
AIS information on the certification test

AIS Advanced Information can be said as collateral. This certification is awarded by the security. It tests the ability and knowledge necessary to deal with the information prevention and management of security risks. confirm a total of eight series of courses that the knowledge of the candidates in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of security applications and the latest technologies. This certification is sufficient knowledgeabout the latest security technologies for the candidate. Other certifications are a good basis for this AIS Certification GIAC, and SAS.

AIS certification requirements:

Here are the requirements for candidates who have applied for certification AIS, and wanted to be:

1) Each candidate must have attended at least eight or more training on the track AIS and even the need to conclude with an examination passof each course.
2) All these eight courses and eight tests, creates this completely AIS certification. Applicants must obtain such certification after passing these eight tests.
AIS tests:

The following are the certification test for AIS and candidates must be able to focus on these certification exams. They are:

1) Network penetration testing methods
2) VPN network security and firewall
3) patch management, virusAnalysis and Incident Response
Surveys 4) Computer Incident Response and Forensic
5) Education survey version 2: surveillance network
6) Applied Security Architecture
7) Applied Network Security Policy
8) 2 PKI: PKI paused.

Candidates are required to write all these tests within a week or two weeks. Can take their time to complete, but all these investigations must be completed within this special year.

AISCertification costs:

Total cost of 'examination of the candidates will be around 1200-2500 dollars, the variation is due to local taxes and exchange rates in the open market (this is true only for international applicants apply for the certification exam). recertification requirements are not necessary for candidates and their life when they get a valid certificate completed all tests.

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