6 Proven Strategies for When the customers do not pay
They are turned on! You Just Landed a new customer who comes to get you busy with projects. Life is good.
They love people, you're really enjoying the work, are the big things. Everything goes along smoothly for several months until that fateful months to present, where you have a large invoice and payment is not immediate.
"No problem" you think. "Things are a bit narrow. It will only be paid a little too late."
What are your options when aNo> client does not pay - or -?
There are several things you can do if a customer does not pay. Before you start on the road, but you must think about what kind of future, if ever you want with this client.
1. Gentle reminder.
Your account could be forgotten, misplaced or buried in a pile on your client's desktop. If they know your last payment date, e-mail - leave tape or after each call, which mostconvenient for you - ask for a gentle reminder to them the status of the payment.
If you use QuickBooks or QuickBooks Online, you can include communication by e-mail directly from the system.
2. Be personal.
If you have remembered the client, and no payment has come, it's time for either another e-mail or a phone call. Your customer can tell you that he is very busy and apologizes that he forgot "again.
Explain that cash flow is very important to the smallCompany and you can not afford to take the unpaid bill more.
Remember to make it easy for your customers pay you. Tell him that you are satisfied, by wire, PayPal, to pay credit card - to provide them with all the options and make sure that you are more than just "send a check" to be available on. Make it as easy as possible!
3. Be the "squeaky wheel".
If your customer's own cash-flow issues, he must make difficult decisions aboutwho pays when. Send an e-mail reminder or a statement every other day or every week - take your comfort and go one step further.
Because the "squeaky wheel" to assure you that you are at the forefront of his mind if he is paying bills.
4. Cut him off.
How hard it is to sometimes say to the customer - even though you have become friends - you can not do any additional work until all the bills must be paid in full.
As a smallEntrepreneur, you have to run your business and as a result there are times where you need to make tough decisions that are best for your company be held accountable. You can not afford to work without compensation and your client should understand, dass
5. Get tough.
They have tried to be gentle. They have tried to be personal. And you have so many times to hear that you are tired of your own voice squeaked. Now it's time to put that plan prepaid legal use!
Have your attorney send a formal letter stating that if you are not paid in full, within X number of days that you will either take the client to small claims court (the normal limit is between $ 2,000 and $ 7,500 - it varies by country in the U.S.) or an arbitration tribunal. Whether you complain, or in an arbitration governed by the contract you with your customer number, that disputes be settled.
6. Bigger than small claims.
When> Client owes you substantially more than the small claims will enable you to complain, you can sue in a formal process state. Debt collection cases are usually simple and few collection cases actually make it to court, because not regulate most of the defendants, either before trial or to show himself on the court (in this case, you would) receive a default sentence.
Chances are if you threaten legal action, your customer will pay. If he does not, you must follow throughon your threat. Keep in mind consider that the decision about how much you are eligible, you make time for the action and if you ever wanted to work with these customers in the future.
Note that, if the customer can not pay you, * you * be able to deduct the amount as "bad debts". See your tax advisor for more information about the high indebtedness of the rule.
You want collection actions that you take comfort in thinking about how theywill affect your future relationship with the client. Please note, however, have you a small business owner should be paid promptly and for the services rendered and accepted. After all, you do not have to go into business for yourself to work for nothing!
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