
What customers want

The following list can not - and does not intend to - a complete list, as is the spectrum of products and suppliers simply too broad, however, can help to avoid being in the service of "Our customers' better than a supplier and interchangeable.

But we must not forget that today from the competition only a 'E-mail / a click - even if it is at the other end of the world. Customers will vote for him if he serve in the position to be better than us - just around theCorner.

* 1 General

Our client is not living in a vacuum, but in-turn needs to satisfy the needs of his clients - otherwise return the competition to poach them.

What is, therefore, that we are already in the care of the needs of its customers, giving him a better basis of discussion? ... possibly even a common basis for the further development of solutions needs in the future?

* 2 Staff

What is the advantage ofCRM and other "good tool" - it is nothing! - If we forget that eventually decisive factor: "One client / Our? No PC is so complex as the human brain do not even speak - through our feelings - and The customer is responsible for all the help we can open up - but we need to take the time to "understand" him, or in other words, we have to be able to build a "personal relationship" (and not just CRM).

A higher price is no longer really matter if the other factors such as service, trust in us,Openness, honesty and much more.

For regular contacts, or for the purpose of information for new colleagues, but can be used optimally CRM.

* 3 The market / Our customers are crucial

We need to understand again and again that we will never sell what only a good price - even if all other factors are comparable is the price in the foreground.

We sell something that meets the needs of our customers, ie the execution, which he wants (although yellowinstead of red), respectively. something to his advantage - which, as stated above, bring either themselves or their customers an advantage in relation to speed, reliability, profit, and so on.

We start developing our own personal "fingerprint" by

* - To be different - however, depending on the product / market / market segment and

- Looking after our customers better access

- In the Eye of a perfect flow of information have

- Keep our promises

- Serve it acc.his preferred means of distribution (which should not crate a problem nowadays with the Internet and other means of distribution)


* - Just put him in the absolute forefront of our activities!

... this "marketing" will be helpful - in any market in the world.

* Addendum:

* Offer: Reinhold Würth (he was a billionaire during decades) in the 'Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nr. 41, 19/20.2.2005 '(famous and large newspaperGermany):

"The seller should not communicate directly with the customer on the box (= PC) - from computers, man is degraded to a surplus."

This should only be considered, in principle reached with regard to its success - and I have never purchased a PC client.

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