Introduction To (VPN) Virtual Private Network
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a type of network technology that enables communication between 2 computers or groups of computers over a public channel, usually on the Internet. A virtual private network implementation requires an examination of the components of the network and how it differs from traditional, hard-wired network systems.
What is a network? According to Webster's Dictionary, it is "a system of computers connected by telephone lines or other means of interconnectedExchange information. "Before the Internet, your computer could be in different offices, cities or even countries talk to each other, how could - through telephone lines.
When do the requirements for the companies to grow, telephone lines has been replaced by higher volume wires, like T3 circuits, but the concept was the same. For computer A to talk to computer B, it had to have a physical wire connection. For security reasons, you would ensure that only your 2 computers set up, the lineyou would with a vendor contract "lease" that circuit.
Now imagine if you have hundreds of computers across the country all need to talk to each other and exchange information. The cost of leasing dedicated lines, all of these computers would get in touch with each other to grow with the distance between computers and the number of connections.
But with the advent of the Internet, there are no more connections required to be physically. As long as each computer had access to the Internet,Information could be shared over the Internet in the same way that, if the computers were physically connected. Here is the "virtual" part of the VPN concept into play, is a network exists, but it is virtual because the connections are not hard-wired dedicated, leased lines are more.
The last component of our virtual private network introduction is privacy. If the networks over leased lines still running, the issue of privacy to a large extent on the commitment of the allegedSwitching providers to maintain the integrity of their circuits, and thus the customer information.
But with a Virtual Private Network, is the privacy achieved by encryption. If the information leaves a computer on the network, they will be encrypted to a specific protocol or code. It is then in a private "tunnel" or a path through the Internet to the recipient computer, where it was decoded and sent. No one can read the data as they send, or make changes to make it without itRejection by the recipient, so that the data is secure.
To create a VPN, you must decide who to share information, in which direction and how often. First, you need a list of hardware and software systems to prepare are currently using at each location. You may need to make changes so that the computer can talk to each other well.
You want also to consider how important it is that your data remains protected. Now that youReports on these virtual private network introduction, you should move on to look at things such as what type of record you require and the vendor (s) you want to work.
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