
Office Network Design

Presumably you have an electronic billing and scheduling system in use, whether you Electronic Medical Records (EMR) use at the moment. With more than one computer in use in your practice it is more than likely that you are working on some type of network. As a multi-user multi-task EMR systems will be integrated into practice, the complexity of the functions and network design is essential. Although many practices simply choose to hire an IT consultant or company to handleThese issues are examined in this article some of the most common network design cover concepts.

Networking Basics: WAN, LAN or MAN

Some EPM / EMR software could be the system software or network hardware is incompatible. This must be determined before you buy your system, and if you think you are adding additional users, it is often more economical to purchase guided licenses for multi-user rather than individual retail software packages. A Local Area Network (LAN to connect)Computer and printer in a limited area like an office. These LAN link with other LANs via wireless or network connection.

Unfortunately, some may EPM / EMR applications have compatibility issues between the network and operating system software. This compatibility, before he secured before buying an EMR package. In addition, you will when you add new users expected, it is often more efficient to buy a multi-user software license as opposed to individualConsumer licenses in a retail store.

Wide Area Network (WAN) links small LANs or Metro Area Networks (MAN). This can be done over a larger geographical area, as in a number of field offices. This WANS are often used by large companies. The WAN-known today as the Internet. The Internet can also access to a company's intranet, where employees with each other, communicate wherever they are, too. For EPM / EMR system, which between satellite offices,a stable high-bandwidth connection is a must in order to practice running smoothly and consistently held.

Bandwidth and topology

The bandwidth of the network is the capacity of the data that they can lead normal, in bits per second or bps. Connection speeds range from 56 kilobits per second to millions of bits per second. However, the actual bandwidth speeds can be achieved is limited by the hardware used, sometimes even the software used. In addition, the speed of the whole network ismay significantly as more users try to access information from the EMR system are reduced.

A quick connection means little if the network speed is slow due to poor planning or underpowered hardware. Network topology is also important. Topology is the physical form of the network, as in a number of computers that minimize the amount of wiring between them. However, if a part of this network goes down, it could, the whole network. The best topology requires more wiring isresilient to system-wide failure of a single weak point. However, the total amount of machinery in this type of network is limited. Large nets with a mesh topology provides redundancy and allows for better expandability.


In an average "paperless" office environment, a study area containing computers with the server, the EMR software is wired. However, some doctors who are technically savvy like to enter information into a mobile device they carry between areaspractice. The concept of wireless networking will appeal to a new set of points.

Signal Strength - We have found the gain wireless access to devices less-than-enough, when promised functioning in a typical office environment with many walls.

Bandwidth - Even if your LAN has a good range, can be limited, the speed of access by the speed of wireless connection.

Security - hackers can wreck your network, if it is not adequately protected. Even abasic wireless access point must be integrated security features that can be activated to help.

Fat or thin clients - Are you wireless laptops running) software directly on a wireless connection (fat or thin she is running software almost on a remote connection ()? Separates are a simple fact for wireless networks that enables the thin client software are still running in this case, so that you can carry on where you were interrupted. A fat-client solution, what theirThe connection dropped to bring a later software to crash.

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