
Microsoft Great Plains Subcontracting - Overview for Microsoft Business Solutions Partner

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very popular ERP / MRP applications in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, Africa, Latin America. The award recognizes the great number of new Microsoft Great Plains partners and the desire to occasional customization, integration and reporting projects, we would like to advise you on Microsoft Great Plains subcontracting guidelines, based on our experience in dealing with Great Plains VARs

• Great Plains Dexterity customizations - Dexterity was and still is the IDE and programming language of Great Plains, especially thick workstation interface. However, since Microsoft bought Great Plains Software and formed Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions, which was later renamed into Microsoft Business Solutions - Ability of the candidate from VB.Net to C # or replaced. The plans are the plans, but the realities of the Microsoft Great Plains adjustment signalsSkill, the others remain as IDE 5-7 years. But I agree with the strategy, if you are new GP reseller, you do not want to set skill Programmers

• SQL integration. We see more and more requests for Great Plains integration with Web e-commerce applications, industry-specific databases: Freight forwarding, distribution, logistics, beverages, jewelry, furniture, consignment. Healthcare, etc. The dilemma for the programmer is - am I supposed to know all the details of the GreatPlains table structure model and document workflow - or perhaps the set of SQL stored procs to help me.

• Integration Manager with VBA / Continuum. These are the traditional custom pieces. Integration Manager does not allow you to help companies integrate change, and so have the work carried out over night without involvement of the operator

• eConnect - this relatively new SDK from MBS, created especially for e-commerce developer has certain limitations, particularlya transfer of customer accounts and transactions to post. These are the restrictions of Great Plains architecture and the question you must resolve the custom set of stored procedures

GP VAR should be some adjustment experience / knowledge:

• Great Plains security model. Great Plains provides you with access to so-called alternative and alternative to Microsoft Great Plains forms and reports - that's where you make adjustments to our grant of standard logic.Please invest adequate resources for the GP-basics before you in touch with the country-wide sub -

• Central REPORTS.DIC - this is crucial to serve medium and large customers. Normally you will create your Sales Order Processing (SOP) invoice form from one of the GP workstation and then insert your reports on the server. If you are IT suppliers - should use these people to the Great Plains installation of new workstations (or you will be trained on working on the terminal should insistServer / Citrix)

• Remote Support. The best scenario is VPN with Remote Desktop Access (Windows XP Pro or Windows 2000 Pro). VPN SQL Enterprise Manager allows you to connect via the secure VPN connection. Less desired scenario would WebSessions or PCAnywhere.

Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have any questions or concerns - we are here for you! If you want us to do the job - just call us at 866-528-0577 or 630-961-5918!

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