
Trade Show Exhibits By Manufacturer Client Consultant

In my experience show began at a young age covered around the table. My father, Joseph LoCascio would be home every night with fascinating stories about the design and construction of displays and sets up various New York City to show houses, where he worked as a graphic designer.

If the projects he worked on were completed, he would be the family in New York instead and show us the results of his artistic work, which often contain IBM's Madison Avenue shop windows,Crane's display of the new bathroom / kitchen fittings, Allied Chemical lobby displays, and various displays on the New York Stock Exchange and the World Trade Center. Many other exhibits to be displayed would be at exhibitions at the New York Coliseum, Waldorf Astoria, or the New York Hilton.

My admiration for the artistic talents of my father started when I was invited to join him for his local freelance work on the weekend. I would help him load the car with his art supplies and then to see inAmazed at how he created and hand-labeled a bank sign new window gold leaf or the name of a company on a truck door or a new sign for a local church.

The exhibition building was cyclical business, and there were times when work was scarce, and some shop workers were sacked for a few weeks. Another time there was too much work to complete for the recruitment of more people and overtime and on weekends called exhibits.

My opportunity to work with my father on exhibition Craft, Inc. in the worksLong Iceland City, came when the business was on a full-time work schedule, including weekends, to complete a number of exhibitions in time for the National Hardware Show in Chicago.

I jumped up on his offer and was excited not only make $ 1.50 an hour at age 14, they also get to work with my father and learning to begin issuing building from scratch. My work on the first weekend - and many others that followed - including cleaning and screen printing squeegee, resurfacingArt tables with new paper, sweeping the floor carefully peeling frisketed graphic panels and mixing of colors.

I knew then and there that the exhibition was a business where I wanted my career to spend. While in high school and after military service I worked for Exhibit Craft, Inc. is working my way up the ladder, the Silk Screen Production, Production Manager Assistant, shipping and receiving clerk, Assistant to the Purchasing Manager included.

A great career came as a transitionECI Olivetti Underwood won the new account and requires an Account Executive in order to show their diverse product more than 40 exhibitions a year to manage. I applied, interviewed and got the job. To my surprise, I soon found myself at the planning meeting at the headquarters of Olivetti at 1 Park Avenue in New York City.

At 22, I was enjoying a dream job, learning the ins and outs of being an exhibition Account Executive looking to the future, when ECI was unaware soldIVEL, now a part of the exhibition group. IVEL moved the ECI facility in Brooklyn, New York. For me it was unreasonable, in the work and travel in Brooklyn when I was still living enjoyed an almost carefree and independent living at home with my parents in Bergenfield, New Jersey, where I grew up. But when extract was a need for a job, I thought the move to California, there could be a much better choice.

Start with an eye for adventure, travel, and the need for fresh, I sent a resume toSauter Stewart show, an exhibition, architect and decorator in San Francisco. I was set for a great interview. I had found Stewart Sauter many times in the past under the Treaty and dismantle Olivetti Underwood's exhibits and had a very good relationship with Mr Tony Panacci, which I would set to work. My job was to monitor the configuration, maintenance and dismantling of all exhibits to Stewart Sauter of houses have from across the country.

In my time in San Franciscowas short-lived, however, because when you set up exhibits at the event Joint Computer Conference at Brooks Hall, I met Mr. Del Kennedy, advertising manager for Univac division of Sperry Rand. He ended up offering me a job as its Corporate Trade Show Exhibits Coordinator in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania.

Where are the way to jump the provider side of the business on the client side was a dream that I had developed as I watched the entire staff to organize and clean facility Craftthe business in preparation for one of their clients' s visit. One day I said to myself: "One day I will want the customers."

UNIVAC computers built and sold. Exhibition to showcase your philosophy was to live theatrical showing of the highly talented Hardman and Associates from Pittsburgh, PA, to what could be done using computers developed. Karl Hardman, Marilyn Eastman, creator of the cult movie "Night of the Living Dead, developed" scripts, landscape, and AV materialsand dedicated and trained actors and a complete professional production crew to effectively present UNIVAC's computer presentations. We staged presentations every hour in a theater with seating for about 60 guests. When the presentation ended, the doors would open and the visitors would walk through a display area, where vendors, managers and technical support staff for personal product presentations, answered questions, and from sales lead forms filled out additionalInformation or sales calls.

UNIVAC marketing experts soon realized that in reality, a computer only a machine and it was the power of the various software applications that are most useful for stand visitors. The issue often cacophonous exhibition environment, for attention, and make prospects and customers through an easy exchange of complex and often esoteric information needed total control over the exhibition environment.

A year later I took a jobwith Memorex (which stood for storage and Excellence) in Santa Clara, California, as its corporate manager, fairs and exhibitions. This includes the support of one of their video-cassette, computer media, office products and computer peripheral business units. Soon after his arrival, Memorex, to introduce new products, tape, and I have started work on its introduction at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago.

The marketing strategy for this important exhibition was at first fairto facilitate a dynamic live demonstration presents the audible differences between the new Memorex tapes and what was on the market. We had the chances, as Memorex tapes were recorded outperform music show, compared to reel-to-reel tape-3M and BASF, which currently dominates the worldwide tape market.

We have the exhibition as a theater with seating for about 50 prospects. We are equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system, including high-quality cassetteand reel-to-reel tape recorder and excellent full-range speaker with Dolby sound. The advertising campaign, "Is it live or is it Memorex?" created by the advertising agency Leo Burnett in Chicago has been prominent, with the support of literature and tapes shown on the sample. The presentation was very successful and Memorex He later became a dominant force in the consumer electronics industry.

I was then a position as Vice President of Sales for Bill McCann's Exhibit DesignInc., based in Palo Alto, California. I saw the opportunity, as a means to perhaps a piece of my own business. We have been successfully pioneered in issuing leasing segment of the industry until Mr McCann fell ill after only 6 months. The company had to be suspended until he fully recovered, years later.

I moved south to Irvine, California, and began selling exhibits for Design Enterprises, Inc., an excellent small exhibition house in Anaheim that most of theexcellent display work on the new Queen Mary docked in Long Beach. I enjoyed selling and servicing clients, but if the opportunity arose for me to bear even the hat of a customer, I jumped at the opportunity for the position of an exhibition managers in the corporate offices of Beckman Instruments in Fullerton, California to apply.

Beckman Instruments, a world leader in the manufacture of sophisticated analytical instruments for medical clinics, biomedical research and industryDedicated to applications and make full use of fair exhibits committed to the effective distribution and marketing of products further.

Two important factors that prevailed in commitments Beckman's show on their exhibits to maximize investments. At first it was difficult to go deep into various high-security medical research institutions are facing face to face with potential customers. And by design, those customers are still a little shy and averse to meeting sellers. These importantPeople would give attend important meetings medical research papers, attending seminars and workshops, and walk the exhibition aisles to see what was new in the industry to help them in solving their research challenges could.

The second factor concerns the size, fragility and complexity of the scientific, industrial and biomedical instruments, Beckman. They simply could not be transported so easily calibrated, set-up and used for effective field service calls.

The FairExhibition environment provided Beckman field service engineers with the ability to install and fully functional to calibrate analytical instruments, which it in turn to the sales team at booth duty to demonstrate the ability to effectively prospect exactly how an instrument. This added credibility to the presentation and sale in many cases pushed the purchase cycle down the road in a much shorter time and at lower cost.

Beckman, the management teamdemands accountability from every dollar invested in trade show exhibits, and it was either my Charter earn their respect, or you can lose the function of support and eventually all but their marketing / sales budget - will disappear with me along with it.

Years later I found myself will be offered a position as Vice President of Marketing and Sales with OrCAD Systems, a boot-strapped start in the CAE software business in Hillsboro, Oregon. I took the job and used my years of fairexhibiting experience to help the company succeed.

At first measurement, we used OrCAD product features and quantities of research and the creation of a network of distributors, do an inventory and sell products both domestically and internationally. Exhibition shows me the opportunity to stand at our booth for three days and ask questions, float ideas, marketing and distribution and made available to showcase and sell products to a variety of perspectives. Our sales and support staffwere trained, supported and answered by watching our corporate culture experts motivated work of the status and prospects questions, "while the solution of problems of customers.

Peter LoCascio now works with exhibitors, which is globally committed to maximizing the efficiency of their mass and to bridge the gap between measurement and turnover.

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