extensions of the targeted respondents at each customer location and/or the individual names of the key contacts are unreliable. This can result in significant cost issues for a telephone survey methodology where interviewers face the prospect of "networking" at each business to find the correct person.

A second example might be a large list of email records - which is always good news - with the warning that most of the records are updated sporadically. In this situation, a well-designed approach might begin with an online customer satisfaction survey followed by mail or telephone interviewing. Or, if the client sells to a wide group of customers, it might be possible to reach qualifying participants through a web panel.

In the end, however, most clients maintain lists of customers that include multiple fields of information. This means that budgetary elements, as well as survey sampling issues, often play an important role in selection of the best methodology for conducting a customer satisfaction survey. A skilled research supplier should be able to analyze this information and come up with a plan of action based on the quality and types of records maintained by the client, the availability of web sample as a possible supplement, and the objectives of the survey. The use of multiple survey methodologies can often provide a nice balance between cost and effective sampling in the realm of customer satisfaction surveys and should be considered, as needed, to meet the goals of the client.

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Dial Up Internet Accelerators

It is widely accepted that dial up is not one of the fastest options available to access the Internet. It takes a lot of time to establish a connection. In a dial up connection, the user, known as the client, sends data to the remote server. This is done through a modem. It is like asking permission to access the Internet and is known as a handshake. It takes a lot a time to send the data back and forth to establish the connection, which is essential to verify the user account information.

Therefore, ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are constantly trying to reduce this handshake time in order to accelerate the connection. ISPs load special software on their servers that speed up the connection. These servers are then called acceleration servers. These acceleration servers are placed between the dial up connection and the World Wide Web. This helps speed up the connection.

In a normal dial up connection, the request made by a machine, for any page, goes through the ISP to the Web. The machine that has requested this information has to go through a number of stops before it is connected to the machine that provides the information. This makes the process very time consuming.

With the acceleration server, the request goes to the server that searches for the information on the machine?s behalf. The acceleration server uses a broadband connection to quickly search the Internet for the server that hosts the required information. Once that server is located, that information is routed to the machine that requested it.

Acceleration servers use several techniques like compression, filtering and caching to speed up the connection. Compression is used to send large data across in compressed form. Photos and graphics are generally sent in this manner. This may result in loss of quality, as some data is lost during compression. Filtering is used to block ?pop ups,? as they slow down the performance of the connection.

Dial up accelerators make sure that dial up services are able to keep up with all the faster and more reliable Internet access options available today.

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Virtual Private Network For Small Business

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides remote users with secure Internet access to their network. It is especially suitable for environments where secure communications are required between remote locations of an enterprise. It does not matter if the user is located at the office or at home. The data sent through VPN environment is scrambled at the user's end before being sent over the Internet. On reaching the destination, it is decrypted. There is no risk of any interception since only the authorized users have access to the data.

The data is carried over the network through the process of 'Tunneling.' A package is placed within another package before it is encrypted and sent to destination through tunnel path. A firewall can also be set up between the network and the Internet to reject unwanted data. However, this must be done before the VPN is put in place.

Trade-offs of a VPN:
As is the case with any technology, there are both pros and cons of using a VPN. You must understand the implication of these while deciding on setting up a VPN.

A VPN increases security, productivity and opportunities to reach out to a large clientele. It has low operational cost and uses a simplified network topology. Besides, it reduces costs for companies by lowering the cost of long distance telephone charges, as clients need only to land up at the service providers nearest access point. However, you need to consider the following while installing a VPN.

o Requirement of specially trained staff with a good knowledge of network security is necessary to ensure that your system functions smoothly.

o Varieties of technologies are in use for VPN. This could lead to incompatibility amongst networks.

Essential Capabilities of a VPN:

With the maturing of VPN capabilities and the development of encryption technology, it is now becoming feasible to match companies' expectations of high-speed performance and high security. The capabilities you demand of your VPN solution provider are considered below.

o Speed: This is the most important criterion while choosing a VPN. Speeds up to 2 gigabits per second are available. The speed you opt for will depend on the volume of data to be handled by your network.

o Security: In addition to providing high end-to-end security and firewall to control access to information, you may consider integrating additional applications such as digital certificate support, client authentication and intrusion detection.

o Scalability: The VPN infrastructure equipment should be scalable to evolve with your business. The appliances should have multiple network interfaces, network management module and be interoperable with existing equipment. The system should provide fail over provisioning, so that another port takes over in the event of port failure.

A VPN has almost become a necessity for a company to exploit its competitive advantage. The system chosen for installation must have the capabilities to meet the company's functional requirements.



Permanent Makeup For The Elderly Or Visually Impaired Client

Permanent makeup, a form of cosmetic tattooing, can increase self esteem for the elderly or visually impaired client seeking a solution to many of the problems that can come with aging or blindness. However, many people are either unaware of the technique or are afraid of it, and continue to rely on others to help them look presentable each day. This is a needless fear, and many women have been delighted with the results that have given them more independence and confidence in their appearance. Frequently referred to as micropigmentation or dermagraphics, this type of tattooing is used by many different people for a number of reasons. These can range from a desire to generally look better without having to continually apply make-up, to a need to hide unsightly scars. The pigmentation is applied to the upper layers of the dermis, and can be applied using a traditional tattoo machine, or by a simple hand technique where color is gently tapped into the skin. A topical anesthetic cream is applied first, resulting is less discomfort during the procedure. Most clients comment that the tattooing was very tolerable.

One procedure that is commonly done is the eyebrow enhancement. Eyebrow pencils are normally used for this, but many older people find them difficult to use, and time consuming having to draw their brows on each day. Many women have over-tweezed their eyebrows through the years, so much so that they have all but disappeared. Thyroid and hormonal conditions can also lead to loss of eyebrow hair. A less common condition called Alopecia, causes the hair to completely fall out in areas such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, and can even result in complete baldness. Permanent cosmetic makeup can provide the perfect solution for these clients who have to draw their brows on every day.

Permanent makeup, in some cases can camouflage vitiligo, a skin condition in which the skin loses its pigmentation in patches, leaving visible blotchy areas of skin. This can be very upsetting to the sufferer since it can start in early adulthood at an age where visual appearance is very important. In some cases, these conditions can be effectively and permanently hidden with a natural skin colored pigmentation. Not all severe discoloration can be treated in this way, however some conditions such as light colored scars can be tattooed to make the area less obvious. A client seeking scar camouflage would want to interview the technician firs. This is considered advanced work and should only be done by those who have been in the industry many years and are experienced in "para-medical" tattooing.

It is also difficult for visually impaired and elderly clients to use an eyebrow pencil while wearing eye glasses! Permanently applied eyebrows are the perfect answer in such cases. The technique can be done either to simulate natural hair in the brow, or achieve a result such as a soft penciled-in look. The same is true of eye liner. Many elderly women find it difficult to apply eye liner without smearing, and this is again the ideal answer to their problems. They no longer have to struggle to get their eyes looking presentable before leaving the house. Permanent lip color can also be applied, and can benefit clients who have lost their natural lip line and youthful color due to aging or smoking. Again, lipstick is sometimes difficult for elderly clients to apply themselves for a number of reasons. Not only poor eyesight, but also shaking hands or palsy can render it very difficult for them. Permanent makeup applied to their lips would be a blessing for them.

Yes, aging brings conditions such as shaking hands, Parkinsons disease, strokes, arthritis and many more conditions that can prevent people from looking after themselves properly.Some simple permanent cosmetic work can give them back a little bit of their independence, and render them a little less reliant on others to apply their makeup for them. Many elderly women have found that it has made a tremendous difference in their lives; to able to walk out the door feeling confident about their looks without having to ask for help. It is also useful in the case of people of all ages who suffer with allergies, and find it impossible to wear certain types of cosmetics. Permanent cosmetic makeup resolves this problem forever. There are many such people with hypersensitive skin for whom this is a godsend.

There are many conditions where permanent cosmetic makeup may not have been considered by old and young alike. A lack of awareness of the possibility of this treatment is frequently a problem, as is a fear of the procedures themselves.

However, modern equipment, topical anesthetics, and safety methods have rendered the techniques simple, safe, and for most people, very tolerable during the procedure. Yes, permanent makeup for the elderly or visually impaired client is ideal and can give them the self esteem and confidence to enjoy themselves every day.

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Five New Client Warning Signals You Should Not Ignore

As a new freelance bookkeeper, accountant, or other entrepreneur in the service or consulting business, you may be tempted to accept any client, just to get your business started. However, not all potential clients are the kind you want. Beware of the following warning signs:

1. Client is not current with income tax or payroll tax returns. When meeting with potential clients, always inquire about the status of income tax and payroll tax filings. If the client is cheating, ignoring, or lying to the IRS, they will almost certainly do the same to you.

2. Client is not current with basic accounting tasks, such as bank reconciliations. Bank reconciliations are a basic accounting function. Legitimate business owners know this and are careful to see that the task gets done in a timely manner. If you have a potential client who is not current with this task, it is an indication that he does not take the accounting side of business seriously. He may therefore not take you, your work, or your invoices seriously either.

3. Client's business cannot be located through an Internet search. Many legitimate business still do not have websites. However, this, coupled with one or more other items from this list, can be an indication that the client does not take his business seriously, and may not take your business seriously either.

4. Client's business is not listed in the White Pages. A White Pages listing is the most basic form of listing a business can have. If the client cannot be found there, then this gives the strong impression that the client is hiding. Hiding from what? Probably the IRS. See #1 above.

A few potential clients will fall into several of these catagories. If you do not wish to work for them, then don't. However, there is one tactic you can try: have them pay for your services up front. If they agree, then it's very possible they are trying to become legitimate. Don't be skimpy or shy about the sum of money you request, and make sure the check clears your bank before you begin any work.

If they don't want to pay up front, or if their check does not clear your bank, then this fact becomes the fifth and last item on this list.


Questions to Ask Yourself When Starting Any New Business

In my 20+ years of business operations and business start ups, I have found that the initial planning stage is the most important time to "set the correct foundation" of your business operations. When people don't know what to do, they unknowingly or haphazardly rush forward and pay dearly for it. I urge you to remain excited about your new business and let me help you set the right foundation for lasting success.

Here is a sample list of the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself when planning your business:

1. What kind of legal entity am I going to set up? Do I know the tax and liability differences between Sole Proprietor, Corp., Sub-chapter S, and LLC? Do I know how to save money by setting these up myself?

2. How am I going to handle the Federally required bookkeeping needs of my business? QuickBooks? Will I get simple live training to teach me how to post to my books? Will I need to use a VPN service to get access to my numbers, anywhere anytime? What are the best deals on QBooks software and secure VPN access? Do I know how to initially set up my books and get the reports I need to analyze my business operations? Do I know how to set up and manage my customers, and vendors for bill pay?

3. How do I stretch and save my start up seed capital? What do I need to lease or buy in the way of equipment? What do I need to think about when leasing office space? Should I be a home based business? What about tax issues on all of these these issues?

4. What about payroll? Do I understand what 1099 means vs. employee status paychecks? Do I know how to file Federal tax forms on time and correctly? What about setting up payroll in QuickBooks vs. expensive outsourcing to payroll companies? What kind of problems could I run into considering each of these options?

5. What about hiring people? What are the kinds of problems I could run into? Do I have a HR plan in place?

6. Do I know about managing my banking, investments, and deposits? Do I have an understanding about shopping carts, settlement dates, and merchant banking? What's the best deal on cc processing rates? Who does a good job on shopping carts? What about inventory management? Do I have an understanding of how PayPal works and problems associated with PayPal?

7. What about advertising and marketing? What do I know about Goggle page ranking, AdWords, AdSense, and web based monetization and advertising? Do I know how to evaluate a SEO for help? How do I avoid costly pitfalls here?

8. What do I do if I run into financial trouble? What are some helpful tips in speaking to people who owe me money, or to creditors?

Although this is just a sampling of questions you should ask yourself, planning ahead is the best insurance you can have against business failure.

Plan your work..... work your plan and above all...don't let anybody hold you back.
Push ahead and live your dream!

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Hidden Camera and Surveillance Laws Outside of the US

Every country has its own privacy and surveillance laws. You will want to check your local laws regarding hidden cameras and other covert surveillance before installing your new equipment.

This article will give a brief overview of the applicable laws in a few of the home countries of our most frequent international visitors.


In Canada, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) generally require a person's consent before video or audio recording them in a commercial or business situation.

The consent can either be expressly given (either orally or in writing) or it can be implied (such as clearly posting notice of the surveillance or advising callers of the recording of calls).

There are specific procedures outlined in PIPEDA which must be followed for a legal recording. If you plan to record calls or conversations with customers or clients, you should consult PIPEDA for its particulars.

PIPEDA also applies to workplace/employee surveillance situations. Pursuant to PIPEDA, an employer must usually advise its employees of any personal information it is collecting from them and why it is collecting the information.

This can include video surveillance, phone monitoring, keystroke recording and email review. An employer should only collect information necessary to the employer's stated purpose in collecting it.

An individual (as opposed to a business) can record conversations with the consent of one party to a conversation. If you are taking part in the conversation yourself, the consent can come from you.

With regard to video surveillance, Canada has passed a video voyeurism law, making it a crime to surreptitiously observe or record a person who has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the circumstances and is or is expected to be nude or partially nude or involved in sexual activity.

You can't legally place cameras in bathrooms or locker rooms. You can't legally set up a camera to record in your roommate's bedroom.

Keep in mind that, in addition to federal laws in Canada, your home province may also have privacy, surveillance and/or voyeurism laws which should be reviewed as well.

United Kingdom

Public surveillance cameras (also known as closed circuit TV - or CCTV) have been in heavy use in Britain for over thirty years. It has been suggested that there are more CCTV cameras in use in the U.K. than anywhere else in the world.

The Data Protection Act of 1998 (DPA) covers use of CCTV surveillance cameras in the U.K. It does not, however, apply to individuals who might use cameras for personal or household uses - just to businesses.

Individuals using such cameras must still make sure that they are not breaking British voyeurism laws by peeping into private spaces - these are similar to voyeurism laws in Canada and the U.S.

The Information Commissioner's Office has issued DPA guidelines for businesses using CCTV monitoring. There must be visible signs indicating that the cameras are in use on the premises and the cameras must be placed in spots which allow the best images but avoid recording people outside of the business premises.

The images recorded must be securely stored and not provided to anyone other than those responsible for the monitoring in the business and to law enforcement. Check with the ICO for any other requirements your business may have regarding video surveillance.

If cameras are used to monitor workers, they must not be installed anywhere deemed private, such as toilets or private offices.

The ICO suggests that workers should generally be told they are being surveilled but says that covert or hidden monitoring may be acceptable if it is an exceptional situation and the employer intends to involve law enforcement in the investigation.

In the U.K., you should also consider whether or not your planned surveillance complies with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), which covers the monitoring of electronic communication.

RIPA allows individuals to secretly record conversations for their own use. It only becomes illegal if the recording is made available to someone else.

If the person doing the recording plans to use the recorded conversation in court or plans to disclose the recording in any way, he will have to get consent from the person he is recording. There are a few exceptions to the basic RIPA requirements for businesses.

A business may record a conversation without anyone's consent to provide evidence of a business transaction, to prove regulatory compliance, to prevent or detect a crime, for national security or secure effective operation of a phone network. For any other purpose, the company must get the consent of the person being recorded.

Similar to the ICO's guidelines on the use of CCTV to monitor employees by video, RIPA guidelines suggest the electronic monitoring - email, telephone calls and such - of employees should also be overt and as non-intrusive as necessary to meet the goal of the surveillance.

For example, companies that routinely record phone calls in the regular course of business should provide their employees with a way to make necessary personal calls that are not recorded.

The Home Office and the ICO have issued helpful guidelines and checklists for businesses to use when considering video or other surveillance.

Other European Union Nations

Over the last ten years or so, the European Union (EU) has issued directives to its members regarding human rights and data protection. The result has been legislation in each country which complies with the basic directives. The British laws described above are good examples.

Without investigating the laws of each European country here, it is safe to say that they all have similar laws to the laws passed in Britain regarding monitoring and surveillance.

As always however, you should review the laws applicable in your own country and province and/or consult with a lawyer.

The newest surveillance technology can be a wonderful help in a difficult personal situation. It can also help you keep your business running smoothly and profitably. But it can also be misused and cause you some pretty serious legal headaches if you don't understand the applicable laws before using it.

So, if you've decided to purchase some fantastic new monitoring equipment, take a quick look at your surveillance and privacy laws before you press the "record" button - do your monitoring the right way and you just might save yourself a lot of trouble in the end!

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Server vs Client Sides of Web

Things which exist on one's personal computer are referred to as "client side", and on the web host as "server side". The average internet user might have first heard "client" in the context of applications installed on the personal computer, such as "email client". Those mail systems which can be used from anywhere are "web mail", and exist on the server side.

In practical terms, all your office suite programs, media players, programs to edit images, most games, and so forth, are probably client side, although "utility" type functions are evolving on the server side. For example, users can now share data on server side spreadsheets and word processors.

Most browser function is defined on the client side, perhaps with some JavaScript add-ons for interaction, calendars, multi-level menus, animated graphics, et cetera.

Business enterprise level content management, databases, store systems, and much more are on the server side. Server side programming can range from simple CGI scripts ("Common Gateway Interface") written in a variety of languages, such as Perl. Large databases can be built in the popular open-source MySQL, and accessed through interfaces programmed in PHP.

First embodiments of such CGI functions started a new copy of the executing module for each command request. To avoid server shutdown from excessive workload, host programmers have evolved better ways, but these need not concern us ordinary mortals.

Fortunately for this author, a web site builder does not need to be an expert in all those server side tools in order to use them. Most hosting companies now offer access to pre-installed modules. Persons wanting better features can purchase modules from third parties to upload and install, such as shopping carts, which are backed by support staff, user, or similar.

If the site builder lacks a very fast connection to the server, s/he can install client side copies of operating systems for SQL, PHP, other... to emulate behavior on the host. Sometimes the emulation is less than perfect, such as with different release generations, so adjustments may be needed after upload.

Why would anyone bother to do this? One reason is that PHP can take over parts of HTML coding, such as with "include files" which represent often used sections of header, footer, body, or serve more robustly than JavaScript for interactivity and utility functions.

If the connection is fast, however, present day "shared hosting" and "virtual private/dedicated servers" make it very difficult for one domain owner to break the system for other users. And only privileged employees have access to the power switch. VPS allows power users to get more behind the scenes than can the SH customer.

Caveat: Whether your HTML writing is done directly on host account or on personal computer for upload, keep an off-site copy against the day your hosting company drops or back levels your content. It will happen.

What ever the approach a person uses for working on the internet, all these elements are examples of "distributed processing", a concept which some large mainframe computer manufacturers had hoped would never be realized. Now that the small guys and gals have forced the issue, by using ever more powerful personal computers in place of dumb terminals, the big dogs have learned to love and profit from it.

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The Hand-Held Paper Shredder

We normally think of paper shredders as being operated by electricity and of the size of a trash can. If that size is too big, due to limited space available and you need to safely destroy documents that you do not want to share with anyone, you can consider the hand-held paper shredder.

A device that resembles a mutant pair of scissors is called the shredder hand. It is something that appears to be out of a horror movie, but is an ideal choice for those with limited space. Since it is manually operated, just like a pair of scissors, there is no need for an electric connection or a battery.

A possible addition to your collection of tools for arts and crafts as well! The hand-held paper shredder can be an effective device for people living in boarding houses, studio apartments and such limited spaces, to destroy sensitive documents as a protective precaution. Something to be kept out of reach of children, an Aihon shredder with nine connected blades is available for $17.

If the use of batteries does not bother you, you can upgrade to the next stage, a battery operated, hand-held shredder, small enough to be stored in your desk drawer or your suitcase.

At a price of about $13, many of these can be bought and kept at different locations to avoid lugging one around with you. One each for the car and kitchen, another for the office and so on.

There is another device that can be called a hand-held shredder though it does not come with a waste bin. The Royal JS55 strip cut shredder is available at $16.50. It does come with an automatic on and off switch and can handle five sheets of paper at a time.

With the hand-held shredder you need not worry about disposing of the waste. Once destroyed, all that you need to do is to find any trash bin and dump the waste there.

Children could be entertained by asking them to participate in the shredding process to help out Mom or Dad. This of course needs to be done under careful supervision to avoid accidents and the destruction of unnecessary things like the cat's tail! The shredder must be stored out of reach of children and their curiosity.

Some shredders in alluring shapes resembling cows, elephants, hippos, frogs and pandas are also available and can be bought as gifts. They are bound to raise a smile on the receiver's face and are sure to brighten up an office or a desk.

Priced at about $13, they are crank operated and so are limited to the extent of the strength in your hands. They also double as pencil sharpeners and can be gifted to students.

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When Does OC3 Bandwidth Make Sense As Your Business Network Backbone?

Several factors could come into play, including the need for that type of bandwidth, latency factors, and resiliency. If a client needs an extremely resilient connection with low latency, and high bandwidth, a protected SONET OC3 solution is the best choice, due to the nature of the architecture.

If you have strict requirements in regard to latency and line quality OC3 could be a good choice as an alternative to ethernet services.

With OC3 you can have complete end-2-end monitoring of bit errors, and it is also dedicated 100% for your usage. Ethernet services lack the full end-2-end monitoring capabillity, as frames could get dropped alog the way.

The CPE equipment will cost you more for OC3, than for ethernet. The built in redundancy in SONET/SDH can provide sub 50ms switchover easily, but to harvest the full potential of redundancy you must offcourse have redunant fiber to your location.

Conditions to consider

1) Data usage requirements

2) Redundancy is a feature, not a requirement. Therefore the architecture dictates the requirement and fees.

3) Other (possibly concatenated) options that are available to provide similar bandwidth

Optimal Conditions

1) Several key hub locations (forming the OC3 ring) that are well connected to the remaining network

2) A CONTINUOUS bandwidth requirement of more than DS3 24x7

3) A well integrated voice and data architecture that can run across this backbone and therefore reduce PSTN and Dedicated Access Data line cost.

4) Existing purchasing relationships with the CPE equipment vendors, allowing you to reduce CPE costs

I think everyone would agree on a monetary standpoint that when the costs of DS3's exceed the costs of having the OC-x circuitry then it's time to begin to think about a switch. The problem lies in the fact that you have already heavily invested in the DS3 hardware and now will have to purchase OC-x hardware to begin a migration. So you have to factor in hardware costs with the overall cost equation.

Secondly you have to keep in mind redundancy and latency. If your network is mission critical and requires no downtime then it becomes a bit more complicated. Ordering 1 OC3 on sonet still does not guarantee no downtime. To ensure that this downtime is kept to a minimum you have to order 2 OC3 circuits. When ordering the first one you want it to be the primary with the lowest latency/jitter between two points. Your redundant circuit will not be this way. This circuit will NEVER touch any hardware, CO, line across a barren field, that your primary circuit uses. This will mean a slower and lower quality circuit, but you ensure that connectivity will be maintained in the event your primary circuit takes a hit.

Once again even that will begin to affect the cost equation. If management begins to worry about the costs they should be reminded how much it would cost them to have any kind of outage. Todays consumers do not tolerate disruption of services of any kind anymore so the longer your services are unavailable the higher your churn may end up being. There is a big difference between degraded service and no service to the customer. If it's slow they will normally shrug it off unless it's always slow. The second it's down they will begin to agitate.

Since most LANs are Ethernet, WAN connectivity is most efficient by creating an Ethernet internet (lower case "i" meaning a network built out of smaller networks, but not necessarily the Internet (upper case "I") your home PC is connected to ). There is no translation, like with an OC3 and there is very little overhead like there is with ATM solutions.

Most voice applications still use TDM (the OC3 Protocol) and TDM natively breaks any sized circuit into individual 64K voice channels, generally using 56K for payload and 8K for signalling (although ISDN uses 64K for payload and reserves separate channels for signalling). The great thing aboput TDM is that, it is very reliable. If the circuit is passing less than the rated throughput, it is broken and goes into alarm. Under Ethernet, its possible to have a loss of throughput without an alarm.

Both TDM and Ethernet can be oversubscribed by the carrier, however, and equipment can drop information without causing either to go into alarm.

The rub here is that more and more voice applications are using voice-over-internet (lower case "i") -protocol, which is more effective over Ethernet. That is not to say that enterprises are using the Internet (upper case "I", the thing your home computer is hooked up to); it means that they are using the same protocol to deliver voice via private Ethernet circuits.

VoIP is now the main protocol for long distance.

So, if you are a telco with a legacy switching fabric that cannot be replaced, an OC3 makes huge sense.

If you are building a data network or voice network and local carriers have Ethernet available AND the Ethernet service includes your required level of redundancy, then Ethernet is overwhelmingly preferred.

A Cisco fired network can deliver the same 50 ms failover as SONET on 2 fibers with multiple failover routes with very small latency (One network we provision has 1ms in the core and 2 ms each at the serial ports, for a total of five milliseconds of latency). Ethernet can also be designed for point-to-multipoint applications at layer 2 or Layer 3 using very simple equipment. OC3s (TDM) requires use of a large Ethernet router, ATM Switch or Frame Switch with huge operational overheads and the need to program visibility ( the ability for any location to communicate directly with another location).

So . . . An OC3 makes sense if you need more than 45 mbps but less than 163 mbps, Ethernet is not available or is not available in an adequately robust configuration or if your network uses legacy protocols that cannot be replaced.

Price of a complete solution will be based on requirements and specifications, but Ethernet is generally much less expensive.

For help in finding the best solution for your situation and applications .... whether it's ethernet or OC3 bandwidth .... simply submit a request via DS3 Bandwidth Solutions. By the way .... their assistance is free.

Software bug tracking

How To Get New Clients For Your Law Firm

Your law firm needs new clients in order to stay in business. Many law firms do not actively market their services and thus miss many potential clients. Since the demand and supply dynamics keep changing, it is crucial to keep ahead of competition and promote your services. Here are some methods of reaching out to potential clients.

1) Referrals

Most law firms get in touch with potential clients through a network of common friends and acquaintances. See who among them know potential clients, and (subtly) ask them to refer your firm to those who might be looking for the services of an attorney.

2) Website

Having a well designed, informative website is crucial for law firms looking for new clients. Most people look up law firms on the Internet, and you can make things easier for them by putting up online forms they can fill if they need more information about your services. Search engine optimization is also crucial if you want people to find you through search engines. Hire the services of an SEO firm to ensure that your website is ranked high on search engines.

3) Seminars

Attend seminars and conventions to publicize the services offered by your law firm. Give speeches and interact with the audience. Try to give small gifts to members of the audience you think may be potential clients or lead you to potential clients. You can also ask for the business cards of these people.

4) Membership of Organizations

Join organizations you think can promote your business. See if the organization has members who are potential clients. Ask your clients if they are members of a particular organization. Never join an organization that cannot help you get in touch with new clients.

5) Advertising

Advertise your services in local radio shows, TV programs, Yellow Pages, and newspapers. Targeted advertising works much better than more expensive mass marketing. Overnight radio shows and cable TV are cheaper than primetime ads.

6) Direct Mailing

Use direct mailing services to promote your law firm. Ensure that the letters are not too long, and carry testimonials of previous clients. Give special offers if you like.

7) Press Releases/Articles

Nothing works like press releases and articles related to law. Be a regular contributor of legal articles to ezines, websites, and newspapers. This will attract readership and ensure that some of the readers know that you are an expert in your field.

These are just some of the methods you can use to publicize yours. Use targeted advertising to reach them. If you need more help in promoting your law firm, you could approach a professional agency for help. Your law firm needs new clients in order to stay in business. Many law firms do not actively market their services and thus miss many potential clients. Since the demand and supply dynamics keep changing, it is crucial to keep ahead of competition and promote your services. Here are some methods of reaching out to potential clients.

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Top 10 Information Systems Security Controls in the Enterprise

The modern Enterprise IT Infrastructure as we know it today has evolved over the years, from the huge computers in the mid 1940s, which could not even do what our small calculators can do today, to the years of mainframes. We now have high processor computers with lots of storage space and high speeds that are easily affordable. We have seen a shift of focus from centralized to decentralized, distributed, network computing within enterprises. All these developments have been great, as they have eased the way we do business, but also brought myriad of enterprise security issues.

In this article we look at the top 10 enterprise security controls that we could deploy to reduce on the effect of known enterprise infrastructure security issues.

1. Take a holistic approach to security

Successful enterprise security requires good planning and a holistic security strategy that considers everything in the organizations, from business processes to the people, on an ongoing basis. Many at times enterprises consider costly technical solutions, as a reaction to security breaches.

2. Develop an Enterprise security program / policy

Organizations need to develop security programs that outline the Roles, policy, procedures, standards and guidelines for the Enterprise security.

Roles: Outline who is responsible for what e.g. Chief Information security officer (ISO) could be s responsible for ensuring a good security posture for the organization.

Policies: These are general organization wide statements that set out the mandatory requirements to ensure a minimum security level. Examples include: Acceptable E-mail Use Policy, Internet use policy, Mobile devices use policy etc...

Standards: these are derived from policies, laying out specific steps or processes required to meet a certain requirement. For example a requirement that all email communication be encrypted.

3. Manage Risk - On a continuous basis

Risk management is the process of identifying risk, assessing risk, and taking steps to reduce risk to an acceptable level. This involves identifying the assets in the organization that you need to secure; these could include human resources, technology, trade secrets, patents, copyrights etc... Then identify all possible risks that could affect the availability, confidentiality and integrity of these assets. Management can then decide what to do with the identified risks; risks can either be mitigated or transferred to a third party like an insurance company.

4. Refine Business Processes: Adopt Industry best Practices

Beyond the need to manage Enterprise IT technology, is the need to establish and employ best practices and processes to optimize IT services. A number of internationally recognized frameworks have been developed already to describe effective ICT infrastructure management processes. Hence there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

Examples include:
COBIT - Control Objectives for Information and related Technology {1},
ITIL - The Information Technology Infrastructure Library {2}
and ISO 27001 {3}

5. Streamline physical / environmental security

Physical and environmental security is vital in protection of information assets and ICT Infrastructure in the Enterprise. Physical security should look at issue like, monitoring and detection e.g. security guards, alarms, CCTV. Access control and deterrent solutions e.g locks, fencing, lighting, mantraps, Biometrics etc. Environmental control and design, server room temperature, humidity, air conditioning, static electricity, fire suppression and detection, Power generation and backup, all these should be well streamlined.

6. Deploy content filtering / inspection solutions.

As content, (email, internet traffic etc...) moves in and out of the enterprise, there is need for it to be managed well to avoid any security breaches and attacks. Controls could include:

- Web filters to enforce organizational Internet usage policies through content filtering, application blocking, and best-of-breed spyware protection.

- Spam filters / Firewalls to protect your email server from spam, virus, spoofing, phishing and spyware attacks.

- Unified Threat management solutions(UTM): Several organization choose to deploy UTM solutions that offer industry leading functionalities within one package including Intrusion Prevention System; Antivirus with Antispam; Web Filtering; Antispam; Firewall; SSL - VPN; Traffic Shaping and many more.

7. Manage the inside of the Corporate Network

We have already seen that there are increased security breaches that come from within the enterprise; therefore it's vital to manage the inside of the enterprise network very well. Some of the steps we could take include the following:

- Taking an inventory of all authorized and unauthorized software and devices on the network.
- Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs
- Continuous Vulnerability Assessment, patch management and Remediation
- Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services

8. Have an Identity and Rights Management System

Identity management is very vital and important to avoid user rights violation and excessive rights issue. Put in place procedures, guideline and a system for Identity management, which involves creation of users, change of user rights, removal of rights, resetting lost user password. This also calls for Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges. Is access in the Enterprise based on a need to know basis? For example should everyone in the organization have access to the payroll database?!

9. Put emphasis on Data Loss Prevention (DLP).

Data loss prevention puts into consideration the security of data, both in motion and static. With the advent of portable devices and memory sticks that have lots of storage space, it very easy for someone to copy lots of corporate data on a removable media in just a matter of seconds. I have heard of stories of disgruntled employees selling clients databases to the competition. Data loss prevention (DLP) encompasses the tools that prevent accidental data leakage, including device and port control, encryption (both hard-drive and removable media encryption).

Also how does your organization handle hard disks that have sensitive information and need disposing off? How about paper documents? I bet one could get lots of information by just dumpster diving into corporate trash bins (am told some investigative journalists use this method to "snoop"). There is no excuse for organization not to shred sensitive paper documents, given all the shredders available on the market; some can even shred plastic and CD media.

10. Don't go it alone

Securing information assets is becoming more vital every day; unfortunately many organizations do not consider it important until a breach has actually happened.

You can imagine the direct cost of not being proactive as far as information security is concerned, which could include, the cost to recover data lost or altered during an incident, cost to notify customers of breaches, fines for non-compliance and indirect costs e.g., lost customers, lost productivity, time spent investigating/resolving breaches and hoaxes, and so many. Therefore it's crucial to seek for external assistance from an external firm or consultant if need be, to assist in areas like:

- Carrying out an IT audit and Penetration Tests a.k.a "Ethical hacking" on your own infrastructure.
- Assisting with Information security awareness training for your staff etc...

It's important to note that securing information assets in an enterprise is not just an event, but is a continued process that requires an ongoing effort and support of the top management, this is because the threats to information systems continues to evolve and change daily.


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Internet Access Providers

Internet access is no longer a luxury. Even high-speed Internet access has become very affordable over the last few years. In fact, broadband technology has revolutionized the concept of Internet access.

In the pre-broadband days, Internet access providers used to offer dial-up Internet connections. Slow connectivity was a major issue then. Downloading content was a time-consuming task.

But now, local Internet access providers are offering broadband Internet connections. They have tremendous speed and the downloading of content no longer takes hours. Just a click of the mouse can help you to download online content in a few minutes, be it text, audio, video or graphics.

In some parts of the world, Internet access providers still provide Internet connectivity through dial-up services. But wherever broadband technology has reached, Internet access is provided through digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modems. Some service providers are also providing Internet access through satellite. In the near future, Internet access may be possible through high-voltage lines. Internet access providers often upgrade their technology in urban areas before they do it in rural areas. This is because they are able to recover their costs in urban areas much easily that in rural areas.

High-speed Internet access using broadband technology has increased the number of people using the Internet. In some of the less-developed parts of the world certain Internet access providers often market their ""high-speed connections"" though the speed of Internet access is less than 256 kilobits per second, which is the benchmark for a high speed Internet connection.

The number of Internet access providers and the range of services offered by them are likely to expand further. Your choice of an Internet access provider should be guided by several factors, such as the amount of time you are likely to spend on the Internet, volume of content you are going to download, whether you are using it for commercial or non-commercial purposes, and how much you can afford to pay.

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Protecting Data in Today's Fast-Paced & Uncertain Environment

Protecting Data in Today's Fast-Paced & Uncertain Environment
Online server data backup and recovery takes hold
By Bud Stoddard, President & CEO, AmeriVault Corp.
Data, Foundation of Today's Business
Data is not only the foundation of businesses in all industries but remains a vital irreplaceable strategic asset.  But, this asset is threatened today more than ever, given the increasing threat of disaster resulting from the impending war and recent and potential future terrorist activities.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 93% of companies who experience a significant data loss will be out of business within 5 years.
As a result, data protection has become a critical component in an organization's disaster recovery and business continuity plans.  Today's disaster planning professionals are responsible for ensuring uninterrupted operation and immediate recovery of data.  Faced with increasingly narrow recovery windows and "zero tolerance" for disruption they will have no choice but to look outside the box for recovery solutions.  The ability of traditional disaster recovery and business solutions to fulfill corporate objectives in the overall business continuity scheme should be evaluated and a new methodology introduced. 
With its ability to most quickly and efficiently perform backup and recovery, online backup is responding to the demands of today's businesses in these uncertain times.  Its no wonder a technology that used to be seen as unconventional and experimental, is quickly becoming mainstream.  IDC estimates that through 2006, rapid growth will continue in the area of remote backup.
Lawyer's Weekly, the nation's top source of legal information for practicing attorneys, has used online backup for years to protect their data.  "My feeling is that you're only as good as your last backup. Our company has many remote locations without systems administrators. As a result, we really have come to depend on online backup as a means of assuring that our backups are done on a daily basis at these sites," said Tom Bannister, Systems Manager, Lawyer's Weekly.
Data Management Evolves
Remarkable changes in the way businesses work, are being fueled by online and other electronic processes going on 24 hours a day.  Business processes are becoming more compressed, and business activities that took days now happen within hours or minutes globally. Companies without a strong foothold in technology will be disadvantaged when facing the evolutionary trend of business changes.  Disaster recovery and business continuity planning must change to coincide with the fast-paced and highly competitive business environment and offer protection against uncontrollable looming disasters. Continuity Planners must turn to solutions that are internet-based.
The recent SQL Slammer virus was a prime example of why contingency planning must change to keep up with technology-dependant businesses.  Although SQL Slammer's effect could have carried a more damaging payload, it brought down 13,000 ATM machines at Bank of America, making it impossible for customers to withdraw cash for an entire weekend and reportedly caused widespread damage at HP and even Microsoft itself.  The disaster recovery and business continuity planning industry was forced to take notice.
Myths About Online Backup
Whenever an innovative idea threatens to replace current solutions in day-to-day business practices, myths begin to sprout like weeds spotting your favorite golfing green. The uncomfortable reality is that many businesses today suffer from insufficient backup plans.  Data backup is critical for every company. Remember the last time you didn't suffer from backup headaches? You can't.
A new solution entered the market in the mid 80's but didn't launch until the World Wide Web phenomenon took off.  Only then did it catch the attention of IT professionals responsible for safeguarding mission-critical data.  Online backup or electronic vaulting, no matter the coined term, eliminates many typical backup headaches.  The ability to automate your backup and remove the data off-site to a secure vault with a click of a mouse button is now a reality. Online backup is the most innovative, cost-effective and reliable solution out there today. But dispelling the myths about online backup continues to be a challenge for companies offering this technology. 
Myth One:  Online backup is too expensive.
Initially it may appear that way. Compare a tape scenario for instance. Hardware, software licenses, tapes, personnel -- and let us not forget basic human error, add to the cost of traditional back up procedures.  Additional costs accrue with traditional off-site courier service and tape solutions have large up-front and sometimes unexpected costs, while online backup costs are declining.  AmeriVault Corp.(TM) predicts a double-digit annual decrease in cost due to bandwidth and storage hardware pricing declines.  A small ten gigabyte user with daily backup would pay approximately $460.00 for traditional albeit partial service; while the same user would pay approximately $294.00 for complete, automated service. In addition, online backup technology utilizes a company's existing telecom lines.  A company can better justify the 24 x 7 cost of its dedicated Internet connection.  Online backup eliminates all these traditional cost factors. With total automation, local backup and off-site protection occur simultaneously.
Myth Two: Data is not secure on the Internet.
Online backup utilizes the same technology the U.S. Government uses for its security.  Encrypted, fragmented data is sent over telecom lines -- pieces of a puzzle in gibberish language.  Online backup vendors can offers clients a highly secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection.  This higher level of security ensures that all communication between the client and the vault is encrypted.  Online backup is actually more secure than storing unencrypted data tapes in a remote vault.
Myth Three: Online Backup can't handle a fortune 500 company's data.
Handling large amounts of data over relatively small bandwidth is a popular feature of online backup.  An initial backup or "seed" of the server's data is extracted.  The Delta Processing technology then seeks out updated portions of changed files.  Only the fragmented change of data is sent to the vault.  Large-volume and highly redundant disk storage systems store the data online.  Online backup providers service businesses with a responsibility to ensure that storage space is always available, no matter what the size.  To further data integrity, reliability and recovery, the massive amounts of data online are backed up to tape on a daily basis, and shipped to an underground vault for safekeeping.
An Inevitable Evolution
Despite the current myths surrounding online backup, unavoidably it is fast becoming the standard in the business of data backup storage.  Online backup has proven itself to be a fundamental component of disaster recovery and business continuity plans.  Traditional recovery solutions must be retailored to accommodate the new recovery and continuity alternatives available to businesses in this fast-paced and uncertain climate.  No longer can businesses rely on protecting their most important asset with inefficient methods.
Loss of data and disasters are inevitable, and so is online backup. The Internet has radically altered the global economy, and with it, the management of securing and restoring data.  Companies who wait until disaster strikes to implement more efficient means of backing up their valuable data, will become extinct like the dinosaurs who once roamed our planet. 

Wireless Router

Functional Advertising - From Clients' Lips To Clients' Ears

Printed mugs are a conversation starter and a great promotional item to add to your business. Printed mugs are functional, lasting for a long time, continuing your advertising campaign long after you have stopped handing the mugs out to clients. Printed mugs continue to work for you, advertising your business bringing your business to your clients lips time and time again.

Printed mugs are a good investment due to their longevity and cost - advertisement for your company that returns the favour time and time again. Can your other advertisements and promotional items offer the same return on your investment? Likely not.

Printed mugs are a popular choice among businesses and many printed mugs are just corporate logos, and in many cases, that's all you need. However, you can add your company contact information, your slogan or a new product that keep your information at your clients fingertips, literally. If you are printing mugs for a special event or promotion, ensuring that your logo and information are on the mug is a good idea, because even after your promotion or event expires, your company name will not.

Printed mugs are functional in many ways and not just for hot beverages. Many people will use your printed mug for water, pop and juice as well, so you aren't singly targeting hot beverage drinkers, but rather every client possible. You can also find printed promotional mugs being used as pen holders and storage for small items on people's desk - a good, daily use that is visible each and every day.

The idea behind your printed mugs is to get them in the hands of clients daily or in their line of sight and to bring your business name and purpose to their lips as often as possible. Everyone will have a drink or two each day, and hopefully they will utilize that printed promotional mug that you gave them. Every time they use your printed mug, they are viewing your advertisement, as well as the people around them are viewing your company name, logo, slogan, event or promotion. This brings you're your business from your client's lips to their ears, each and every time they use your printed mug.

The cost of printed mugs is relatively inexpensive, especially when you consider the cost of other promotional items that may offer similar longevity. For a relatively small investment in printed mugs, you can have quite a few to hand out at events, trade fairs, to customers, clients and your staff - a printed mug will last and last and continue to do work for you by brining in more business.

There is a wide variety of printed mugs to choose from right here at - from ceramic and bone china to plastic and travel mugs.

Keeping a wide variety of budgets in mind, we offer a variety of promotional products that will fit your budget and bring in the business for you. Working promotional items, such as printed mugs, are perfect for your business, regardless of its size. Can you afford not to have advertising that continues to work for your business for years to come?

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Cable vs. Satellite Internet Service

Compare The first step in selecting and Internet service providers is to learn about the benefits of high-speed satellite Internet service. Satellite Internet is definitely the right choice for you if you are looking for an amazing bandwidth and connection speed. The actual connection speed from the service provider. Services that offer VAST systems generally are uploading over a 512 KPS and 2 Mbps download. Services that offer even more types of satellite system to linkVariety of connection speeds based on the service package you choose. For example, HughesNet offers High-speed Internet service in Home, Professional, Small Office and Business Internet packages. My upload speeds are 128, 200, 300 and 500 kbps. These packages offer download speeds of 700 Kbps, 1 Mbps, 1.5 Mbps and 2 Mbps.

The next step in comparison with cable and satellite Internet service is to learn what makes inferior to cable Internet service via satellite. The first majorDifference is that cable Internet in general has an average connection speed is slower than satellite Internet. Secondly, it is not you do not provide the mobility that satellite. Further, it is hard to find cable Internet in rural areas. Finally, it offers less bandwidth than satellite.

The third step to compare internet service is to find out what are the disadvantages of satellites. Be the first setback for satellite Internet is that you need two modems, both the data and uploadDownloading data from the World Wide Web. The second disadvantage is that the weather can be your ability to interfere with a connection to the WWW.

Wireless Router

Video Voyeurism and Surveillance Laws in the workplace

Think about the installation of hidden surveillance cameras or in your company? Many employers consider video and other surveillance key to an honest and productive workplace. He keeps people on the straight and narrow - no fingers in the till, no time clock funny business, no drinking or drugged on breaks. Many entrepreneurs and managers also record or your calls and emails from the office.

But employers must be careful not to go too far in theirMonitoring, or they will be sued as a threat by an employee for an invasion of privacy under federal or state law. This article gives an overview of the laws for workplace surveillance - you should always speak with your own attorney to determine what exactly is the law in your state.


There are several variables when considering video surveillance in your company. Your choices include traditional and visible dome surveillance cameras or hidden cameraswith or without audio. Each of these variables has potential legal implications. Visible cameras (in any way) are illegal hidden usually not when they are in a non-private are available.

When the camera recording and video sound, you must comply with federal and state eavesdropping and interception laws. You need the consent of one or all parties not to a recorded conversation, depending on the jurisdiction.

Hidden Cameras are a slightly different story. Video recording(is) without sound, usually in the order, even if the camera hidden, unless the person (s) who are just a legitimate expectation of privacy is the tape for some illegal purpose to do or there was misconduct to the Video recording.

Find Courts around the country are providing more and more frequency that no reasonable grounds for believing there is no privacy with the covert video surveillance or even with hidden surveillance if the physical space is investigated, a public space. Note that if an employer usesUnion employees, the employer may be required to use the union of its intention, hidden cameras, but not likely to spread if the cameras are installed.

It is a federal law which is a crime to secretly make photographic or video images of the host people in places and situations where it is an expectation of privacy. Most states have followed suit. These laws are often referred to as "video voyeurism" statutes referred to.

VIDEO voyeurism LAWS

As you cansee advanced surveillance technology are far enough in recent years that excellent cameras can be completely hidden from view in a number of different ways. These spy cameras are a great tool for many employers, but can also be used inappropriately. The federal government and most states have recently passed "video voyeurism" laws.

These laws make it a crime to secretly capture images of people or in places where they are a reasonable expectation of privacy, for example, distribute bathsDressing rooms, locker rooms, hotel rooms and tanning salons.

The federal law prohibits anyone from taking pictures of a "private individual" if, without the consent of that individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Every state in the U.S. now has some legal prohibition of video voyeurism and invasion of privacy, except Iowa and Washington DC About half of these statutes effectively to this kind of video recording of a crime. Many have an even tougher penalties forProliferation of such videos.

You need to your home state specific laws as to control the courts from state to state, have different opinions on what kind of jobs are expected, private - bathroom and changing rooms can be "no-brainers" but some states courts have also decided that workers break rooms or cafeterias "private" for the purposes of video surveillance.

OTHER workplace surveillance

The monitoring of electronic communications such as telephone, Voice mail, e-mail and IM will be covered by the federal and interception interception law - the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The ECPA has several business use exceptions are among the employers to carry out the necessary investigations, protect trade secrets and keep an eye on inventory and receipts.

Under federal law, is the monitoring of things like e-mails and phone calls be made if either the sender or recipient consents or if it is done in the ordinaryBusiness. Employers can only devices that monitor themselves and do not have the right to hosted e-mail monitoring by a third party (such as Web-based e-mail programs.


Whether they have a right to privacy at work or not, many employees find surveillance of any kind offensive. It's good to be practical for employees with written notification of the existence or the possibility of monitoring provided in the workplace - video, audio or otherwise.

Messages can be made aPart of a written, distributed policy, or a section in the employee handbook. Employees can also be asked to sign a consent or confirmation of the monitoring. If you are cautious, ethical, and respectful of your employees and the law, video and other surveillance measures at the workplace can be a wonderful tool to keep your business smoothly and profitably.

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5 Strategies For Overcoming Your Client's Erroneous Zones

Ego is the unobserved mind that runs your life when you are not present as the witnessing consciousness.

- Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

A couple contacted my husband several months ago about building a new home. We spent many hours taking them through the design process, finding out specifically what they wanted in their new home, and how their budget could best be utilized. They spent several thousand dollars purchasing a lot, paying for my husband to do the home design, and installing a septic on the home site. The building permit is now ready to pick-up. Our clients are at the final decision making stage. The only question remaining is will they or won't they sign the construction contract...

As we were going through this process, the housing market took a nose dive. Suddenly the perception of our clients, and most of those folks in the market to build a new home, is that they should be paying a price per square foot comparable to existing houses that have decreased in value significantly.

Consider this scenario. If you were a home builder paying astronomical gas prices, which affects every part of the building supply industry; you had to deal with suppliers and subcontractors who also have rising costs; and you had employees who expect to eat and pay their bills regularly, does it make sense that any of your costs would be going down? I think not...

So, here we are at a crossroads with our customer. Their perception and our reality are very different, and ne'r the two shall meet. Where does this leave us? How do we overcome the disparity between us and our customers?

As well as looking for ways to cut costs and get the best prices on materials possible, it's part of our job to educate our customers about what's going on in the building industry, and the value we can add to their project. What is not in our best interest is criticizing, judging, and allowing bad feelings to dominate our lives until it carries over into our business relationships, which could lead to the death of our business.

Here are five strategies to help you overcome negative feelings and move into a positive mode of caring for your customers and your business, when you are faced with a similar situation.

1. Walk a mile in your customer's shoes. If you were hiring someone to provide a service or product, what would you look for before you signed on the dotted line? Would you accept a proposal or purchase the product without making sure you were getting the best price and quality possible? Probably not.

2. Make a list of possible objections your customers may have, and make sure you are able to answer them before you sit down to meet with your customers in person. Have you ever looked back on a situation and thought, "I wish I had said..."? Avoid the looking back syndrome and think ahead. Thinking ahead will help you avoid getting ambushed with an objection you haven't had time to think through.

3. Ask trusted friends and family what they would be looking for in a service provider in your area of expertise. Take their answers to heart and see how you can improve your service or products based on their feedback.

4. Be proactive. Use the list of objections, and the list of what people want, and address them on your marketing material, your brochures, websites, advertisements, etc.

5. Focus on the value and results you can bring to the table. Make sure you are communicating your unique selling position. What do you have to offer that can set you apart from your competition? If you position yourself so that you have no real competition, it will be easier to address objections.

The more time you spend focusing on how you can position yourself as the expert in your field, and how you can educate your customers on the unique value you have to offer, the more your business will thrive in spite of a "slow" economy. And as a bonus, your efforts towards creating a positive, caring relationship with your customers will enhance your life, your community and your world.

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RFIDs and the Parts They Play in Enterprises

For a business to become truly competitive and highly efficient, it should learn to adapt with a variety of changes. One of these will be the use of technology to ensure the security of their data and to administer proper flow of operations. You can get all these and more with an RFID, or radio-frequency identification card.

Defining an RFID Tag

A tag that is considered to be an RFID will be something that you can attach to an animal, product, or even human being. The card, which can react through radio waves, contain all information for identification of the object or person it's attached to. As to how fast it can be detected will depend on the power of the machine. Some are extremely sensitive that even if you're meters away you can already be detected. Others will only function if you're near the RF scanner.

There are also two components that make up the RF card. One of these is the integrated circuit, which has three functions: (1) modulates the radio signals from the RFID to the scanner and vice versa, (2) store and process information, and (3) other functions that could have been customized by the enterprise. You can also find an RFID that doesn't have any chip attached to it, yet it still possesses some special parts that allow it to function like any circuit-based RFIDs. This one is a lot cheaper, and you can place it directly into any product.

Uses of RFID Tags in Business

So far, there are already numerous business sectors that are adapting RFIDs into their normal operations. Here are some of the uses of the RFID:

1. Better Management of Mobile Assets. Perhaps one of the greatest uses of the RFIDs is in tracking assets that are mobile. These may come in different forms. For example, there are a number of libraries that are attached RFIDs in their books, so they can monitor the people who were borrowing and still not returning them. Jewelers and renters of expensive jewelry are making use of the RFID to determine the whereabouts of their collection. Several airports and airlines, such as the Emirates, use RFIDs so they can keep track on baggage, which do often get lost while in transit. Credit card companies such as the American Express are attaching magnetic stripes on their credit cards, allowing any store to verify the identity of the cardholder instantly.

All in all, there are countless industries that are spending a lot of money on moveable assets just so they will be able to improve their services to their customers or to supply the much-needed support their internal operations may be looking for. Yet there is a very low utilization of the assets since they cannot actually monitor the real condition as well as the exact locations of some of their equipment. This will then boil down to immense financial loss at their end, as these mobile assets may not be utilized immediately or that they aren't found at all. If equipment are in these states, they are treated as lost items and are written off from their list of assets. The companies, therefore, need to buy a new one to secure availability.

2. Security and Safety of Products. In the recent 2007 Identity Theft or Fraud Statistics Report, there are more than 3 million projected cases of credit card fraud. These could be composed of individuals whose information have been stolen for their personal gain or situations wherein credit card companies fail to keep confirm the authenticity of certain transactions of their clients. The bottom line is, when theft happens, the enterprise loses a lot.

The RFIDs become excellent support for fight against counterfeiting and identity theft. For example, there are several establishments nowadays that are attached RFIDs on their products such as DVDs and software to help determine whether the products that have been taken out of the shops have been stolen or not. If these items are legitimately bought, customer service representatives need to remove them from the items sold. On the other hand, businesspersons who consider handheld devices and their personal computers to be investments to their companies opt to make use of RFIDs so they can track and trace these goods, if ever they have been stolen by somebody else. As a matter of fact, there's a huge possibility of recovering the items with the use of RFIDs.

When it comes to highly sensitive documents, such as those produced by a variety of financial services as well as government agencies, RFIDs can be utilized to increase security among these documents, making them difficult to access by any unauthorized person.

3. New Inventory System. The principles behind RFID have permitted for the development of the auto-ID system, which have been used by companies that are handling massive amount of inventories in their stores as well as in the warehouses. This interesting device can actually accurately monitor how much you currently have as your stocks.

Wal-Mart, one of the largest stores in the world, utilized the auto-ID system, and their academic studies have revealed that since its use the company was able to reduce the percentage of out of stocks for items that are selling from 0.1 to 15 units every day to 30 percent.

Moreover, you can also lower your maintenance and inventory costs, such as what happened in Boeing 787 Dreamliner. One of the most expensive airplanes in the world, the parts and other equipment being used are not only hard to find but are also heavily priced as well. With the use of the RFID, personnel can already kept track on these equipment regardless of their size and shape. Moreover, with the reduced maintenance needed for the airplane, there is also no more need for a lot of technicians and facilitators for Boeing. Within six months' time, the company was able to save almost $30,000 in their labor costs.

Nevertheless, despite the benefits that enterprises may reap from the RFIDs, there are still few but major concerns that need to be addressed immediately. For one, the frequencies of RFIDs in the United States don't work in Japan and several countries in Europe. Furthermore, there are no clear standards that govern their use and proper implementation.

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A Strategic Approach To Planning For A New Business Year - Ask Your Clients Questions

A new business year has begun and hopefully your strategic thinking and planning has been underway for some time. A strategic thinking business coach suggests that asking clients some probing questions will be very beneficial in your planning efforts for the new business year. The strategy of asking these questions is to gain insight for developing the best solutions for your clients' problems.

Asking questions will help you gain needed information from your clients; build rapport with your clients; increase the clients' comfort level; understand the clients' needs; and discover the clients' concerns, frustrations and fears.
You can begin by asking questions that will let you know what is going right with your clients and hen transition into areas where problems may have occurred. And it is always important to initially focus on your client, rather than you and your client. It is critical that you make sure the client understands that he or she has ownership in this process of questioning.

What are some examples of questions you could ask your clients? Your strategic thinking business coach suggests the following:

1. What are your goals for the new business year?

2. What strategies do you expect to use to capitalize on last year's successes?

3. What do you believe is the number one challenge for your business in the new year?

4. What is the single biggest frustration you have in your business going into the new year?

5. What is the one major change you want to make happen in your business in the new year?

6. What is the one thing you value most about our working relationship?

7. What can we do to sustain and enhance our business relationship?

8. How can we improve on the services we provide to you?

9. If you could change just one thing about our business relationship, what would it be?

10. How can we be a more valuable asset and resource for your business?

You will be pleasantly surprised at what your clients will divulge to you that they never to9ld you before. And why is this so? I will tell you why - because you never took the time to ask them. Your strategic thinking business coach advises "always know who you are doing business with" and if you do, you will be in a much more strategic position to provide better client solutions because you will understand your clients' real needs and goals.

Your strategic thinking business coach encourages you to use strategic thinking to plan for new business year. If you would like to learn more about the strategic advantages you can gain by asking your clients questions and how a strategic thinking business coach can facilitate and guide you in that endeavor, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at or by email at

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The Mobile Office - Wireless Broadband Internet

Every day the phase 'mobile office' becomes more and more real for everyday business people. Technology advances at such a rapid pace, and week after week becomes more available for the small to medium business sector. No longer are high tech solutions only available for the blue chip companies. If you are a one man operation or a FTSE 100 company you should be installing new technologies on a regular basis, if you are not, then frankly you, should be. Any business owner knows that there are only three ways to improve your bottom line.

1) Increase revenue - By implementing marketing strategies, providing outstanding levels of service so that existing customers purchase from you time after time and refer you to the business contacts, and by employing professional sales people whose main objective is to service the customer needs. There are of course other ways of increasing revenue and we could go into different marketing strategies; however that is for another article.

2) Decrease costs - You don't need to be a mathematician to figure out that if you spend less you will have more money in the pot at the end of the year. There are so many areas where you can reduce costs but beware! Sometimes reducing expenditure can end up costing you more in the long run. I work in the Telecommunications industry so I will give you an example relevant to my experience. I was recently asked to help a local business that was having problems with their fixed line telephone supplier.

A few years ago this business was using a large company to supply their fixed line infrastructure and call billing. This large company was the market leader and was relatively expensive. The local business was approached by a small telecommunications company and were sold a product where they remain with the larger company for the infrastructure and switched to them for the call costs and billing, at a very good saving. Good business I hear you say, and it was at first. The problems started when the local business was having faults with the infrastructure (Lines) initially they called in a local engineer to test their telephone system; after many visits from the engineer and many dollars spent the conclusion was a fault was on the line. The small telecommunications company that were providing the billing was contacted; unfortunately they don't employ engineers as they are simply a billing company and don't get involved with the infrastructure.

The original provider was then contacted but the local business was informed that they could not help as they were no longer a customer and were told to contact the billing company. Around in circles they went. No such great business I hear you say now. Thankfully I was able to recommend a solution that met their needs for service and for cost. As I said earlier I am employed by a major telecommunications company in Australia as I am an expert in my field, and known for my attention to detail by establishing the needs of my clients and implementing solutions that fit. There have been occasions where I have recommended other companies that I am not affiliated with as they have an option that would better fit the needs of my clients. I still do business with these clients but in different areas. If you are approached by any company claiming to be able to save you money please ensure that they are fulfilling your needs NOT there own.

3) Improve efficiency - Implement strategies that will save you time and money, and introduce new technologies that enable you to perform more tasks in less time. This will enable your staff to have time to spend on rule number one - increase revenue.

Wireless Broadband Internet

Now we are familiar with how improving technologies in your business, in conjunction with your rate of growth will improve efficiency we can in turn improve your bottom line, by looking at a technology that will do just that no matter what size of business you are.

Wireless Broadband Internet is exactly that, internet on your laptop with broadband speeds and no wires, 100% portable. The modem will be slightly different in appearance depending on which supplier you use and they may have a slightly different name for it, but, essentially it is all the same.

The modem is about the size of a matchbox and connects via a USB port; it uses mobile telephone technology. It has a SIM card inside the same as your mobile telephone has.

A few years ago this technology was reserved for directors and senior management. I used to work for a company in the UK and I had to sign for a wireless card everyday when I went into the office and was not allowed to take it home. Then WIFI arrived. Sure, this was great at home but I was travelling all around the UK Monday to Friday, only a third of hotels would have a WIFI connection and then you had to pay to use it! The alternative was to drive around with my laptop on the passenger seat looking for a WIFI hotspot in a town I was unfamiliar with. I am sure many of you can relate to this.

With wireless broadband internet you will be able to access email and the internet anywhere you have a mobile telephone signal. As 96% of the Australian population receives a mobile telephone signal of some description, it would be difficult to find a populated area unable to get a connection.
Now that the majority of Australia's major cities and suburbs are covered by 3G or HSDPA not only will you be able to access email and the internet but it will a at a broadband speed similar to what you would expect from your desktop PC.

You will also have the facility to use international roaming to receive access abroad (Additional charges may apply.)

Wireless Broadband Internet is now priced very competitively with data plans up to 5GB. You should be able to pick this up at a similar price to what you pay for your broadband connection at home.
The benefits to this product are endless but here are a few:

1) Possibly no need to pay for a fixed line broadband connection at home.

2) Staff can work from home more.

3) Office based staff may be able to continue working from home is a child is off school sick.

4) Field based staff will be able to work more efficiently, sending and receiving email and placing orders whilst out in the field.

5) Reduce office space required

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