
How do I build a wireless router dropping the connection Keeps

On Black Friday last year I decided to get a new wireless router. Support Wireless N was obviously a good selling point, but the main feature for me was the spectrum Booster. I like having my laptop in different rooms around the house and work some pretty far from my wireless router. The booster interval helps transmit the signal further and faster than a standard router, creating a better experience in every room of your home or office.

The router includes landedwas the Cisco / Linksys WRT160N. I have owned a Linksys router for years and always have good experiences with them.

A Linksys router for wireless Internet

After a quick and easy wireless installation was running, or so I thought. After a few minutes, my wireless connection started my problems. The connection would drop every few minutes, and then a few seconds to resume later. This was boring and did all the routersuseless.

Once the wireless router is the drop connection on a regular basis, a common problem. You may experience this problem after many months or even years good use out of the router. Of course there is always something wrong with the router. However, there is an important step that can solve the problem and your router back on track. It worked perfectly in the above scenario and has been for me countless timesPast.

The first thing to do is check if you have the latest firmware of the router! If not, then you should upgrade immediately!

In simple terms, the word firmware program or the software that controls hardware. The best place to look is the newest firmware the manufacturer's website. In this case, I went directly to the Linksys site and searched for her. To install the latest firmware version you have with your router Admin ControlPanel (usually through a Web browser) and then to the section you can go to upgrade. After the router's firmware was updated, restarted and then hopefully things are in good shape. I write this, after hours of uninterrupted wireless connectivity.

There is a further step, it is important must be taken to ensure a reliable connection to the Internet: Go to the website of the computer manufacturer and make sure that the latest drivers for theYour wireless card. Even after the firmware update, you must ensure that the device is not responsible for the problems. So go ahead and download and install the latest drivers for your computer, wireless card. This step is important as the firmware update for you not to be lazy and ignore it.

Happy surfing ...

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