
As more computers connect to a broadband Internet connection

Broadband or high-speed Internet connection is what many users are currently using in their home. Together with high-speed Internet, many users also can use a router to connect multiple computers to the Internet. This paper describes how to use a router to connect multiple computers. To understand it easier, I'll use when you live like a comparison to how your computer is connected to the Internet.

What is an IP address?

IP addresses are a series ofFigures nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn in the form: nnn is taking up a-to three-digit number. An IP address is unique to a single computer on a network, much like at home, has a unique address. Provided for an Internet connection, an IP address from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). In some cases, your ISP may have more than one IP address, which you can connect to multiple computers. As you will see later, however, you can connect to multiple computers from a single IP --Address.

Connecting a single computer

Connecting a single computer to your high-speed Internet is very easy to do. Simply connect a network cable into the modem and then into the network card in your computer. Your computer will then be assigned an IP address from your ISP. For example, if your ISP assigns you the IP address, then your computer's IP address.

If you have a request to a server, such as a web page of the web serverknow what IP address that made the request. The information is then sent over the Internet and back to your computer. This is comparable to, if someone sends you e-mail to your home. The address on the mail allows to be delivered to you home and not elsewhere.

Connecting Multiple Computers

How can connect multiple computers, if only one address is assigned? If you know an application to a web page, how it works, the computer on which the requested page? Let's take our homeAnalogy a step further. Suppose, instead of living in a house that you live in an apartment. If someone sends you e-mails, they not only address but also a flat. This figure is within your apartment house and every apartment has its own number. Similarly, multiple computers can connect to the Internet when they are there own local IP address. This can be handled by a router.

A router is a piece of hardware that connects directly to theModem. Each computer is then connected to the router, instead of the modem. Now instead of your computer with the IP address from your provider, router is now assigned to the IP address supplied. This is comparable to the router away than the apartment.

The beauty of a router is that they can assign their own local IP addresses. If you get a computer to the router is now one of the IP address of your router, like every house has its own number assigned. NowIf you make a request for a Web page, the application must be addressed with the same ISP address, but this time it is to assign to the router. If the Web page is returned, the router receives the request and sends it locally on the computer, the page requested.

The router also has its own local address, which is the local IP addresses of the computers only. So now the router has assigned two addresses: one provided by your external provider and a local one which he made available. This allowsThe router connects to the Internet and the local network.

Note: The address are special IP addresses for Local Area Networks (LANs) are reserved.

Managing a Web or FTP server on your network

Let's take a look at this scenario. You have a router connecting several computers to the Internet. But now you want to create an FTP or Web server. No problem. Setup the necessary software on a computer on your network, "said someone outside yourNetwork of local IP address of your FTP server and they try to get in touch. Then discover that they can not connect. Why? Similar to something someone mailing you simply stating your apartment number and no address.

The IP address assigned to your computer locally on your network. You can connect with other computers on your network, but not from the Internet. You need your ISP assigned IP address (assigned to the router) to have someone from theInternet connection to your FTP server. The problem is that your router is assigned that IP address and your computer, and as an IP address must be unique, as two computers can share the same IP? The answer: you can not, but they do not.

Routers have the ability to provide information on a port to a specific computer to be transmitted. A port is a numbered channel whereby data can be sent to a network. You can not see physically, as it is a virtual channel used extensively in networking for/ Send receive data. For FTP servers the default port is 21, but another port can be used.

Open the router setup and look for the port forwarding option. Enter the internal IP address of your FTP server and port number and then save the information. Now, if a user tries to access your FTP site must rely on the ISP-assigned IP address for your router. The router will then determine that the data is sent on port 21 and then forward it automatically to your FTP --Server. A web server is setup the same way, but the default port is in Rule 80;

Note: By default, a router will dynamically assign IP addresses to the computers connected with it. This means that the first computer is connected to the router to the first available IP address received, and the next one will get the second, and so on. If you assign an FTP server to manage, it may be easier to have a static IP address on the computers to ensure that the FTP server always has the same IP --Address.

This article describes how to connect one or more computers to an Internet connection. It is important to remember the following:

If you have a computer directly connected to the modem, so that computers are assigned, the IP address from your ISP.
When using a router that the router assigned the IP address from your ISP. Every computer connected to the router receives a local address by the router.
A router, the ISP's IP address and a localIP address. This allows you to connect to the Internet and your network.
When setting up a computer as an FTP, Web or communicate with other servers over the Internet, it is important to use the router's IP address to access your servers. You must then send the necessary port on the server.

For more information, please read the technically simple blog.


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